It has been a while...

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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It has been a while...

Postby saffy672200 » April 24th, 2011, 1:50 pm

Hi, I haven't been on here for a while, though I do check in every now and again to see what people are talking about. I'm a long-term victim of stroke-sissy, and, well, I continue to fight it, and fail and succeed by degrees, lol. Anyway, I was just wondering, that given that this site has been around for so long, how many of you came to warpmymind over five years ago, and have been around ever since? How has this site changed you in that time? What advice can you give others who have just now found the site? I look forward to hearing your stories.
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Re: It has been a while...

Postby Blackjaz » April 24th, 2011, 3:49 pm

saffy672200 wrote:Hi, I haven't been on here for a while, though I do check in every now and again to see what people are talking about. I'm a long-term victim of stroke-sissy, and, well, I continue to fight it, and fail and succeed by degrees, lol. Anyway, I was just wondering, that given that this site has been around for so long, how many of you came to warpmymind over five years ago, and have been around ever since? How has this site changed you in that time? What advice can you give others who have just now found the site? I look forward to hearing your stories.

I started using Hypo ever since 06;so I been around here for awhile now. I also used Stoke-sissy file also, but I got over it after a week. I also only used that file for only one week.

I was addicted to cross dressing for a week lol.
Nothing as really change, I still get bored of files after 5 days. I have been seeing a lot of different things, like open mind and how I sometime I feel like I am about to fall asleep during Hypnosis.

This is still a huge fetishes of mines, but I keep it as that. I am still pretty curious what I am really like as a female.
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ditto that

Postby Plaat » April 24th, 2011, 10:47 pm

I'm very much like blackjaz, and I second the fear of little missS files, I liked them alot, but got cold feet about listening more than a few times, I work with a lot of females and I can't risk..even if its unlikely, that I'll fall to pieces so to speak. I wonder what the difference is between us three and others who "transform" are they false? or different in some way?
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Postby Blackjaz » April 25th, 2011, 10:03 am

This is kinda strange, I have listen to Miss S file before, but I only listen once though. I really found myself not that affect by it. I guess I have one good alarm clock in my body lol
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Postby Alien4420 » April 30th, 2011, 8:58 am

I think I've been around about that long. I had just discovered hypnodommes and found this site in a web search. Since I've always had a sissy side I tried listeing to Stroke Sissy first, but it conflicted with the Mistress Seductra file I was listening to at the time so I listened only a few days. A few years later, the feminization files I was listening to made me curious about men, so I downloaded Train Sex Men, and that led to Curse Forced Gay, so I ended up gay.

I guess my advice would be to have fun but make sure you're OK with something before you listen to it: I've read too many stories about guys listening to Stroke Sissy or Forced Gay, then breaking up with their wives. Also, while the curse files are the obvious culprits, not to forget that other files can change you, make you more susceptible, and instill a desire to listen to other files that you wouldn't otherwise have touched. Not to mention that the heightened horniness that some of these files cause can be pretty damn addictive! It's like being a teenager again.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 30th, 2011, 3:20 pm

Are you going into trance? You have to go into at least a light trance for the file to actually change you, otherwise, as you say, it's just going to be JO material. Whereas if you do go into trance the amount of control can be spooky, it can actually make you act like a robot. Like when I try to get out of Curse Forced Gay and it makes me listen to the file again and again even though I'm trying to stop myself. The first time that happened, it was like "Whoa, what's this?"

BTW, I was like you, the only way I could ever contemplate sex with a man was if I was a woman. The idea of having a woman's body was always a turn on for me, though not my main thing. Which is why I liked the idea of Stroke Sissy. I do think that when you already have a tendency towards something the file is stronger and harder to beat, I really had to wrestle with Stroke Sissy even though I've only listened to it a few times. Being turned gay felt much less natural and it was really drawn out. I still have a fair amount of resistance, though it's never been enough to beat the file, forex I know I could listen to Curse Forced Straight or Train Sex Women right now but I can't bring myself to.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 30th, 2011, 5:39 pm

Dude, when something turns me on, it hits me like a ton of bricks; if I'd been gay I would have known it. What you're doing here is claiming that because hypnosis didn't work for you it doesn't work for anyone else. But the scientific evidence says that it works for some people and not for others. If it doesn't happen to work for you, that only means that it doesn't work for you. Whereas I've had my sexuality, and other things, changed many different ways by hypnosis.

