Little Miss Squidgy

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Postby lisacd20 » August 18th, 2011, 1:23 pm

are the newer files permanantly pay files?
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Postby qv » August 18th, 2011, 3:15 pm

oraprog wrote:
BabyNiki wrote:For us that are absolutely turned on by being a sissy, but still are attracted to the female sex, is there any chance/interest in making a file that turns you into from male into a lesbian?

Now why would you want that? If you're turned on by being a sissy, you shouldn't have any interest in girls except as a sister. They can help you on your way, girls understand each other, they share intimate secrets, but they never have sex with each other.

oraprog wrote:but they never have sex with each other.

oraprog wrote:never

:lol: Lol... clearly you haven't seen much of the internet. Or television. Or movies... music videos... books... comic books... did you know Nightcrawler was actually going to be the product of the pairing between Mystique and Destiny? Who are both technically female, though Mystique can change that long enough to impregnate someone.
PS: this was in 1981. There's precedent.
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Postby oraprog » August 18th, 2011, 5:00 pm

Oh, you're just a silly sissy, now aren't you? Talking about comic books and stuff, that's boy things. Real sissies don't bother with such icky things, that's for weird pimply faced fat boys.

Real sissies worry about making sure they're wearing panties, because that's what they have to do to make guys want them. Little Miss Squidgy hasn't been told yet, but there's so much more to making a guy want you than just wearing panties - you have to get rid of all that yucky body hair, make sure your makeup is just perfect, make sure you have the perfect slut red color of lipstick. You have to practice all of this, take care of your skin, find the perfect bra to match to your panties, get just the right pair of shoes - to do all of this so that guys will want you and want to have sex with you. Then you can have sex because Little Miss Squidgy can get hard with guys and she likes doing it.

That's why you're being silly wanting to actually have sex with a girl. There's so many things you have to deal with, you don't have time to deal with having sex with a girl. You need the girls to teach you about all these things that you've been missing out on.

Silly little sissy....
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Postby qv » August 19th, 2011, 12:32 am

oraprog wrote:Oh, you're just a silly sissy, now aren't you? Talking about comic books and stuff, that's boy things. Real sissies don't bother with such icky things, that's for weird pimply faced fat boys.

oraprog wrote:weird pimply faced fat boys

:lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:
Hahahaha... spot-on.
The thing is though, I was saying stuff for people who had heard the file. I am not one of those people. I just figure people ought to be able to keep their options open is all... besides, what about particularly manly women? They should count.
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Postby oraprog » August 21st, 2011, 5:54 pm

Hmm...well if you haven't listened to the files then you really don't know do you? One of the things Miss Squidgy files does is make you realize which you go fall - are you a Real Man or a mincing little sissy? It's a kind of test, Real Men might laugh at the recording. But sissies, even those who are hiding it will know inside what they are. And sissies don't have sex with women, even very manly women. It isn't about the sissy becoming gay, a sissy is a girl. She wants to impress the boys. Having sex with women would just be weird.

Now - if you haven't actually listened, then you should - find out which you go. Without listening, you just won't know and without knowing, you can't understand.
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Postby bandler » August 21st, 2011, 11:05 pm

oraprog wrote:Hmm...well if you haven't listened to the files then you really don't know do you? One of the things Miss Squidgy files does is make you realize which you go fall - are you a Real Man or a mincing little sissy? It's a kind of test, Real Men might laugh at the recording. But sissies, even those who are hiding it will know inside what they are. And sissies don't have sex with women, even very manly women. It isn't about the sissy becoming gay, a sissy is a girl. She wants to impress the boys. Having sex with women would just be weird.

Now - if you haven't actually listened, then you should - find out which you go. Without listening, you just won't know and without knowing, you can't understand.

Well Stated.

Could Not Agree More.
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I enjoyed these files

Postby WaterJAG » August 24th, 2011, 1:52 am

I patiently anticipate when I can listen to the pay files.
Last edited by WaterJAG on August 28th, 2011, 6:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Fjm » August 24th, 2011, 12:52 pm

oraprog wrote:Hmm...well if you haven't listened to the files then you really don't know do you? One of the things Miss Squidgy files does is make you realize which you go fall - are you a Real Man or a mincing little sissy? It's a kind of test, Real Men might laugh at the recording. But sissies, even those who are hiding it will know inside what they are. And sissies don't have sex with women, even very manly women. It isn't about the sissy becoming gay, a sissy is a girl. She wants to impress the boys. Having sex with women would just be weird.

