
For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Postby demigraff » June 2nd, 2013, 12:53 pm

Hi folks :)

Not sure if this is my first foray into this forum, but it probably is. Hope you won't mind an outsider dropping in.

I found that the first thing that worked for me when I was exploring was regression. And the best file was one that I recorded called "Little girls ...". For some reason (probably poor recording quality), the little boys file didn't even come close. So I've stuck with that, and even started using a second file with it.

Basically, when triggered I become a little girl for a couple of hours. I could be any age from 2 to 18, and I don't know until I trigger myself how old I'm going to be. And today I started thinking that maybe one way to make the experience feel more real would be to get some clothes more suitable for a little girl. But I have no idea what to choose.

I'm reluctant to choose clothes based on what I think looks nice, because I'm not really sure what ages they'd be suitable for, or anything. And because my little girl 'role' is not me, so shouldn't share my tastes. I suspect my fashion sense when I'm little will develop based on what's available, so I wouldn't want to seed it with things that wouldn't appeal so much to a real girl. Does that make sense?

And girls sizes seem to work differently, so if I'm ordering online I'll probably mess things up (Though looking at the size charts on Next's website, I'm guessing something like 14-16? I'm 6'1", 15½" neck, 34" chest, 28" waist)

I've gone through a couple of online shops, but the few things I like, I don't know whether they'd suit 'the other me', or they aren't available in (best guess at) my size.

I don't really know where to ask for help, but I guess some folks here might have more experience with the trouble that would face a guy trying to convert clothes sizes, or guess what will seem natural to someone from the other side of the gender divide. Maybe I should stop looking at clothes for big girls, and see if there's a specialist outlet somewhere that can do girl-ish clothes in my size. Or maybe I'm just not looking in the right place. Can anyone help me?

Heck, if someone could just say "get this", it'd be so much easier. Indecision is the hardest part, and I think I criticise my own choices too much.

Would welcome any advice you can give ^_^
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Joined: April 13th, 2005, 12:00 am

Pretty dresses.

Postby fifigal » June 2nd, 2013, 6:03 pm

Hi, Demigraff. I saw the listing of your Little Girl file, but cannot listen to it because I am not a Premimum member. Anyway, back to your topic. Very pretty, very well made outfits can be purchased at LD Fashions. The clothes are a bit pricey, but I think they are worth it. The dresses I've bought have held up very well for a decade, so far. I have no regrets for having spent the money on these pretty clothes. You can also get the necessary frilly undies to go with the dresses. Good luck with your shopping.
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Joined: April 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby demigraff » June 24th, 2013, 3:00 pm

I think their prices are a bit more than I can afford.

I've got some clothes, though ... there's a pic in the "User Pics" album if anyone's interested. From BHS of all places; turns out that 14yo girls fits me pretty well.

I find it hard to choose, though. "Little" me doesn't have any well-defined tastes so far. I'd much rather have tastes that aren't initialised from my adult preferences. So here's an idea: Pick me something, I'll go into the shop and see if they've got it. To reward you for helping me develop my wardrobe, I'll post a photo in whatever style you prefer (as if anyone would actually want to see me) or any other reasonable request.

The shops I've got in town are: BHS, New Look, Next and Sainsburys; I think they all have catalogues online, so you can easliy link me to anything you think I'd look good in :D

Thankyou so much, guys
Posts: 589
Joined: April 13th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby starchildskiss78 » June 25th, 2013, 5:49 am

demigraff wrote:I think their prices are a bit more than I can afford.

I've got some clothes, though ... there's a pic in the "User Pics" album if anyone's interested. From BHS of all places; turns out that 14yo girls fits me pretty well.

I find it hard to choose, though. "Little" me doesn't have any well-defined tastes so far. I'd much rather have tastes that aren't initialised from my adult preferences. So here's an idea: Pick me something, I'll go into the shop and see if they've got it. To reward you for helping me develop my wardrobe, I'll post a photo in whatever style you prefer (as if anyone would actually want to see me) or any other reasonable request.

The shops I've got in town are: BHS, New Look, Next and Sainsburys; I think they all have catalogues online, so you can easliy link me to anything you think I'd look good in :D

Thankyou so much, guys

I think what you picked out is very suitable! :)
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Joined: July 16th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby demigraff » June 25th, 2013, 11:10 am

Heh ... I was on the way back from the shops (not finding anything that stands out) when I opened the web browser and saw that someone had responded ... First thought was "Yay, someone might have picked something for me!" and then "Aww, I'm too late to get anything today"

starchildskiss78 wrote:I think what you picked out is very suitable! :)

Thankyou :) I like it too, but I was thinking maybe an upcoming ageplay event would be a good excuse to get myself a choice of clothes :) Maybe I'll try this "click and collect" thing, if they ever have anything available in my size
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Joined: April 13th, 2005, 12:00 am

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