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Brooding on an idea about a new bedwettingsession

PostPosted: December 5th, 2010, 6:04 am
by rustyrivers
Coming next summer, I plan to make a new kind of file. I post this idea to get critical feedback an tips sugestions to make is work well.

First a custom induction that smoothly changes into the bodyfile. induction switches the mind off and the body takes over. the mind is in demi sleep end can only observe how the body follows the bodyfile.

the bodyfile brings up the memories of needing to pee so badly. it analyses every bodymotion every emotion and makes these huge. The idea is that the subject is needing to go foreward to do his business but is blocked. Hence the feling gets stronger.

Then it takes the subject to the opposite of these feelings and motions.
Being when the subject felt a welcoming feeling of free faling back on to his bed the moment he falls asleep. Opposed to forcefully needing to go foreward he feels he can rely totally om falling back to sleep relaxed on his bed.

Both motions wil be given a strong ankertrigger.
The triggers wil be starting to pee= pushing an letting go with the right hand. And Falling asleep= pushing and letting go with the left hand. These triggers are combined when the hands are pusched together in praying position. And then let go to fall to the subjects sides. The moment of release is the moment the wish (see end of file) is spoken out aloud.

The effect of the trigger comes the moment the subject starts to pee or the moment the subject falls asleep. This depends on his wish.
There is a safety around falling asleep while starting to pee. When standing to pee the body will be in sleepwalking mode so the subject does not fall. The flush of the toilet shall wake him up.
If the wish is to wet the bed then peeing will not make him go to sleep. This acts as a checkpoint to see if the file works.
However sleeping will make him pee.

The first ankertrigger is the strongest and wil collaps when the triggers are done at the same time. He can do the triggering himself.
So when he goes to bed and fires both triggers, the moment he falls asleep the pee urge wile suddenly overcome him.

Then the cominig out of trance file shall contain all sorts of suggestions that all the reasons not to pee in bed are evened out. This way there is no reason not to pee the bed.

Everything exept the last instruction shall be forgotten. All the feelings are replaced with proud and happy feelings so the subject never can remember what he heard in the file except the choice he can make at the end.

The subject then gets the choice when totally out of the hypnosis. He is instructed to put is hands together ans push like he is praying. Then he is to say aloud, "I pee when i sleep and sleep so deep" or "sleep when i pee and i always flush".

i like it

PostPosted: December 5th, 2010, 10:59 pm
by soundexcess
i like the idea when may we see the file maybe.
thx for catering to those of us who would wet the bed.

PostPosted: December 6th, 2010, 10:31 am
by rustyrivers
Not till after next summer
The script will be ready sooner and i need to get feedback on that before going forward.

Love Rusty

PostPosted: December 19th, 2010, 6:03 pm
by rustyrivers
Okay, Ive uploaded the script today an also added a tts version.
It is the best tts i have ever made. I used the voice "Ales" that comes ith mac osx leopard. Added relaxing piano music from Royalty Free Music en a babbeling brook from Freesound.
Two great site i like to share.

Please let me kow how the file works out for you. What can be done to improve the script.

Together lets make this work.


Would love to see this file be a freebie for testing?

PostPosted: February 22nd, 2011, 7:19 pm
by Babypants2
I really like this file idea also. Hope you achieve it so that there are the choices you suggest for the file. Hugs, Baby Johnnie :) :wink:

PostPosted: February 23rd, 2011, 6:01 pm
by Babypants2
rustyrivers wrote:Okay, Ive uploaded the script today an also added a tts version.
It is the best tts i have ever made. I used the voice "Ales" that comes ith mac osx leopard. Added relaxing piano music from Royalty Free Music en a babbeling brook from Freesound.
Two great site i like to share.

Please let me kow how the file works out for you. What can be done to improve the script.

Together lets make this work.


Where is this posted at so I could read it?

Baby Johnnie

bedwettingcommittment mp3

PostPosted: June 23rd, 2011, 6:42 am
by brianwt

Downloaded and listened to this file and it is excellent. Your technique and mix of voice, piano, and water is perfect!

For those of us who need to be returned to Bedwetting Habits, this file will be most helpful. It is also very relaxing.


Bedwetter Brian