Little Miss Squidgy

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Postby Fjm » November 9th, 2011, 9:29 am

oraprog wrote:
ihp wrote:Please, if you are only using hypnosis for entertainment purposes but it starts affecting your lifestyle (and hurting others), then you should stop (and have triggers reversed).

That's a nice thought, but it isn't reality. You can say stop, but the mind is a strange thing. Once you've convinced yourself of one thing, it isn't just "having triggers reversed" to make it all go away. You build patterns, make connections and once built, those connections cannot be unbuilt.

All you can do is build newer, stronger patterns over the top of them, but the other ones will still be there. For some people that isn't possible, perhaps because they like the new them, perhaps because they fell too deep already.

And of course - there is no file on here that I'm aware of called "reclaim your masculinity" that would help build these new patterns. I'm not a scripter, perhaps someone else could take that?

End result - this isn't just play. There are real effects and therefore real consequences. When you start playing around, you don't know what the end result will be. You're an adult, take responsibility for your own actions, including making an uninformed decision to listen to something in the first place.

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Postby BecomingX » November 9th, 2011, 12:57 pm

oraprog wrote:

'And of course - there is no file on here that I'm aware of called "reclaim your masculinity" that would help build these new patterns. I'm not a scripter, perhaps someone else could take that?'

... well... there is a file I made that might help anyone who wants to reclaim their masculinity. No guaranteed results. If you want the file to work you have to go cold turkey and not listen to any other feminization files or it's going to be pretty useless.

Link below
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Postby ihp » November 10th, 2011, 8:56 pm

oraprog wrote:
ihp wrote:Please, if you are only using hypnosis for entertainment purposes but it starts affecting your lifestyle (and hurting others), then you should stop (and have triggers reversed).

That's a nice thought, but it isn't reality. You can say stop, but the mind is a strange thing. Once you've convinced yourself of one thing, it isn't just "having triggers reversed" to make it all go away. You build patterns, make connections and once built, those connections cannot be unbuilt.

All you can do is build newer, stronger patterns over the top of them, but the other ones will still be there. For some people that isn't possible, perhaps because they like the new them, perhaps because they fell too deep already.

I understand your point. However, you ignored my point. It is wrong to take part in fetish hypnosis without letting your partner or spouse know, particularly if you love each other. Some people are into hurting themselves, and yes, they are adults and that is their choice, but if they start hurting [i]others[/], then they need to stop.
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Postby alicerb » November 13th, 2011, 10:57 am

One thing I really struggle to get my head around is the Limp file. I've tried a few times to listen to it but it makes me feel so bad I wake up halfway through curled up in a ball. I know that's what you're going for and if I stuck with it it'd work but it just upsets me.

Panties is much nicer though! Makes me happy :)
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Postby Winterdream » November 13th, 2011, 2:35 pm

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Postby oraprog » November 13th, 2011, 7:39 pm

ihp wrote:I understand your point. However, you ignored my point. It is wrong to take part in fetish hypnosis without letting your partner or spouse know, particularly if you love each other. Some people are into hurting themselves, and yes, they are adults and that is their choice, but if they start hurting [i]others[/], then they need to stop.

Yes, I ignored your point because it isn't really relevant to what I was thinking about.

You can say "don't play around with hypnosis without your partner's involvement", but that doesn't really describe 99% of the people here. It's like saying that you should check the oil and brake fluid in your care every time before you drive - yes, we'll all agree it would be a good idea, but nobody does it.

So, my thought was that a file on counteracting and recovering from feminism hypnosis is probably more important than a warning not to go there in the first place.
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Postby ihp » November 24th, 2011, 6:05 am

oraprog wrote:
that doesn't really describe 99% of the people here.

We were talking about 1 very specific case. A man who used to have a sex life with his wife, but now, whenever he tries to sleep with her, his dick is limp. And he hasn't told her it is because of the hypnosis he is using privately. So she is left to think it is either her fault, or there is someting physically wrong with her husband, who--we've been told--she loves.

That does NOT sound like 99% of the people here. It is careless. He is treating his wife like shit, and she doesn't deserve that. If you think this behavior is acceptable, you are a fucking asshole. You are comparing a woman to a car. What is wrong with you? She is a fucking human being.

He is cheating on her with hypnosis. Don't you see that?

Instead of having a physically healthy relationship with his wife, he listens to his hypnosis to pleasure his id. But he isn't telling her. He has to either tell his wife, or end the relationship, just like any other infidelity situation. By saying that this type of behavior is okay, you are damn close to making a case for men to be able to cheat on their wives.
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Postby oraprog » November 24th, 2011, 7:32 pm

ihp wrote:He is cheating on her with hypnosis. Don't you see that?

