Breast Growth Masturbation (review)

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Breast Growth Masturbation (review)

Postby Scopedog » February 9th, 2011, 9:00 am

File Name: Breast Growth Masturbation

File Author: Liann

Available at:

Time: 7:59

Period of time listened to: 4 weeks in rotation with other BGMW support files

Frequency: 1-3 times a week

Opinion of file: First off, this is a body file so you'll need to add an induction and an awakener (my favorites: (1) BGMN to Liane's BGM to BGMN subliminal (2) Elena's Night Night Trigger file ( to TTS-version of CycoMelody's BGM to Elena's Breast Success file (available at - YMMV). The script itself is very good, though I can see its effectiveness being determined by how deeply you are in trance. While this would be a detriment to the file by itself, when paired with BGMW and the other files, the synergy between them more than makes up for this.

Effectiveness of file: Speaking for myself, I have have only felt the pleasurable tightening once or twice. I attribute this entirely to the fact that, given family medical history, tightening in the chest area holds an entirely different connotation and that's probably preventing me from relaxing fully into it. (:D) Would like to hear about other's reactions in this regard.
Posts: 6
Joined: April 15th, 2005, 12:00 am

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