Mzdominica files

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Mzdominica files

Postby griever » December 26th, 2006, 8:51 pm

I got some of her files and just love her stile. Anyone else has MzDominica files? PM me if interested on some exchange.
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Postby jeremiah » December 28th, 2006, 11:32 am

I have a few like..

A CUMSLAVE, and Project P.I.S.S.
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Tisk Tisk

Postby MzDominica » January 16th, 2007, 3:08 am


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Postby ch1cken » January 17th, 2007, 8:25 am

I got a few, but never bothered with the rest for a few reasons:

1) Cost. I'm not going to pay $40 for a 12 minute mp3. (I refer to Jessica 3) I can understand that MzDominica needs to make a living and that the mp3's would not be easy to make, but $40?

2) Constant request / demands for "Gifts". In my opinion people should donate money because they are impressed with the mp3's and appreciate the work done, not because they are triggered then told to.

It's a shame too, MzDominica is the only hypnotist I've found who can really hypnotise me and I really like what she does, I just can't justify spending so much money on 12-20 minute mp3's.

Edit: Oops, should have read the entire thread, I didn't see that MzDominica had already replied.

To MzDominica: As I said above I do love what you do and would love to get more mp3's, but at $40 each I can't justify the cost. Are there any plans to reduce prices in the future? I'd be quite hapy to pay $20 per mp3, and honostly I'd probably buy more because to me the value for money would be a lot better.
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Postby Cubivore » April 12th, 2007, 2:56 pm

Last edited by Cubivore on December 12th, 2008, 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby demigraff » April 13th, 2007, 4:50 am

Not quite on-topic, but...
ch1cken wrote:2) Constant request / demands for "Gifts". In my opinion people should donate money because they are impressed with the mp3's and appreciate the work done, not because they are triggered then told to.

That kind of depends on people actually donating money. Having seen a lot of sites around with "donate to support this site" buttons, and all kinds of freeware asking for donations, I assumed it would be a good way to recover some of the costs of hosting. But I was surprised to find out how few people actually donate.

How many people do you think would make donations? I'd have guessed 1 donation for every 300-400 files downloaded, but these stats (from make for a more depressing picture.
Total unique visitors in the last year: 18984
Total file downloads: 4266
Cost of webhosting (bandwidth for all those mp3s): $900
People who made a donation: 1 (who offered to lend me $60 when I was panicing in the chatroom after I realised I didn't have enough money in the bank to cover the cheque I'd already posted)
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Postby derdee » April 13th, 2007, 6:59 am

I prelistened some MP3´s without trancing @ a friend who bought them, and somehow I have a bad feeling about those MP3s, it´s a little bit too much "control" in every way (only one, gifts, obsessed etc) for me....Queen Passionate is the same kind of bad I stick to WMM ;)
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My eXperience with MzD

Postby wmm_guest » April 15th, 2007, 8:10 pm

First off, I have not interacted with MzD for a few years now.
I just have too much going on in life to be a sincerely devoted
sub/slave. And I do not like to do anything half-assed.

With that being said:

If you truly participate with MzD you will truly get MORE
than you pay for. At least that is how it was with me,
and the people around that I observed while in her circle
of subbies.

One time I told her I did not like a certain file I paid for
and she MADE me take another one for free. And that was
after I told her no it was fine I wanted to support her for
all she does. She said it was NOT my choice. Who'd a thunk
that from a Domme right!?

While she does ask for gifts she also does freebie type stuff
too. Like free group trances, spending personal time with you
once she gets to know you, etc. It was good times no doubt.

She has told me she truly only wants what people can AFFORD,
no more and no less. Meaning she is not out to break anyone
but at the same time don't cry poverty to her either over 40.00
mp3's while sipping down 7.00 latte's at Starbucks :)

I don't think that was her exact words but you get the idea.

As far as the part about her saying you can only trance to her...
well She is a Domme right... don't we kind of expect/want that!?

Anyway, this is NOT an advertisement for her at all. It is just
what I experienced.

Take care all,
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Postby ch1cken » April 17th, 2007, 3:58 am

I can understand here only wanting people who can afford her work, but did you ever think that even if people can afford it, they may not pay it?

