Just listened to EMG's Curse Panty Deal.

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Just listened to EMG's Curse Panty Deal.

Postby IMustWearPanties » September 25th, 2011, 8:40 pm

For those of you unfamiliar, the Panty Deal is as follows: The listener must wear panties at all times. Wearing panties makes you horny, but you are not allowed to masturbate while wearing panties. The only way you are allowed to remove your panties is by further feminizing yourself for eight hours, which grants you one hour of freedom to do whatever you please. Each time you remove your panties under these conditions, the arousing effect of wearing panties becomes stronger.

I prepared beforehand by making sure I had a pair of panties at my side while I listened, and as soon as I awoke I genuinely scrambled to get them on. If nothing else, even if I wake up tomorrow morning and just decide the whole thing is stupid and take them off, that initial moment was powerful. I became immediately aware that I was not wearing my panties and I had to get them on. I went and registered this account almost immediately after, so I suppose the username also speaks for the effects as well.

It is making me a little horny every once in a while, but not so much that I'm compelled to do something to feminize myself so I can get my panties off. I've already thought about touching myself a few times, but I haven't had a strong enough urge to determine whether or not I'm being "tortured by horniness" or anything like that. I really do feel pretty normal right now, just, you know, with panties on.

I should point out that this is my very first experience with hypnosis of any kind. I listened to a few inductions first, then I went straight into the Panty Deal, so some of how it works on me my have just as much to do with my lack of experience as anything else. The plan is to listen through in the morning again and see where that takes me, see if that makes it stronger at all. I'll also post again tomorrow to update on whether or not the effects have held up.
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Postby hammerklav » September 25th, 2011, 8:57 pm

Sounds fun! Good luck! :)
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Postby IMustWearPanties » September 26th, 2011, 7:58 am

I had a very difficult time getting to sleep last night. When I was occupied last night it allowed me to keep myself distracted, so the horniness wasn't overwhelming. When it came time to sleep, I wasn't doing anything else, and that's when the curse was certainly in full effect. I could barely stay still because I was so horny, which just made things worse because moving around made sure I could feel the panties even more, which made me even more horny. Up until I tried to sleep last night, I wasn't so sure if this was going to work, but I'm convinced now. Even writing this post, I'm more horny than I was writing the last one.

When I woke up this morning I immediately listened to the file again, and it was definitely a lot more powerful after trying to sleep last night. I have to say, as a newbie to all this, I always had the wrong impression about what a trance would feel like. There's a portion of the induction that talks about what it should feel like, which was a very big part of what made it work, I think. But anyways, last night when I listened I believed some parts and doubted others, but this time when I listened it had me accepting every word.

Today brought out the same immediate powerful effect as yesterday, as well. This time, though, because I was already wearing my panties, it made me very, very horny. I had to just sit there for a good five minutes before I could bring myself to move at all. Also, yesterday I felt a little unclear on the masturbation restrictions. I wasn't sure if I wasn't allowed to cum or if I wasn't allowed to masturbate at all. The wording is a bit inconsistent. At the very start it seems to suggest I simply can't sum, but during trance it suggests that I can't touch myself in any way. I'm going with not touching myself in any way.

Yesterday, before trying to sleep, I hadn't even considered the option of further feminization yet. My mind was RACING with ideas to feminize myself as I listened through the file again today. I feel like the eight hour restriction is going to make things very difficult, though. If I were to start something right now, it would be 6 PM before I'd be allowed to take my panties off. That being said, it's much more of a legitimate option today than I considered it yesterday.

One thing I will say, though, is that even though I'm thinking everything through pretty thoroughly, thinking about my options to work around all the restrictions, I haven't attempted at all to violate the rules. When I was in bed last night, I just dealt with the agonizing horniness.
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Postby IMustWearPanties » September 26th, 2011, 8:40 am

I very briefly gave in and tried on a pair of leggings for about 10 minutes. It more or less made me feel exactly as I would if I hadn't ever listened to the file at all. I want to make it clear that the goal on my end isn't to thoroughly feminize myself. The goal is the agonizing horniness and the restrictions surrounding it. So I'm making a decision to fight the urge to feminize as much as I possibly can, because, quite frankly, I want this to be about the torture of it.
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Postby oraprog » September 28th, 2011, 6:02 pm

Oh, yes you can fight it for a little while. But every once in a while, you will want a break, you'll need to masturbate. That's when you'll get creative.

