Hello, I'm totally new here and curious about feminzation. I simply want to know as much as I can about feminzation. I've read many comments on the files and gone through a lot of the forums, but I do'mt think they really give a good idea of what these files can do.
So, I'm trying to great a fully comprehensive discussion board in the hopes that it will become a great pool of information to help any looking into this ort of thing
Please, write your ideas, thoughts, experiences, likes and dislikes, questions, comments, significant background, anything and everything you can think of, even if you think it's trivial because might learn something important from it.
I am a tall 16 year-old guy, completely straight with nuerous girls into me, but I have been immensely curious about gender change. I don't feel like a woman but I'm itching to know what it's like. I've tried crossdressing before (just at home alone) and have listened to a few of the free files for a couple days now. Started with only the visual and mental files (ex: Bra Filler, Cardigan Victorian Girl, TrigBoobGrowth, Trig Virtual Crossdressing) because the idea of a "curse" kind of scared me. I didn't notice anything special while listening no real sense of deep relaxation or listlessness. I moved up to Feminization change into female, FembuttGrowth, Portal and the Pink Fairy, and tried Curse Breast Growth Male once, again with nothing special. I blacked out both times I've listened to Bubble Induction and also on my second time listening to Feminization change into Female, so I think that the soft background music helps, but again there have been no effects so far.
I most want to hear advice you have and experiences. Pictures, measurements, records, etc are the best. But please, leave long descriptions so we get the full idea.
Also, I've been reading through the forums and it seems like many people just go for well-known really effective curses right away, like Curse Stroke Sissy and Super Female Whammy. I'm extremely tempted to try them but deeply concerned with some of the stories I've read, especially Curse Stroke Sissy because of all the stories of people unable to stop listening to it and getting pleasure from it while hating what's happened to them.
Why do you do it? Why did you start? What's makes it so hard to stop listening? What has happened to you from listening? Has it been good for you? Would you you reccomend it to others?
I look forward to long, comprehensive replies and will check this often.