SuperFemaleWhammy-Wish me luck

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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SuperFemaleWhammy-Wish me luck

Postby Woohoo21 » October 30th, 2008, 5:29 pm

Hi, all.
New guy/girl here. This file has pretty much everything I want, so I've decided to give it a shot. I'm using it with Curse Hormone Change (more of the same thing can't hurt, right?) and Train Anal Orgasm (this is here for me to see if I can completely shift my sexual activities from my penis toward my anus). If hypnosis can, indeed, make hormonal changes, I'll be one happy girl. At least before I can get my hands on the real thing (HRT).
I'm going to listen to them for at least a month, review the results and see where I'll go from there.
As the subject says, wish me luck.
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Postby PeppermintT » October 31st, 2008, 6:54 am

Good luck! :)
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Postby Woohoo21 » October 31st, 2008, 8:39 am

PeppermintT wrote:Good luck! :)

Thank you. I'll report any potential results or lack thereof in a week or two.
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Postby oem_1000 » October 31st, 2008, 5:58 pm

:twisted: ALL THE LUCK IN THE WORLD! :lol:
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Postby calvin89 » November 2nd, 2008, 8:56 pm

I can say from experience that it really does work if you really want it. But make sure your absolutely sure it is what you want... because when changes started happening for me i freaked and quit listening because i wasnt sure if i was ready to be a woman/didnt think it would work and have a girlfreind i wanted to stay with...well that doesnt stop the changes...i thought they did for a while but then everyonce in a while i would notice somethin different when i went to shower....this started about a year ago...and now its gotten to the point were i have no choice with the way my body has changed even without listening for months and i only listend heavily for a lil bit. I still havent done anything about it its winter so my body isnt that noticeable....but my body is verry feminine at this point. My body fat has redistributed thighs are thick my legs are slim in the calves and everything i have hips my butt which was always flat is now round and thick(i got a pretty ghetto booty lol for a white boy/girl) my waist is smaller like a girls my muscle mass is lower(never was very much ive always been a skinny kid and i'm only 19) my body hair is much thinner and finner(when i was actually first listening to the file s heavily i started loosing my leg hair which was part of why i stoped cuz thats hard to hide but it grew back thin now) my chest hasn't grown breasts yet but they started to develop back then and now they are very sensitive and have gained some mass and my nipples got bigger. My mind has also gotten much more femine then before. I've always felt like a girl and consider myself transexual but have been very confused and now i feel and look verry fem..Its goten so bad that my pants cant stay on me and only fit by hugging my hips. So if you really want it and dont have anything holding you back from wanting to do it go for it and commit to listening and youll be a girl in no time hunny :) . But if your not sure and cant come out with your transition then please dont start listening cuz i never thought it would work but it does especially if you want it like i do.
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Postby dougal » November 3rd, 2008, 8:50 am

wow, thats incredible changes! what did ur girlfriend think of all of this?
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Postby calvin89 » November 4th, 2008, 2:17 am

well actually she's never said anything, she knows i want to be a girl but i told her i wasn't for now at least for her do it before this was like in april and shes never said anything about my changes the only reaction ive gotten is my mom noticed i could barely wear a lot of my pants i always have worn semi baggy pants and shirts but now it falls down and has to catch on my hips if their not tighter cuz im shaped a lot more like a girl now.
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Postby calvin89 » November 4th, 2008, 2:35 am

and we dont have sex that much i have a harder time gettin it all the way up now and i like guys more then girls now so when i do fuck her or wack it all im thinkin about is being a girl/and fuckd as a girl...i used to have fantasies about women having threesomes or a porn star or being a girl....but now i just want to suck cock as a girl and have him fuck me....i had fantasies about being fucked as a woman before because ive always felt like a girl but i liked enough things about being a guy that i could sort of deal wit it but always having it on my mind even when i was like havin fun as a man
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Postby Woohoo21 » November 4th, 2008, 4:02 am

Thanks for anyone else wishing me luck... And calvin, I'm pretty sure this is what i want. As I've said, if this works at least partially, it's great help. Also, how long were you listening to it (and how frequently) before you've experienced any more serious changes? Just curious.
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Postby dougal » November 4th, 2008, 9:09 am

good luck woohoo21! u should really take pics of ur progress. i always hear this wild controversy as to weather or not hypnosis can actually cause physical changes. i honestly believe it can but for those who dont believe u should absolutely post a link to a photo album or sometihng. plus id love to see the changes myself :wink:

as for calvin89, i give u credit for trying the file to begin with. its kinda funny that ur girlfriend hadnt noticed anything. if i had slightly budding breasts, a girly butt and trouble getting it up my lady would be on my case about it. im 21 and wear panties all the time for her but i dont think she would actually want me to be a girl. do u think u would ever listen again?
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Postby Woohoo21 » November 4th, 2008, 3:04 pm

Thanks again. And I have taken before pictures for my own comparison, I'm just reluctant to post them online. Maybe I'll change my mind later, especially if I see any changes.
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Postby dougal » November 5th, 2008, 10:04 am

good plan dude!
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Postby calvin89 » November 13th, 2008, 1:16 am

i'm kinda reluctant to putting the pics online...but i noticed some changes happen a couple days after i listend to it deep...the first time i was ever able to go under really deep was when i came home from smoking weed with my friend and i decided to see if i could go deep with it which i did and i listend to it pretty much every night and some times i would listen to sfw and curse total feminisation(their both essentially the same thing) but after a couple days i noticed my legs were litteraly loosing large patches of hair and all the other changes i i stoped and my hair grew back so i thought i was ok....then i listend to it off and on at different times and then complelty stoped for a while and barely saw any changes...then i started smoking weed again and every time i did the next day i would notice more changes...i have no idea why that is..but i deffinantly noticed a connection between the two things....i have a couple theories on it but im not sure if its because it either lowers testosterone a lil bit but for me that means i get much less because of the file or if its because my mind associates weed with the file and feminization or what but it deffinantly had an affect
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Postby Cade » November 13th, 2008, 5:24 pm

The drugs are mind altering, which i would assume alloed for a much more effective trance
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Postby Woohoo21 » November 24th, 2008, 4:09 pm

Ok, time to report.
Variable degrees of success.
No penis shrinkage, possible body hair loss (can't be certain because I got waxed in the meantime), no apparent breast growth (I've already had some tissue there because of some kink in my growing up. Anyway, if there is any growth I don't see it), definite butt growth (it's awesome) and possible voice change (I've been practicing with my voice. That might or might not have been helped by the file).
TrainAnalOrgasm works pretty well, apparently, as I've become able to orgasm without touching my penis, while playing with my ass. I love it.
I've been listening to the files one to three times per day (minimum one, of course) and plan on continuing so for at least a couple more months. Will report again in a couple of weeks.
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Postby dougal » November 25th, 2008, 12:04 pm

congrats on the progress! i cant wait to hear the next report, keep up the good listening. :D
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