Now - if you haven't actually listened, then you should - find out which you go. Without listening, you just won't know and without knowing, you can't understand.

If a "sissy" is a girl (gender identity) she may be a lesbian (sexual orientation) girl.
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Postby qv » August 24th, 2011, 4:01 pm

oraprog wrote:Hmm...well if you haven't listened to the files then you really don't know do you? One of the things Miss Squidgy files does is make you realize which you go fall - are you a Real Man or a mincing little sissy? It's a kind of test, Real Men might laugh at the recording. But sissies, even those who are hiding it will know inside what they are. And sissies don't have sex with women, even very manly women. It isn't about the sissy becoming gay, a sissy is a girl. She wants to impress the boys. Having sex with women would just be weird.

Now - if you haven't actually listened, then you should - find out which you go. Without listening, you just won't know and without knowing, you can't understand.

There, I listened to the whole thing ya whiny bastard. All my life people are like "How do you know if you've never tried it?", and I figured that since even on my most basic level I find this concept personally contemptible, it would be easy to get through without being affected. Of course, it was easy enough resisting the suggestions (even the 'if you resist it's because you're a sissy' suggestions, because circular logic pisses me off), but it wasn't so easy keeping it playing. It was god-awfully long... I couldn't believe it when I discovered halfway through that I was only halfway through, because it felt like it had already been longer than any of the files I actually use. It was so boring, I was doing other stuff at the same time because it was just the same crap over and over again. Which is good for hypnosis, but I didn't really care for it. Particularly since the entire premise of the file is exactly the sort of thing that even the deepest darkest parts of myself think is unappealing. I know because I've asked.
To tell the truth, the actual hypnosis bits, such as use of 'not', background noises, and the general 'you don't think it works because it does' bits... this file does those well, so clearly a lot of thought and skill were put into it, but at the same time the language is the sort of scripting you would stereotypically find in indie porn movies, which is probably on purpose but is still a tad jarring due to its one-track focus and unbearably poor speech.
See, my problem is that the file attempts to transfer sexual pleasure from women to men, and I don't really care for either. Color me weird, but I don't consider myself a "Real man" or a "Sissy" either. I'm just a trolling weaboo with an interest in the boundaries of psychological experience, so by definition I abhor that which would limit my exploration of it. And this file assumes too much and restricts too much. People can be little shy submissive girls and still be hardcore lesbos. In fact it's an extremely popular theme in anime, and I'm inclined to believe that in some cases, it is art imitating life.
So long story short, "Real Men" vs. "Sissy" is a false dichotomy, as is "Gay" vs. "Straight", which was my original point. Rarely are things so absolute... to disregard that which lies between is at best short-sighted and at worst the single biggest reason for the world's ills.
Also, y'know how everyone says hypnosis only works if you want it to? That's mostly something spread by hypnotists to placate the uncomfortable masses, but there is a slice of truth to it. It's easier resisting suggestions if you can recognize when, why, and how they're being used, and while arousal and pleasure are almost always enough to convince a person's subconscious to submit, there are occasionally times where it realizes the trade-off simply isn't worth it.
Tl;dr: It was pretty blegh, and if this file is to be believed I am beyond classification.
*Inb4 'you have to let it work for it to work, dumbass'*
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Postby ihp » August 25th, 2011, 1:03 am

qv wrote:And this file assumes too much and restricts too much.

That's why so many people like. It's specific. That's what hypnosis is for, in most cases: hen the hypnotic suggestion are what someone already wants. This file helps people imagine, picture what they want, or feel like how they want to feel (a "gay" sissy), more strongly than they can do on their own.
In that respect, it does expand THEIR minds.

It just doesn't expand yours because you don't like the content. Which is fine.

So, if you don't like it, why spend so much time wasting our forums? You are acting like a troll. Someone who pines on net forums for no reason other than they like the attention and feedback.

I recommend to everyone that they just ignore any future posts of yours.

