Volunteers for CSS reinforcement, panty worship file!

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Volunteers for CSS reinforcement, panty worship file!

Postby maverika » January 22nd, 2013, 8:42 am

For those of you who have used CurseStrokeSissy(CSS) I have written a short reinforcement/Panty Worship file! Yay! I had noticed a distinct lack of panty 'fun' files! So here we are! :D

The file is a panty worship file that uses your Sissyname from CSS to reinforce your sissyname, instill confidence and for fun, panty loving! It has a subliminal instruction track on top of a binaural(deepener) mask. Approx 3.40m run time.

Bonus! This file is also woman friendly! ;)

The file does these 3 things:

Sissyname(SN) reinforcement - The file repeats your SN over and over with statements attached to it. Getting you used to it, making you comfortable with being addressed with the SN.

Confidence - You'll feel confident about xdressing/dressing feminine, especially panties. You wont feel ashamed or like you can't wear panties during the day anymore, or only reserve doing it for your 'special/private time', anytime is now pantytime!

Panty Worship - Hey! I needed a topic to work with, and as CSS is about xdressing anyway, i chose this. The file goes a little further than asking you to, and then reinforcing wearing knickers, it gets you to worship, love and enjoy wearing your panties.
What does worship mean? Well it's subjective, it can range from smushing them against your face, to stroking them, posing in them, but you cant get enough, they are the most wonderful thing you have ever seen!
I have noticed if you are under any compulsion or curse to wear panties already, this file will reinforce it like a wood dam getting steel struts and concrete! I'll give you an example, previously, if i said, "<SN>, Take of your panties." I would immediately say after, "I can't take off my panties!" my thumbs would hook the waistband and i'd struggle to take them off, with this file, i don't even feel like moving my arms to my waist! I believe this is residual from CSS or one of Goddess Gracies files.
It is my assertion that this file does not create a compulsion to wear panties past your current psychological feelings about panties and wearing them, and only reinforces your personal feelings and previous hypnosis.

THIS FILE DOES NOT: Feminise past what you may already know/do. It does not remove the need to wear mens underwear. It does not encourage anyone to sissify or dislike women.

I need some volunteers, maybe lets say ten? i would prefer 5 who have used CSS and 5 who haven't, but i'll take what i can get.

I would like you to post here if you are interested in using this file, it needs to be custom made for CSS users, it'll have your SN and once in trance you simply loop and enjoy.
It would be good if some people to maybe try playing the file over(have two mp3s running simultaneously) CSS and see if they notice any difference.

For non-CSS people, i think i'll need your real name or a nickname you respond to. I will also send you a 'vanilla' file, so no names at all. And i'd love for you to test the effectiveness of both

I recommend the file for panty-fetish-freaks, people who really want to wear their panties under their clothes, people who want to experience a light-medium lack of control in an upbeat way(but you will need panties!)

The file will contain in the comments and the lyrics section the full script. Decision is final on yourself whether or not to use it.

I'll take the first ten responses, allow 36hrs for delivery,(emailed, approx. 4mb file)

Usage is simple, use an induction, i recommend 'aural sedation', then once under jump to this file and place on loop. I do recommend listening to the file a few times before, perhaps while reading posts here. just to get familiar with its sound.
I recommend laying down, ahem, naked or with panties on(dont use your very fave panties, use a pair you like though) if you have lotsa panties, dump em on the bed with you! Also have some kleenex handy!:P
You should find the first 2 repetitions dont have any effect, but the third rep should have you tugging at the panties, putting them on, snapping the elastic etc. I would suggest 10-20 repetitions. You may find you become very ecstatic/aroused/orgasm and come out of trance in which case just repeat to go back. As with all subliminal files, if there is an annoying buzzing/whining. Turn it down. You just need the buzzing to be barely audible or just below that.

You can also try to magnify the effects by using other files beforehand or using a slideshow of panties/lingerie, but again please feed this back to me.

PM me your sissyname/nickname/realname and email address then, post here a). what your fetish is or what your trying to achieve with hypnosis, full sissy? bimbofication? panty fetish? just for fun? etc
b) What level of comfort you have about wearing panties already(outside? sleep in them? sex in them? etc)
c) if you have a sissyname, do you respond when you use on yourself?

This file is open to women testing as well! I dont need your SN just a nickname you answer to or real name.

