School for Sissification Feminization and Furrification.

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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School for Sissification Feminization and Furrification.

Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » March 31st, 2013, 3:07 pm

After mulling over an idea i had rolling around, and an extensive visualization excersise in chats. i have decided that i will open a special school.. hte SSFF.. School for Sissification Feminization and Furrification. this will encompass many ideas, hopes and dreams for those here and abroad. i am taking a poll to see who is interested in this endeavor.

IN the long run it will be a self sufficient website, with eventual enrollment and classes, it will have its own professors, etc.

It will teach newbies how to walk, talk, dress, etc basics and advanced classes, as well as offer a forum and general chats (cafeteria), specific chats will be specific "class" rooms where each moderator is a professor of certain subjects.

I am in talks with a programmer regarding this idea.

i think, in my opinion it would be most intriguing. let me know what YOU think..
HeadMistress Squirrel
Posts: 214
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Postby sissirobin » March 31st, 2013, 10:32 pm

This sounds like a brilliant idea.
I look forward to seeing what you come up with..

robin xx
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Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » March 31st, 2013, 10:44 pm

i just have to say (off topic) i LOVE your profile pic. are those beauties all natrual ?
HeadMistress Squirrel
Posts: 214
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Postby garyman12 » March 31st, 2013, 11:36 pm

As a question: Does it necessarily have to be both Feminization AND Furrification? Or pick and choose one or the other? (or alternatively, a "slave" gives that decision up to the master)
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Postby sissirobin » April 1st, 2013, 7:35 am

Hi Mistress Squirrel.

The lovely breasts in my profile pic belong to Sarina Valentina.
Unfortunately not natural but still wonderfully soft and plump.
She is my absolute idol - I wish I could be just like her.

Robin xx
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Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » April 2nd, 2013, 12:31 am

garyman12 wrote:As a question: Does it necessarily have to be both Feminization AND Furrification? Or pick and choose one or the other? (or alternatively, a "slave" gives that decision up to the master)


Good question!

NO, it will be a 'school' setting of learning, enhancement, etc. You may be able to mix and match your 'courses" like you would in a regular school.
each class you attend will go to your overall grades etc. though attendance at this school is optional, the learning will be fun!

It is by design, a large series of chatrooms, each moderator is teh "professor" of that room with their specialties. and it is just much more than a chatroom. there will be cirriculum with specialized intrests. The title SSFF is merely the tip of the ice burg.

for example : if one wants to be a bimbo-feminized-furry-who wears diapers-and is age regressed. there is a classroom for each of those

Your enrollment form would be a checklist of all the areas that you find of interest, which, you may change your "major" at any time. No pressure. It will also have classes for slaves, as well as those who wish to be masters or mistresses. it will also encompass other spectrums of the fetish world. Of course there will be the "cafeteria" which is a glorified general chatroom, there will be posting boards ,etc. as well as a hyper-link library for those who wish to study on their chosen electives, those links will be created by the professors of each class. It is like Hogwarts meets the fetish world!

All ages will be welcomed, all "reasonable" fetishes too! each student will be able to post pics, choose profile characters etc.. As i see in my vision of what it will be, the epitomy of a virtual school setting entertainment. it will, however be restricted to 18+ due to content.

Of course, there will be the standard "rulebook" that all will need to follow such as respecting each other and so forth. breaking the rules will cause a person to be subject to expultion from the school. Uniforms are optional, though encouraged. ;)

Whether its to go there to actually learn about your fetish, or to just hang out and talk amongst fellow fetish folks. it is somewhere, in my hopes people would love to spend their free time.

In time i will write the prospectus and mission statement and get the funds together to get the ball rolling.

hope that answers your questions and then some.

