Scared of Cursestrokesissy

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Postby TheOneWho » April 10th, 2007, 12:46 pm

Why should you be scared? You made it this far. Keep going, you're sure to enjoy it. :)
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Postby loony28 » April 10th, 2007, 1:57 pm

Just relax and enjoy it , after all you've gone this far and I don't think you'd be happy going back to the way you were. There is an old saying, "Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.". Like I had said before, in order for the file to have this profound of an effect on you as soon as it did you must have secretly wished for it. Well now you've got it and you might as well make the best of it.
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Postby adriana » April 10th, 2007, 6:16 pm

saffronsaffy69 wrote:Gargh!!!! I keep downloading CurseStrokeSissy and then not listening to it because I am scared, yet the moment I masturbate or get aroused, it brings all those desires back. I am so screwed. I am getting soooo close to just giving up and accepting my fate as an effeminate cocksucker... Can it really be that bad? I mean, loads of women and other sissys dress up and suck cock and be submissive everyday... Should I really be scared of it?

If I were you (and I have listened to the file -it just has never got to me like it has to you) I would definitely try it :wink: ..I mean you probably have very little to loose and you might really like it (probably will).If not you can always get the curse undone. I mean its not for me tell you what to do but...oh hell, just do it! Live your dream, you know you want it girlie! :D
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Postby saffronsaffy69 » April 12th, 2007, 10:17 am

How do I know you aren't just saying that to get a perverse kick out of making me into a sissy slut??
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Postby Cubivore » April 13th, 2007, 9:29 am

Last edited by Cubivore on December 12th, 2008, 9:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby chromewhale » April 13th, 2007, 3:11 pm

has anyone else noticed that this thread was started by "saffronsaffy" and now is being continued by "saffronsaffy69"?

Just an observation 8)
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Postby adriana » April 13th, 2007, 7:22 pm

saffronsaffy69 wrote:How do I know you aren't just saying that to get a perverse kick out of making me into a sissy slut??

Fair point-you don't know. I don't know if anyone is enjoying your situation, but even if they are why should you care? Its whether you enjoy it that counts. :roll:
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Postby loony28 » April 14th, 2007, 6:44 am

saffronsaffy69 wrote:How do I know you aren't just saying that to get a perverse kick out of making me into a sissy slut??

Well I'm telling you what I think you should do for yourself and if I was trying to get a perverse kick out of making you a sissy slut, I would tell you that you should wear your sissy clothes on a web cam for all of us to see. But I'm not doing that.

Cubivore wrote:Nobody is trying to turn you into anything. It's simply advice.

I can't imagine how torn you are, It must be a very insecure feeling. But all we can do is give you what we believe will relieve you of the stress.

But only you can choose what path to take, What voice to listen to. Obviously you are unhappy with the constant struggle, so whatever path you choose will certainly be better than what you are experiencing now.

But be warned. You must choose soon. Before either side chooses for you.

You do need to decide which way to go as it will relieve a lot of your stress over this. It may not be too late to go back to the way you were but I think the chances of that are very small and getting smaller with each passing minute. I think that a side has already chosen for you and you're just fighting a losing fight.
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Postby adriana » April 16th, 2007, 1:37 am

OK,I have created a new entry on the voting page called "Sissy pride". It is designed to help people like saffronsaffy69 by giving the listener a feeling of pride and achievement about being a sissy and removing all their doubts. So please vote for it, maybe then someone will make it & it will solve saffronsaffy's dilemma :D
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Postby saffronsaffy69 » April 16th, 2007, 3:18 am

What if I just wanna be free of being a sissy? Oh, screw it, you're probably right... *grumble, grumble*
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Postby loony28 » April 16th, 2007, 7:17 am

saffronsaffy69 wrote:What if I just wanna be free of being a sissy? Oh, screw it, you're probably right... *grumble, grumble*

Well at least you're seeing the point. This file had such a profound and immediate effect on you that somewhere in your mind you must have had wanted to be a sissy all along but were just too afraid to do anything about it. Just relax and enjoy the ride.
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Postby saffronsaffy69 » April 21st, 2007, 5:20 am

Realisation... It's a great thing, isn't it?

I've come to realize that with the exception of chronic masturbation, which was the case before even using the file, there are now no more effects caused by this file. The training has faded, the influence vanished, the programming gone. It's months since I crossdressed. As for the masturbation - that is more like a drug addiction given the feelings of pleasure that are associated with it. Today, I aim to stop doing this, as well.

Thanks for making this thread successful, but I wont be reading it ever again.