After usage, please post your results here! :) Even if it doesn't work! Your feedback is valuable, i'd like to release the file on here, but would prefer to test it first, and i have a few other ideas as well in the same vein if successful for positive reinforcement files, this file was originally developed for a preset of women in evening/cocktail dress and lingerie with text, if interested i will generate the preset for a second round of tests for the original and new candidates pending feedback given.

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Postby raewatkins » January 22nd, 2013, 8:43 pm

I like the idea of being forced into a compulsion to do something that won't spill out too obviously into day to day life, so this file sounds like something I'd like to try out : P

I usually wear panties/crossdress when I get home from work, and when my flatmate isn't in, so not too often. Panties are easiest to wear discreetly of course, though I still find myself feeling too self conscious to wear them out, or at work very often. I'm very in to feeling girly and submissive through hypnosis, I never settle on anything for too long though, need some commitment ;O

As a non CSS listener though I don't have a proper sissy name, just a girls name I feel suits me, never too often, enough to feel some association though.
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Postby maverika » January 23rd, 2013, 3:19 pm

Just like to thank everyone who has jumped in so far! :) 3 spaces left... one for rae here, and the other 6 who have pm'd so far!

I'm a bit embarrassed to say this, but today was payday, so i've just spent the last 3hrs walking around and am a bit tired, but tomorrow night(thurs) i'll start work on emailing these out! Oh and look what i bought!


Blue vest, pack of 5 thongs! yay! :wink:
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Postby sissirobin » January 24th, 2013, 6:41 am

:) what pretty panties.
You are such a lucky girl!

Robin x
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Postby maverika » January 24th, 2013, 2:19 pm

sissirobin wrote::) what pretty panties.
You are such a lucky girl!

Robin x

*blush* Thanks! :)

Girls, Grrls and Gurls... the volunteering is over. Files will be going out shortly!
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Postby cbarber92 » January 29th, 2013, 6:19 am

I am mixed about the file. I was one of the few who got get it out.

It could be a whole slew of reasons why it hasn't necessarily took hold yet.

It could be that I am still in college with roommates, or the fact I don't have a pair of panties,mor the fact I haven't listened to CSS in about a month. Maybe it's because I am not able to get an induction so I can listen in a more deeper trance without looping it so long.

I looped it over an hour this weekend, and while I did feel arousal two or three times, there was no orgasm, climax, or an increased desire to actually go get some panties.

One thing though is that it isn't my sissy name specific yet and that might be the missing link.

This is just an initial review of the file. I think it was well done, I just wish I knew what the subliminals were in a way.
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Postby maverika » January 29th, 2013, 2:07 pm

cbarber92 wrote:I am mixed about the file. I was one of the few who got get it out.

It could be a whole slew of reasons why it hasn't necessarily took hold yet.

It could be that I am still in college with roommates, or the fact I don't have a pair of panties,more the fact I haven't listened to CSS in about a month. Maybe it's because I am not able to get an induction so I can listen in a more deeper trance without looping it so long.

I looped it over an hour this weekend, and while I did feel arousal two or three times, there was no orgasm, climax, or an increased desire to actually go get some panties.

One thing though is that it isn't my sissy name specific yet and that might be the missing link.

This is just an initial review of the file. I think it was well done, I just wish I knew what the subliminals were in a way.

Hi cbarb! :)

Thanks for the initial feedback. Ummm, well yeah, owning a pair of panties is kinda...uh...the point?

The key objectives of the file are as follows: 1) To build confidence to wear panties on a regular basis, so any feelings of shame/guilt are removed. (This does assume that you own, already have some panties) 2) Worshipping panties, you should feel that panties are important, and that they have a place on your crotch come rain or shine. 3) reinforcement of sissyname, you need to generate your sissy name via CSS, there are 3 versions of this file, pick one and say your sissy name! once you know it, listening to a modified subliminal file like or similar to this, will directly address your subcon, therefore giving it direct instructions that must be complied with!

I think i may have erred here slightly, i've been prowling the forums and noticed that some text says that i should have used 'I' rather than 'You' in statements. but i wonder...

For the files text, check the comments section of the file under properties. the full text is available to all listeners.

It's important that you listen to the file under trance.
I recommend:

listen for 30mins on a loop, before a trance session, do soemthing boring...washing up dishes, polishing shoes, reading WMM, etc

Then at least 30min-1hr after listening, do a trance session and play either this file on top of another file, or loop it for at least 30mins(que multiple times in the playlist) you should notice some effects, it is important to get some trance playback in, or the subconcious cant learn to listen to the file, both out of trance, and in trance.

