Hard Time Hypnotozing with Fem Files

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Hard Time Hypnotozing with Fem Files

Postby Another » June 13th, 2010, 2:14 am

Hi, First time poster long time listener.

I Have a bit of a problem...

I've been trying out feminization files for some time but have seen no results. Part of the problem is a lack of attention span coupled with insomnia at night when i try to use the files. I just cant relax.

So my listening is sporadic at best. And when I do have a few days on a file, I remember most of it and just shrug off the suggestions. So I'm not honestly sure if hypnosis even works on me.

Should I try a file that has been proven particularity effective to see if I'm even susceptible? Something like CFG? (Straight btw) In theory after getting it going on one of my good sleep weeks I should be able to either shrug it off or feel some sort of pull from it.

Also any files to help me relax when listening? Is there a good free program to edit those in too? (As well as remove inductions from looping files, it really breaks what little focus I have)

Oh! Also is there any fem files usable while awake? That would be perfect!
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Joined: January 23rd, 2009, 1:00 am

Postby DancingShadow » June 13th, 2010, 3:36 am

How do you react to inductions?

I'm just wondering if its possible that your not as into Fem as you thought...

Have you had any success with other files on the site?
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Joined: May 11th, 2010, 12:00 am

Re: Hard Time Hypnotozing with Fem Files

Postby homerj1620 » June 13th, 2010, 6:25 am

Another wrote:Hi, First time poster long time listener.
I Have a bit of a problem...

I've been trying out feminization files for some time but have seen no results. Part of the problem is a lack of attention span coupled with insomnia at night when i try to use the files. I just cant relax.

So my listening is sporadic at best. And when I do have a few days on a file, I remember most of it and just shrug off the suggestions. So I'm not honestly sure if hypnosis even works on me.

Try multiple inductions. I've posted my favorites several times and am not going to again (search my history if you want to read it). To keep it short, I'd recommend looking into Cardigan, Sarnoga, and MistE and just trying out their inductions. If you feel like paying for one, EMG's Divinely Feminine is nice.

Keep trying until you find one that has some effect on you. Then try using files like EMG's "Perfectly Suggestible" and "Train Susceptible". "Visualize Help" would also be helpful.

If you're not highly susceptible don't expect immediate results. It takes me months of daily listening just to get minor results.

Another wrote:Should I try a file that has been proven particularity effective to see if I'm even susceptible? Something like CFG? (Straight btw) In theory after getting it going on one of my good sleep weeks I should be able to either shrug it off or feel some sort of pull from it.

Be very careful with CFG. Read some of the threads on it. Don't listen to it if you can't accept the results. It seems to always win out in the end, at least from people that have posted about it. Can you accept giving up this for this?

Another wrote:Also any files to help me relax when listening? Is there a good free program to edit those in too? (As well as remove inductions from looping files, it really breaks what little focus I have)

For basic stuff like that Audacity works well.

Another wrote:Oh! Also is there any fem files usable while awake? That would be perfect

Try "SuggestiveFeminization" or subliminal ones.
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Postby Another » June 13th, 2010, 2:56 pm

DancingShadow wrote:How do you react to inductions?

I'm just wondering if its possible that your not as into Fem as you thought...

Have you had any success with other files on the site?

I react okay to inductions when I first start listening, but listening to the induction of the next file breaks me out of focus. So good on first, not so hot on anything after.

And as to the not into fem thing...for all I know I'm enjoying it as a fantasy. I honestly couldn't tell you, but there is a definite desire to try going for the gold.

I have had no success with other files but did have some effect from the some of the Mind Mistress flash animations. Tried a bunch out of curiosity and I found the suggestions stayed for a few days as opposed to immediately dissipating like with the files. Makes sense as I've always been more of a visual/tactile learner than a listening learner.
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Re: Hard Time Hypnotozing with Fem Files

Postby Another » June 13th, 2010, 3:05 pm

homerj1620 wrote:

Keep trying until you find one that has some effect on you. Then try using files like EMG's "Perfectly Suggestible" and "Train Susceptible". "Visualize Help" would also be helpful.

Thanks! Only problems going to be getting over the problem to cure the problem lol. Well see how it goes, but ill definitely take a look at these!

homerj1620 wrote:

Be very careful with CFG. Read some of the threads on it. Don't listen to it if you can't accept the results. It seems to always win out in the end, at least from people that have posted about it.

So I've read. I'm not so sure tho in my case, I shrugged off CSS like it was nothing. I think I might try once on a good day and see if I get any lingering effects. Actually Ill edit it the Audacity program you suggested to remove the permanency suggestions.

homerj1620 wrote:
Try "SuggestiveFeminization" or subliminal ones.

I have heard a bit about this one. Any definite results from someone not using it while relaxing or asleep? Ill download it anyway and give it a shot. Can't hurt.
Posts: 12
Joined: January 23rd, 2009, 1:00 am

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