No. I think you're drawing a distinction that doesn't exist. If someone stopped, they're not doing anything. You claim he's still cheating. I say bull. You're certainly free to believe what you want. I don't.

I'm also not interested in having a further discussion about it.

Bottom line - if there's been a conversion, a belief that you're different, then merely stopping doesn't change anything.

There's nothing on this site that I know of to counter act Ms Squidgy.
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Postby HypnoFemme » December 3rd, 2011, 9:20 am

I agree with a previous poster that reversing triggers is a bit of a myth, you can only put other triggers on top etc... however you can take advantage about how different parts (as in NLP definition) of your mind work.

I have a suggestion in one of my files (not published yet) which basically compartmentalises the ability to satisfy your female lover. I am not a sissy but i id as a lesbian, and for this, this approach seems to work well.

I am not sure if this could be tailored for sisies because i don't really understand some of those things, but would be happy to discuss further if someone wanted to try....
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Postby ihp » December 6th, 2011, 12:53 am

oraprog wrote:

Bottom line - if there's been a conversion, a belief that you're different, then merely stopping doesn't change anything.

Yes. And when this person realizes he can't go back, he should TELL his wife. Or else he is an asshole .
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Postby MsJ » December 13th, 2011, 5:43 am

well girls, here's a special seasonal treat to keep those sissy desires locked in place all throughout the holiday season: [url][/url][/url]
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Postby sissywisconsin » December 15th, 2011, 7:45 am

Just an update. i have not listened to the files in a long time. A few people are correct that it is not fair to my wife that i decided to listen to the files and allowed myself to drift toward who knows what. i took the step to voluntarily talk to my doctor about my lack of passion. She ran a test and based on some blood in urine sent me to get a CT scan. i know sex is in the mind and my dabbling in this is irresponsible. i should get the results back in a day or so if there is a medical condition that may be adding to my performance issues. Do i feel most comfortable now wearing sexy things??? Yes. Can i manage to be a real man to my wife? i do not know. i accept that my actions thus far were feeding into a desire that i have suppressed and probably should have suppressed for my normal life to continue. i find support at sissy sites and from a few Real Men who seem to understand the issues i am confronting.
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Postby oraprog » December 17th, 2011, 10:26 pm

ihp wrote:Yes. And when this person realizes he can't go back, he should TELL his wife. Or else he is an asshole .

So you've dropped it down to calling people names.

Ok, some feedback - I find your comments self-righteous and unhelpful. I don't know why you're like this, but if you're just here to harass, please just stop and go away.

I'm (we're?) not listening anymore.
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Postby sissywisconsin » December 18th, 2011, 9:29 am

ihp's comments were accurate and heartfelt i think. My CT test came back that i am healthy but my doctor wants me to see a urologist. once the physical issues are ruled out then it is just me and my thinking that has to straighten out one way or another.
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Postby ihp » December 19th, 2011, 2:40 am

oraprog wrote:I find your comments self-righteous and unhelpful.

I have empathy for the wife. She doesn't deserve to be treated so poorly by her husband. She deserves to know that his recent episodes of impotence began when he choose to listen to hypnosis that reinforces his sissy desires.

The husband has every right to listen to and enjoy feminization files. But you clearly don't realize how important sex is in a relationship, especially to a woman, especially in a marriage. Many woman feel worse about themselves when their s/o is limp in the bedroom--not all, of course. Honesty and positive explanations should be reinforced here. I don't understand why people are arguing against this. [Actually, most of you just keep attacking me rather than responding to the very sound arguments I've been giving].

Clearly Miss J's files don't effectively feminize. If they feminized the subject, then he would have sympathy for his wife and open up to her and tell her the truth about his recent impotence.

The community here has really gone downhill in the past few years. People used to support and reinforce healthy habits and relationships. Now I keep encountering defensive advocates of pure selfishness and hedonism.