What is true is that if you have a strong moral objection to something you will reject a suggestion. It's happened to me. You just pop out of trance. The example that's usually given is that if a hypnotist told you to kill your grandfather, you wouldn't. However, there are ways around that. For example, a hypnotist might convince you that your grandfather will kill you if you don't kill him. The curse files have many suggestions that are designed to get you to do something -- or not do something -- indirectly by changing your beliefs. For example, from Stroke Sissy:

"You have chosen to listen to this file, and that means that you have chosen what it is going to do to you…and you cannot stop this. You cannot fight it. You cannot resist it. You have no choice in this matter at all."

It's all BS, of course, but when you're in trance, it goes into your subconscious and alters your beliefs. If you believe that choosing to listen to a file means that you can't stop its effects, you're less likely to try. And that is why it says that, not because you necessarily want the effects. In fact, many people listen to these files precisely because they don't want the effects -- they have a hypnofetish and want to be controlled. That's why I first listened to these files: I was turned on by the idea of being hypnotically controlled by a dominatrix. And part of that means doing some things you don't want to do.
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Postby pypr420 » April 30th, 2011, 7:49 pm

these last few posts have been interesting for me. im with frowny on this though. ive never been attracted to guys as a a man.. but as a woman.. and now after years and years of listening to just about every feminization file on this site, i find myself actively seeking men to feminize me physically, daddy types.. id have never thought. however looking back at various instances in my life, this really "is" something ive always wanted, it's just not something i've consciously allowed myself to accept, up until now.. men dont turn me on, but when i perceive myself as female this is a different story. i find myself taking photos of myself en femme and than just looking at them in an effort to boost my femme confidence.. and it works. now i find myself posting photos on various transgendered dating sites. trust me, even one year ago i would have never ever considered evvvveeerrr letting anyone see a pic of me en femme, but the desire was there, so was the fear.. you can see my tits in the gallery here on this site actually.. ^_^

its difficult for someone who was born male to consciously perceive themself as female. hypnosis can only change your perceptions, but you still have to do the work.. hypnosis for me has pushed me to do the work.. ive known for a long time that i am transgendered, but without support in "any" dream or effort, it can be extremely difficult to exercise them into reality. any person can change there mind about anything at any time if they want to, think about how often your opinions change. who here has ever bought a car from a dealer and got exactly what they went in for. tell me your mind wasn't changed in some small way.. ^_^i

and to echo frowny, did the files make me do this? or is this something ive always wanted.. who cares? and again looking back, it tends to be the latter, the self-acceptance was missing. thinking im starting to rant. going to stop here ^_^
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Postby pypr420 » April 30th, 2011, 7:59 pm

i noticed we're all a bunch of pot heads so we should just get along ^_^ love and peace friends!!
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Postby Alien4420 » April 30th, 2011, 8:24 pm

pypr420 wrote:any person can change there mind about anything at any time if they want to, think about how often your opinions change. who here has ever bought a car from a dealer and got exactly what they went in for. tell me your mind wasn't changed in some small way.. ^_^i

The only difference between hypnosis and the suggestions we experience in life is that in hypnosis, we go into trance, often a deep one, voluntarily. But anyone who's ever forgotten he was watching a movie has been in trance. And anyone who's ever been influenced by someone else, or has thought of doing something and found themselves acting on it the next day, has been given a suggestion.

For me, the differences in hypnosis are degree of influence, and voluntary susceptibility to suggestions you might ordinarily reject. If someone told me "You'll be straight tomorrow" and I was amenable, it would have a mild -- but real -- effect. If I listened to Curse Forced Straight, I really *would* be straight tomorrow. But many of the techniques of suggestion are routinely used by people who want to influence us -- artists, advertisers, politicians.

But by the same token, for me, those are major differences. With hypnosis, I can change in ways or to a much greater degree than I could before. People have actually had surgery under hypnosis. Try doing that just by saying to yourself "I'm not going to feel any pain," ouch!
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Postby Alien4420 » May 1st, 2011, 5:40 am

Construe "morally" very broadly, as the Catholic Church did. The proper term is probably "superego" or even just "strong objection for any reason." But the point is that if you give someone a suggestion to jump off a bridge, they probably won't do it, just as they wouldn't if they weren't in a formal trance. An example from my own experience would be when Mistress Seductra told me that I love to swallow [cum]. I popped right out of trance, because I associated that with AIDS. (My current understanding is that the risk is much lower than I thought then, but I didn't know that at the time). It wasn't even a direct suggestion, but the implication was obvious. After that, I listened to the file as instructed, but that suggestion didn't sink in.
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Postby pypr420 » May 1st, 2011, 9:25 am

check your pm box frowny ^_^
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Postby saffy672200 » May 1st, 2011, 4:08 pm

Has anyone had their life ruined by long-term hypnosis on this site?
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Re: Wondering...

