Please - Your dreams are within reach, reach for them.

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

Moderator: EMG

Please - Your dreams are within reach, reach for them.

Postby ruinix » October 7th, 2006, 9:24 pm

I've heard many complaints and greivances regarding transexuality and our society's current scientific state.

I for one am sickened by the cold reality that with current medical technology, I'll have a sexually numb clitoris if I transition. ASWELL as the fact that i'm required to take an annoying pill regimen to maintain my hormones.

Most people shrug, sigh in dispair, and accept this as the way it is.
But why?

Arn't you aware that a fully functional and perfected sex change is within reach?

The recent advances in science have uncovered 2 feilds of technological development that each in tandem can be used to acheive that 'perfect sex change'.

And not only that, but cure cancer, reverse the aging process, and completely revolutionize medical science forever.

Those 2 feilds are Stem cell research, and Nanotechnology.

But, it may be another 20 years or so before the sciences are perfected... so how can YOU speed up the process?

We are a community of dreamers. We are a community of people who have practiced the arts and sciences of mind controll and manipulation... most of us are highly inteligent individuals with more potential than we are fullfilling.
The concept of becoming a 'scientist' may be a bit intimidating- but we both know you have the ability to overcome your fear.

Therefor- I suggest that we create hypnotic files designed to cultivate an obsession for scientific research towards those 2 subjects. It should cultivate a desire to pursue a new career as either nanoscientists or stem cell researchers, and all that those words emply.

With more researchers and scientists working on those subjects, we may be able to reach our goal within a decade.. and just think, in accompaniement to acheiving your true womanhood- you'll also have developed many skills, a sense of fullfillment and pride, increased the general health of the populace, and increased the lifespan of yourself and your family.


Since we're going to be brainwashing ourselves- why not brainwash ourselves to do something usefull?

Please consider these words with sincerity.

- Ruinix
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Joined: September 14th, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby Blackjaz » October 8th, 2006, 12:33 am

Nicly Put. And I hope all go well for you all. I Just A small Doctor Helping the sick. But good chose of words...Alot of people need to stop talk about TS and Gay people, they need to worrier about real Problem in life...War,The World, sickness that go around. 8)
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Postby ruinix » October 8th, 2006, 3:25 am

I can even invision incorporating sexual themes into it.
I for one find intelligent partners sexier than bimbos.

Not only that, but the BDSM quality of submission could be used too.

"I submit myself to this master whom grants me the domination I desire, and orders me to do these things because it brings him pleasure."

-- Say for instance if EMG or another dom ordered his/her mindfuck/oblivion (or equivelant) slaves to follow this persuit.

That would be an INTERESTING situation indeed...

You could start slow with the interest to keep listening to the files, and then as they progress actually install a deep genuine interest in the subject- and then from there the interest could amplify into a passion--and on and on!

Ohhh, gives me shutters just to think about it!!! ^^

And not only that-- but do you know HOW MUCH THESE PEOPLE GET PAID!?
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Postby sarnoga » October 8th, 2006, 3:41 am

ruinix wrote:

And not only that-- but do you know HOW MUCH THESE PEOPLE GET PAID!?

That is assuming they can find a job. The current administration is doing all it can to kill stem cell research. Your efforts might be better spent working on replacing them with an administration that will have a supportive policy.

But then my comments probably belong in a different forum.
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Postby ruinix » October 8th, 2006, 3:45 am

No no no!!

Your comments belong right here!
I am glad you've given me this valuable insight!

But we could still use Nanotech, no?

Then those who choose the path of the stem cell researcher should take their first steps by developing a passion for politics... yes hmm... *rubs chin

One should all the while keep in mind that this is all for their womanhood since that is their ultimate prize..
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Postby CeeDee » October 8th, 2006, 4:19 am

I've been lurking here for a while, and I have seen a few comments along the line of the above, at least in regards to shortcomings to current surgical technique and impossibility of fully functional genitaila. I have also seen comments about being to old to sucsessfully transition, lack of passability ect.
None of it is true.
I am 20 years post-op, I have multiple orgasms, I "pass" despite being a very butch lesbian, I lead a normal life complete with spouse, step-kids, grandkids, morgage, weeds in the lawn. I started at age 36.
I am and have been very active in the GLBT community for decades, and know literally 100's of TG/TS folks, pre-op, post-op, living stealth, living gender queer, transitioned early in life, transitioned late in life. I know FtM's and MtF's, rich and poor.
Money and good planing helps, but it is all completely doable.
I spent 36 years getting an education and skills to improve myself and my odds at having a decent career post transition. I spent 36 years saving money to make it happen.
I did it publically, openly, honestly in Alabama. I recieved very little hostility or prejudice, what rejection I suffered came mostly from my natal family, but the over-whelming support and love I recieved from friends and community has more than made up for it.
If you have enough faith in yourself, are willing to do the work, make the sacrifices, it is absolutley doable.
Transition and self improvement is a life long project. Transition from one gender to the other gender, uneducated to educated, poor to rich, unskilled to skilled should never stop.