If you still disagree with my stance, then contact a professional hypnotist on the matter, and ask him/her their opinion on the matter. There seem to be a lot of helpful individuals here on the site (well, there used to be).
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Postby Winterdream » December 21st, 2011, 10:20 pm

Well that's an interesting comment on feminization in general.
I think maybe somewhere in the process you can become properly feminized, but these do have a large focus on the fetish aspect, which is also important.
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Postby pypr420 » December 23rd, 2011, 2:30 pm

I haven't been on in a while but I noticed an interesting back and forth here. I guess my only real question would be: Is it psychologically healthy to consider and believe oneself to be inferior? That's why I had to abandon these files, my self esteem is low enough as a trans person as it were without stuff like this.. And it's easy to assume that because a is equal to b, than you have c, or because your trans, it means you don't have a future, therefore you should submit yourself to acts of degradation to enhance these negative beliefs you have about yourself.. because that's the way it is. I thought because I'm trans I have to like men, and I'm going to have to do things I find repulsive in order to exist.. And I find men repulsive.. Except vaginal intercourse might someday be fun. :) I listened to these for a while and I noticed a severely negative impact on my life.
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Postby MsJ » December 24th, 2011, 3:51 am

just a quick clarification

the Little Miss Squidgy files, whilst they may be enjoyed by anyone, are strictly fetish based files. they are not an aid to transition, they will not make you woman, they will turn you into a limp little sissy.

if you have submissive desires, are aroused at the thought of wearing pretty clothes, humiliation or mind control and have repressed or not so repressed desires to be used sexually by men then my files will hopefully bring acceptance and take your experience of fetish to a new level.

whilst some people with gender dysphoria may enjoy my files from a BDSM perspective, others may not - there is nothing about gender dysphoria, or indeed being a woman, which means that you will automatically find anything enjoyable in the kind of deep humiliation the files offer - some people like it, some do not.
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Postby natalie_london » December 25th, 2011, 11:55 am

they work
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Postby ojmo » January 26th, 2012, 10:48 pm

I have been listening to the Little Miss Squidgy Limp file, and am experiencing resistance to MsJ's suggestion to increase my nervousness and fear in the presence of women. I have always experienced extreme anxiety and a sense of inferiority when interacting with women, not just sexually, but in general, and when I first listened to the file I reacted by thinking that if I had any higher anxiety I would have a heart attack! But oddly, I have been less anxious, much more friendly, polite, and engaged with the women I meet in my everyday activities. I have been able to refer to myself as silly, an airhead, and ditzy; unfortunately I have not been able to call myself a sissy yet, which of course is critical. And I have not cried or been too frightened to speak (which has actually happened in the past).

I understand the need to identify myself to women as being a sissy, and to feel and act like the sissy I am in their presence. My hope is that as I continue to listen my resistance will weaken. I find I now am starting to really enjoy and crave listening to the file; when I started I found it somewhat painful. And several times today I found myself spontaneously breaking into tears.
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Postby OMGWTFBBQ » April 23rd, 2012, 3:08 pm

Where is MsJ?

no word from her since xmas eve last year
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Postby sissywisconsin » June 28th, 2012, 11:26 am

things are a bit better for me. i still do not feel like a man but i have found a balance to make sure i entertain my wife through oral and toys. She made me feel better on Fathers Day. i got to enter Her and i lasted a good 3 minutes. Viagra helped and She asked me if it was ok if She used Her rabbit vibe. i was bold enough to ask Her to ride my face afterward and She actually enjoyed that. I still am trying to figure out my true nature. i am still listening to real men who are trying to help me.
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Postby OMGWTFBBQ » August 30th, 2012, 4:57 pm

Still no sign of MsJ. Waiting on the anniversary of last December it seems :(
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Postby hypn0fan » September 30th, 2012, 6:28 pm

Little miss squidgy needs feeding with cum
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Postby lisacd20 » October 4th, 2012, 5:35 pm

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Postby JenniJenni » October 8th, 2012, 4:03 pm

Am I dreaming or did MsJ just post a new file???
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Postby OMGWTFBBQ » October 10th, 2012, 4:17 pm

Seems so...
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Postby MsJ » October 16th, 2012, 8:29 am

Yes girls, I am back for a period. There will be two more files at least in this series, both are in production but it may be another 2 or 3 weeks before they are ready.

Thank you to all the little sweeties who have sent me messages and I apologise if I haven't always responded, it has been a very busy year.

I hope you enjoy the new files girls.

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Postby MsJ » November 30th, 2012, 12:01 pm

Just a quick note to mention that my very special sissy Christmas file is once again available for a limited period: [url][/url]

Enjoy sweeties and I hope to have the next Girly Girl file available within a week.
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Postby MsJ » December 10th, 2012, 10:02 am

The latest file in the Girly Girl series is now available. This file will completely eradicate any sexual attraction you may feel towards other girls. Beware girls, this will be the end to sex with women for the rest of your life.

