Script prototype: TV Incontinence

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Script prototype: TV Incontinence

Postby demigraff » July 4th, 2012, 5:54 am

Here's another script, in a slightly different style. I love to experiment :) This is a first draft, typed on the spur of the moment, so I know it won't be perfect. As always, I'll modify this one based on any comments, and then it'll go on my "to record" list.

This file is a little different from most hypnosis recordings. I'm not going to tell you to do anything, or to feel anything. I'm just going to tell you a story about a little girl wearing a pull-up diaper. You might find that being in a light trance makes it easier to imagine how the girl feels, or that as you listen, you focus so much on the story that you don't notice the things around you for a while. That's fine, because you'll enjoy it. In fact, if you have some kind of trigger that helps you to enter trance, it would be a good idea to use it before I start. If you find that sucking on a pacifier helps you to relax, you can start sucking on one as I tell you the story. If hearing things like "go deep now", or any other words you've been taught, help you to feel all the things I describe, then saying them to yourself now will make the story seem all the more real, and even make it easier for those words to take you deeper and deeper still when you hear them in future.

You might even find, as you listen to the story, that because you can so easily imagine how the little girl feels, you might find yourself feeling the same things in future when you're wearing a diaper. Whether you want to feel how the little girl in the story feels, or even find yourself acting as she does, you know it'll feel good. But you probably know that the little girl in this story is going to wet her diaper; so you know that if you're going to find yourself living out this story, it will be safe to let it happen when you are wearing a diaper in the future.

Now, I'm going to tell you a story about a little girl who realises that she needs to use the bathroom while she is watching television. But she's not a baby any more, she's a big girl, so she knows she can hold it until the end of the show. She waits, holding in her pee, so she doesn't have to miss a minute of her TV show, and as the show goes on, she feels the need to go to the bathroom getting stronger and stronger; but she knows she can hold it until the show finishes. But then at the end of the show, she finds that because she's waited so long, she can't hold it a minute longer, and she just can't help wetting her pull-ups. If you want to imagine how that little girl feels, or if you want to find yourself wetting just so helplessly when you watch TV in a diaper, then let yourself sink into trance, deeper and deeper still and then listen to my story.

You already know that the more you sink into trance, the more real my story will seem. So if you have trigger words, say them now. If sucking on your pacifier takes you deeper, then let every suck relax you more and more as you focus on my words. I'm going to count down from 5 to 1 now, and each number will make the things I describe more and more real, helping you look forward more and more to my story as you sink into trance.

5. Imagine the little girl now, sitting ready to watch TV. She's young, but she isn't a baby any more. She's wearing a pull-up diaper, but she knows she's a big girl, so she will be able to hold in her pee until the end of the show she wants to watch. The more you think about the little girl, the easier it will be to not think about your own body until the end of the story.

4. Imagine yourself as the little girl, as excited to watch her TV show as you are to listen to this story. Maybe she already needs the bathroom a little, you can imagine the first faint feelings of needing to go, but she doesn't want to miss the start of the show.

3. She might be fidgeting slightly as she waits. You can imagine her maybe being a little impatient, eager to start. And the more you can imagine how she feels, the easier it will be to feel everything, and to feel just the same if you want to watch TV in a diaper in the future.

2. As the girl looks at the TV, her feelings become more and more real to you. Just relax, and focus more and more on how the little girl feels, and let yourself imagine how excited she is as she looks forward to the story she's about to see on TV.

1. Now you're so deep in trance that the little girl will be completely real to you. The story you've been looking forward to, the TV show the girl wants to watch, is about to start. And you might find that her anticipation feels so real to you, just like you are going to feel everything she feels, as I begin the story.

The little girl is sitting in front of the TV, waiting for her favourite show to start. She's just had a drink of juice, and now she's just waiting. She won't have to wait long, though, because the show is about to start. You know how that kind of excitement feels. She also feels a little pressure in her bladder, the first faint stirrings of the need to pee. She doesn't have to go straight away, though, because she's a big girl now. She is wearing a pull-up instead of a diaper, because she knows she'll be able to hold her pee until the end of the show. And she doesn't need to go too badly yet, the feeling is pushed to the back of her mind by her interest in what she is about to watch.

And then the show starts, and her eyes are fixed on the screen. She's focusing on the television almost as closely as you are on this story. She sits, and watches intently, the fullness of her bladder pushed to the back of her mind.

