Moderator: EMG
cbarber92 wrote:I am mixed about the file. I was one of the few who got get it out.
It could be a whole slew of reasons why it hasn't necessarily took hold yet.
It could be that I am still in college with roommates, or the fact I don't have a pair of panties,more the fact I haven't listened to CSS in about a month. Maybe it's because I am not able to get an induction so I can listen in a more deeper trance without looping it so long.
I looped it over an hour this weekend, and while I did feel arousal two or three times, there was no orgasm, climax, or an increased desire to actually go get some panties.
One thing though is that it isn't my sissy name specific yet and that might be the missing link.
This is just an initial review of the file. I think it was well done, I just wish I knew what the subliminals were in a way.
cbarber92 wrote:I do plan on getting a pair of panties this afternoon or tomorrow and then I'll be able to proceed with the file
cbarber92 wrote:Yea I am in the USA. I just bought two pairs of very sexy thongs. How will things proceed from here, like how exactly will I know it is working?
And how do I put pictures right here, I would like to put them up here in this topic[/img]
cbarber92 wrote:I do, that would be well appreciated. THANK YOU for being so nice through all my questions, I feel like I've asked them multiple times already :)
cbarber92 wrote:Here is one, and I couldn't make myself take off the pair I'm wearing to show :P
cbarber92 wrote:I actually had to take them off because I still don't want my crush to see my new pretty panties when I bend over in lab, so here is a pic of the other pair
cbarber92 wrote:Tanks again for sending mr the files. I'll definitely use them tonight when imget out of lab. And I will try those suggestions. Btw, you didn't put my sissy name in the file right? Just askin
cbarber92 wrote:Hey I looped it all night with an induction to play over and over and this morning I said "SN, take off the panties" and "Take for the panties" and to both i replied no or made a soundtrack of disapproval. They werernt imediate responses, but it was a start. Guess who is wearing their new pretty panties to all their classes?!?
This has opened up so many things! Once I get better trained with this, I can actually make progress with CSS or I could do the feminizing run curse, which starts with making you run in panties. I'm not going to start those for a while though. Especially not until I get more panties; I wouldn't want to ruin these pretty ones by running in them.
I will also be starting a journal to keep up with this progress as well.
cbarber92 wrote:Well sadly, I didn't wear them like I said. That was an hour before class and as the time got closer, my fear returned. I am currently wearing the other pair now.
I'm not sure what my goals are at this point. While I am interested in bimbo, I don't want the lapses in IQ. I don't want to be attracted to men and being a cocksucker because I am not that into it.
What I would like is to be feminized covertly, like gradual so people don't really know and I don't really know. I know that's really specific but it is what I want. That and the removal of the fear of wearing panties.
Ay suggestions?
cbarber92 wrote:I didn't even think about my panties,mi almost forgot I was wearing them when I went to the bathroom (glad I didn't use the urinal). They were comfortable and I wasn't self conscious at all.
Odly enough, I didn't get an erection all day. The past few times I wore panties I would always get an erection, but this time I did not. Any thoughts?
cbarber92 wrote:Im home now, and Ive downloaded a lot of files, such as SFW, CSS, and some other feminization files. I have LMS: Panties, and a few others. I didnt bring my panties home with me though, so i cant get much training like that out of the way.
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