My true self

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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My true self

Postby aungshadow » August 15th, 2012, 12:58 am

I wish there was a file that allows you to become your real self, I've looked in the mirror and look at a lie everyday. I know who I am inside

and I'm going to admit it to everyone, because the truth I can't hide

My truth self's name is Alice, a lesbian girl trapped in the body, of a man. If anyone can make a file that can make my outside like my inside and set me free I will be forever grateful
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Postby pennyf » August 15th, 2012, 2:15 am

I wish
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Postby transformerdreamer » August 15th, 2012, 5:36 pm

From my understanding Aung, or maybe I should call you Alice. You need to make a decision to stay the way you are now, or change forever. From my experience, and keep in mind I'm very very hard to hypnotize these files don't produce much results (for me anyway).

What I recommend is that you try to do this by using the only for sure thing. Supplements and surgery. Well you might be thinking that this may be too hard to costly or maybe you don't think you are brave enough to do it.

When I am confronted with a problem that seems like a mountain the size of Everest. I like to take the first few steps first and see at least hw bad it is.

What I am saying is perhaps you should try to collect information first:

1) Go to Youtube and search for something like "M2F transition photos", you will see people that have done it in a matter of a year or more.
2) Find Online communities/forums/websites and read and participate
3) You need from my understanding Estrogen and another pill that suppresses Hormones, Price these out. They are not that bad I think but you will need to take them all your life until science progresses and yes, they are working on it. (YOU NEED TO SEE A DOCTOR BEFORE YOU TAKE THESE)
4) The pills make you a women almost completely. Skin, hair, voice, breasts, appearance. HOWEVER some males need hair removal and you WILL need to go under the knife for a vagina.
5) You need to break this to your family and friends so this is where I recommend you seek an online community for help.
6) Being a women is a big change, bigger then some may think. You need to consider clothes, underwear, shoes, make up, eyebrows, fingernails. These may be some of the earlier steps you take.
7) Be prepared for some discrimination, if you already are in your career and say have a diploma that has your old name, it may look odd to a future employer, so you may want to consider this. Look into getting you name changed legally then updating your diploma. You may be able to do this with all of your legal documents, this will take a little money and patience.

I hope I covered everything and helped you at least start to make a decision. Remember this too, there's nothing wrong with you and it's your life. Let society talk, you can't satisfy everyone, and maybe your own satisfaction is or valuable then that of those that can't accept you but consider your loved ones and consider the doors it may close due to society being behind the times.
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Joined: March 28th, 2011, 12:00 am

Postby Tangy » August 15th, 2012, 9:05 pm

transformerdreamer wrote:From my understanding Aung, or maybe I should call you Alice. You need to make a decision to stay the way you are now, or change forever. From my experience, and keep in mind I'm very very hard to hypnotize these files don't produce much results (for me anyway).

What I recommend is that you try to do this by using the only for sure thing. Supplements and surgery. Well you might be thinking that this may be too hard to costly or maybe you don't think you are brave enough to do it.

When I am confronted with a problem that seems like a mountain the size of Everest. I like to take the first few steps first and see at least hw bad it is.

What I am saying is perhaps you should try to collect information first:

1) Go to Youtube and search for something like "M2F transition photos", you will see people that have done it in a matter of a year or more.
2) Find Online communities/forums/websites and read and participate
3) You need from my understanding Estrogen and another pill that suppresses Hormones, Price these out. They are not that bad I think but you will need to take them all your life until science progresses and yes, they are working on it. (YOU NEED TO SEE A DOCTOR BEFORE YOU TAKE THESE)
4) The pills make you a women almost completely. Skin, hair, voice, breasts, appearance. HOWEVER some males need hair removal and you WILL need to go under the knife for a vagina.
5) You need to break this to your family and friends so this is where I recommend you seek an online community for help.
6) Being a women is a big change, bigger then some may think. You need to consider clothes, underwear, shoes, make up, eyebrows, fingernails. These may be some of the earlier steps you take.
7) Be prepared for some discrimination, if you already are in your career and say have a diploma that has your old name, it may look odd to a future employer, so you may want to consider this. Look into getting you name changed legally then updating your diploma. You may be able to do this with all of your legal documents, this will take a little money and patience.