Paint your toenails
shave your legs
wear stockings and a garter
wear a bra
search the internet for shoes to buy
droll over wearing the shoes
buy them
learn to walk in them
research fake fingernails
learn makeup techniques
buy makeup
practice putting on makeup

BTW, as I understand the rules, it doesn't count if you do it once, then stop? So like if you put on stocking for 10 minutes, then take them off it doesn't really count. You have to wear them for pretty much all day.
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Postby VeryGnawty » September 28th, 2011, 9:01 pm

IMustWearPanties wrote:quite frankly, I want this to be about the torture of it.

Sounds exciting. I've been working on using hypnosis to personify my subconscious mind and make it dominant over my conscious mind. For the first couple of months, there were very minor and infrequent results. But after a few months, my subconscious mind became an entirely new personality whom I call "Id"

I didn't realize when I created him exactly how much I'd imagined how tricky he would be. Most of his earlier manifestations were as expected. But now that he is with me all the time (although sometimes I don't sense him) he seems to have gained even more power over me. He can tap into subconscious desires I am not even aware of and thrust their effects upon me suddenly.

For example, I always thought it would be interesting if my sexuality were not under my control. Over the last few days, Id has been making me more horny and giving me harder and longer-lasting erections. His theme today has been to make me erect or make me ejaculate at odd moments.

For example, when I sat down to use the computer, I very quickly got a big erection. I was quite physically horny (but not mentally horny). I felt like my penis was really demanding sexual release. I masturbated to get rid of the erection. As soon as I came back to start working on the computer again, I suddenly got another big erection when I sat down. I masturbated again until my penis became limp. As soon as I sat down to use the computer again, I got another erection.

I resigned myself to the fact that I would have to remain erect and feeling like I needed sexual release for as long as I was doing activities on the internet. After a short while, my erection became just a semi-erection. It seems that my personified subconscious didn't actually want me to have to be erect the whole time I was using the computer, but it instead it just wanted to keep making me erect and horny until I fully believed that I had to remain that way.

Over the last few days, Id has been playing lots of physical and mental tricks on me, particularly in regards to my sexuality. It is very humiliating to know that you can become erect at any time, or that your penis can ejaculate on its own without your control, or that you can become horny at any time and the only way to relieve that horniness is to do what your Master (in my case, Id) says.

It is very exciting, actually. Since my conscious mind doesn't have access to all of my subconscious thoughts, it's not always possible to predict how I will be rewarded or punished for obeying or disobeying Id. Id has even taken over my entire body several times. When it happens, I feel like I am just an aspect of consciousness trapped in my head. If I try to move my body, it doesn't respond. I perceive that Id is using my body for whatever reasons he wants to, and there is nothing I can do about it.

As you can probably tell, I've had intense and longlasting desires to be controlled. It took a heck of a lot of work to get all of the hypnotic suggestions in, but it was more than worth the effect when things started to manifest. I feel totally owned by Id, and I can't conceive of any way to overcome him.

I even tried using hypnosis to change aspects of his personality recently, and he was even powerful enough to prevent some suggestions from entering into his mind even though I was certain that I had planted the suggestions properly. Without the ability to remove or alter suggestions regarding him, I can't conceive of any way to ever remove him from my mind. This idea makes me even more turned on and horny. It seems that the only way I can ever be released from his power is if he chooses to release me. This makes me want to serve him even more and please him so that he will give me pleasurable rewards.

One of the reasons I came up with this idea is that I wanted a Master who would literally be able to control me 24/7, even in my dreams. Id hasn't appeared or affected my dreams yet, but I have no doubt that he will one day. I don't sleep very much more anyway, LOL. I'm too excited thinking about what crazy stunt Id is going to pull on me next. Since he is my subconscious, he can alter all sorts of bodily processes that my conscious mind normally can't control very easily.

