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File Idea

PostPosted: October 12th, 2011, 10:40 am
by Mark87
I was wondering if anyone has ever thought about creating a file that caused the user to completely lose control of their bladder, as long as they were diapered? IE: as long as the diaper is on, the user has no bladder control, but as soon as they take the diaper off, they have complete control again.

PostPosted: October 12th, 2011, 5:42 pm
by qv
Yes, which is why people made it.

...yeah, sorry if that sounds pretty snippy, but there's seriously too many examples for me to post, so I'd suggest searching in the files. Maybe Key-Words: diaper, Category: Diaper/Incontinence, Effect: Trigger (by item)

Hope you find what you're looking for, assuming you are looking... :roll:

PostPosted: November 5th, 2011, 5:46 pm
by QueenCleopatra
True, there's nothing new about this. I did that for someone in an online session. He wrote the next day that he was terrifed that the incontinence may occur if he didn't wear his diapers to work, for example. But I assured him that the diaper (nappy, to us Brits) was the trigger. He was relieved to find it was the case.
