
For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Postby saffy672200 » January 9th, 2011, 1:43 pm

Has anyone here really seen big life changes because of the feminization files? I only ask because it seems to be that people make vague claims, or talk about how they were already transexuals, but we don't seem to hear too many recent accounts of, say, someone listening to Stroke Sissy and ending up with some real, irresistable compulsions as a consequence.

So, please, how have these files actually affected you in the real world?
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Postby bucketwarrior » January 10th, 2011, 1:42 am

I'm straight, and I've never seen any lasting changes, but I've been able to temporarily change my mindset and alter my behavior into a new personality. It's very sexy on a temporary basis.

Like you said, I believe anyone who claims overwhelming changes were likely already transexuals.
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Postby Lobotaru » January 16th, 2011, 2:14 pm

My experiences agree with Bucket. I'm a heterosexual male, and while I've definitely experienced temporary changes as a result of listening to files, I've never experienced any change in lifestyle. Some people have fantasies about being in a girl's body temporarily. I could also see some people who are bisexual or homosexual looking upon feminization files as a way to experience something different, yet temporary. Of course you also have those who are transsexual, and those would be the individuals that see long term change.
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Re: Honesty

Postby Liann » January 21st, 2011, 12:40 am

saffy672200 wrote:Has anyone here really seen big life changes because of the feminization files? I only ask because it seems to be that people make vague claims, or talk about how they were already transexuals, but we don't seem to hear too many recent accounts of, say, someone listening to Stroke Sissy and ending up with some real, irresistable compulsions as a consequence.

So, please, how have these files actually affected you in the real world?

Good Luck. I posted files beginning a couple months ago, and one file was dloaded 346 times, yet I can't get answers to the same question from those downloaders. 6 comments, one or two sentence comments. Here the files are PREMIUM until they have been online for 6 months, and then you can dload for free. At my website there have been more than 500 dloads and just as few comments.

So, if you are looking for girls to tell you what kind of results they got, GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!

I sometimes get emails that are a bit more revealing, but, you know, I never really know how much truth I am being told. One girl told me that she works out to the Pussycat Dolls in high heels, went shopping for blouse and skirt the other day, and feels like her titties are actually making noticeable growth from the hypnosis file breast massages and exercises it has her doing. Who knows how much of that is true?

Here is a couple of posts which say something about their results.
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Postby missy » January 29th, 2011, 5:48 am

i have been a secret dresser for years.but never entertained being with guys,until i listened to some mp3's which i allowed to include being totally feminine and involved cocksucking andf wanting men.honestly...it did make me want to.depending how often i listened it made the desires stronger.but it was from a variety of files some not from this site.so it may just be the ones i used.but it is still effecting me.and i'm becoming more accepting of it everyday.even without listening.so be careful,make sure you really want to be attracted to men and sucking their cocks. :wink: but i did desire to be totally feminine.i did stop listening to them as i became a little frightened by how powerfully it effected my thoughts.but the desires are still lingering.so i'm leary about listening....but i still want to listen.i just stop myself.if i dress,it brings me back to where i was and controls me to seek the files more and more.
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Postby Jacoburline » January 29th, 2011, 12:31 pm

I think feminization for a lot of people is a somewhat fleeting interest. There are of course the people who desire complete feminization and a complete change to their lifestyle, but I think there are a reasonable number of people who try out files just to see what types of results happen...and those people are perhaps more testing out the results of hypnosis more than anything else. They want to see if a hypnosis file can, for example, make them desire something entirely different than what they've more or less been brought up to desire. Just trying a file out a few times probably is not going to change 18+ years of social conditioning.

I think it depends on how far people want to go with it...and I think many (if not most) do not want to go very far. They are just playing around with hypnosis, which is fine.

Incidentally, I think those people are less likely to make a lot of comments.
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Postby Liann » January 29th, 2011, 3:15 pm

Jacoburline wrote:I think feminization for a lot of people is a somewhat fleeting interest. There are of course the people who desire complete feminization and a complete change to their lifestyle, but I think there are a reasonable number of people who try out files just to see what types of results happen...and those people are perhaps more testing out the results of hypnosis more than anything else. They want to see if a hypnosis file can, for example, make them desire something entirely different than what they've more or less been brought up to desire. Just trying a file out a few times probably is not going to change 18+ years of social conditioning.

