
For discussions relating to Diapers, Incontinence, Adult Babies, etc.

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Postby ohyouknow » June 15th, 2011, 3:27 pm

Diaper Induction has been casting a spell over me the last few days. There's quite a good physical 'trigger' in it which I've been using. Made me think that if Sarnoga felt like doing a file that installed a self-triggerable verbal trigger, it would be very effective indeed.
Posts: 56
Joined: June 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby sarnoga » June 15th, 2011, 11:14 pm

Hey there,

Thank you all so much for the praise and compliments. I love to be complimented, and am not likely to complain if someone wants to take it a bit farther to the place of flattery, uncontrolled worship, or even unconditional surrender, that is so long as nobody is expecting any personal attention. lol.

Joking aside, I do appreciate the kind words. It is encouraging to learn that you guys are enjoying my files and my efforts are not wasted.

I have recently been overly busy at work but I am hoping that is about to ease up. I am currently working on a joint project with some of my fellow wizards... err hypnotists on WMM. We are expecting great results. Don't ask, I'm not giving any details. You have to wait and see.

In case anyone is interested, I have resently completed a script for what I think may be a dangerously addictive file. When I want to take a break from the joint project I may record it. On the other hand, it might be a little too .... ummm, risky for production and publication. For sure it will probably be ignored by many, but is likely to sink its tentacles into anyone interested enough to give it a try.

Recently I've seen a few posts expressing an interest in another penis shrinking file. I, got an idea, became inspired, and found myself writing the script. The problem is, I may have gotten carried away like I sometimes do and this may be a bit too extreem, too addictive, and too dangerously consuming to record it and throw it out there for others to hurt themselves with. Then again, it may be just what someone is looking for, and I have always favored peoples right to hurt themselves if that is thier desire and they make a reasoned knowing decision to do so.

Anyone interested in such a file?

But here I am rambling again. Someone recently asked me where I get my ideas for my unorthadox inductions, well it comes natural. I just start rambling and ..... well I guess you know how it goes from there.

Anyway, thats all the news from Sarnoga that's fit to print.

Regards, Sarnoga
Posts: 568
Joined: May 29th, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby Larrymat » June 20th, 2011, 1:13 pm

Aaahh Sarnoga. You posted a brilliant insightful piece in a little post I'd started about how and why. And I'm learning that addictive might be just as erotic as being incontinent and more. I'll surely look at your new ideas and gladly submit myself to your attention and direction. The tickle in my gut thinking, rading, listening to all delightfully scary.
Posts: 15
Joined: June 3rd, 2011, 12:00 am

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