It's sad that something you don't like makes you so angry. I don't like this file either. I would like to see an attracted-to-females (or femdoms, maybe) version. But I don't get pissed. I just stopped listening (which meant I'm a "real man" despite having even tried the file out in the first place--yes, the logic isn't great, but, most often effective hypnosis techniques stave off from directly logical statement. In hypnosis (for most-but not all-people) logical dialogue will stimulate the conscious mind too much, preventing trance.), and went on and tried something else and

Didn't bother anybody, say anything negative, attack anyone, like you are now.

Now, please, go read a book, or get another degree, or get another job, or volutneer--please! If you truly do have such a brilliantly important mind, devote it to something greater! Contribute to the world! Write a book, share your knowledge. Something. Because, even though this here is a community, it is still founded on entertainment. It's for recreation. For fun.

Please stop trolling. Thank you.
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Postby angelcraves » August 25th, 2011, 1:44 am

Oraprog you have a great style of writing !
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Postby qv » August 25th, 2011, 1:46 am

Yeah, okay.
I did sort of deviate from my original point.
And to tell the truth it was all probably a result of latent frustration regarding society's tendency to overemphasize aspects of sexuality in life, because in places like this people assume that my assertion that I have no sexual urges or desires is just my mind burying my deep dark fantasies, waiting for someone to draw them into the light to be seen and glorified by all.
And in any case I have what seem to be deep-rooted psychological reasons for my unreasonable hatred for anything that would impede my sense of agency, so really I'm just being prejudiced to this and related concepts... and also why taking on responsibilities is so tortuous to me.
This is also unrelated. Damnit I talk too much.

So I'll just leave on the note that trolling was not my intent, and as such I resent what you are implying. To prove my intent, I will leave this thread and ne'er return.
Good day to you, sir, [thisisactualtrolling]and may your nipples stay erect forever and a day.[/thisisactualtrolling]
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Postby oraprog » August 25th, 2011, 8:17 pm

qv wrote: Color me weird, but I don't consider myself a "Real man" or a "Sissy" either. I'm just a trolling weaboo

I see - thank you.
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Postby oraprog » August 25th, 2011, 8:29 pm

Fjm wrote:If a "sissy" is a girl (gender identity) she may be a lesbian (sexual orientation) girl.

Yes, I was wondering when someone was going to ask about that. It's true that this could happen except for one detail - Little Miss Squidgy ISN'T a lesbian. She's nervous around women. Little Miss Squidgy couldn't satisfy a woman as either a man or a woman, what woman would want someone like that? Women have needs and Little Miss Squidgy can't satisfy them.

No, women are best as friends and teachers. If Little Miss Squidgy wants to have sex, if she wants to have all the guys want her, then it's best if she learns to be the best girl she can be. That means not just wearing panties, but coming to think of herself as a girl - an inferior girl to be sure, but a girl all the same.

After all, wearing panties is fun and all, but if you're just wearing panties and maybe a pretty matching bra and maybe sexy stockings...if that is what Little Miss Squidgy is wearing but nobody knows, then it does not good. All that effort is wasted if nobody knows about it. It reminds Little Miss Squidgy what a sissy she is, but this isn't about her. She needs to do more, to show her panties and her bra and her sexy stockings. She should wear lipstick, bright red, sexy red slutty lipstick. Then maybe, just maybe, the boys might want to play with her rather than all those real girls.

Do you see?
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Postby sissywisconsin » August 26th, 2011, 11:52 am

i listened to this yesterday and actually went out and bought panties and a slutty bra and pantie set in pink and black. I bought my wife a rabbit vibe because i keep failing in the use of my little thing. She is so frustrated when i fail so She deserves pleasure.
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Postby Winterdream » August 27th, 2011, 1:40 am

What qv said about being able to be a submissive little girl but hardcore lesbo etc.. real good read actually.I do like the files in general though, as they are what they are. Although the recent ones are way to expensive. Seriously.
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Postby oraprog » August 27th, 2011, 2:03 am

sissywisconsin wrote:i listened to this yesterday and actually went out and bought panties and a slutty bra and pantie set in pink and black. I bought my wife a rabbit vibe because i keep failing in the use of my little thing. She is so frustrated when i fail so She deserves pleasure.

Good for you - you've taken the first step to realizing your correct status. Just remember that it's only a first step and there are many more to come.

