I have a confession: I was born without an ass. I barely even have any cheeks.
Another confession: I am transgendered. Not some hypnosis-induced hallucination, I am actually legitimately transgendered.
That being said, I crave to have an ass. I would kill to have a nice round butt. I'm about to start fembuttgrowth without the panty deal. But I was wondering if there were any other highly recommended files in this area. The reason I felt the need to say that I'm transgendered is that it doesn't so much matter if it has side effects that make me crave to be the opposite sex or whatever. I also have Estrogen Cocktail that I added the fembuttgrowth body to. I haven't started this regimen yet, but I just wanna have the best chance to grow an ass. It's in my genes, my mom was voted best butt in high school. I haven't started hormones yet, which is why I don't have anything. I just want a jumpstart on it.
Thanks for any and all suggestions!