I earn quite a decent salary and $40 to me is nothing, but even so I will not pay for something that I think is not value for money. As I said in my last post, $40 for a 12 minute mp3? Sorry but that makes me feel like I would be getting ripped off, I'd much prefer to go to someone else, who is just as good, and provides 40 minute long ones for $40, not because I am poor, but because I believe in value for money. If that means she doesn't want someone like me, fine, I'll go spend my money elsewhere.
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Postby wmm_guest » April 17th, 2007, 9:14 pm

ch1cken, it is not my intention to tell you to go buy
MzD's files. Really. Dude, I want you to do what ever
makes you happy.

But you do confuse me a little with your comments.
If I may ask...

I too make decent money and to me 20.00 40.00 or
60.00... it's all the same. And you yourself said 40.00
is nothing to you.

Now when you pair that in conjunction with your state-
ment: "MzDominica is the only hypnotist I've found who
can really hypnotise me", YOU are holding yourself back
from experiencing hypnosis over "nothing" OR 20.00,
per your estimation of her over inflated price.

This statement: "I'd much prefer to go to someone else,
who is just as good, and provides 40 minute long ones for
$40" is contradictory.

WHO else do you goto IF you say she is the only one who
truly hypnotizes you? Then you would be spending time and
money and yet not even go into a trance!?

I am not being hostile, or anything other than curious now.
Please do not take it any other way.

I love hypnosis and trancing, it's freakin' so awesome
sometimes. If I have the extra cash I play/pay, if I don't I won't.
That is regardless of who the hypnotist happens to be.

BUT I will not let small amounts of money hold me back
from experiencing life to the fullest.

Truly, best wishes and happy trancing mon'
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Postby ch1cken » April 19th, 2007, 2:31 am

Since my inital post I have found a few hypnotists who have been just as good as Mzdominca.

Now don't get me wrong I am happy to pay for her hard work, and I have previously, but I can't justify spending $40, as little as it is, on a 12 minute mp3. I'll glady go and spend $40 for one of her longer one's, but her blanket pricing of $40 for all mp3's, no matter the length or quality seems a bit much. (And yes, on the flip side of that if it then means she would charge $50 for a fairly long, high quality one I would happily pay it)
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Postby derdee » June 1st, 2007, 10:57 am

does anyone know what happened? somehow all Queen Passionate Files are gone from her website and all Queen links are broken?
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Postby azimiut » June 5th, 2007, 1:10 am

my only problem with her files is the fact that she makes them so submisive to HER and only her. plus right in the middle of almost a complete trance, she will yell something. it will wake me up from trance and ruin the whole thing. I dont like her files. I will not purchase any more from her. they are overpriced for the quality. plus I have found them only for getting off. I cannot get into trance with her files any more. mainly the yelling in the middle of the file.
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Postby sandra06 » June 9th, 2007, 7:29 pm

I have a lot of MzDominica's feminization mp3s, and I love they; She is the only one that hypnotized me and made me feel extremely femme. So femme that I can feel my female body all the time. I think that the files are expensive and She really made you crave no other hypnotist, but it’s the cost to be the girl MzDominica made of you.
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Postby tharcod » June 20th, 2007, 5:43 pm

Just FYI:

The file "SEXYGIRL" uploaded by Duckgod is actually one of MzD's files titled "Jessica 1." I know she's been giving this file away for free on several websites, however I think its important for people to know that before they listen to it due to the nature of the suggestions on it.

One of the versions of this file that was going around contained suggestions related to 'locking' you to only be hypnotized by her, and 'locking' other triggers so that they can only be invoked by her. I only listened to enough random pieces of the file to ensure it really was Jessica Part 1.
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Playing time does not equal quality

Postby cardigan » June 21st, 2007, 10:43 am

To the poster who felt that because the file was only 12 minutes long, it was a ripoff at 40 $:

Personally I make longer files myself - if you include the induction. But you cannot measure a file's quality by the number of minutes it runs! You might have 40 minutes of pure boredom that does absolutely nothing for you - or anybody else for that matter. And then you might have a file that's only 10-20 minutes long, but is pure dynamite no the less. It all depends on the hypnotist and his/her skills and methods - and the susceptibility of the subject.

I don't have a clue as to how good or not good MzDominica is. You just can't measure quality like that. The value of a file can however be determined by how strongly it affects you and how much it helps you change the way you had always wanted to change.

When I trigger a subject who have been conditioned to respond to my email suggestions, the email is only half a page long, but it can affect them for days or weeks. That's up to me :-)

Just my two cents.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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