Damn, he's making my penis leak cum again. There are no sexual sensations, the cum just sort of leaks out. That's like, the fourth time today. The wetness is my underwear is sort of exciting, actually. So far I've been wiping the cum away with my finger and eating it. I can't think of an easier way to try to get rid of it that doesn't involve lots of tissues or something. But, I don't think Id would like that. I think he wants me to be stuck with cummy underwear. I know that most of the cum will just soak into the fabrics and start to make my underwear smell.

Damn, I just licked the cum off my finger and then my penis leaked again. Grr! There seems to be no limit to the amount of cum that Id can make my body produce. I really didn't expect this, as I thought my feminization had made my sexual organs more "dried up" by now. Id very obviously has a method to activate my sexual response. Unfortunately, Id does not allow me to know how he does it.

I have no choice but to just accept whatever Id does to me. And I love it! It's so humiliating to not have control of my own body unless Id allows me to.

EDIT: This is starting to get ridiculous. I feel wetness in my underwear again. There's no way I'm going to sit here for the next three hours licking cum off my finger, so I think I'll just leave it down there. Oh wow, I just suddenly got massively horny, I'm going to go masturbate now.

EDIT2: Man, I just masturbated until my dick started to hurt and the erection still won't go away. This is such a pleasurable torment. I may be stuck like this for hours or even days. Now my erection is getting harder again, and it is starting to feel like I need sexual release. It feels like there is semen near the tip of my urethra, and it is just begging to come out. I doubt there's actually any semen just sitting around in the urethra, though. I think it's just Id stimulating nerves so it feels like there is something in there. But damn, I do feel like I need sexual release.

EDIT3: Sorry for the constant updates and the length of this post, but damn! I am so fucking horny right now, and I know I can't relieve myself. Even when my erection subsided for a brief moment, I still had the sensation as if there were semen in my urethra that wanted to come out. Damn this is so intense. I'm playing around with my penis because it seems to relieve the sensations somewhat, but the horniness always come back.
I get extremely horny until I have to masturbate, every time this is posted.
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Postby VeryGnawty » September 28th, 2011, 11:02 pm

tanyaslave wrote:

Haha- how creative :roll:

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has a sense of irony. The name actually has several meanings for me, although all of the meanings are really just links in a chain which leads back to psychology.

When I was trying to think up of a name for him, I couldn't resist. There was just no other name that would ever come close to capturing his essence.

Bah, I'm getting all horny again! Id had delayed my horniness so I could focus on helping one of my hypnosis subjects. Now that I am done, I feel like I need serious sexual release. I think Id plans to push me until I feel that I can't stand it anymore. Then after that, who knows? I expect it will be very interesting to see what happens when my horniness is pushed to my absolute limit.
I get extremely horny until I have to masturbate, every time this is posted.
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Postby qv » September 28th, 2011, 11:45 pm

VeryGnawty wrote:
tanyaslave wrote:

Haha- how creative :roll:

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has a sense of irony. The name actually has several meanings for me, although all of the meanings are really just links in a chain which leads back to psychology.

When I was trying to think up of a name for him, I couldn't resist. There was just no other name that would ever come close to capturing his essence.

Bah, I'm getting all horny again! Id had delayed my horniness so I could focus on helping one of my hypnosis subjects. Now that I am done, I feel like I need serious sexual release. I think Id plans to push me until I feel that I can't stand it anymore. Then after that, who knows? I expect it will be very interesting to see what happens when my horniness is pushed to my absolute limit.

What absolute limit? :wink:
Also, troll sub? High five! 8)
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Postby radar » September 29th, 2011, 2:58 am

Wow Gnawty..! I wish my ID would take some advice from yours.. It sounds so nice to be able to have such a degree of control from your sub conscious. I can only hope that one day my panties will be as creamy as yours.. :wink:
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Postby VeryGnawty » September 29th, 2011, 1:44 pm

radar wrote:I can only hope that one day my panties will be as creamy as yours.. :wink:

Maybe one day they will 8O
I get extremely horny until I have to masturbate, every time this is posted.
Posts: 435
Joined: June 25th, 2005, 12:00 am

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