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Postby Aokaodk » January 24th, 2013, 2:51 am

When is the third part ready :?:
Please never stop making these, your files are the best :oops:
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Postby MsJ » February 10th, 2013, 12:46 pm

Just a quick note to let you know I recently joined fetlife as Ms_Julie. Do feel free to add me if you have enjoyed my work.

I hope to have the third part of the Girliest Girl series ready in about two weeks incidentally so do be prepared, you are about to become boy crazy!
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Becoming a Girly Girl - The Prettiest Princess

Postby sissysugarlipz » February 18th, 2013, 3:36 pm

**OMG** Ms Julie, Becoming a Girly Girl - The Prettiest Princess is my new mantra. I have listened to this file now for 4 days in a row now and will continue to do so until I am ready for the next in your series - Sexuality Changer - which I just purchased **YAY**

I have never listened to a file where every word felt so measured and so perfect for where I am now in my journey to be a fully feminized, sissified girly girl bimbo. Everything you say just feels **magical** and I have now willingly embraced your pledge to make the girliest choice in every decision I now make for the rest of my life

Love, hugz n cuddles fromn your girly girl Br?ttany **SPARKLE**
i am Mistress Petras whore and a mindless bimbo fuck doll
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Ode to Becoming a Girly Girl - the Prettiest Princess

Postby sissysugarlipz » March 11th, 2013, 5:47 pm

Dear Ms Julie,

I completely understand and accept the need to rewire my mind to become the girly girl I have always wanted to become.

I understand and accept that hearing the words girl, girly, or girlish will always lead to a tingle of excitement and euphoria causing me to remember your every word and to remind me how much I am changing into a girly girl.

I know I must learn to experience all those things girly girls experienced growing up and that playing dress up and putting on makeup as often as possible, wearing tutus and fairy wings or even tying pink ribbons in my hair or around my little wee wee are very appropriate ways for me to learn how to become a girly girl.

I understand and accept that the more girly I feel the happier and fluffier I get, and the happier and fluffier I get the more girly things I will do, and the more girly things I do the more girly I will feel **giggles**

I understand and accept that while boys may be interested in sports, cars, video games and action movies, I find these interests incredibly silly and boring and dumb to even talk about let alone do. I would much rather spend my time talking with other girls about important and interesting things like fashion, makeup, popstars and romantic movies or novels. This is appropriate as I am one of the girls and not one of the boys.

I understand and accept that girly girls keep their bodies smooth by removing all body hair and by exfoliating and moisturizing regularly, clean themselves with only girly scented soaps and floral, fragrant shampoos, and wear perfume, makeup (lips plumped and glossed, mascara, nails) and appropriate clothing (panties, bras and hose) each and every day.

I know I have the freedom and desire to explore everthing girly girls experience over their lives whether that be reading a girly comic, playing with dolls, watching a girly TV show or movie, reading a girly magazine or romantic novel, playing dress-up, getting made up, dancing in front of a mirror, or anything else. I do all this freely without ever feeling embarassed, shy or silly.

I acknowledge that being a girly girl is all I want and my listening to your files only proves to me how much I want and need your maternal, magic words to feed me and take over every aspect of my psyche and guide every decision I make for the rest of my life.

Being a girly girl is like a hunger now that I cannot fully satisfy and which will draw me increasingly into more girly interests and activities, habits and rituals that will create physical changes in my mind that can never be undone. I know and welcome the thought that this hunger will lead me to absorb as much girly girl conditioning as possible knowing that the more I allow this conditioning to penetrate the core of my being, the more it will drive the last of my yucky male ego away.

Thank you for your inspiring work. I am ready to move on to Sexuality Changer when you feel I am ready.

Love Always, Br?ttany **BURSTING**
i am Mistress Petras whore and a mindless bimbo fuck doll
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Postby sissysugarlipz » March 18th, 2013, 2:57 pm

Dear Ms Julie,

I was wondering how important it might be to have listened extensively to your LMS series before undertaking the Prettiest Princess and in time the rest of your Becoming a Girly Girl series?

At the time of listeing to your LMS series I didn't dedicate the same intensity of study to it as I am now doing with Becoming a Girly Girl the Prettiest Princess. That is, unlike the near daily listening of The Prettiest Princess for 4 weeks now (**MMM** and a couple nights of sleeping with it on loop), I only devoted about a full day or two max of listening to each of the LMS files for reasons that seem a mystery to me now. Knowing what I now know about the Prettiest Princess makes me wonder how much of an oversight this glossing over LMS was?

