experiences with allison-in-love.

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experiences with allison-in-love.

Postby Paula423 » March 30th, 2013, 10:22 am

So she dissapeared from the internet, however recently found some files and wanted to find some experiences on the forum, searched for a long time and still found nothing useful, except one guy Tangy disliking her a lot.

To start this off I will give you my experience so far. I have started listening to the hypnaudio version feminization and then recently discovered her other files and I like them more I have to say, however I just brushed over them haven't really fully dedicated time to them yet, because for once her effects seem strong especially since the last time I tranced which was very intense, and for and for two, there is no information about her what so ever or what the files exactly do and if i don't want them to be permanent (because I actually don't really want to be a woman, but I really enjoy submitting to her) if I can get away with pushing the effects a bit more but then have them fade away with time as I would stop listening to her.

I hope we can gather some more information! I also very much invite you to test her out yourself, in an earlier post you can find more info and also the link to her lost files
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Postby qv » March 30th, 2013, 2:46 pm

Orrrrrrr you could listen to hypnosis files you actually know and want the effects of, with people that can actually take care of you and monitor your progress.

Seriously, why are people always so obsessed with using files without someone able to keep track of them?
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Postby ParanoidLord » March 30th, 2013, 2:59 pm

Don't know about the rest of you, but I always give any file I consider using at least one listen outside of trance to make sure it's in my interests. Usually, it just means skipping the inductions and deepeners.

As for these files? As far as I know, allison-in-love always seemed to focus on permanent feminization, which is not to my interest. On the other hand, if that's what you want, her files are apparently very good for that. It might be possible to control or otherwise limit those effects through mental resistance, but listening to them does come with the risk of beginning to want all of their effects.

Incidentally, there's a thread that amongst other things discusses the one feminization file you're working with.
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Postby Paula423 » March 30th, 2013, 10:06 pm

Yes, I started that thread, however it didn't provide me the information I was looking for, and I am more interested in her other files now, they appeal to me much more. . I guess it's just my sort of erotic idea about hypnosis, giving up control, not fully knowing what it will do to me. I'm less interested in th effects as in being forced to have these effects. But it's clearly still more a fantasy, I wouldn't actually want it in reality. The question is how long can I play with fire. Ideally I would want to almost get to the point of no return, and then return.

Anyways, any input is highly appreciated, thanks!
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Postby qv » March 31st, 2013, 5:11 am

Well, to put it bluntly... you want to play with fire, and that's okay... but for god's sakes, have a firefighter handy. Better yet, let them be in charge the fire... fireplay is a thing, you know, look it up.
Careful, though. Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Do hypnosis with someone.
Someone that isn't a dick.
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Postby JenniJenni » April 7th, 2013, 1:36 pm

Personally, I still find the Allison files to be among the best out there. It was a real loss when she disappeared off the internet. The files are generally less about sexual fantasy and more about deeper psychological conditioning that can have a permanent effect on your psyche, and as such should not be taken lightly. That said, to get the most effect out of them requires your active and willing mental participation. I would compare them to Ms J's files, though Ms J takes the mind twisting even further (I mean that in a good way - assuming that's what you want).

I agree with giving new files at least a quick out-of-trance run through so that you know what you're getting yourself into. Though once I trust a hypnotist, the first blind listening of a new file can be pretty dramatic at times.
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