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Instant wetting trigger?

PostPosted: August 3rd, 2012, 4:33 pm
by amygal7
So I've been bored and just listening to this for a while now, like a couple weeks, and nothing has really happened. I haven't wet myself during it yet but I'm not relly into the fetish at all I just wanted to listen to it and see what would happen if I tried something not to my tastes. I haven't tried triggering myself or anything as I'm nervous of what may happen, but I'm wondering if anyone has tried this file with any success?

PostPosted: August 14th, 2012, 6:02 pm
by sleepyjosh
You may find that, even though you're not really into the fetish, you just want to pee right away when someone uses the trigger on you. Having listened for a few weeks already, it is clearly something that your mind and personality is willing to accept, or else you would have stopped listening immediately (or at least, before two weeks). Instead, you can experience how much fun and rewarding hypnosis will be for you by just relaxing completely and emptying your bladder whenever that fun little trigger is given.

PostPosted: August 15th, 2012, 8:35 am
by demigraff
This file is an interesting one to test; it should certainly be easy to know if it's working. But maybe the induction type isn't the most effective for you.

It might be worth your time trying something similar with a live hypnotist, who can tailor the induction to your responses. I'd be willing to bet that if you're interested enough to go into trance, I could make that trigger work for you.

Or maybe try the file with a different induction. I've edited an alternate version of this file, with more repetition, and some people have said that works better for them.