Curses? Really now?

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Curses? Really now?

Postby Paigelb » September 6th, 2007, 3:21 pm

Ok now i'm a strong beliver on there being a logical reason for everything.
but i also belive in the possibleitys of there being things that can't be explained and almost magical. ((other wise i wouldn't be here ;p))

And i find it hard to belive that listening to and audio file will make me loose body hair get wider hips and other things to make me look more femminine. Now i get that an open and willing mind is easy to mold, but i just find it hard to belive that it'll have phsical effects on me.

i guess what i'm asking is for is some sort of evidance that it works.
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Joined: September 6th, 2007, 12:00 am

Postby CeeDee » September 6th, 2007, 9:45 pm

Proof of the pudding is in the eating.... pick a file, maybe Curse Stroke Sissy or Super Female Whammy, and listen to it half dozen times or so.

Some folks do better at hypnosis than others.. typically the more inteligent, and more importantly those with greater powers of concentration seem to do better, but it is not a hard and fast rule.
Also hypnosis, by current definition, deals with the subconcious , the subconcious is very protective of you and tends to reject suggestions that are contrary to the basic personality or individuals desires.
And last, hypnosis is a learned skill and/or developed talent. All hypnosis is , in the end, self hypnosis. The ability to trance at all at first, and then later go deep enought for noticable clinical effect takes some time and practice for most folks.

And just to keep things real, don't confuse the use of the term "curse" as a literal magical curse, but rather as a metphoric curse . the hypnotic analogy to a magical one if you will.. a Curse being somewhat more intentonally compulsive in both effect and demands to listen again and again than what is called here a "Training" file.
Most folks who listen to "curse" files actually see the potential effects as more of a "Blessing", however the Gods that Bless are no more involved than the Gods that Curse. You are left in the hands of your own better Angels and personal Demons either way.
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Joined: January 24th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby VeryGnawty » September 6th, 2007, 11:07 pm

CeeDee wrote:Proof of the pudding is in the eating.

I believe the old Zen koan applies here:

He who has drunk the water knows if it is cool or warm.
"Once, people only flew in their dreams. Now, they dream during their flights." - Howard Hendrix
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