Keep with it, and also, you haven't really described the best atmosphere for using hypnosis, especially for developing/reinforcing a fetish/lifestyle choice. Wait till the roomie is out, the place is quiet, get those panties, and download an inducer. Then you can really get started.

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Postby cbarber92 » January 29th, 2013, 10:24 pm

I just can't get over that fear of actually getting a pair of panties. I sure once I get a pair, I'll be able to go full steam ahead. I can in the meantime continue to listen to the file itself.

The induction is just something I can't get. WMM is blocked by my school, so I am on my pone now
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Postby frosty46 » January 30th, 2013, 4:10 am

The irony, once you get a pair, it's easier to buy a pair.
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Postby dinkydan » February 4th, 2013, 1:07 pm

hello would like to put myself forward,my sissy name is Candice,my nickname is dinkydan my real names danny love to be an air head bimbo like Barbie & just have fun. email Daniel.bonnington@tesco.net hope to hear from ya real soon
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Feminizations can birth selection be reversed?

Postby Tangy » February 4th, 2013, 1:52 pm

Feminization can birth selection be reversed?Really can it be reversed?,

I know of a very Close close friend of mine who use rush poppers to induce trance an Audio trance is the best he can come up with is an Audio trance not visual one

he can hear a very high pitch voice talking to him and calling him by his girls name and the voice sounds like it is coming from him

why is it not allowing him to go any fother then that? :o
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Postby cbarber92 » February 5th, 2013, 7:09 am

I do plan on getting a pair of panties this afternoon or tomorrow and then I'll be able to proceed with the file
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Postby maverika » February 5th, 2013, 1:03 pm

cbarber92 wrote:I do plan on getting a pair of panties this afternoon or tomorrow and then I'll be able to proceed with the file


Are you in the US? I had a look at walmarts website....some nice knickers on there... ;)

Best thing to do is try to buy some from a shop with a selfservice till or just go to a sex shop, buy some/a pretty knickers/set. Do it out your usual area, you'll feel more confident if you feel no one around knows you.

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Postby cbarber92 » February 5th, 2013, 1:29 pm

Yea I am in the USA. I just bought two pairs of very sexy thongs. How will things proceed from here, like how exactly will I know it is working?

And how do I put pictures right here, I would like to put them up here in this topic[/img]
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Postby maverika » February 5th, 2013, 2:05 pm

cbarber92 wrote:Yea I am in the USA. I just bought two pairs of very sexy thongs. How will things proceed from here, like how exactly will I know it is working?

And how do I put pictures right here, I would like to put them up here in this topic[/img]

OMG! i want to see these panties! :) *can you tell i'm a panty bandit? LOL*

Okay use tinypic.com, you'll get a url then use the button to post, use preview to see the pic.

Here's the text, to the file, it's in the comments of the file too :



























You should lay down, get a good trance going, loop the file...should i email you an inducer? Do you have winzip/winrar?

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Postby cbarber92 » February 5th, 2013, 2:09 pm

I do, that would be well appreciated. THANK YOU for being so nice through all my questions, I feel like I've asked them multiple times already :)
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Postby maverika » February 5th, 2013, 2:13 pm

cbarber92 wrote:I do, that would be well appreciated. THANK YOU for being so nice through all my questions, I feel like I've asked them multiple times already :)

Ahhh! its all good, i'll email it in two parts. check yer mail in 5 to 10. Oh, get those thongs up while were waiting! heheh

M ;)
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Postby cbarber92 » February 5th, 2013, 2:16 pm

Here is one, and I couldn't make myself take off the pair I'm wearing to show :P

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Postby maverika » February 5th, 2013, 2:28 pm

cbarber92 wrote:Here is one, and I couldn't make myself take off the pair I'm wearing to show :P


Dude, today you become a (wo)man!

Oh oh oh! try saying aloud, 'it's time to take of the panties', do you say anything back?

Try also, 'SN, its time to take of the panties' (SN=sissyname)

Files on way! :) and re-read the text a few times, it'll help familarise yourself with whats happening with the audio. This is so awesome! Great panties...

