For Non-Believers

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

Moderator: EMG

Postby loony28 » December 26th, 2005, 7:53 am

:twisted: Unfortunately those people who say hypnosis can't change the body won't do the research. I bet they have a hard enough time accepting that hypnosis can alter your perception and make you see or feel things that are not there. As for me, I consciously know that the mind can transform the body in more ways than just growing a little bit of tissue or muscle going all the way to changing ones gender and beyond. :twisted:
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Postby primaelgen » December 26th, 2005, 4:58 pm

Non-believers probably won't do the research, however, people who want it to work I think should get all the support they can get.

Here's a set I found. The techniques are more self-hypnosis, and this person did this through sheer willpower. The main article this person wrote is archived here:

which includes all the various techniques she used, before-during-and-after pictures, plus links to the original post. The amazing thing is not the breast enlargement so much as the changes in the bone density of the face. Look for her adam's apple and see if you can find it. Although she towards the middle, she started taking hormones, as those who have done the research knows, hormone therapy won't actually change the facial structure. Something else (besides surgery) is at work here.

Also archived are two earlier postings, but the last posting is the most complete.

PrimaelGen Project
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Joined: July 8th, 2005, 12:00 am

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