I think it depends on how far people want to go with it...and I think many (if not most) do not want to go very far. They are just playing around with hypnosis, which is fine.

Incidentally, I think those people are less likely to make a lot of comments.

Since being a transsexual does not alter lifespan to any great degree, trans people live as long as the rest of their birth cohort.

Transsex surgery began with Christine Jorgenson in the 1950s and picked up pace as more doctors and clinics developed the surgical skills. Most of those transwomen are still living today.

Based on the number of clinics, their operating schedules and capacities, it can be estimated the transsex population living.

By assuming that there is one who cannot afford the costs or other factors preventing them from going forward with surgery, for every one who completes it, then it can be estimated that 1% of all adult males is transgender-prone.

Those who are not innately transsex do not bother to keep up with matters which do not interest themselves, and are very ignorant of the true state of facts.

Social stigma enforces peer pressures to resist such inclination with as much force of willpower as can be mustered. Therefore, many transgender M2Fs cannot even think about these subjects, let alone admit to themselves that they are in that 1%.

Because of social peer-pressure induced-phobia such persons would take the public stance or private belief that they are merely curious about hypnosis effects, when in truth they are curious about their deepest desires in actuality.

"Real Men" wouldn't even be fleetingly curious. It is about as remotely interesting as wanting to experience being a warthog or macaw, pretty far down on the list of things to want to try.

Trying bungee-jumping, sky-diving, or shooting a $100 worth of bullets in 30 seconds on a rented Uzi are much higher on a Real Man's list of things to try.

In fact, no Real Man would even be reading a feminization forum in the first place, so you can pretty much say there's nobody but pansies here.

Denying that puts you pretty far out of odds with the title of this thread, which is "HONESTY" about how feminine did any hypnosis file make you feel.

You not only denied subjecting yourself to the power of any hypnosis files, but you also denied that there is a very large market for them, and they are eagerly sought after by girlymen who crave slipping on slick perfumed panties and want somebody else to tell them to do it.

The words "and I think many (if not most) do not want to go very far" are true but deceptive. 99% of the adult male population is NOT transsex-prone, or roughly 135 Million out of 150MM+/-.

135,000,000 is "many (if not most)" but 15,000,000 is not chopped liver.

I would say that 15,000,000 is many many many! A lot! Plenty! Mucho! A number big enough to stop ignoring and pretending that science does not exist! Science exists: we know how to estimate the number of transsex-prone M2Fs in America. We can also know how 18+ years of brainwash can simply dissolve away by saying the magic words that you long to hear in your ears. The descriptions of my files is accurate and truthful. YOU will be affected if you follow the instructions given. That is why every file comes with a warning label to NOT listen if you don't want these results! Most of the files cause permanent irreversible changes to your state of mind which affects everything else.
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Postby DKaiser » January 29th, 2011, 3:35 pm

Liann wrote:In fact, no Real Man would even be reading a feminization forum in the first place, so you can pretty much say there's nobody but pansies here.

Not necessarily, as there tends to be a bit of an overlap on the site between what falls under "feminization", and what falls under "transforming into a girl". Personally, I'm not all that interested in the mental aspects of feminization, and I'm also not all that interested with something permanent and public like the trans-sexual process. But, because of how the categories on the site are set up, some files that should be in one category get posted in the other, and so we wander over here from time to time to see if there's anything of the sort around.

But anyway, I should probably stop derailing the thread. Please, continue.
Enjoy my files? Donate!
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Postby winters10102003 » January 29th, 2011, 5:51 pm

hi tried this file curse stroke sissy out the other day a random pick if you will. i played it one and half times although i never finished the file due to being interrupted. I still feel its hunger effects of wanting to re-listen to it . but i count myself lucky though never finishing the file . if i did i would be sitting here cross legged in a 1950's house dress,heels ,stalkings , and the familiar taste of lipstick on my lips. my sissy name still calls me which scares me until i listened to this file i never had a female persona and i refuse to say it but .. shes hungry now and her name is Vivian .
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Postby Jacoburline » January 29th, 2011, 11:29 pm

Liann wrote:

Since being a transsexual does not alter lifespan to any great degree, trans people live as long as the rest of their birth cohort.

Transsex surgery began with Christine Jorgenson in the 1950s and picked up pace as more doctors and clinics developed the surgical skills. Most of those transwomen are still living today.

Based on the number of clinics, their operating schedules and capacities, it can be estimated the transsex population living.