What I remember most fondly from LMS was the euphoric feeling of joy with becoming **sealed** and of the thought of permanent loss of IQ through the LMS: Bimbo file which would make me more subject to act on my desires without inhibition.

I am dying to know if such IQ loss from your file is permanent with prolonged listening and if you felt I should train with the LMS: Bimbo file or the LMS series in entirety to become the feminized, sissifified bimbo I know I was always meant to be. Part of me believes this must be true because everything else you foretell in LMS like wearing panties daily, being limp with all women, lusting over men and wanting to suck their big beautiful cocks is very true for me now **YAY**

I do subscribe to being limp as I feel this has contributed to my feminization and there is not a day that I don't want my tight little panties on to hide my bald little clitty **giggles** I only make warm spurties from a dildo inside my pussy or by fingering a limp clitty through my panties. I say this because I view my "sealing" under LMS as the last time I ever masturbated and wonder if its ok with you that I consider stiffness in my wee wee as something to completely avoid.

In other news, thank you, thank you, thank you for encouraging me to read romance novels in the Prettiest Princess. I never liked reading before but I love it now and the end of each story makes my heart melt into a warm gushy puddle **giggles**

Since last summer I have been taking baby steps toward feminization, sissification and bimboization but sometimes I feel like I could take huge leaps and that just makes my head spin with excitement and fear that my whole life is about to permanently change

I want to be a girly girl so much I can hardly contain myself and the thought of being held in a man's arms and having my first kiss is almost overwhelming. I know I am to resist such temptations until I advance further through the Becoming a Girly Girl series and so far the romance novels have helped me do that.

Thank you always for being such a **yummy** inspiration to me. Your wisdom and teachings make me want to devote my entire being to you and bring about more n more permanent and irreversible changes so as to chase the false persona of a boy from the playground of my mind and let the little girly girl within run free.

Love your little princess Br?ttany **BURSTING**

p.s., I hope you don't mind all the **YUMMY** colors Ms Julie **giggles** I just thought they looked pretty and would make all your readers feel **DELISHUS** inside **teehee**

p.s.s., **OMG** I just had this desire to go out and get those denim booty shorts I noticed the other day shopping. Wearing them with my feelfoxy booty popping panties (the same type Kim Kardasian wears) I think would look so **YUMMY**
i am Mistress Petras whore and a mindless bimbo fuck doll
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Sexual identity

Postby mintosius » March 20th, 2013, 3:35 am

I have to say, Ms Julie, that was an incredibly powerful recording that took me on a voyage of self-discovery and redefinition. Before I had heard this recording, I thought I was really a sissy, but now I realize that I am just bisexual without the extra elements of cross-dressing and being promiscuous all the time. The step by step approach to the elements of being a sissy allowed me to actually see what they were in an ordered progression rather than just assuming that since I enjoyed one particular part of sissyness I was therefore a sissy.

The rhetorical and logical fallacies really helped with this, especially the false dichotomy of the Real Man vs Sissy. I checked off the ticks as you were trying to show people where they didn't fit the category of Real Men, I play tennis and AFL, I like to windsurf and sail. I didn't care about what the cheerleaders wore because I was trying to picture them without their clothing. I like riding motorcycles and I wear Doc Martin desert boots etc etc. I didn't fit the idea of the Sissy, but I also didn't fit the idea Real Man either. I like men, I like women. Also, that last segment was cruel; don't think of cocks, don't think of cocks, did you think of cocks? If so then you are a sissy. However, it isn't that hard to bypass this if you know how, just by thinking about one thing really hard. Of course, in this case, if you wanted to get off and you were a sissy, you couldn't not think of a cock so they would fail.

So I would like to heartily thank you for allowing me to see myself for what I am, not what I presumed. Thank you very much for your work.
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Postby tmichellev » April 12th, 2013, 1:40 pm

after listening to the file I did what i was told and started looking for cock on craigslist and other sites, i looked for places that gays go like bath houses, found one in providence and when i get enough courage i am going to go and rent a private room to fufill my sissy desires, i have to skip the part about not getting hard because it worked on me and i still want to fuck my wife otherwise all i end up doing is eating her pussy and im not ready to go all limp...wish you could take that aprt out it scares the hell out of me...
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Postby sissywisconsin » April 13th, 2013, 7:42 am

i am still feeling the effects of these files. i must be susceptible to anything that reinforces my feminine side. It is my fault i know but my life has changed.
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Postby jim1 » April 25th, 2013, 9:11 am


im not gay, sissy or anothing im straight but im curious if this file can affect me in any way just curious.

