Temp female transformation files

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Temp female transformation files

Postby sub21 » February 12th, 2009, 4:42 pm

Hello all,
I'm a guy (obviously) who is looking for some good files that will temporarily put me in the body of a girl but have NO permanent side effects. I'm curious what it would be like to be a girl but i'm happy as a guy and it's more to satisfy my curiosity than anything else. Any ideas?

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Postby hypnointerest » February 12th, 2009, 8:20 pm

Just listen to a file you are interested in. The effects you desire are easily separated from those you dislike. Simply disagree with the suggestions you don't want, and agree with the changes you want. The effects you choose are the only effects you'll notice. You will notice them only for the length of time you wish. You will notice the effects you like beginning to manifest themselves, you will not notice the effects you don't want. Only the effects that you desire will affect you when they manifest themselves.

But of course, if you find that what you truly want within your subconscious is different from your conscious appraisal of these wants, you will not notice you are enjoying the effects that you used to worry about. You will just enjoy yourself and not worry so much about permanent, relaxing changes. You will only notice temporary changes because you control the changes that you want to occur, and the things that you dislike will not manifest themselves.

Your brain simply won't accept what it doesn't want to accept, only what You want to accept. The desires and suggestions You feel comfortable with are the only desires that will manifest.
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » February 12th, 2009, 9:48 pm

Following hypnointerest's suggestion you have to be careful though.

It can also work like this for the "openminded".

What was once intolerable, becomes tolerable, then tolerable becomes
acceptable, then acceptable becomes desirable, then... YOUR DOOMED!

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Postby hypnointerest » February 12th, 2009, 10:18 pm

Well, if he is already listening to, or considering listening to feminization files, than he must be open-minded, compared to most. It is important that the open-minded subject understands what he truly wants, and that she wants you to be open minded as well. The feminine, open-minded side is the side that draws you to these sorts of files in the first place. The open-minded side that lets you try the things that you want to try. The choices that You accept and the choices that You are interested in. Permanent effects are not something to worry about if you don't desire them to affect you. The open-minded you will accept the changes knowing they are temporarily noticeable. Only noticeable when you are in trance, and noticeable to yourself. After that, you will not notice the temporary changes.
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Postby Lobotaru » February 13th, 2009, 7:05 am

The files out there for that are Trig female form, Trigwoman2, and female dreams. I've been around for a while and from what I can gather, Trigwoman2 takes a while to train with as it is trying to achieve full audio, visual, and tactile hallucinations. The female dreams one might be easier since it is effecting your dreams rather than your perception of yourself while awake.
It all depends on your level of susceptibility and practice. Keep at it for about two weeks and see how things go.
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Postby loony28 » February 14th, 2009, 2:21 pm

Lobotaru wrote:The files out there for that are Trig female form, Trigwoman2, and female dreams. I've been around for a while and from what I can gather, Trigwoman2 takes a while to train with as it is trying to achieve full audio, visual, and tactile hallucinations. The female dreams one might be easier since it is effecting your dreams rather than your perception of yourself while awake.
It all depends on your level of susceptibility and practice. Keep at it for about two weeks and see how things go.

You're forgetting XGirlTime in that list. Any of these files should give you what you're looking for.
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Postby Lobotaru » February 14th, 2009, 3:15 pm

Oh yeah, my bad Loony.
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