By assuming that there is one who cannot afford the costs or other factors preventing them from going forward with surgery, for every one who completes it, then it can be estimated that 1% of all adult males is transgender-prone.

Those who are not innately transsex do not bother to keep up with matters which do not interest themselves, and are very ignorant of the true state of facts.

Social stigma enforces peer pressures to resist such inclination with as much force of willpower as can be mustered. Therefore, many transgender M2Fs cannot even think about these subjects, let alone admit to themselves that they are in that 1%.

Because of social peer-pressure induced-phobia such persons would take the public stance or private belief that they are merely curious about hypnosis effects, when in truth they are curious about their deepest desires in actuality.

"Real Men" wouldn't even be fleetingly curious. It is about as remotely interesting as wanting to experience being a warthog or macaw, pretty far down on the list of things to want to try.

Trying bungee-jumping, sky-diving, or shooting a $100 worth of bullets in 30 seconds on a rented Uzi are much higher on a Real Man's list of things to try.

In fact, no Real Man would even be reading a feminization forum in the first place, so you can pretty much say there's nobody but pansies here.

Denying that puts you pretty far out of odds with the title of this thread, which is "HONESTY" about how feminine did any hypnosis file make you feel.

You not only denied subjecting yourself to the power of any hypnosis files, but you also denied that there is a very large market for them, and they are eagerly sought after by girlymen who crave slipping on slick perfumed panties and want somebody else to tell them to do it.

The words "and I think many (if not most) do not want to go very far" are true but deceptive. 99% of the adult male population is NOT transsex-prone, or roughly 135 Million out of 150MM+/-.

135,000,000 is "many (if not most)" but 15,000,000 is not chopped liver.

I would say that 15,000,000 is many many many! A lot! Plenty! Mucho! A number big enough to stop ignoring and pretending that science does not exist! Science exists: we know how to estimate the number of transsex-prone M2Fs in America. We can also know how 18+ years of brainwash can simply dissolve away by saying the magic words that you long to hear in your ears. The descriptions of my files is accurate and truthful. YOU will be affected if you follow the instructions given. That is why every file comes with a warning label to NOT listen if you don't want these results! Most of the files cause permanent irreversible changes to your state of mind which affects everything else.

I really do not want to get into a debate over this, so I just want to point out the main issues with your post here.

Essentially, you have limited yourself to two categories of males: those who are "transsex-prone M2Fs" and those who are simply "not transsex-prone M2Fs," who you also referred to as "real men." I would suggest to you that there are perhaps several more appropriate (or reasonable) categories than those, and that you should open your mind to those possible categories as well. Human beings are extremely complicated creatures, and I think it is a dangerous practice to oversimplify things, which I think your broad categories happen to be doing here. You are, of course, free to disagree on the point.

Also, the science you referred to in estimating the number of "transsex-prone M2Fs" is probably best called a social science, which is somewhat questionable as (using a lofty phrase,) a true science. That does not mean that it has nothing to offer us, certainly...but there is a certain difficulty involved in applying the rigorous standards of the scientific method to the social sciences that is notable.

Furthermore, I am not claiming that the number of "transsex-prone M2Fs" is an insignificant number; my original post was suggesting the idea (which was based both on observation and personal experience) that many people who listen to these files might ultimately be more interested in the hypnosis aspect than the feminization aspect, and might be trying feminization files to see if they experience any effects. (There might be a particular attraction to that subject simply because of how different it is from how males tend to be socialized...or, to use your term, "brainwashed.") You also need to allow for the possibility that your experiences under hypnosis might be a little different from the experiences of someone else.

You are free to dismiss such possibilities as you choose. However, we will have to disagree on the point if you choose to do so.
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Postby iamli3 » January 30th, 2011, 1:33 pm


huh -.o , interesting name.....
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Postby Liann » January 30th, 2011, 8:36 pm

Jacoburline wrote:You are free to dismiss such possibilities as you choose. However, we will have to disagree on the point if you choose to do so.

Honey, we already disagreed, don't you remember? Brainwashed people are not good witnesses of their own mental processes, because it is NOT THEIR OWN MENTAL PROCESSES -- it is implant programming. If you are programmed to deny that you are programmed then you will never admit that you are programmed, not even to yourself.