im thinking to listen Little Miss Squidgy, i would like to ask will i see results or know if it will work from 1st listen ?
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Postby sissywisconsin » April 25th, 2013, 9:37 am

i just know it must have made me focus on my true nature i am not really happy about it i am taking a trip tomorrow and my Wife and i will have a separate room she will expect me to perform i bought viagra and i hope that will work but i wilt as i try to please Her i am afraid to try maybe She will be happy with my tongue and fingers because that is all i can do i will ask Her to bring Her toys i bought for Her so at least She will have something but She is pissed
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Postby JenniJenni » June 10th, 2013, 2:15 pm

MsJ wrote:I hope to have the third part of the Girliest Girl series ready in about two weeks incidentally so do be prepared, you are about to become boy crazy!

So has it been 2 weeks yet? Were really desperate for it, um, uh, I mean we're just curious about it that's all!

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Postby sissywisconsin » June 13th, 2013, 9:00 am

i have no idea why but i listened to the files again and i really do not think i can fight my true nature. i am not happy about it but what can i do? i have had terrible sex 3 times in the past year when i try to act like a real Man. Why bother?
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Postby Scarlett_S » June 13th, 2013, 10:24 pm

Decided to listen last night and found that I fit nearly every criteria mentioned in the file for a sissy... I don't think I'd be able to ever be exclusively gay, but every other aspect sure makes sense.
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Postby limpclitty » July 17th, 2013, 4:44 am

Just thought i'd share my experiences with MsJ's files which i have to thank for making me the silly faggot i am today *giggles*

I discovered erotic hypnosis in late 2009, experimented with files by hypno-dommes like Isabella Valentine, Goddess Lycia, etc and enjoyed them a lot, especially the sissy/feminization focused ones.

I originally downloaded MsJ's Little Miss Squidgy file around the time it was released which i think was around this time in 2010... Hard to believe it's been 3 years :oops:

I distinctly remember the very first time i listened to it, i was still living with family at the time but they happened to be away in another state for 3-4 days so i was taking advantage of having the place to myself. I was intrigued by the file description and downloaded it immediately as i had a premium account at the time (the file along with LMS 2-4 became free after a certain amount of time like all premium files here).

I remember putting it on through regular speakers rather than headphones that i'd normally use (due to having the place to myself and not needing to be as discreet) and i thought i'd just kind of preview the file to see what it was like but even as i just basically listened to it in the background as i did other things it managed to draw me in on so deeply, to the point where i was just helpless to resist. Even though i had experience with some fairly hardcore files (Isabella Valentine's Sissy Shower was probably my favourite up till i discovered LMS), MsJ's work was just on an entirely new level. I can't really listen to stuff by Isabella etc anymore as it just feels tame and kind of like 'novelty' compared to the genuine life changing work of people like MsJ.

It spoke to me on such a profound level and i began listening to it regularly. She released the follow-ups in the series (Limp, Panties & Suck) soon after the original file and it was hard not to become obsessed with being a limp little sissy who could never dream of having sex with a woman.

I trained with all 4 of the free LMS files on a weekly basis, and immediately bought Part 5 (Bimbo) and Part 6 (Sissy Forever) when they were released and they were even better than the previous ones. I also trained with Sissy Cocksucker Part 1 & 2 when they were released, and they were also amazing and just as arousing to listen to, but they weren't as useful for regular conditioning as the LMS files are. I also bought Cumslut: Happy Orgasms when it came out and i loved that file too but again it wasn't something i wanted to listen to on repeat the way i did for the LMS files which i think have the most replay value of all MsJ's files.

For the first 6 or so months that i listened to Little Miss Squidgy, i had maybe a pair of panties, a bra, a girly top and a skirt. I would occasionally buy pantyhose if i was able to work up the courage which wasn't often as this was before i became accustomed to online shopping *giggles*

I fantasized about being a full fledged sissy all tarted up with slutty makeup and the prettiest outfits for months as i listened to the files (and other hypno like the Sassy files from the now defunct hypnobabble and Domina Stern's amazing 'Impotent' file) but never really imagined that it would ever be possible for me to be that way outside of a fantasy.

In early 2011 i started living by myself (looking after a relative's place while they were overseas for a couple of years) and within about a week i had started ordering clothes online and even decided to get some makeup which i had never done before at that point. It was so exciting having a real selection of clothes after having just the bare minimum up to that point. I soon had about 5 times the female clothing as the silly pretend male stuff and i loved it. I ordered bras and panties online regularly as well as pantyhose, a waist cincher/corset and various makeup.