As my fellow Prestonian John Inman once said, "I'm free!"
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Postby loony28 » April 21st, 2007, 3:00 pm

Let's see how free you remain. I'm betting that you'll be back listening to it.
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Postby adriana » April 22nd, 2007, 4:15 am

saffronsaffy69 wrote:Gargh!!!! I keep downloading CurseStrokeSissy and then not listening to it because I am scared, yet the moment I masturbate or get aroused, it brings all those desires back. I am so screwed. I am getting soooo close to just giving up and accepting my fate as an effeminate cocksucker... Can it really be that bad? I mean, loads of women and other sissys dress up and suck cock and be submissive everyday... Should I really be scared of it?

Big change in 9 or 10 days?
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Postby saffronsaffy69 » April 22nd, 2007, 10:08 am

Well, I had stopped crossdressing and wasn't getting any encouragement, and was scared enough of the file to stop listening. Not saying I'm one hundred percent better, but I am getting closer. Maybe if you wanted me to be a sissy you should try and make me, Loony. ;-)
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Postby wmm_guest » April 22nd, 2007, 12:08 pm

saffronsaffy69 wrote:Well, I had stopped crossdressing and wasn't getting any encouragement, and was scared enough of the file to stop listening. Not saying I'm one hundred percent better, but I am getting closer. Maybe if you wanted me to be a sissy you should try and make me, Loony. ;-)

Hey I know saffron... maybe you "should" listen to the email slave file for a couple of weeks and THEN challenge loony again!!! Hehe

Jus' teasing mon', glad you are getting better.

Take care,
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Postby demigraff » April 22nd, 2007, 1:27 pm

Glad to hear you've managed to break the curse. One thought that springs to mind now is how this would effect any other attempts to warp your mind. For example, might it be possible to use your successful resistance to this file as a kind of mental anchor to strengthen a suggestion in the opposite direction. Or, more pessimistically, maybe resisting one curse might make you harder to hypnotise in general.

(My curiosity is insatiable, I always want to know more about how your mind might work. And as I've been trying to write some masculinization scripts at present, so I guess its natural to wonder how it would interact with something like this)

saffronsaffy69 wrote:Maybe if you wanted me to be a sissy you should try and make me, Loony. ;-)

Hehe, that sounds like a challenge :)
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Postby loony28 » April 25th, 2007, 6:45 am

saffronsaffy69 wrote:Well, I had stopped crossdressing and wasn't getting any encouragement, and was scared enough of the file to stop listening. Not saying I'm one hundred percent better, but I am getting closer. Maybe if you wanted me to be a sissy you should try and make me, Loony. ;-)

Well I might try to do that :lol: . Seriously though I think that you might be happier with being a sissy, the desire to do it was there all along but you got scared of what other people would think. That and the ease at which the file worked because you had a secret desire to be a sissy. I'm not going to try to make you do anything, I'm just giving you my opinion.
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Postby saffronsaffy69 » April 30th, 2007, 12:45 am

Got a bit bored so started a journal and began working on something. Check it out! :wink:
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Postby saffronsaffy69 » May 8th, 2007, 3:51 pm

Why is it so hard to quit this? :cry:
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Postby sunray_2 » May 8th, 2007, 4:49 pm

Tried it. :) It is fun to listen to. Although it is really compelling.
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Postby demigraff » May 11th, 2007, 11:41 am

saffronsaffy69 wrote:Why is it so hard to quit this? :cry:

Sounds like you're having more trouble giving up.

Mind if I ask what originally attracted you to hypnosis? If it was because you were interested in a transformation like this, I'm not sure what to advise. But if a big part of the appeal is being controlled, or losing control, general transformation or the trance itself, I'd suggest that it could be very useful to try some different suggestions. Try choosing another file which would take you in a different direction. Maybe that would reduce the temptation to try this curse again, distracting those urges into something which wouldn't bother you as much.

Or even try finding another 'tist willing to help you out. I'm sure that if you trust someone enough to let them into their mind, they would be able to help you quit much more effectively than trying on your own.
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Postby VeryGnawty » May 28th, 2007, 2:39 am

saffronsaffy69 wrote:Realisation... It's a great thing, isn't it?

Wisdom is even better.

As for the masturbation - that is more like a drug addiction given the feelings of pleasure that are associated with it. Today, I aim to stop doing this, as well.

Slow the rolls there, guy. If you plan to stop masturbating solely for the reason that you fear the condition that it brings, you have already ensured your failure.

