Hi and GS-TrigWoman2 questions

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Hi and GS-TrigWoman2 questions

Postby bugs2012 » January 5th, 2012, 10:18 pm

Hi all :)

I'm a new user and firstly what a perfect community! I've been cross dressing for years (at home, never in public) but at 6'3" barefoot and a long way from being described as slender the pretence has never come close to being convincing!

So happy I've now found this place and in particular GS-TrigWoman2 :) I've only been listening to it for a couple of days so unsurprisingly no effects yet but at least there is hope on the horizon with a bit of time and effort. I'm still struggling to get the hang of this trance malarkey - every time I feel I'm getting close to it I seem to snap back to reality but I guess that's just a matter of practice...

I have a couple of questions about the end result if anyone can answer them (poetzero you would be ideal if you notice this!).

First question is when you trigger the female personality what actually happens? I get that you believe you are a woman and feel/see yourself as female but the bit where you forget that you were ever male...? Do you essentially start as a blank canvas or do you still have your memories which are just gender non-specific when the female side is in evidence?

Second question is do your inhibitions change? e.g. when you trigger the female personality will you still avoid things like going out in public if you don't as a CD?

Thanks in advance and can't wait for this to start having some effects even in trance!

Posts: 3
Joined: January 4th, 2012, 1:00 am

Postby bugs2012 » January 6th, 2012, 1:56 pm

Thanks for the reply Jorans :)

Very reassuring on that point - I definitely do not want to go outside in public dressed - it would cause way too many problems both personally and professionally and I'm happy keeping it as a private thing :)

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Joined: January 4th, 2012, 1:00 am

Postby frosty46 » January 6th, 2012, 10:50 pm

Hopefully your files don't change your mind. I think it depends what is more important to you, being true to yourself or your current life. The file might change your stance on that.
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Postby frosty46 » January 6th, 2012, 11:58 pm

Hopefully your files don't change your mind. I think it depends what is more important to you, being true to yourself or your current life. The file might change your stance on that.
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Postby poetzero » January 8th, 2012, 7:28 am

Hiya Bugs. Sorry for the delayed response, but today is the first day I can give time to thoughtful answers to your queries.

First off, you are still you. it's just you completely perceive yourself as a woman. Your memories are still there, but you see your life as a girl. For example, I went to an all-boys high school, but when triggered, I believe I went to an all-girls school.

As for question 2, I think one's inhibitions do change some. More easily arroused due to the body is more sensitive. When I trigger, I still stay in my room. I share a loftspace with 5 other people who have no clue to what's going on here. So I guess one can say I'm still cognizant of things like that.

I did go out once as an experiment. Bear in mind, I can pass as I'm 5'9" and 135-140 pounds. I just wear flats because of my height (believe me, it helps with the illusion). Also, that was about 2 1/2 years ago when the file wasn't as effective. Think of it this way, as an actress, the more you exude that you are, indeed, that other person you are portraying because of that belief, the more other people will perceive as such. This file aids you in such a capacity.

Final note. I consider myself straight queer because of my CD fetish. Even when en femme, I prefer women. But when triggered, that particular mindset stays with me. However I also developed occasional thoughts of more 'traditional' sexual behavior.

Hope this all helps. Cheers.

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Joined: March 12th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby bugs2012 » January 10th, 2012, 4:22 pm

Hey Frosty and PZ, thanks for the replies (sorry I haven't been around too much the last few days either),

Frosty - I think I'm quite honest with myself as to why I like dressing and how far I want things to go. Thankfully both fit in fine with my work and family commitments so I'm in a good place! It's an interesting point that this next step might cause some more 'liberation' but I guess I'll only know what when I get there :)

PZ - I'm glad that you saw the post and thanks for the comprehensive reply. Both the reassurance and details are much appreciated! I think I'd have to be a (very tall and let herself go) reincarnation of Audrey Hepburn to be able to pass but I'm confident that that side doesn't really interest me. I dress because I find it relaxing and somewhat liberating to do something which society generally considers to be taboo. I have a number of gay male friends which exposes me to that social group and lifestyle but I've never found men to be attractive sexually so I think I'm quite settled in my ways :)

Sorry for the rambling - I was just typing my thoughts reading the posts :) My girlfriend knows about and accepts my CD habit...just got to convince her there's some benefit to this hypnosis malarkey now ;)

Thanks for all the replies, they've really helped settle the few doubts I had!

Posts: 3
Joined: January 4th, 2012, 1:00 am

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