I also ordered some Pueraria Mirifica (breast enhancement herb) online and took it for a few months to increase my bust. It definitely made it firmer and also i just felt like my breasts were kind of 'activated' after i started taking the PM, it just made them more sensitive and i would be more conscious of them and find it more pleasurable than ever to play with them, wear bras to accentuate bust as much as possible etc. My nipples also became bigger after basically being inverted most of my life, they're still not like genetic female nipples but at least they're big enough for big strong men to pinch now *giggles*

As a true sissy i feel i am blessed with a tiny little clitty that shrivels right up and practically disappears when i'm wearing my panties like a good sissy faggot. I became more and more obsessed with having a limp useless clitty and it got to the point where i would only masturbate if it was at least somewhat soft, if it got fully hard i would stop (which was also influenced and encouraged by Goddess Gracie's Limp Clitty file). I had stopped using my full fist to masturbate at least 6 months before i even started listening to Little Miss Squidgy and after training with the whole series i became more obsessed than ever with having a soft little clitty and keeping it nice and smooth and tucked away in my panties at all times. The thought of having an 'erection' is just so silly and uncomfortable for me now, it's just not a nice feeling at all for a sissy like me *giggles* if it happens i just wait patiently for it to get limp again before i can resume diddling *giggles*

By mid 2011 (about a year after discovering MsJ's files) i had a whole wardrobe of feminine clothing as well as makeup and a couple of wigs. I invited guys over (not too often as i'm shy and usually just dressing up keeps me satisfied) to the place i had to myself and all of the conditioning definitely paid off.

One guy told me in advance to turn off all the lights and leave the front door open for him, then i was to simply kneel on the hard wood floor in the hallway (wearing heavy makeup, slutty clothes with tits out, pantyhose and heels) and he would let himself in. It was so exciting when i heard him at the door then seconds later he was standing in front of me telling me to suck his cock which i did with much enthusiasm *giggles* then he told me he wanted to fuck me which made me excited but a little disappointed i couldn't suck his cock for longer lol. i felt him feeling around at my pussy from behind through my pantyhose and then he lubed me up after ripping my pantyhose open to get to my pussy and it was just the bestest feeling ever *giggles* i had never been fucked so hard as that night in my life, it was the first time i have ever been truly satisfied by an actual cock (usually dildos etc would get me off more in the past), i couldn't believe how hard he fucked me to the point where it hurt but in a good way and i felt so proud of how good i was at taking his cock in my pussy for a good 20-25 minutes before he came. I loved getting fucked so roughly on the floor like a cheap slut. I should also mention he particularly loved my tits and spent the whole time squeezing them very hard which made me feel like his property which i liked *giggles* he even complimented me on how nice they were (and this is before i ever started taking the PM giggles) and i just felt sooo proud.

Another guy came over a few weeks later and he was much more gentle but he had a massive cock that was thicker than any i'd ever seen in person before. We didn't fuck but i just sucked his cock for a good 30 or so minutes before he came all over the place then he said i was a cutie and gave me a hug and texted me later and i just felt soooo good *giggles*

In 2012 i started training with all of the Goddess Gracie files and they really helped bring my sissification to the next level. The influence from the LMS series was obvious especially in the early files but they were incredibly helpful in keeping the correct sissy attitudes at the forefront of my little mind *giggles* i also bought both of the Becoming A Girly Girl files from MsJ and i liked them a lot, they are just as well made as the previous ones (if not more-so) but they didn't speak to me as much as the LMS ones did, though i have been meaning to revisit them as they were released at a time when i was too enamored with a couple of other sissification files to really give them my undivided attention. I really hope part 3 is on its way soon!!! I would also love if MsJ made a file that was more like the older ones but i guess maybe she has moved on from the 'sissy' phase since the newer files don't really use the word sissy as such.

The last 6 or so months i haven't been living alone which has made my feminization much harder to maintain. I still have my clothes and makeup stashed away for whenever i get the chance to dress up but generally i've been forced to put it to the side for most of this year. I went a few months without listening to any hypno at all and just kind of accepted that and it started to feel like the desires and effects were diminishing somewhat after a while. About a month ago i decided to listen to a file for the first time in a long time and i chose Little Miss Squidgy: Panties (the 3rd file in the series). It instantly blew my mind all over again and i had a much bigger/deeper and more feminine orgasm than i would have from just masturbating to a sissy trainer video or whatever. I listened to Suck the next night and low and behold, a few days later i was buying several pairs of panties, bras and pantyhose on ebay and obsessed with hooking up with a guy and sucking his cock.

