A dream I just had. What do you think it means?

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A dream I just had. What do you think it means?

Postby nicelushes » January 10th, 2013, 7:48 pm


Want to share:

Last night, before went to sleep, I was listening to files (sissification and feminization if you ask)... I fell A sleep...After time, while sleeping, I then took the earphones out.
After about two hours, I woke up of A dream. In that dream I arrive home and surprisingly I see A bunch of people inside of it (men and one woman). It was very late, almost sunrise, they were looking for something, but they didn't say what is it. They searched all around, even in the attic! All around my house, but they didn't find nothing. They didn't find what they wanted (In the dream - The mp3 with the files was in my pocket). They didn't find it. Then some of them turn to sit on the sofa, to rest A bit of the search, me also joined them, since I was shocked and surprised.
I then asked few times "What are you doing here? I don't do these kind of things. It is A mistake. Go away!"
(They didn't came to harm, that I felt for sure). Suddenly I looked that all of them had long cock which projected out of their pants, also the woman had one..

When I woke up, it was with A strange feeling. A bit spooky feeling...

What do you think that means?

I think that while sleeping, the messages of the files got deep into my brain, and were looking for the gate to my subconscious. They already got the keys. They got real deep in my mind, almost to my core of the subconscious (I think). Almost succeeded to plant the idea of my sissification. What happened next was that my subconscious protector recognized the risk, operated the alarm and woke me up before it was too late and my core would have got inside feminine seeds.

Does it makes any logic?

Any tips? thoughts?
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Joined: June 6th, 2012, 12:00 am

sometimes a cock is just a cock

Postby Plaat » January 11th, 2013, 10:45 pm

dreams are your subconscious trying to make sense of all the information you took in during the day to internalize. This includes the files, but also everything else you did that day.(say, look for something, or sit on the couch) since cocks came up it just means you (your brain), was thinking about the file, it's content. Its poor reasoning to think dreams all messages or an outside force trying to tell you something, they just are. It's maintenance. Why we remember some and not others is a question for a neurologist It happens to me but in different ways, and explains why listening for hours on end can be so powerful. We've come along way since Freud
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Postby nicelushes » January 15th, 2013, 2:16 am

Dear Plaat,

I read your comment and thought about it.
Sorry, but I cannot agree with you. Also, it is just you theory, not A fact.
Very little known about dreams and its affect on our lifes. But for sure it affect us.

To my opinion, If you can dream it, you can do it.

The subconscious works while awake and while we sleep. Actually it works all the time, and if so, It makes sence to me that you can change your reality while sleeping, or while almost sleeping.

Now for more question, does the files affect our brain while sleeping? And if I'm having troubles to sleep while listening cause I'm listening...Any tips?
Another one, how to increse the trance? I find it hard to get into trance with Goddess Gracie files
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Joined: June 6th, 2012, 12:00 am

Postby Plaat » January 17th, 2013, 10:34 pm

You may disagree, but I'm only laying out what the evidence leads to on that front. Theory itself is the highest form of evidence based knowledge. But I can tell that's not what you meant, but I didn't get my take from a self help book, but science mags. So don't throw me that kind of dismissive talk when asking more questions. We don't have The answers, just the best possible.

I terms of trancing deeper, its all about practice, what I was telling you before, is that everything is effecting you brain. I such you train your brain to get results. Be comfortable, in the most relaxing way, and just listen. And do it many times, build it up by using progressively longer files until you can do the hour long ones.
When it comes to sleeping while listening, I can't help you, though I have fallen asleep during files out of exashation, I found I was less effected by the file I listened to because I didn't remember it. Now, I don't listen to sumbinals, I can bet they work differently; I'm just one guy, look around the site at simalar posts as yours and your find the answers that will click with you.
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