Just remember that merely wearing panties isn't enough - that's what you know. If you want to get a guy, you have to show them, you have to prove to them that you're better than the girls. It's like advertising - if you just wear panties under your clothes, then nobody knows and nobody can see what you are. You have to go that next step, to start giving external clues. Maybe you only do it with one guy, with that guy that you want. Maybe right now you just do it for him. You just let him see that sexy thong or you discretely look at his crotch and lick your lips. And then when you're alone, you let him see your panties, you go that extra step to do what he likes so that he'll want you instead of a girl.

Eventually, you'll be comfortable enough to advertise openly, to wear makeup, to wear lipstick, to wear high heels and a high quality wig. If you really want to push it, to take hormones and even to get breast implants so that your look more and more like a girl. Because that's what real guys like, that's what you need to do if you want to get a guy. It's just the way it is...
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Postby sissywisconsin » September 1st, 2011, 8:13 am

Thank you for the support! I actually wore pink panties to a baseball game and i know they showed each time i had to use the restroom. My heart was pounding but i did look at the real cocks next to me. Monday morning my wife wanted me and all i kept hearing was little Miss Squ... i got hard but once in Her i lasted less than a minute. It hurts hearing "Dammit!!" when i fail. I will try to figure things out but making real men happy seems right to me.
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Postby sissywisconsin » September 2nd, 2011, 10:00 am

i just listened to it again and got about half way through i guess the 20 minute mark and had to pause it. i was getting my little thing rock hard at the thought of real men and i swear almost came in my panties with out touching. i had to stop it because in an effort to reassert my maleness i invited my wife to use the rabbit vibe i got her in an hour or so. After messing up in bed last time i thought i could fix things between us. I don't know how things will work out but i am so darn nervous.
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Postby oraprog » September 2nd, 2011, 8:31 pm

And shouldn't you be nervous? After all, you can't satisfy her, can you? I mean, you'd like to and all, but it just isn't going to happen. We all know that you'd like to assert your manliness, you just don't have the don't fight it. You like sex, we get that. But you know that no woman will ever want to have sex with you, so what's a poor little sissy to do?

Relax - there's an answer, you just have to keep listening to the files. Just keep listening, stay in're find the resolution.
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Postby Fjm » September 2nd, 2011, 11:45 pm

oraprog wrote:And shouldn't you be nervous? After all, you can't satisfy her, can you? I mean, you'd like to and all, but it just isn't going to happen. We all know that you'd like to assert your manliness, you just don't have the don't fight it. You like sex, we get that. But you know that no woman will ever want to have sex with you, so what's a poor little sissy to do?

Relax - there's an answer, you just have to keep listening to the files. Just keep listening, stay in're find the resolution.

If he keeps listening ... keeps being unable to have sex with his wife ... then he risks having a divorce. That may not be that good of a resolution...
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Postby BecomingX » September 3rd, 2011, 3:07 am

I agree with Fjm, Don't confuse erotic 'fantasy' pleasures brought on by hypnosis with reality. It might seem really addictive and good right now but when you've lost your wife and life reality will kick back big time.

Be careful out there and don't disrespect and lose the good things you have unless prepared for the consequences.

ps. sorry for the downer
xx Bx xx
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Postby oraprog » September 3rd, 2011, 11:25 am

So you're supporting suppression of who a person is to conform with society? Wow, that is a downer.

Even if he stops listening, there's still the sticky little issue that he has discovered who he really is. You can hide reality, but that doesn't chafe reality. If someone likes wearing panties, if he's unable to get hard with a woman, if he thinks about men and nearly comes in his panties...isn't the lie to try to go back and have sex with his wife? [/u]
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Postby misterlastname58 » September 3rd, 2011, 6:13 pm

oraprog wrote:So you're supporting suppression of who a person is to conform with society? Wow, that is a downer.

Even if he stops listening, there's still the sticky little issue that he has discovered who he really is. You can hide reality, but that doesn't chafe reality. If someone likes wearing panties, if he's unable to get hard with a woman, if he thinks about men and nearly comes in his panties...isn't the lie to try to go back and have sex with his wife? [/u]

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Postby sudo » September 4th, 2011, 4:59 am

oraprog wrote:So you're supporting suppression of who a person is to conform with society? Wow, that is a downer.

Even if he stops listening, there's still the sticky little issue that he has discovered who he really is. You can hide reality, but that doesn't chafe reality. If someone likes wearing panties, if he's unable to get hard with a woman, if he thinks about men and nearly comes in his panties...isn't the lie to try to go back and have sex with his wife?