Jacoburline wrote:Essentially, you have limited yourself to two categories of males: those who are "transsex-prone M2Fs" and those who are simply "not transsex-prone M2Fs," who you also referred to as "real men." I would suggest to you that there are perhaps several more appropriate (or reasonable) categories than those, and that you should open your mind to those possible categories as well. Human beings are extremely complicated creatures, and I think it is a dangerous practice to oversimplify things, which I think your broad categories happen to be doing here. You are, of course, free to disagree on the point.

I have a long tract record of expositions on the complexity of the human mind, both here on WMM and on my own Feminization website. There are those whom are irrevokably M2F transsex prone and that whole mishmash of assorted flotsum and jetsom who are not. If you like to spend your no-doubt-valuable time examining the minor different traits of the subspecies, be my guest.

I will just call them what they call themselves: "Real Men" who are not interested in that sissy crap. Women are for the four Fs, Find 'em. Feel 'em, Frack 'em, & Forget 'em, put a bag over their heads and they are all alike, har-har-har.

The brainwash is good. A-1 quality, top notch, primo. Everybody knows and agrees that is true -- there's no brainwash in the world better than the Red, White and Blue, Stars and Stripes, Red-Blooded All-American Male Brainwash. Look at all the hoo-haa-haa over letting the macho-jock military gays in the service over DADT. You think anybody is ready to let transwomen in the WACs and wear a skirt? Run that idea up the flagpole and see who salutes. "Real Men" won't stand for that -- it's a violation of the 4Fs, unnatural.

The difference between you and me is that I write files which cut the crap, and you don't.

I put my theory to the test, and then people whom I have never met in my life tell both of us that it works.

You put out theory which you are unwilling to back up with files. You have zero results to back up your say-so. You use the "absense of evidence" as proof that your's is superior.

Jacoburline wrote:I think it depends on how far people want to go with it...and I think many (if not most) do not want to go very far. They are just playing around with hypnosis, which is fine. Incidentally, I think those people are less likely to make a lot of comments.

Well, isn't that convenient, the exact people who could support your theory are absent because you lump-sum the ultra-varied population into one over-simplified lumpen mass of inarticulateness? "Human beings are extremely complicated creatures, and I think it is a dangerous practice to oversimplify things." The subject matter of this thread is HONESTY. Don't go all hypocritical on us here.

You disagree, and, as you say, we can agree that you are disagreeable.
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Postby Jacoburline » January 30th, 2011, 10:31 pm

Let us examine a couple of terms for a second...I'll just refer to what Wikipedia has to say on the subject as a basic starting point.

Brainwashing: "Mind control (also known as brainwashing, coercive persuasion, mind abuse, thought control, or thought reform) refers to a process in which a group or individual "systematically uses unethically manipulative methods to persuade others to conform to the wishes of the manipulator(s), often to the detriment of the person being manipulated."

Socialization: "Socialization is a term used by sociologists, social psychologists, anthropologists, politicians and educationalists to refer to the process of inheriting norms, customs and ideologies. It may provide the individual with the skills and habits necessary for participating within their own society; a society itself is formed through a plurality of shared norms, customs, values, traditions, social roles, symbols and languages. Socialization is thus ‘the means by which social and cultural continuity are attained"

There are certainly similarities between these two ideas. I am well aware that I have been socialized, or to use your term, programmed. That is obvious to anyone who has studied sociology to any extent. I am not so quick to call that socialization a completely negative thing, which explains why I use the term "socialization" as opposed to "brainwashing." Socialization is a complex process that can be beneficial as well as detrimental to individuals; you seem to think that it is entirely negative, which is at best an uneducated view. In fact, socialization is absolutely essential for a society to function at all.

My next point is that I am not using a complete absence of evidence--I am using my own experiences as a starting point, the experiences of others who have spoken to me on the topic, and, indeed, the second and third posts within this very thread! So your argument that I am arguing from an absence of evidence is false. Incidentally, I am most certainly not being hypocritical. I did not say that categories are completely useless; my point was really that you shouldn't dismiss a possible category without any basis for such a dismissal. I have done no such thing. So, you are wrong on that point as well.

Finally, my theory is not something that really needs to be backed up with more files. There are plenty of files already posted on this Website that more or less cater to the idea.

You might want to respond to this post, but please don't. I do not want to waste any more of my "no-doubt-valuable" time arguing with someone who is being unreasonably antagonistic and generally unpleasant.
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