Limp wrist

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Limp wrist

Postby phoebephoebe » January 14th, 2013, 10:22 am

Hi Everyone, I am new to this forum and would like to apologize in advance if I am violating any of the forum norms. I would appreciate any insights regarding the interesting issue I am experiencing.

I have been listening to Goddess Gracie's files (mostly limp clitty training loop, logic of limp and good girl series) and Little Miss Squidgy series (limp and suck files), and have recently noticed that I have somehow developed a limp feeling in my wrists even though I do not recall specific suggestions to that effect. It is most apparent after I have relaxed and laid down for a while. Also, for the past two nights, after I woke up from sleep or a drowsy state, I noticed on several occasions that my hands moved on their own basically, without any effort of my part, and made a feminine movement of caressing myself before I discovered that my right hand was in my mouth and the fingers were exploring my tongue. This feeling that my hand were out of control lasted for about 10 seconds at most. I regained control after that but a funny limp feeling on my wrists remained.

Any idea as to why I experienced that? Thanks in advance.
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Joined: October 27th, 2012, 12:00 am

Postby nicelushes » January 15th, 2013, 2:06 am


It happend to me too - limp wrist..
I'm listening to the same files as you, and I think it is as Goddess said, to express our femininty. Every time I sit with female friend, some how my wrist become limp. Now, because I'm A shame of maybe she'll notice I became more feminine, I always pay attention and correct it to stay straight. To my opinion, limp wirst is A significant feminine mannerism. That's how my brain grasp it.
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Postby debbie32 » January 25th, 2013, 11:03 am

So many of us have experienced this sweetie. We are all born with female and male characteristics and at times the hypno tapes help release that inner energy in many ways.
When in male mode I catch myself with a limp wrist while in conversations with others. oopsies and find myself walking with one foot in front of another as my hips swish. Can be embarrassing at certain times when least expected and that includes sitting down and way I cross my legs or touch someone arm in conversation.
Yet I dont think it is anything to be worried about. Just enjoy
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Postby phoebephoebe » January 26th, 2013, 10:25 pm

Thank you all very much for your replies. I am still in the early stages of coming to terms with what I really desire, and the changes I am experiencing, thanks to Goddess Gracie's files, makes me very excited and nervous at the same time. I appreciate your assistance.
Posts: 7
Joined: October 27th, 2012, 12:00 am

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