Possibly, but he has a choice. The same way you can foster your sissy personality you can foster your other side. If he actually needs all the things you mentioned because of a file it means it is something that can be changed, doesn't it? Some of us might value our families more than pursuing an impotence fantasy. It's always a choice.
Anyhoo, I have the impression that the different opinions here are more about how seriously we are taking the poster and how serious we want to be about giving advice than about what our opinions really are.
Just my 2 cents.
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Postby sissywisconsin » September 4th, 2011, 7:51 am

Thanks for the input. Well the way it worked out was we got into bed and i was nervous, not wanting to let Her down. I tried on a pair of black underwear tight with a zipper in front. She said i looked cute and asked what would happen if i got an erection with the zipper there. As i kissed her and worked my way down her back to her ass i actually got my little thing hard so i slipped out of the undies. My mind tried to focus on her moans of pleasure and i stayed hard. She took out her rabbit and figured out how it worked and she was moments away from Her big O and she slid me in. I lost it in less than 20 seconds and although she said something nice like it feels better with me in her i know She did not get there. Later we talked about her and the toy and i said that i wished she had gotten there with the toy and i was sorry that i could not last. It was not a nightmare but it surely did not give me any confidence. I honestly used to be able to go for 20 minutes or more. I do value my marriage and family but on the sex end i know my desire to please has to be realistic. I know my limitations. I also know my sissy side could lead to trouble. I feel sexiest when dressed and my heart beats like a drum imagining real men because i know they understand what i am best at.
sorry for the rambling but things are not simple. I know if it was just my wife and i and no kids we could be more open and work things out. My desires and fears do matter to her as hers do to me. Maybe getting her strap on back into the relationship could help but since sex is mostly in our minds i don't know. I will see where this goes. thanks again, warm wet kisses!
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Postby ohyouknow » September 4th, 2011, 2:10 pm

I can empathise with your situation because I've had a similar experience with impotence fantasy and hypnosis. I had impotence induced via the emailslave file while I was in a relationship, and after two or three failures (or successes from the other point of view) that relationship broke up.

That was upsetting, and I felt bad about 'selfishly' disappointing my partner, but of course it was a turn-on too. I still haven't worked out which I want more, to be in a sexual relationship or to have induced impotence. In my case it wasn't possible to have both at the same time.
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Postby BecomingX » September 4th, 2011, 5:01 pm

oraprog wrote:
So you're supporting suppression of who a person is to conform with society? Wow, that is a downer.

No, that's not what I wrote. And no, I don't have any morality judgment against this file either.

Put plainly I meant that people in general should be really sure in their own mind about what path they want to take before making or taking any life changing decisions or actions. In this case it wouldn't hurt to stop listening to the file for a week and do some other things.

If a week passes and the poster still wants to go down the road they are on then it's a free world and they are entitled do whatever they want.

Just taking a little caution, slowing things down and being totally sure, you are sure doesn't hurt sometimes. And taking a break can sometimes give a much needed change of perspective.
xx Bx xx
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Postby Fjm » September 4th, 2011, 7:31 pm

BecomingX wrote:oraprog wrote:
So you're supporting suppression of who a person is to conform with society? Wow, that is a downer.

No, that's not what I wrote. And no, I don't have any morality judgment against this file either.

Put plainly I meant that people in general should be really sure in their own mind about what path they want to take before making or taking any life changing decisions or actions. In this case it wouldn't hurt to stop listening to the file for a week and do some other things.

If a week passes and the poster still wants to go down the road they are on then it's a free world and they are entitled do whatever they want.

Just taking a little caution, slowing things down and being totally sure, you are sure doesn't hurt sometimes. And taking a break can sometimes give a much needed change of perspective.

I fully agree, everyone can do what he wants with his life, but if you have a family or a valued relationship it really wouldn't hurt to wait two, perhaps three weeks without listening and then think again about pursuing the sissy-impotence path and its life-changing consequences.
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Postby sissywisconsin » September 5th, 2011, 8:39 am

Thanks for the understanding and well thought out replies. I have not listened to this file since Friday and being away from the computer doing family stuff shifted my focus a bit. My wife had a few drinks on an empty stomach and got a bit mean spirited. She asked me if i wanted to stay married to her. The question came from out of the blue. I said of course i do and i listed many of our joys and successes together. She apologized later but it made me even less secure in my male side. I am off to shower and shave down there and i may avoid panties for the day. I have a local Dom who is pursuing me and seems to understand my situation.
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Postby oraprog » September 6th, 2011, 9:06 am

BecomingX wrote: In this case it wouldn't hurt to stop listening to the file for a week and do some other things.