Postby calvin89 » May 4th, 2011, 1:53 am

saffy672200 wrote:Has anyone had their life ruined by long-term hypnosis on this site?

I sort of have, depending on how you look at it. Ive always been a tg, but Ive always struggled with it because on the surface i like being a guy, and i really have no answer of why i want to be a girl. Personaly, I have the belief that its because female hormones fucked up my sex identity in the womb, but who knows. Anyways when i was 18(22 now)and halfway through hs, I was in a weird situation cuz part of me complelty wanted to go transition especially cuz my bi and very open minded friend was moving far away and i could have probably moved with her if i would of had to courage to tell her then, I also had a huge crush on her so the manly part of me wouldn't let me. Any way i stumbled on this site, and didnt really believe things like super female wammy could work, but i figured what the hell if it works thats great cuz it would take away the conflict i had of being a boy or girl. Well it didnt do anything at all at first. But then my girlfriend of half a year which was my only real relationship and i really felt close to broke up with me, mainly cuz her hs friends convinced her she shouldn't be tied down in hs. Anyway that really devastated me and i smoked weed that night and when i came home for some reason i listend to the curses sfw and total feminisation and curse mtf. And wow i completly went under for the first time. Well the next day i noticed patches of leg hair missing and freaked out. So i stoped, and ended up getting my gf back. Over time i noticed like small amounts of change, espeically after i would smoke weed, i actually think it triggerd the changes, cuz i stoped listeing to the file very quickly. I noticed my baggy clothes started sagging on me worse and worse till i had to change to smaller sizes, and ive always been skinny i was like 145 150 5'8-5"7. Now I'm like 130 tops.But i also was in denial becuz i really loved my gf and wanted to stay a guy. So i tried listeing to some masculinity boosting files and nothing really happend. Anyways like around 2 years ago now I was noticing it was getting really bad my hips were like really getting fem and my thighs were fat instead of muscular. But nobody really noticed becuz my clothes make me look like just a real skinny guy. I really thought i was just compeltly hallucinating this, but when i showed my friend who came back to visit my body she was shocked that i wasnt lieing to her and confirmed for me that this indeed was real. Well my gf and i started fighting a lot around then after i moved in with my friend and we broke up and i was devastated but thought this meant i should finally go transition even tho a big part of me didn't want to. well a couple months later i moved in with my friend from hs halfway across the country, and her gf with the plan of doing that. But she ended up pretty much stabbing me in the back for reasons i still dont really understand(she kicked me out and stole my tv over my dog who she said would be fine staying their). By the way i was on unemployment and had a small possession of weed charge that made it hard to find a good job till i just recently got it off my record,(fucking hate our corrupt, hypocritical war on drugs waging gov). Well so now i had to move back with my parents. And today im living on my own but dont have the money to transition tho i will soon, but a big part of me wants to be a guy again and have a girlfriend again. Im like hugely depressed about my situation, and I dont have anyone to talk to about this. My friends are all guys and none of them are open minded about tg or gay stuff at all, although they are very open minded about like everything else. I just wanna be like I was before. The confusion i felt about my gender was NOTHING to the depression and embarassment i feel about my life right now. And i lost the only person who would help me to i still dont even know wut. So yeah you could deffinantly say hypnosis has ruined my life, And i ardly listend and tried to reverse it. Recantly i have been trying to eat better and get away from soda, and im planing on trying to listen to a lot of masculinising hypnosis along with an anti estrogen and maybe a t booster to try and see if i could possibly reverse this, The main problem is their arent really any good masculinising files i can find, especially the ones that change your body and hormones like sfw does in the opposite way. I know this is my own stupid ass fault for listening.But I really feel terrible and would give anything to be able to live a regular male life again. I still feel like i have a minor chance cuz i still get errections and dont look like a girl unless you see me naked and i still dont really have boobs just a lil fat and slightly bigger nipples. I mean if girls can change to guys then it should be possible for a guy who changed partway girl to go back to a man again right?... Well if anybody has any advice for me or would make a file for me that would do what i need it to i would majorly appreciate it. And would body of an 18 year old maybe do the trick cuz that is essentially what i want, is to have the body i had 4 years ago before i listened.
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Postby pypr420 » May 4th, 2011, 9:26 am

sounds like you need to make some new friends sweetie, it ain't ez being tg, but you'll probably regret it even more later if you don't do something about it.
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