gender healing

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gender healing

Postby baby_jessica75 » June 8th, 2007, 6:13 pm

I have been researching the healing effects of hypnosis and I decieded to
make a few files on the subject of healing ones body to be the feminine body one should have. I believe that masculinty is an illness in my body (not to say being male is an illness just for me masculinity is an illness) I know that through hypnosis several people have had incredible recoveries
I know that my body is mutated from the body I was meant to have.
if there is enough people interested I could record a general file and post it. so if there are others who believe this could help them let me know and I will post the file.
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Postby Capt » June 9th, 2007, 12:07 am

That is an interesting hypothesis. I'd be interested in reading a more longwinded version of your theory and whatever notes you have.
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Postby Kalendaine » June 9th, 2007, 3:55 am

I'd like to hear more on this as well. Sounds interesting as a file. What 'recoveries' from the illness of being male were you talking about? And, spontaneous remission, diagnostic treatment or complete cure? :p
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Postby baby_jessica75 » June 9th, 2007, 7:57 am

Capt wrote:That is an interesting hypothesis. I'd be interested in reading a more longwinded version of your theory and whatever notes you have.

well since you asked for the long winded version here goes ( bare with me my spelling isn't the best). in the womb everyone is female to begin with and our actual gender is not determinied at conception I have started with the idea that male is a type of mutation from female. granted it is a naturally occuring mutatiion. in the case of a transsexual it is a true mutation in thier bodies from thier natural state. With this in mind I started working with the concept that masculinity was a birth defect in MtF transsexuals. I have studied transsexualism for a long time for obvious reasons I have had several personal issues with terms used to describe the transsexual I am not a woman trapped in a mans body this is my body so it can't be a mans body I am a woman so it makes no sense to me to call my body a mans body ( not to say that this term is wrong for others to use I just don't feel like it fits me). so I started looking at my masculinity as a birth defect no different as someone being born with an extra finger or toe my extra finger just happens to located in a strange spot ( with this mind set I started feeling a little wierd about old KFC commericals "finger licking good"). after I came to this mindset I started reasearching hypnosis to see what might be possible to correct my birth defect.. TO BE CONT...
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Postby baby_jessica75 » June 9th, 2007, 8:24 am

alot of people seem to be of the same mind that hypnosis can not bring about transformations ( I will not debate this at the moument) so I decieded to look for evidence to one way or the other I then stumbled across some articles about multiple personality disorder I found that several people with MPD had actual physical changes when they went into an alternate personality such as scar tissue dominate handedness scar tissue changes even eye color changes have been reported so I concluded that the mind does have the power to bring about true physical changes. so I started to question why this could happen in a person with MPD and I have come to believe that it is just a part of thier individual nature it happen because it is natural for them. I have come to believe that poeple have such a hard time with transforming themselves through hypnosis because the our minds understand the word transform as becomming something completely different that what we are naturally so it has a hard time believing that it is possible. I found several articles about the healing potential of hypnosis they discussed how wounds were healed quicker how old scar tissue was healed broken bones mending quickly and even some diseases being cured like cancer. I then came to the conculsion that masculinity is an illness for me and my male traits are just symtomatic of this illness and since most of the characteristics of this illness are in soft tissue of my body I believe my mind does have the power to cure this illness based on the changes brought about on scar tissue in both people with MPD and people who have undergone hypnosis. even a persons internal orgens are soft tissue. my body was at one time female this is my true natural state. I believe I will be able to completely cure myself and I will be the girl I am supposed to be but even just a cosmetic cure to make me appear physically female wold be a great improvement. ( remember that you asked for long winded)
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Postby baby_jessica75 » June 9th, 2007, 8:36 am

as a side note I did find it kindda funny that in most of the articles regarding the healing potential of hypnosis the doctors refused to attribute the positive results of the healing to hypnosis they stated that it could just be a plecebo effect it may have only worked because the peple believed it would. isn't this how hypnosis works? wouldn't anything done through hypnosis be a plecebo effect?
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Postby Kalendaine » June 9th, 2007, 12:01 pm

I would say that hypnosis creates the ultimate placebo effect, jessica.

