question about the fembutt file

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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question about the fembutt file

Postby MacGyver » December 12th, 2008, 7:21 pm

ok, say ya trance with this file atleast once every 2 days, after 3 weeks or so, when ya say the trigger, ya butt starts tingling, keep in mind ya been seen a pic of a female butt ya consider great lookin and it is bigger than yours, does the tingling in your buttocks mean anything?
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Postby PS360 » December 12th, 2008, 8:01 pm

It might be growing.
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Postby MacGyver » January 1st, 2009, 12:22 am

makes me wander maybe i shoulda experimented with that one a bit more, just was weirded out by the tingling every time i said the trigger.
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Postby karenmcd1 » January 1st, 2009, 4:01 am

Did you measure around your hips before you started using this file?

If not you could take a measurement now and then measure again in a month to see if you are acheiving results.

Hope that helps! - K
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Postby MacGyver » January 1st, 2009, 12:42 pm

well, i had stopped experimentin with this file maybe 6 months ago, around my hips/butt area, i am 46 or 48 inches, got to get some nylon cord to use and maybe get a more acurrate measure, but am thinking of going back with the fembutt file and may start back with either curse corset or wd bames ultra thin waist as at one time, i was losin mass in my waist while i was expermenting with the files make ya feel like ya wearin a corset.
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Postby SexyVASissy » January 29th, 2009, 9:18 am

Whenever I listen to this file and say the trigger I can feel my butt start to tingle as if it is growing. I thought it was just in my head but a few days ago(after a few weeks of listening to this file) my girlfriend said my butt looks bigger and rounder (she doesnt know what I have been doing though). Note that I am thin and havent put on any weight but she saw noticable changes to my butt. Some of my jeans are tighter in the butt now also. On another site I posted a pic of me wearing panties and I got several comments that my butt looks just like a girls butt. Seems like the file works on me.
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Postby MacGyver » January 30th, 2009, 6:44 pm

yesterday, i put in my earphone to the computer and let the body play on a loop, when i was in the shower, i figured, what the hell, what could it hurt, and said the trigger, the next thing i knew, my butt felt like it was swelling up. fun file, LOL.
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fem butt growth swf

Postby sabrinaselentra » February 4th, 2009, 11:40 pm

I do have a visual aid for fem butt growth over at check it out. My work well with the hypno file your listening to.
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Postby MacGyver » November 6th, 2009, 8:01 pm

okies, maybe time for an update on this file. have not used it in a few months now, just said the trigger a minute again, no effects it seems, but, a girl i know had me crossdressed and in a snug pair of womens stretch jeans, if i saw the reflection in the mirror correctly, my but appears to be round and feminine, so, i take it the file has worked on me as eventhough i am big, my butt has always been kinda flat. from the side, looks perfectly rounded, not quite big enough to be a booty, but rounded. may be time to do measurements again possibly as i appear to be forming feminine hips, they surely dont look like a guys hips, LOL.
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Postby hunner » November 20th, 2009, 12:44 pm

I hope this one works, my hips is currently 64cm, about 25 1/4", and i aiming for Brianna Love's ass, that would be perfect. :)

If you don't mind Macgyver I will use this thread too to post my gaining or lack thereof.
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Postby MacGyver » November 20th, 2009, 5:55 pm

aint nothin wrong with usin this thread iffin ya want, i was kinda hopin others had used the file and had some sort of results to share, i was like 46 or so but am now like 48-50 inches, so, in 6-9 months or so, and the fact the from the side it looks round now, counts as the file having somewhat worked no more than i played with it.
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Postby lusci0us_steph » November 25th, 2009, 7:27 pm

where do i find the fembutt file?
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Postby MacGyver » November 25th, 2009, 10:32 pm

go to files, then search, and where it sez list by author, click on EMG then scroll about half way down the page.

if ya butt starts tingling, nothing to worry about, i got all weirded out at first till i was told that the sensation just meant the file was working on me. and from the side view, looks as if i have gone from a flatt hiney to a rounded hiney, though from the rear view, i should probably use this file some more to finish out the way i want my hiney to look.
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Postby lusci0us_steph » November 26th, 2009, 1:30 am


Question though...

"....Until the maximum mind acceptance of taking appropriate hormone treatment. Wears panties 24/7 and required to buy increasing sizes as his buttocks swell into female form."