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Postby cbarber92 » February 5th, 2013, 2:31 pm

I actually had to take them off because I still don't want my crush to see my new pretty panties when I bend over in lab, so here is a pic of the other pair

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Postby maverika » February 5th, 2013, 2:37 pm

cbarber92 wrote:I actually had to take them off because I still don't want my crush to see my new pretty panties when I bend over in lab, so here is a pic of the other pair


I like. Yeah, whaletailing a prospect, prob not a good idea! They might get the wrong idea! LOL

Have fun with the files, we can catch up tomorrow. :)
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Postby cbarber92 » February 5th, 2013, 2:40 pm

Tanks again for sending mr the files. I'll definitely use them tonight when imget out of lab. And I will try those suggestions. Btw, you didn't put my sissy name in the file right? Just askin
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Postby maverika » February 5th, 2013, 2:43 pm

cbarber92 wrote:Tanks again for sending mr the files. I'll definitely use them tonight when imget out of lab. And I will try those suggestions. Btw, you didn't put my sissy name in the file right? Just askin

Thats right, its a vanilla file, no names, just the text you can see on page 1.
I'll be looking at named files a bit later on. I might have to re-think the wording based on feedback and other trancers experiences with panty files, reinforcement of hypno etc...
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Postby cbarber92 » February 5th, 2013, 2:47 pm

I do have one thing to say about the file. It kind of ends unruptly, and I'm not sure if that will effect anything in trance or not
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Postby cbarber92 » February 6th, 2013, 6:49 am

Hey I looped it all night with an induction to play over and over and this morning I said "SN, take off the panties" and "Take for the panties" and to both i replied no or made a soundtrack of disapproval. They werernt imediate responses, but it was a start. Guess who is wearing their new pretty panties to all their classes?!?

This has opened up so many things! Once I get better trained with this, I can actually make progress with CSS or I could do the feminizing run curse, which starts with making you run in panties. I'm not going to start those for a while though. Especially not until I get more panties; I wouldn't want to ruin these pretty ones by running in them.

I will also be starting a journal to keep up with this progress as well.
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Postby maverika » February 6th, 2013, 1:55 pm

cbarber92 wrote:Hey I looped it all night with an induction to play over and over and this morning I said "SN, take off the panties" and "Take for the panties" and to both i replied no or made a soundtrack of disapproval. They werernt imediate responses, but it was a start. Guess who is wearing their new pretty panties to all their classes?!?

This has opened up so many things! Once I get better trained with this, I can actually make progress with CSS or I could do the feminizing run curse, which starts with making you run in panties. I'm not going to start those for a while though. Especially not until I get more panties; I wouldn't want to ruin these pretty ones by running in them.

I will also be starting a journal to keep up with this progress as well.

So. Awesome. *does an effeminate swish of the hand for a high five!* ;)

So the confidence kicked right in did it? Gone from scared to buy to strutting around in them all day eh? :) I do have to say, the multiple reinforcement/confidence generated by this file really works well. Even I was surprised! I'm glad its had such a good effect almost immediately! I actually fell asleep with it on and found the next morning I woke up and started rubbing my crotch like crazy, when i tried to disentangle my junk through the sides to relieve myself, after a few strokes, i put my panties back over! I was like 'crap, i can't even masturbate....*in sissy voice* 'because i have to wear my panties!' very strong compulsion! I hope you like the induction, i find sarnoga's voice very soothing and effective as a lead in to many files, especially TTS and male voices(where i had issues before).

Can you also try to take off the panties as you voice your response, is there resistance? Are you grinning ear to ear as you touch them? Do you feel/believe the text from the file? The file uses a build-up approach to reinforcing your beliefs,(for anyone who reads it, notice each subsequent line or two reinforces the previous, thus creating a chain effect)

You should prob try a bimbo/panties/xdress files on here to reinforce as well, you didnt really share what your/fetish/aims were, but theres time for that, lets just enjoy the panties for now. ;)

For people looking to journal, I can recommend Memoires for Android, it can export to PC and has a password feature.

Well done Cbarbs!

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Postby cbarber92 » February 6th, 2013, 2:51 pm

Well sadly, I didn't wear them like I said. That was an hour before class and as the time got closer, my fear returned. I am currently wearing the other pair now.

I'm not sure what my goals are at this point. While I am interested in bimbo, I don't want the lapses in IQ. I don't want to be attracted to men and being a cocksucker because I am not that into it.

What I would like is to be feminized covertly, like gradual so people don't really know and I don't really know. I know that's really specific but it is what I want. That and the removal of the fear of wearing panties.