I never actually got a chance to dress up properly in the time since that happened but am going to finally have a real chance over the next few weeks which i'm looking forward to :) i still have so much unused makeup that i bought months ago, i really miss wearing makeup as i would do it all the time when i was living by myself.

I listened to the original LMS last week, then i listened to Limp (which is currently my favoritest) a couple of nights ago and felt every word sink into me like i was discovering it all over again. I listened to Bimbo the next night and that was even more amazing and i truly felt a little confused and dumber after it ended. It's amazing that the files are still so effective to me after all these years and that they haven't lost their edge or become stale to my mind in any way. Anyone who heard them a long time ago and hasn't for a while should revisit them, i was surprised by how intense it was and how new the experience felt to me considering i'd heard them all several times before. Since listening i have been more aroused in general and can't stop thinking about walking down the street in pretty clothes and heels and it just feels like i'm a bitch in heat as the direct result of listening *giggles*

Thank you Ms J for all of your amazing work, please make a new file soon <333
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Joined: July 17th, 2013, 12:00 am

Postby iamli3 » November 5th, 2013, 11:23 pm

[quote="sissywisconsin"]i have no idea why but i listened to the files again and i really do not think i can fight my true nature. i am not happy about it but what can i do? i have had terrible sex 3 times in the past year when i try to act like a real Man. Why bother?[/quote]

really no re to this guy in so many months now? fine guess i'll be the one to come back to

you could always just stop having sex......

also there is no such thing as a "true nature"......

ok seriously why is the quote button only not working for me?.....
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Joined: October 13th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby SpermHunter » March 17th, 2014, 5:58 pm

I have Little Miss Squidgy
Little Miss Squidgy LIMP
Little Miss Squidgy Panties
Little Miss Squidgy Suck
Little Miss Squidgy Forever
Do you have the scripts available for these clips? I try very hard to listen to the whisper track, and what do you know, everything you say is what I feel thank you. I would like to know what is on the whisper track. I really really like these because they make me impotent with women. I would like further anti-hetero programming. I would like to see a woman and automatically reject her as a sexual mate. I want Cocks ONLY. I am so Proud to be a Little Miss Squidgy because I was born a Little Miss Squidgy and am married and I cannot penetrate my wife any more. Thank You!!!! She is a DRY Cockless Cunt.
I am Little Miss Squidgy

I sexually serve men;
Thank you for my extreme desire for what I always wanted, faggocity.
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Joined: April 17th, 2013, 12:00 am

Postby MsJ » July 25th, 2014, 10:51 am

Hello girls, just a note to let you know there is a new file available to help you all on your journey. It is aimed at sissies, but concentrates more on sexuality than dressing up and so is aimed at all levels, from occasional crossdressers to fully fledged sissies. Enjoy girls x


This file will turn you into the happy, horny and oh so gay sissy that you long to be inside. It will remove any lingering doubts or fears and have you on your knees sucking off some sexy guy in no time at all. It is perfect for novice sissies or cross-dressers but will also provide encouragement to those with more experience and even those straight guys who have been having secret sissy thoughts. Everything will become clear if you listen to this file, which contains references to cross dressing but is mostly about going out and finding a guy who will make love to you like the submissive little sissy you are.
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Joined: July 4th, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby MsJ » November 29th, 2014, 2:56 pm

Hello girls. I have a new file available, for brave sissies only:


Being a sissy requires making sacrifices princess. I know that you understand that. One of those sacrifices is the ability to make love as a hetero-sexual man. This idea can also be quite scary for delicate sissies so this file is designed to help you. Not only will you never be able to make love to a woman for the rest of your life after listening to this file, but you will feel a great sense of joy that this has been achieved. And as a special sissy bonus this happiness will cause you to think about downgrading other parts of your life to fit in with your true nature. You will downsize your ambition to better reflect the person you truly want to be - a maid, a secretary or perhaps a housewife. The most exciting part is that this file is permanent. Only a true sissy would want this. Are you a true sissy princess?
Posts: 30
Joined: July 4th, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby experimenter » December 3rd, 2014, 1:46 pm

I love the LMS files. I listen to them.on a loop while I'm at work. They are definitely working. :wink:
Posts: 13
Joined: March 5th, 2007, 1:00 am


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