Courage has always been the price freedom.

IMHO you can't do it by Hypnosis alone, you are going to have to use all the techniques, medical, surgical, psychological, cosmetilogical along with hypnosis. But it is absolutely doable.

Do I want and need to be more fem?, yeah, wouldn't hurt... quit smoking?, sure..... lose weight?,yeah.... be more self confident?, who doesn't, get in better shape?, you bet . My voice still needs work IMHO, I want that sultry sexy late night radio DJ voice LOL. I could stand to be a bit more skilled at wood working as well, I got a granddaughter coming that I want to build a doll house for, complete with furniture, and a grandson that needs a model railroad with buildings.

Always room for improvement.
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Joined: January 24th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby Blackjaz » October 8th, 2006, 10:41 am

CeeDee wrote:I've been lurking here for a while, and I have seen a few comments along the line of the above, at least in regards to shortcomings to current surgical technique and impossibility of fully functional genitaila. I have also seen comments about being to old to sucsessfully transition, lack of passability ect.
None of it is true.
I am 20 years post-op, I have multiple orgasms, I "pass" despite being a very butch lesbian, I lead a normal life complete with spouse, step-kids, grandkids, morgage, weeds in the lawn. I started at age 36.
I am and have been very active in the GLBT community for decades, and know literally 100's of TG/TS folks, pre-op, post-op, living stealth, living gender queer, transitioned early in life, transitioned late in life. I know FtM's and MtF's, rich and poor.
Money and good planing helps, but it is all completely doable.
I spent 36 years getting an education and skills to improve myself and my odds at having a decent career post transition. I spent 36 years saving money to make it happen.
I did it publically, openly, honestly in Alabama. I recieved very little hostility or prejudice, what rejection I suffered came mostly from my natal family, but the over-whelming support and love I recieved from friends and community has more than made up for it.
If you have enough faith in yourself, are willing to do the work, make the sacrifices, it is absolutley doable.
Transition and self improvement is a life long project. Transition from one gender to the other gender, uneducated to educated, poor to rich, unskilled to skilled should never stop.

Courage has always been the price freedom.

IMHO you can't do it by Hypnosis alone, you are going to have to use all the techniques, medical, surgical, psychological, cosmetilogical along with hypnosis. But it is absolutely doable.

Do I want and need to be more fem?, yeah, wouldn't hurt... quit smoking?, sure..... lose weight?,yeah.... be more self confident?, who doesn't, get in better shape?, you bet . My voice still needs work IMHO, I want that sultry sexy late night radio DJ voice LOL. I could stand to be a bit more skilled at wood working as well, I got a granddaughter coming that I want to build a doll house for, complete with furniture, and a grandson that needs a model railroad with buildings.

Always room for improvement.
Good for you. I really happy for you. :D
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Postby Catherine » October 9th, 2006, 7:43 pm

Excellent reply CeeDee....excellent!

Although I've yet to orgasm (and dang it, I don't have a boyfriend to help me at the moment), I have a sensitive clitoris and a fairly strong sensation when it becomes aroused....I'm post-op about 9 1/2 weeks at this point.

As for the hormones, a lot of other woman post-hysterectomy are doing the hormone regimen as well, so although I'd love to have functioning ovaries for my hormones, I just have to live with what I can do and as so many women are taking them, I have no problem in dealing with that.

I do believe that nanotechnology and these other forms of technology will eventually change a lot of things, but it's going to be a while and we have to do what we can while we can. A file to get people interested in such technology needs to be in general though as medically transgendered and intersexed people will get the benefits of things that the mainstream can use otherwise and that will help cover the costs of research and development.

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Postby asdf » October 9th, 2006, 9:21 pm

I'm not involved in such research, but I do indeed follow it and try to advocate its progress. I hope it continues increasing its pace.

I've been on hormones for a long time now (probably younger than any other girls here). So far I haven't experienced any ill effects. I'm openly trans and since I began transitioning, I've never presented myself as anything else. I'm looking forward to the future, but I can't say that I'm dissatisfied as it is. While I would love to have female organs and be able to have a child, if that never happens, I can still be happy with my life. You have to be!
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Postby edimax » October 12th, 2006, 4:27 am

Now this is open minded and healthy : ) I love discussing potentials for the future and yes, there's a need here which requires filling. Let's keep an eye out for such things. We will always have an application for this sort of thing.

Whilst warp my mind caters for our dreams on one level (by encouraging us to think about them) there are sexual connotations we can't seem to avoid. Our dreams do go beyond the act of sex but as with all things, sex is one way of expressing the desire. : )
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Postby ruinix » October 31st, 2006, 8:55 pm

I try to be as open minded as possible, and I agree completely.

I wonder.. If I became a hypnotist, I wonder if WMM would host such files. I do remember an add about hypnotists wanted.

Would you support such files, edimax?
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