Ay suggestions?
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Postby maverika » February 6th, 2013, 3:03 pm

cbarber92 wrote:Well sadly, I didn't wear them like I said. That was an hour before class and as the time got closer, my fear returned. I am currently wearing the other pair now.

I'm not sure what my goals are at this point. While I am interested in bimbo, I don't want the lapses in IQ. I don't want to be attracted to men and being a cocksucker because I am not that into it.

What I would like is to be feminized covertly, like gradual so people don't really know and I don't really know. I know that's really specific but it is what I want. That and the removal of the fear of wearing panties.

Ay suggestions?

lol! Guess i spoke to soon! Well check out some of the posters on this sub-forums fave files, and start from there. As for the fear, I dont wear them to work, unless its a dress down day(which we have most times twice a week) but you should just get usd to 'em, sleep in 'em, spend weekends in them, walking around town, shopping, etc.
Keep with it, you have had great efx for just some above trance listening and one nights trance.

You sound like me, interested in bimboisation, I have a panty/lingerie fetish, and i (fantasize)being a dominant cockteaser! but as, i pointed out on the story thread, im not interested in cock. The covert bit sounds a bit like you might want to experiment with a mistress somewhere further down the line...
I still listen to files which introduce the concept of cocksucking, because i have no desire to do so, my mind just ignores those parts as they occur so i can suggest trying a few of the femme/trans files here. I know they seem a bit hardcore some of them, but dont worry.

Also, get yourself a mem stick and get a few hours booked into a internet cafe to get some files dude!

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Postby cbarber92 » February 6th, 2013, 3:27 pm

I'm actually going home this weekend so ill be able to download some files. I'm already marking the ones I want.

If I really think about it I could take off the panties, but it's just that initial "no" in the back of my mind.

I'll post here some files I found
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Postby cbarber92 » February 7th, 2013, 7:04 am

Alright listened last night and looped with induction as I slept and I'm actually bout to leave my dorm with them.

I can say this though. I haven't really thought of my legs as "sexy" or myself as feminine with these on. They are comfortable though. I also am unsure if I went into trance. I think the induction you sent me had some sort of error because it ends abruptly about nine minutes in while Sarnoga is still talking.

But I am going to see if I can wear this thong all day. I got my pants belted tighter and a longer shirt just in case though.
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Postby cbarber92 » February 7th, 2013, 9:10 pm

I didn't even think about my panties,mi almost forgot I was wearing them when I went to the bathroom (glad I didn't use the urinal). They were comfortable and I wasn't self conscious at all.

Odly enough, I didn't get an erection all day. The past few times I wore panties I would always get an erection, but this time I did not. Any thoughts?
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Postby maverika » February 8th, 2013, 1:18 pm

cbarber92 wrote:I didn't even think about my panties,mi almost forgot I was wearing them when I went to the bathroom (glad I didn't use the urinal). They were comfortable and I wasn't self conscious at all.

Odly enough, I didn't get an erection all day. The past few times I wore panties I would always get an erection, but this time I did not. Any thoughts?

Lol! Okay, so your new to panties...but basically, in the beginning, its a kink. Your goner get a boner!
But, after a while, you will de-sensitize, you will become relaxed, unconcerned.

Remember, the whole reason your doing this?
To become used to wearing womens clothes, and at some point, other than just cross dressing as a spank fantasy, you will need to treat them as normal clothes. Your just moving ahead, my file makes you more confident, fear can sometimes arouse as well, pulse rising, trembling etc As your fear decreases, it will be replaced by other feelings and ideas.

The file was in two parts, it should have been about 10megs? and runs for about 14mins. check your email, should be two rar parts, or just get when you go home tomorrow! ;)

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Postby cbarber92 » February 8th, 2013, 2:44 pm

Im home now, and Ive downloaded a lot of files, such as SFW, CSS, and some other feminization files. I have LMS: Panties, and a few others. I didnt bring my panties home with me though, so i cant get much training like that out of the way.
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Postby maverika » February 8th, 2013, 2:51 pm

cbarber92 wrote:Im home now, and Ive downloaded a lot of files, such as SFW, CSS, and some other feminization files. I have LMS: Panties, and a few others. I didnt bring my panties home with me though, so i cant get much training like that out of the way.

Pack of 5 thongs from walmart or another superstore?
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Postby cbarber92 » February 8th, 2013, 2:58 pm

i didnt want to be caught with them at home, my family wouldnt be that supportive at all
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