Does this mean i need to buy panties and consider Hormone treatment? What if i don't want to go through that actual hormone transition?
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Postby MacGyver » November 26th, 2009, 11:16 am

i never done the hormone or augmentation, just wear the panties, you have to keep in the back of ya mind that ya cant afford the treatments if ya dont want to do it.

i did a few weeks on and a few weeks off with this file, just so i could set the trigger and that would be it, a few weeks on a few weeks off, and done this for 6 or 8 months. i dont mind wearing the panties, i wore mens breifs before and now wear womens breifs, they actually fit better. i dont think i want the effects of the hormone treatments as i could end up with really huge boobs or something, LOL. and there is some that if all the fat moved from my waist to my butt due to hormone treatments, it might get hard to find any jeans to fit me, LOL.
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Postby lusci0us_steph » November 26th, 2009, 1:51 pm

I definitely don't want hormone treatments. I don't like the idea of having to wear panties 24/7. Why does the women's briefs feel better than the men's briefs? is it because of the changes through the trigger?

I never knew a person body can physically change through hypnosis. i notice that every time i try listening to the files i feel so relax that i fall asleep. I don't even remember hearing the whole thing.

How long did it take before you started to notice the physical changes? How many times a day do you actually have to listen to it? Is that how the other hypnosis files work? I tried some of the trig files, and don't notice anything. Is it just something that you imagine or can you actually see stuff while being wide awake? Are the effects (like the fembutt or the waistline) reversible?
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Postby MacGyver » November 26th, 2009, 9:01 pm

i dont wear them 24/7, they feel better as they are smooth against the skin, they dont fall down constantly. but to wear them, start slow, take an hour every couple days or so and slowly build up to wearing them longer if ya like. mens breifs kept falling down on me at work, very annoying, if i had to use the toilet at work during the summer, the mens briefs felt hot when i pulled them back up, new ones gave me the same problems in the yheat and after only 2 weeks began to fall off my hiney. the stretch-nylon briefs for women, i have worn some for more than 6 months, no problem with them stretching in the wash as they have yet to do that, no falling off my hiney yet, and after using the mens room, are actually cool to the skin when pulled back up. they kinda cling to ya bottom just a bit when ya get all sweaty but, they stay in place.

your mind is actually THE most powerful thing on the planet, your mind can actually heal your body if you let it, your mind can also change hormone levels and a do a whole host of other things most think is just not possible. the human mind is an extremely powerful thing.

as for changes, about 4 months after i last used the file i noticed my butt felt different, specially in my jeans, which i wear a couple sizes bigger than needed anyways as loose jeans are comfy to me.

an active imagination does help, but in trance you go deep enough the suggestions are given straight to your subconscious mind, which is the part of your mind that controls your body. the trig files are gonna take some time, not everyone is gonna have results at the same time or same amount of listens. for me, the first trance was with an hour long file, took 3 weeks to reach trance, and another 3 weeks of using the file once a day every day to get the next file, the trigger test file, to work so i could go down with the trigger.

the changes should be reversable, after all, if a file gives you a femenine shape, all that is happening basically is ya mind is moving ya body fat to a different location. seein as i did not experience any weight gain using the fembutt file, that is most likely what has happened is some excess was taken from my waist and re-distributed to my butt first, then some must have gone to my hips. my hips did not grow very big but when i look down while in the panties, my hips are looking round rather than flat. i still have most of the spare tire round my waist, but have to put another notch in my belt to keep my pants up.

so, if ya mind can move excess fat from ya waist to ya hips and butt, then ya mind should be able to either move it back to your waist or get ya body to burn that back off for energy.

sometimes i think i fall asleep too but, if i were to fall asleep listening to a file, i actually hear myself snoring and it wakes me up.

as for the hormone treatments, ya just have to have a conversation in your mind with yourself telling yourself you would rather not go through that expense or you cannot afford to do that, and keep reminding yourself that you do not want all the othe things that come with the hormone treatments as the hormones alot of doctors will give you are manmade and dangerous, they can cause bloodclots, which if it moves to ya lungs will kill ya, and the changes can come so fast ya will be in alot of pain at times, you will break down and cry for no reason, and a bunch of other things.

now should you wish to have the hormones needed to change a certain part of ya body, someone not long back, a week or two ago had a link posted in their message for herbal pills to cause the changes which is safer but, using your subconscious mind to do the trick is safest of all in my opinion.

see, i got it figured like this, ya subconscious knows what is safe and what is dangerous, and will not push your body to change at a rate, or release the amount of hormones that can damage the body. your mind already knows how to do it safely, does not matter what you use hypnosis for, your mind will not change anything about your body unless it is done safely.

now, the fembutt file, i played with it on and off for atleast 6-8 months. at one point, for about 6 weeks or so, i let the body play in my sleep every night untill i had a strange dream where a woman said the trigger and i woke up to what felt like my butt was swelling up, LOL.
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Postby lusci0us_steph » November 30th, 2009, 11:55 pm

I have been trying the files for the last few days. I do feel that strange tingly around the bottom and hips. The tingles feel a bit weird. Does that mean i'm still in trance as that is happening?
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Postby MacGyver » December 1st, 2009, 9:20 am

just means the file is working and ya butt and hips is growing a bit is all.
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