If a week passes and the poster still wants to go down the road they are on then it's a free world and they are entitled do whatever they want.

Yes, I agree. He should stop listening. The fear I have is that he will always know that he is a sissy, that he should be a sissy, but he will "make it work" because that's what everyone expects. Denial of sel fulfillment is the worst waste.
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Postby sissywisconsin » September 6th, 2011, 11:08 am

Thank you Ora. I will try to focus on family rather than accepting my sissy side. I wish i could be two people at the same time. Strong hubby/daddy and pleasure giver enthusiastic sissy. I will see how this progresses.
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Postby qv » September 6th, 2011, 1:13 pm

oraprog wrote:
BecomingX wrote: In this case it wouldn't hurt to stop listening to the file for a week and do some other things.

If a week passes and the poster still wants to go down the road they are on then it's a free world and they are entitled do whatever they want.

Yes, I agree. He should stop listening. The fear I have is that he will always know that he is a sissy, that he should be a sissy, but he will "make it work" because that's what everyone expects. Denial of sel fulfillment is the worst waste.

Okay, so I swore I wouldn't post in this thread ever again, but that statement really resonated with me... you said what I was trying to say this whole time, and for that, I'm both sorry for myself and proud of you.
Thanks for that... I could not be in more agreement if I tried.
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Postby oraprog » September 12th, 2011, 6:03 am

sudo wrote: The same way you can foster your sissy personality you can foster your other side. If he actually needs all the things you mentioned because of a file it means it is something that can be changed, doesn't it?

I've been trying to figure out what bugged me about this quote and I think I finally got it...why would a real man have a sissy side to be fostered? Isn't the fact that it's even there the sign that it's real?

I mean - it's rather crazy to think that someone could just record a file that would convince you that you're a sissy when you've got nothing there, right?

Stopping listening for a while is just another test - if he can go back to being a man, if he can make love to his wife without thinking about wearing lingerie, having long red fingernails, wearing lipstick, sucking cock or having some stud kneeling behind him fucking him...then I'll agree that it's a just a fantasy. But if it takes those things for him to make love to his wife, what's the lie? Isn't he really making love to the stud behind him?

Just thoughts...I'm not a believer in sissies being made, they exist and you discover it about yourself. If it's there and you choose to suppress it - that's your choice.
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Postby sissywisconsin » September 12th, 2011, 7:38 am

Thank you Ora just an update i have not listened to this file in a while I did have about an hour to myself where i got to wear some of the stockings bra and panties i bought since the first time i listened. And i looked hot in the mirror. i have been avoiding the intimacy issue with the wife helped by it is her time of the month but i think tomorrow i may be called upon to try. I am still mixed up i guess. Stress at work and in the bedroom. Weird dreams of feeling inadequate. There are things i can do to compartmentalize my actions but my thoughts do return to reality. I had purchased some Viagara from overseas and it works but when i still lose the erection or squirt in a few seconds it just seems silly to try.
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Postby jessicd » September 18th, 2011, 6:00 am

Whether you believe it or not ora habits, traits, tendancies, fantasies desires are transcient.

We are adaptable beings and this website as a whole, and its varying influences are a testament to our propensity for change, intentional, inadvertent, unwilling and all the varying things inbetween.

Your posts are hot in kinda damning manipulative sense, but the idea that people simple are sissies in a similar sense as people simply have black hair is ludicrous

(not to mention you can buy hair dye!)
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Postby oraprog » September 18th, 2011, 8:43 pm

Yes, but why would you want to buy black hair dye when we all know blonds are more fun. You can cover up the blond hair, but that won't make you have black hair, it just makes you hide what your true hair color is.

If you believe that being a sissy is transient...then you're obviously not one and you don't understand. True sissies are for life. if you discover it and you know - then it's real. For a real sissy, there isn't a choice to make, other than what color panties to wear and whether or not to wear matching lipstick.

