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File suggestion?

PostPosted: October 25th, 2005, 5:28 am
by wannabewet
You know - I am thinking that a good file to propose is one where you can just learn to release your bladder laying down conciously - for me that would be an adequate stopping point and probably much easier to get too. (Even though that is the biggest hurdle)

I REALLY don't want to loose control* but do like peeing and think that would open up for a broad range and may be a good intermediate step for those who want to go further down the loose control path or just want to be able to enjoy some variations with wet sex. A lot of folks simply cannot let go while laying down despite how much they relax.

* I have tried the train diapers1 route because if you only go in diapers while in a comfortable place you have some control over the situation but it is not working for me yet.

PostPosted: October 25th, 2005, 6:58 am
by Mallic
Go to the voting page to put this up for vote (hence the name of the voting page *Dun-Dun*)