I've been everything from autogynephilic to asexual, and I can tell you now that each sexual experience (or lack thereof) brings with it its own trials. Don't go thinking that your life will be all rosy if you give up masturbation, 'cause it won't.

Let me tell you a story. It is a story of a young VeryGnawty who, in an effort to rid himself of madness, chose to give up sexuality rather than embrace his kinkyness. And so, by stubborn willpower alone, he changed his life day by day. And over a period of time, he was able to eliminate the habits that led to masturbation. Indeed, he was able to eliminate even the thought of sex. So powerful was he that, indeed, he was able to shift his entire perspective on reality and the human body, such that sex or gender didn't even matter. And so the mighty VeryGnawty was beyond transgenderism, beyond the enslavement of sexual thoughts.

But what the young lad didn't know was that you can only run from your subconscious for so long. The reason you desire an experience is because you have something to gain from it, something to learn. And so my madness was replaced by another type of madness. So non-attached had I become to reality, that I became obsessed with non-attachment. And so one obsession replaced another. I filled my mind with ways of leaving this reality. I sought to make my reality a dream. And to that degree I have also succeeded. But that experience has also brought much hardship. And some things, once learned, can never be forgotten.

Over time I have become a different person. Always learning, always evolving. But in my meditations, I have learned the true meaning of desire. My actions have brought me to a different path now. But I can tell you without a doubt that, had I had the knowledge I do now, I would have done everything differently. I would have followed my passion through to the end.

I have the ability to choose, and to be free of it now. But I also have the feeling of having missed out on a great experience, as difficult as it may have been. And so, I have learned to live and pursue my old desires in a more rational way. In a sense, I have come full circle, albeit a lot wiser this time around.

What I'm trying to say is that this so-called freedom or enlightenment isn't what you think it is. For when you are free to choose, what will you choose? If you think you are full of madness now, just imagine how you will be when you are free to choose your own madness. When you have gained true mastery over your desire, you will realize as I did why the desire is there. And you will come to see that a desire is worth pursuing, regardless of how much social anguish it may bring. It is the fundamental nature of life. Anyone who denies it will only bring themselves torment. I know. I've been there. I know it's not just metaphysical jibe. If you don't believe me, study your desire. Start to see it from a more detached perspective. You may surprise yourself.

Ponder this. Decide what you really want. And then do it.
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Postby sourboi » July 15th, 2007, 9:24 pm

If you're so sensitive to hypnosis, just go to the link, and grab the one that says it will remove existing hypnotisms. A few good listens will probably hollow it all out.
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Postby PrincessMelissa » July 16th, 2007, 11:14 pm

I wish a file would work for me... :lol:
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Postby saffronsaffy69 » July 19th, 2007, 12:34 pm

So, I'm wondering... why am I so scared to try this file again, when I constantly crave it? I still dont know what to do...
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Postby demigraff » July 19th, 2007, 2:16 pm

saffronsaffy69 wrote:So, I'm wondering... why am I so scared to try this file again, when I constantly crave it? I still don't know what to do...

It sounds to me like you're still uncertain about what you want.

Do you crave to become a sissy forever?
Or do you simply crave to feel yourself being changed?
Is this need something that was always hidden within you?
Or are these feelings something the file created?

Until you know the answers, I don't think you'll be happy whether you listen to the file or not.

So my suggestion: Try another transformation. Find a curse which would impact less on your normal life, and see if that has as much effect as this one. If you abandon this file and listen to CurseMusclebound (or whatever that one is called) for 6-8 weeks, then if you still want to return to this one, you know its a real desire you will never get rid of.
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Postby saffronsaffy69 » August 27th, 2007, 6:07 am

Argh! I'm spending my days mindlessly masturbating and unable to control myself and I'm slipping more and more into being a sissy again!
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stroke sissy

Postby sleepy134 » September 7th, 2007, 4:39 am

I tried this file by accident a year or more age and have tried not to listen again. But. the feeling that I should listen once more and then stop wont go away. I played it the first time because I was just looking for a long file to listen to. Boy, did I pick the wrong one. sleepy134
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Postby Nnnurgey » November 22nd, 2007, 3:31 pm

I just downloaded this file! I was literally just about to start listening when I read this topic. I dont know if I wanna listen to it anymore 8O
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Postby WhoreDoll » November 25th, 2007, 7:43 am

Nnnurgey wrote:I just downloaded this file! I was literally just about to start listening when I read this topic. I dont know if I wanna listen to it anymore 8O

I would suggest to anyone who is unclear about their true feelings not to listen to any curse especially this kind of flie if they are easily susceptible.
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