I hope I covered everything and helped you at least start to make a decision. Remember this too, there's nothing wrong with you and it's your life. Let society talk, you can't satisfy everyone, and maybe your own satisfaction is or valuable then that of those that can't accept you but consider your loved ones and consider the doors it may close due to society being behind the times.

I know you want to come out and i have the perfect file for it if you try it out please keep me informed of your progress ok? :o

Personality takeover
Description: Your Real Personalty,keep me informed on your progress By special request , everybody can use this file. Permanent Permanent(when safe) Only while under Dreams have fun
Author: Tangy ? Added On: 2012-08-15 Downloaded: 0 Length: 15:43
Voice Gender: Ambiguous
Average Rating: 0.0000 Total Votes: 0
Permanent Link: Personality takeover Favorite: Mark Favorite
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Postby jooli » August 16th, 2012, 3:40 pm

A lot of what you've written is accurate and good advice as far as it goes, but I have to pick a few holes in what you put about hormones.

transformerdreamer wrote:
4) The pills make you a women almost completely. Skin, hair, voice, breasts, appearance. HOWEVER some males need hair removal and you WILL need to go under the knife for a vagina.

A lot of people believe this, but it's far from true.

Skin will become softer and less oily. Body smell will likely change too. This is one of the biggest and most pleasing changes I've noticed in myself.

Hair - male pattern baldness will be alleviated and some people get thicker hair. Body hair regrowth might be slowed somewhat, and in the long term (several years) might well be reduced. However, in most cases, anywhere you have hair already, you'll keep it. You'll almost certainly need extensive hair removal treatments over a long period, unless you are very smooth to start with.

Voice - no, no, no... voice is unaffected by hormones. Getting a good femme voice is one of the hardest and most important parts of most people's transition. If you want it, you have to practice, practice, practice.

Breasts - yes, you'll get these :). Probably less than you want, and not as quick as you'd like, but it does happen. Chances are you'll get some loss of muscle bulk and a bit of extra hip & butt padding too.

All hormone-related changes vary from person to person. Generally, the younger you are, the greater the changes.
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Postby transformerdreamer » August 16th, 2012, 8:49 pm

Thanks for clearing that up, I appreciate the help as you can probably tell I am a man after all :lol:

This is perfect you can help way more than I can.
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Joined: March 28th, 2011, 12:00 am

Postby aungshadow » August 18th, 2012, 1:03 am

thanks, now my next issue drumming up the courage to admit it to everyone else
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Joined: February 9th, 2010, 1:00 am

Postby 1love » August 21st, 2012, 4:48 am

I just came out. Introduced myself as Anima (Little phycology pun i stuck with) at a party. Wore makeup and some girls clothes. Nobody was really shocked. Lol. Only realy my ex. Who hasnt talked to me since.

My parents dint get it at all. but theyll come around.

I feel great since i came out. I feel like im the me im supposed to be. Obviously i can get closer to that with hormones which ill be looking into as soon as i have the time. I think im gonna stick wandering around in the androgynous forest for a while.
I definitely recommend youtube. You see some manly looking guys go straight to fem.... And they look good;)
Here is a youtube page made by several transgendered in the uk. Quite inspiring. They talk about coming out and transitioning.

What im trying to say is, You dont need to see the whole staircase to take the first step. Try it out. You'll probably love it. And if haters gonna hate, cut them out. Sure it hurts. But you dint need them.
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Postby transformerdreamer » August 22nd, 2012, 9:15 pm

I'm glad that people are talking so free about this. It's a tough subject for most, I have a friend who is gay and he was very scared about coming out to anyone but he is my friend and I support him.