Oddly enough, your theory makes sense, especially about hhow hypnosis heals wounds and illnesses. Have you ever heard of the healing power of children? When a limb, such as an arm or hand - even as little as a finger! - is amputated, often they'll start to grow back in smaller children. However, when such a fuss is made about it, ("OMG!! you can't do that! That's not possible!") Such healing will often slow, then crawl at the 'normal' pace.

For me, this proves the healing power of the mind, which means that hypnosis is also anout the same level. If you considered *anything* to be an illness (and truly believed it), i'd think that your body would begin to 'heal' itself without much prompting.

-- And before I get attacked for citing a 'public domain' anecdote, i have a friend who actually went through this. His hand was amputated when he was four (i forget why, i was about the same age) and he started to regrow it - and doctors went, "omg! what's happening? it's miraculous healing! It's impossible!" and so, being told it wasn't possible, his mind accepted the constraints and healed his body at the normal pace.

Just adding in my thoughts :p
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Postby baby_jessica75 » June 9th, 2007, 2:11 pm

Kalendaine wrote:I would say that hypnosis creates the ultimate placebo effect, jessica.

Oddly enough, your theory makes sense, especially about hhow hypnosis heals wounds and illnesses. Have you ever heard of the healing power of children? When a limb, such as an arm or hand - even as little as a finger! - is amputated, often they'll start to grow back in smaller children. However, when such a fuss is made about it, ("OMG!! you can't do that! That's not possible!") Such healing will often slow, then crawl at the 'normal' pace.

For me, this proves the healing power of the mind, which means that hypnosis is also anout the same level. If you considered *anything* to be an illness (and truly believed it), i'd think that your body would begin to 'heal' itself without much prompting.

-- And before I get attacked for citing a 'public domain' anecdote, i have a friend who actually went through this. His hand was amputated when he was four (i forget why, i was about the same age) and he started to regrow it - and doctors went, "omg! what's happening? it's miraculous healing! It's impossible!" and so, being told it wasn't possible, his mind accepted the constraints and healed his body at the normal pace.

Just adding in my thoughts :p

thank you for telling me about your friendI have never heard of a thing like that happening and I am sure knowing about it will help reinforce the idea of being able to heal myself I am sure possitive examples like this will help me in this process and may even speed up the rate of my healing
thanks so much

what the mind can concieve the mind can believe what the mind can believe the mind will achieve
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Postby Capt » June 10th, 2007, 10:15 am

Very interesting. Keep us informed of how it progresses?
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Postby sarnoga » June 10th, 2007, 10:20 am

what the mind can concieve the mind can believe what the mind can believe the mind will achieve

Just don't go believing that you can survive getting hit by a speeding freight train.

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Postby baby_jessica75 » June 10th, 2007, 10:32 am

Just don't go believing that you can survive getting hit by a speeding freight train.


the porblem isn't the belief the problem comes in when you decied to test the belief. you can believe as much as you want if you decied that you have to test your belief and try to prove it to your self thats when you have a problem. so lets just say that I do believe I can survive it and belief is so strong I don't need any proof because if I need proof it isn't really true belief!!!

what the mind can concieve the mind can believe what the mind can believe the mind can achieve.
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Postby CuriousG » June 11th, 2007, 3:32 pm

But suppose you were spurred to reckless actions by your belief, being foolhardy rather than deliberately seeking proof?
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Postby baby_jessica75 » June 11th, 2007, 4:07 pm

CuriousG wrote:But suppose you were spurred to reckless actions by your belief, being foolhardy rather than deliberately seeking proof?

yes but in the case of the speeding train wouldn't seeking proof be the risky foolhardy thing rather than just holding your beliefe without the need for proof?

if I believe that I can fly and I am satisfied with just the belief and have no need to proove it to myself or anyone else than I would have no need to test my belief and I wouldn't need to jump off of any high places.

for me to go into any more detail than this I would have to move it to another forum.

what the mind can concieve the mind can believe what the mind can believe the mind can achieve
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