You don't have to buy this - it doesn't change it, but thos who know, know.
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Postby Sober » September 19th, 2011, 3:30 am

oraprog wrote:Yes, but why would you want to buy black hair dye when we all know blonds are more fun. You can cover up the blond hair, but that won't make you have black hair, it just makes you hide what your true hair color is.

If you believe that being a sissy is transient...then you're obviously not one and you don't understand. True sissies are for life. if you discover it and you know - then it's real. For a real sissy, there isn't a choice to make, other than what color panties to wear and whether or not to wear matching lipstick.

You don't have to buy this - it doesn't change it, but thos who know, know.

I think it's very narrow-minded to homogenise sissies and say that real sissies are sissies for life etc.
I would consider myself a sissy, but I don't want to be a full-time sissy who's in complete submission to someone else. But, if I were to listen to curse stroke sissy and little miss squidgy, I think that would engender my sissy urges and cause them to take root more. Perhaps that means I do want that, deep down, but then I also want to maintain the life I currently have. Just because someone has desire X, doesn't mean they can't also desire Y, even if X and Y are in opposition.
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Postby lisacd20 » September 19th, 2011, 5:36 am

Sober wrote:
oraprog wrote:Yes, but why would you want to buy black hair dye when we all know blonds are more fun. You can cover up the blond hair, but that won't make you have black hair, it just makes you hide what your true hair color is.

If you believe that being a sissy is transient...then you're obviously not one and you don't understand. True sissies are for life. if you discover it and you know - then it's real. For a real sissy, there isn't a choice to make, other than what color panties to wear and whether or not to wear matching lipstick.

You don't have to buy this - it doesn't change it, but thos who know, know.

I think it's very narrow-minded to homogenise sissies and say that real sissies are sissies for life etc.
I would consider myself a sissy, but I don't want to be a full-time sissy who's in complete submission to someone else. But, if I were to listen to curse stroke sissy and little miss squidgy, I think that would engender my sissy urges and cause them to take root more. Perhaps that means I do want that, deep down, but then I also want to maintain the life I currently have. Just because someone has desire X, doesn't mean they can't also desire Y, even if X and Y are in opposition.

I agree theres always a grey area, you dont have to be a sissy 24 7 if thats not your desire. And its rediculous to claim that you are somehow "wrong" for what you feel.
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Postby oraprog » September 19th, 2011, 6:17 am

Well of course you can convince yourself to want to do more. You silly!

But what I'm saying is that when someone is a real sissy, they're always a sissy. It doesn't have to be nurtured, you don't have to listen to any loops to enforce it. If you are, then you are and you know.

You've just said that you aren't or at least that you're afraid to admit it. If you like being a sissy, but you're afraid to let go and do what you want, then maybe you're a real sissy, but you're just complying with what society wants.

Hey, I don't fault anyone for being afraid to let go. That's each person's choice, but I consider self denial to be the worst form of waste. But it IS your choice to deny having fun.
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Postby Milkweed » September 21st, 2011, 3:35 pm

MsJ, you are a marvel!
I love the Little Miss Squidgy files, especially "Suck" but all that I have heard so far. I feel I owe you so much!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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Postby nystul » October 12th, 2011, 1:10 pm

They are amazing, specially the first one, i really enjoyed them!
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Postby sissywisconsin » October 12th, 2011, 1:40 pm

Ok a quick update. i have not listened to these files in over a month. i did have a decent episode with my wife 2 Sundays ago. She rolled over and offered me her breast and i did my best to get hard. it worked out that she waited until she was there at the edge and then stuck me in. i lasted about 22 seconds but She seemed happy. Since then i find myself still visiting Sissy blogs and admiring real sized cocks online. i actually did respond to a Craig s list posting and have correspond with someone who is demanding more than i can offer right now. This past sunday for some reason i shaved the area around my nipples. Now i look kind of silly and i undress with my back to my wife. I had a lesbian friend in front of my wife tell me i would be surprised at how hot i would look dressed as a girl. It was part of a discussion about a gay club they go to but i tried to ignore it. i have been very aware of the fact that these files can affect changes within certain people. i just can't wreck my life to serve Men who understand my weaknesses and cravings. I am still wearing panties and women make me a bit nervous.
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Postby iamli3 » October 21st, 2011, 9:27 pm

[quote="ihp"][quote="qv"]And this file assumes too much and restricts too much.[/quote]