Best regards,
Head Mistress Squirrel
HeadMistress Squirrel
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Postby natchange2 » April 2nd, 2013, 3:39 am

Sounds awesome
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Postby Ch3rryPi3Guy » April 2nd, 2013, 12:40 pm

Sounds like a good bit of fun~

Glad to see your getting this off the ground Miss Squirrel, if your in need of any artwork for said endeavor just let your friendly neighborhood Pie Guy know.
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Postby mystic-wolf » April 2nd, 2013, 2:33 pm

I have a question, do you only to submissive types of people who have to call you mistress?, because i do't think everyone will be that way.
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Postby garyman12 » April 2nd, 2013, 3:33 pm

Ah nice, thanks. If you are in need of any help, I am actually experience in giving hypnosis sessions (and even have files recorded elsewhere). Honestly though, I'm more interested in being a ~subject~ more in this stage of my life, so stuff like this very much interests me.
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Postby sissirobin » April 2nd, 2013, 8:59 pm

Wow..It sounds like a big project.

I would be happy to help out where I can.
(Unfortunately I am completely un-webskilled, arty, musical or hypnotic.)

I can make cups of tea and coffee. :)

Robin xx
Posts: 8
Joined: January 17th, 2013, 1:00 am

Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » April 3rd, 2013, 12:32 am

Ch3rryPi3Guy wrote:Sounds like a good bit of fun~

Glad to see your getting this off the ground Miss Squirrel, if your in need of any artwork for said endeavor just let your friendly neighborhood Pie Guy know.

Actually yes, i am in need of a good illustraitor for this whole thing. I would also like to see a nice illustration of "HeadMistress Squirrel"
(one i could also use for my profile pic) ;) but each area of the "school" would have some sort of illustrated artwork. the mainpage should in my imagination have an old ivy brick covered building that resembles one of the ivy league schools.. that would be the entry.

Pm me for particulars pie guy ;)
HeadMistress Squirrel
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Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » April 3rd, 2013, 12:36 am

mystic-wolf wrote:I have a question, do you only to submissive types of people who have to call you mistress?, because i do't think everyone will be that way.

lol wolf, no not everyone will "need" to call me mistress however, irl. a HeadMistress of a school is just that, and the students out of respect defer to that title :) .

It is definately going to be a school of tolerance for all other fetishes/fetishists. Unification through Diversification!

the whole idea is still in it's infancy stage, so who knows where its going to go..
HeadMistress Squirrel
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Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » April 3rd, 2013, 12:38 am

sissirobin wrote:Wow..It sounds like a big project.

I would be happy to help out where I can.
(Unfortunately I am completely un-webskilled, arty, musical or hypnotic.)

I can make cups of tea and coffee. :)

Robin xx

very Good!
Every School needs that ;)

HeadMistress takes hers with two sugars and cream (light).

haha every time i scroll down this post, all i see are those boobs! hahahaah like lamposts along a highway.,... booob......boob.........boob... hhaahha
HeadMistress Squirrel
Posts: 214
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Postby sissirobin » April 3rd, 2013, 4:15 am

*Grins* I could try being a lamp-post but people would just walk into me.

Robin xx
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Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » April 3rd, 2013, 9:49 pm

sissirobin wrote:*Grins* I could try being a lamp-post but people would just walk into me.

Robin xx

Either that, or try to get their tongue stuck to you like in Christmas story (yes i know it was a flagpole)..
HeadMistress Squirrel
Posts: 214
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Postby dromag67 » April 4th, 2013, 11:04 am

sounds interesting if it comes to fruition
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Postby ABiggerBlueFish » April 16th, 2013, 7:25 am

This sounds like a wonderful idea, I hope you are successful as I would love to be able to enrol someday.
I think having it structured around a school setting is a great idea as it will help keep sissies focused and on track
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Sol, Sol, Sol

Postby Plaat » April 19th, 2013, 10:44 pm

Solidarity is a better of of putting it.
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Postby CWolfCW » April 20th, 2013, 6:35 am

Out of curiosity, is this already in development or live? Or still in the planning/idea-only processes?

Either way, sounds like a fun concept. :3
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Postby teil01 » April 23rd, 2013, 7:41 pm

Sounds like a fantastic idea - can't wait to enroll.
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Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » May 10th, 2013, 1:13 am

unfortunately its only in the development stages. it will take alot of capitol to make it happen.
HeadMistress Squirrel
Posts: 214
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Postby Mina_Squirrel » May 10th, 2013, 2:32 am

You could always try Offbeatr, Mistress :P
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