Perhaps the reason why I can relate to such a thing was because I was suicidal at one point, I lost a friend to suicide as well. I told no one and struggled by myself for many years.

One thing is for sure you can't fight your self forever.
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Postby MasterHMH » August 22nd, 2012, 9:50 pm

This is a beautiful thread.
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Postby aungshadow » August 24th, 2012, 12:42 pm

indeed it is, but i'm also worried about telling the people around me, its not easy to come out, especial to your loved ones
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Postby homerj1620 » September 8th, 2012, 8:30 pm

transformerdreamer wrote:1) Go to Youtube and search for something like "M2F transition photos", you will see people that have done it in a matter of a year or more.

Just don't get your hopes up from those videos. Many of the girls that got really good results and post those videos started while under 25. After 25 you don't get as good results. Plus, this is very YMMV.

transformerdreamer wrote:2) Find Online communities/forums/websites and read and participate

I just have to say the following two have been a huge help for me:

transformerdreamer wrote:3) You need from my understanding Estrogen and another pill that suppresses Hormones,

Bioidentical estradiol and antiandrogens, most often spironolactone (which makes you pee a lot). The estradiol can also be supplied through injections, gel, or patches.

transformerdreamer wrote:They are not that bad I think but you will need to take them all your life until science progresses and yes, they are working on it.

This has been one of the reasons I've always tried to convince myself that wasn't trans. At this point, though, screw it. I'd rather take pills the rest of my life than live it as male.


Also, unless you have an Informed Consent clinic near you, you'll also need to get a letter from a therapist before going to an endocrinologist.

transformerdreamer wrote:4) The pills make you a women almost completely Skin, hair, voice, breasts, appearance. HOWEVER some males need hair removal and you WILL need to go under the knife for a vagina.

The pills will soften your skin and make it less oily, it will redistribute fat to your breasts and hips, and also smooth out the face a bit, but it's still really lacking unless you're very lucky.

Voice is not affected for M2F transsexuals, you'll have to spend time training your voice. HRT will slow the growth of facial hair (and body hair), but if you have it, you'll almost certainly need laser/electrolysis.

transformerdreamer wrote:7) Be prepared for some discrimination, if you already are in your career and say have a diploma that has your old name, it may look odd to a future employer, so you may want to consider this. Look into getting you name changed legally then updating your diploma. You may be able to do this with all of your legal documents, this will take a little money and patience.

Expect transphobia, especially if you don't pass well. Our society rather despises transwomen, unfortunately. I would *highly* recommend reading "Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity" by Julia Serano. Two good quotes:

Perhaps no sexual minority is more maligned or misunderstood than trans women. As a group, we have been systematically pathologized by the medical and psychological establishment, sensationalized and ridiculed by the media, marginalized by mainstream lesbian and gay organizations, dismissed by certain segments of the feminist community, and, in too many instances, been made the victims of violence at the hands of men who feel that we somehow threaten their masculinity and heterosexuality. Rather than being given the opportunity to speak for ourselves on the very issues that affect our own lives, trans women are instead treated more like research subjects: Others place us under their microscopes, dissect our lives, and assign motivations and desires to us that validate their own theories and agendas regarding gender and sexuality.
Trans women are so ridiculed and despised because we are uniquely positioned at the intersection of multiple binary gender-based forms of prejudice: transphobia, cissexism, and misogyny.


In a male-centered gender hierarchy, where it is assumed that men are better than women and that masculinity is superior to femininity, there is no greater perceived threat than the existence of trans women, who despite being born male and inheriting male privilege “choose” to be female instead. By embracing our own femaleness and femininity, we, in a sense, cast a shadow of doubt over the supposed supremacy of maleness and masculinity. In order to lessen the threat we pose to the male-centered gender hierarchy, our culture (primarily via the media) uses every tactic in its arsenal of traditional sexism to dismiss us.
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Postby Tangy » September 11th, 2012, 11:09 am

homerj1620 wrote:
transformerdreamer wrote:1) Go to Youtube and search for something like "M2F transition photos", you will see people that have done it in a matter of a year or more.