It's sad that something you don't like makes you so angry.
So, if you don't like it, why spend so much time wasting our forums?


god i hate fucking morons......
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Postby sissywisconsin » October 24th, 2011, 7:20 am

Just an is weird that i feel relief now that my wife has started her period today. Avoiding intimacy was never part of my plan but it seems easier than accepting my shortcomings. i have not listened to these files in a long time but they still echo loudly in my mind. i have 7 days worth of panties and i feel secure when my little thing is tucked safely in them. I know my wife is pissed that i have not initiated things but she still says she loves me. i am more interested in Her dusting off our strap on than squirting if that makes sense. Be careful with these files.
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Postby ihp » October 24th, 2011, 9:00 am

sissywisconsin wrote:Just an is weird that i feel relief now that my wife has started her period today. Avoiding intimacy was never part of my plan but it seems easier than accepting my shortcomings. i have not listened to these files in a long time but they still echo loudly in my mind. i have 7 days worth of panties and i feel secure when my little thing is tucked safely in them. I know my wife is pissed that i have not initiated things but she still says she loves me. i am more interested in Her dusting off our strap on than squirting if that makes sense. Be careful with these files.

This sounds so irresponsible--you don't even care about your wife's needs!

Please, if you are only using hypnosis for entertainment purposes but it starts affecting your lifestyle (and hurting others), then you should stop (and have triggers reversed).

If you are using hypnosis for lifestyle changes, you need to be honest with the other people it affects.
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Postby lisacd20 » November 4th, 2011, 6:48 pm

you have to relax and take things with a grain of salt, really... do you have and proof its real even?
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Postby oraprog » November 5th, 2011, 1:56 am

ihp wrote:Please, if you are only using hypnosis for entertainment purposes but it starts affecting your lifestyle (and hurting others), then you should stop (and have triggers reversed).

That's a nice thought, but it isn't reality. You can say stop, but the mind is a strange thing. Once you've convinced yourself of one thing, it isn't just "having triggers reversed" to make it all go away. You build patterns, make connections and once built, those connections cannot be unbuilt.

All you can do is build newer, stronger patterns over the top of them, but the other ones will still be there. For some people that isn't possible, perhaps because they like the new them, perhaps because they fell too deep already.

And of course - there is no file on here that I'm aware of called "reclaim your masculinity" that would help build these new patterns. I'm not a scripter, perhaps someone else could take that?

End result - this isn't just play. There are real effects and therefore real consequences. When you start playing around, you don't know what the end result will be. You're an adult, take responsibility for your own actions, including making an uninformed decision to listen to something in the first place.

Otherwise - it's all in your head. Visualize yourself being The Man during sex and embrace it. Think of yourself doing what you want to do and silence the inner voice that says no. The first step is convincing yourself that it's possible.

But what do I know, I'm not an expert.
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Postby Fjm » November 9th, 2011, 9:29 am

oraprog wrote:
ihp wrote:Please, if you are only using hypnosis for entertainment purposes but it starts affecting your lifestyle (and hurting others), then you should stop (and have triggers reversed).

That's a nice thought, but it isn't reality. You can say stop, but the mind is a strange thing. Once you've convinced yourself of one thing, it isn't just "having triggers reversed" to make it all go away. You build patterns, make connections and once built, those connections cannot be unbuilt.

All you can do is build newer, stronger patterns over the top of them, but the other ones will still be there. For some people that isn't possible, perhaps because they like the new them, perhaps because they fell too deep already.

And of course - there is no file on here that I'm aware of called "reclaim your masculinity" that would help build these new patterns. I'm not a scripter, perhaps someone else could take that?

End result - this isn't just play. There are real effects and therefore real consequences. When you start playing around, you don't know what the end result will be. You're an adult, take responsibility for your own actions, including making an uninformed decision to listen to something in the first place.

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Postby BecomingX » November 9th, 2011, 12:57 pm

oraprog wrote:

'And of course - there is no file on here that I'm aware of called "reclaim your masculinity" that would help build these new patterns. I'm not a scripter, perhaps someone else could take that?'

... well... there is a file I made that might help anyone who wants to reclaim their masculinity. No guaranteed results. If you want the file to work you have to go cold turkey and not listen to any other feminization files or it's going to be pretty useless.

Link below
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