As she watches, she finds that her need to pee grows quickly stronger. She wonders for a moment if she should have drunk so much juice before watching TV. But she doesn't need to worry; she's a big girl now, and she knows she won't wet her pull-up diaper before the end of the show. She knows how long she can hold it for.

And as the show goes on, as she gets more and more engrossed in what she is watching, she finds that her need to pee grows stronger and stronger. She knows she can hold it until the end of the show, though. And every time she reminds herself that she's a big girl, it makes her more and more sure: The point where she can't hold it any more will come at the end of the show.

And as the show she is watching captivates her attention more and more, the little girl finds her need to pee growing stronger and stronger. She knows that she'll be able to hold it until the end of the show, but that's all. Maybe she's starting to fidget, to bounce up and down in her seat, because she doesn't want to miss any of her show. She knows by now that she is going to wet her diaper after the show finishes, but she also knows she is a big girl, so she can hold it a bit longer yet. And the more sure she gets of this, the stronger the need to pee gets.

She knows she's going to have to go to the bathroom, in order to avoid wetting her diaper, but she doesn't want to go just yet. She's watching TV intently, and she's really excited by what she sees. She isn't going to have an accident until the end of the show, because she's a big girl, so she doesn't have to go just yet.

As she realises that she needs to pee really urgently, she decides reluctantly that she has to go to the bathroom as soon as the exciting scene that she's watching is over. She can hold it until that character gets to where he is going, because she's a big girl; she knows that she won't wet her diaper until the end of the show, and the more excited she gets by what she's watching, the more she knows just how soon she'll have to go.

She's getting desperate now, but she doesn't want to miss the next bit. She can manage to watch just one more scene before she pees in her diaper, she knows that. She can wait just a little bit longer. And then after that scene, she doesn't want to miss what happens to that other character, so she puts it off; knowing she can hold her pee for another minute, or maybe two.

She's a big girl now, and the more she thinks that, the more sure she is that she won't wet herself until the show ends. Even when she needs to go this badly, when her bladder is so completely full, she hopes she can hold it until this scene ends. If she can wait out this scene, and find out how the story ends, then she will run to the bathroom straight away. She knows that she won't have an accident until the end credits appear, so she can afford to wait a few more seconds.

Then after that scene, it looks like the next one will be really important. She's waited that long, she can hold it for one more. And one more, maybe. And then the show ends and she's still watching, and she knows she's waited too long. She can't stop herself from peeing any longer, but she still stands up to run to the bathroom.

The moment she stands up, she feels the pee flowing out, feels the warmness flooding her diaper even as a hot blush of shame flows into her face. She has wet her diaper like a little girl, and she's not as grown up as she thought.

And just like that little girl, if you want to watch TV while you are wearing a diaper in future, you might find you can't hold it as long as you thought. You will find yourself wetting your diaper as soon as the show finishes, but until then you will be more and more sure you can hold it until the end of the show.

And now, the story is over. So you can let yourself slowly wake from your trance. Each breath will make it easier to feel these things in future, even as it helps you to wake up. You know in future, if you listen to this story, it will become even more real, and it will be even easier to do and think just what that little girl did if you wear a diaper to watch TV. So now, each breath you take will let that story sink even deeper into your mind, make the things the little girl felt more and more real for you, even as you rise up and wake from trance.
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Postby demigraff » July 4th, 2012, 10:17 am

I recorded a quick attempt of this first draft. As usual, I fluffed the lines and ended up repeating myself a bit too much. Still, 70 downloads in the time it took me to complain about a tax error is quite impressive :-)

Anyone want to make a suggestion or two (based on either the script or the file)?
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Postby EntrancedVulpine » July 23rd, 2012, 6:14 pm

Just adding my thoughts on this file: I actually feel that the repetition made it easier to simply ease my mind into a sense of autopilot. It made it much harder to remember anything after the file. I blacked out while listening, and literally found myself already standing up while soaking my diaper as I regained consciousness. It was very surreal. I remember feeling an embarrassed "oh god" moment when I woke up and realized this; I ran to turn off the media player as it had already begun looping (damn repeat xP).

I can't offer my criticism, as I honestly have no real recollection of the individual parts and phrases of the file. >.< Definitely had an effect on me though! I enjoyed it very much. :3
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Postby demigraff » August 16th, 2012, 2:29 pm

Thanks :)

I've just started writing another new script, with another story about a little girl. Maybe if you're interested in trying it, you could leave some suggestions. I'm about to post the first bit in a new thread in this forum.
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