Just don't get your hopes up from those videos. Many of the girls that got really good results and post those videos started while under 25. After 25 you don't get as good results. Plus, this is very YMMV.

transformerdreamer wrote:2) Find Online communities/forums/websites and read and participate

I just have to say the following two have been a huge help for me:

transformerdreamer wrote:3) You need from my understanding Estrogen and another pill that suppresses Hormones,

Bioidentical estradiol and antiandrogens, most often spironolactone (which makes you pee a lot). The estradiol can also be supplied through injections, gel, or patches.

transformerdreamer wrote:They are not that bad I think but you will need to take them all your life until science progresses and yes, they are working on it.

This has been one of the reasons I've always tried to convince myself that wasn't trans. At this point, though, screw it. I'd rather take pills the rest of my life than live it as male.


Also, unless you have an Informed Consent clinic near you, you'll also need to get a letter from a therapist before going to an endocrinologist.

transformerdreamer wrote:4) The pills make you a women almost completely Skin, hair, voice, breasts, appearance. HOWEVER some males need hair removal and you WILL need to go under the knife for a vagina.

The pills will soften your skin and make it less oily, it will redistribute fat to your breasts and hips, and also smooth out the face a bit, but it's still really lacking unless you're very lucky.

Voice is not affected for M2F transsexuals, you'll have to spend time training your voice. HRT will slow the growth of facial hair (and body hair), but if you have it, you'll almost certainly need laser/electrolysis.

transformerdreamer wrote:7) Be prepared for some discrimination, if you already are in your career and say have a diploma that has your old name, it may look odd to a future employer, so you may want to consider this. Look into getting you name changed legally then updating your diploma. You may be able to do this with all of your legal documents, this will take a little money and patience.

Expect transphobia, especially if you don't pass well. Our society rather despises transwomen, unfortunately. I would *highly* recommend reading "Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity" by Julia Serano. Two good quotes:

Perhaps no sexual minority is more maligned or misunderstood than trans women. As a group, we have been systematically pathologized by the medical and psychological establishment, sensationalized and ridiculed by the media, marginalized by mainstream lesbian and gay organizations, dismissed by certain segments of the feminist community, and, in too many instances, been made the victims of violence at the hands of men who feel that we somehow threaten their masculinity and heterosexuality. Rather than being given the opportunity to speak for ourselves on the very issues that affect our own lives, trans women are instead treated more like research subjects: Others place us under their microscopes, dissect our lives, and assign motivations and desires to us that validate their own theories and agendas regarding gender and sexuality.
Trans women are so ridiculed and despised because we are uniquely positioned at the intersection of multiple binary gender-based forms of prejudice: transphobia, cissexism, and misogyny.


In a male-centered gender hierarchy, where it is assumed that men are better than women and that masculinity is superior to femininity, there is no greater perceived threat than the existence of trans women, who despite being born male and inheriting male privilege “choose” to be female instead. By embracing our own femaleness and femininity, we, in a sense, cast a shadow of doubt over the supposed supremacy of maleness and masculinity. In order to lessen the threat we pose to the male-centered gender hierarchy, our culture (primarily via the media) uses every tactic in its arsenal of traditional sexism to dismiss us.

Dear Alice How did you get your name?

While I am waiting on your answer Here is my latest file.

Girls Only Zone
Description: Loop this file with our without head phones will work just fine do not repeat do not let your male friends hear this file or you will end up with a girl friend instead of a boy Friend, Unless thats your goal.rnrnLove Tangy. anybody can listen Permanent Raeality
Posts: 954
Joined: July 31st, 2011, 12:00 am

Postby aungshadow » September 12th, 2012, 11:04 am

Tangy wrote:
homerj1620 wrote:
transformerdreamer wrote:1) Go to Youtube and search for something like "M2F transition photos", you will see people that have done it in a matter of a year or more.

Just don't get your hopes up from those videos. Many of the girls that got really good results and post those videos started while under 25. After 25 you don't get as good results. Plus, this is very YMMV.

transformerdreamer wrote:2) Find Online communities/forums/websites and read and participate

I just have to say the following two have been a huge help for me:

transformerdreamer wrote:3) You need from my understanding Estrogen and another pill that suppresses Hormones,

Bioidentical estradiol and antiandrogens, most often spironolactone (which makes you pee a lot). The estradiol can also be supplied through injections, gel, or patches.

transformerdreamer wrote:They are not that bad I think but you will need to take them all your life until science progresses and yes, they are working on it.

This has been one of the reasons I've always tried to convince myself that wasn't trans. At this point, though, screw it. I'd rather take pills the rest of my life than live it as male.


Also, unless you have an Informed Consent clinic near you, you'll also need to get a letter from a therapist before going to an endocrinologist.

transformerdreamer wrote:4) The pills make you a women almost completely Skin, hair, voice, breasts, appearance. HOWEVER some males need hair removal and you WILL need to go under the knife for a vagina.

The pills will soften your skin and make it less oily, it will redistribute fat to your breasts and hips, and also smooth out the face a bit, but it's still really lacking unless you're very lucky.

Voice is not affected for M2F transsexuals, you'll have to spend time training your voice. HRT will slow the growth of facial hair (and body hair), but if you have it, you'll almost certainly need laser/electrolysis.

transformerdreamer wrote:7) Be prepared for some discrimination, if you already are in your career and say have a diploma that has your old name, it may look odd to a future employer, so you may want to consider this. Look into getting you name changed legally then updating your diploma. You may be able to do this with all of your legal documents, this will take a little money and patience.

Expect transphobia, especially if you don't pass well. Our society rather despises transwomen, unfortunately. I would *highly* recommend reading "Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity" by Julia Serano. Two good quotes:

Perhaps no sexual minority is more maligned or misunderstood than trans women. As a group, we have been systematically pathologized by the medical and psychological establishment, sensationalized and ridiculed by the media, marginalized by mainstream lesbian and gay organizations, dismissed by certain segments of the feminist community, and, in too many instances, been made the victims of violence at the hands of men who feel that we somehow threaten their masculinity and heterosexuality. Rather than being given the opportunity to speak for ourselves on the very issues that affect our own lives, trans women are instead treated more like research subjects: Others place us under their microscopes, dissect our lives, and assign motivations and desires to us that validate their own theories and agendas regarding gender and sexuality.
Trans women are so ridiculed and despised because we are uniquely positioned at the intersection of multiple binary gender-based forms of prejudice: transphobia, cissexism, and misogyny.


In a male-centered gender hierarchy, where it is assumed that men are better than women and that masculinity is superior to femininity, there is no greater perceived threat than the existence of trans women, who despite being born male and inheriting male privilege “choose” to be female instead. By embracing our own femaleness and femininity, we, in a sense, cast a shadow of doubt over the supposed supremacy of maleness and masculinity. In order to lessen the threat we pose to the male-centered gender hierarchy, our culture (primarily via the media) uses every tactic in its arsenal of traditional sexism to dismiss us.

Dear Alice How did you get your name?

While I am waiting on your answer Here is my latest file.

Girls Only Zone
Description: Loop this file with our without head phones will work just fine do not repeat do not let your male friends hear this file or you will end up with a girl friend instead of a boy Friend, Unless thats your goal.rnrnLove Tangy. anybody can listen Permanent Raeality

Its the name that for some my mind responds to it, whenever I here the Name Alice my mind tries to respond to it. Its really hard to explain but its the name I feel I was ment to have
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