Is there a fundamental error in turning off testosterone?

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Is there a fundamental error in turning off testosterone?

Postby obey_evolution » November 3rd, 2013, 12:52 pm

Hi, I've noticed that some of the feminization files say "Turn off testosterone production and start producing estrogen". I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure I've heard that your body needs to produce testosterone first and then it converts it to estrogen. If this is true, then should the feminization files not turn up both testosterone and start producing estrogen? I've added a few links I found below. What am I misunderstanding? Thanks.

"Obesity plays a role, since body fat helps turn testosterone into estrogen."

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Postby diode168 » November 3rd, 2013, 9:06 pm

Yeah, it would be extremely bad for a biological male to shut off testosterone completely hell it would be bad for a female to shut it off.

The files focus on overcompensation. Since you fail to get the full effect of the file and get a lesser effect in this case you have lower male hormones and higher female.
To explain this you have the number 1 but you want 2 instead. In order to get two you say you want 3.

It also is a tool. So many effect of the files are not from hormone changes but from other pathways. Since people associate the results with hormones it's easier for visualization especially in trance when it's not hard to confuse the person.

The end product isn't always a bad thing. You will be surprised how much the body can change with no effect since studies go by trends. Overall people with lower testosterone are more likely to have this than people who have high but on a individual basis it can be anything.

If it's what the person wants it's most often for the best. The files are very powerful.

(Doctor (not practicing/now researcher) (kind of drunk sorry for sentence structure) :oops:
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Postby obey_evolution » November 5th, 2013, 8:49 am

diode168 wrote:Yeah, it would be extremely bad for a biological male to shut off testosterone completely hell it would be bad for a female to shut it off.

The files focus on overcompensation. Since you fail to get the full effect of the file and get a lesser effect in this case you have lower male hormones and higher female.
To explain this you have the number 1 but you want 2 instead. In order to get two you say you want 3.


Thanks. Some of the articles indicated that, in order to produce estrogen (to make breasts), you need to create MORE testosterone as testosterone is needed to make estrogen. Did I understand this correctly? If so, we should modify the Bimbo Blessing to increase (not decrease) testosterone production and use it to make more estrogen,right?
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Postby Ritulia » November 11th, 2013, 3:49 pm

From Paul Clinton "Feminization" : All testosteron that you're producing, immediately converting into estrogen.
But hypnotic suggestions are directed to induce the production of your own female hormones in the amount of genetic girl more and more with more and more listening of the effective files. So, from one side hypnosis helps to convert your TST to estrogen, from another side it helps to produce female hormones from your own production system. More in detailes how it works you can read in the book of femme secrets expert Lucille Sorella " Breast male enlargement, no risky hormones".
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Postby obey_evolution » November 12th, 2013, 9:20 am

Ritulia wrote:From Paul Clinton "Feminization" : All testosteron that you're producing, immediately converting into estrogen.
... you can read in the book of femme secrets expert Lucille Sorella " Breast male enlargement, no risky hormones".

Is this the one you mean? It's more of an article than a book so I thought I'd ask to be sure.

Never mind. I think I found it here:

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Postby Liann » November 13th, 2013, 3:18 pm

All members of the human species in standard healthy condition produce and use sex hormones categorized as testosterones and estrogens.

"Estrogen" is a generic name for three varieties of female sex hormones produced in human bodies, all of which start with the basic Testosterone molecule as the primary ingredient. Testosterone itself is required by both males and females for sex drive. The "estrogens" produced are sequentially broken down and eventually some of the byproduct molecules are small enough to be excreted with sweat as some of the aerosol evaporation called pheromones which stimulate the Vomeronasal organ, a virtual "6th Sense". The Vomeronasal organ in humans is inextricably bound to sexual orientation, so sexual transformation hypnotists need to program the pheromone response as well as the Testosterone/Estrogen ratio.

People do not need to know any of this to be effective hypnotists. Humans translate language into neuro-electrochemical activity. Humans do not think in "words", they think in electricity. The hypnotist's job is to program the electricity using the closest words that will suffice for the job. If the subject believes that "stopping testosterone" and "switching on estrogen" will work, then it will work to some extent. The words will be translated into electrochemical actions in the subject's brain which cause the desired physical effects despite the misinformation of the subject.

Hypnosis is not rocket science. It does not need accuracy to seven decimal places in order to work. However, the better educated subjects will balk if asked to do something that they know is against the laws of reality, or plainly impossible. In that case a more careful use of language is required to bypass their skeptical guard-dogs of their minds.

In the vast majority of hypnotist giving corny instructions to subjects, any perceived results are most likely the "Placebo Effect" where people "play along" and see more than there really is.

"Estrogen" was first discovered in animal ovaries as an unknown molecule. It was a minute trace hard to isolate and identify. In order to try to understand it's function, it was experimentally injected into test animals where it was FIRST LEARNED that it caused female mating behaviors in males. Male animals took on the females sex roles and postures, inviting other males to mount them.

While estrogens are responsible or feminization of the female bodies (or femininization of make bodies too), it must be understood that there is a physical behavior function of estrogens, and to some extent, reciprocal, acting feminine helps generate a greater estrogen production.

Some of this is temperature related: males carry their primary testosterone-generating organs on the outer perimeter of the body where it is cooler, while females carry their ovaries in the hot interior of their body. Sissies tuck their testes tightly away in girdles and tightly between crossed legs, reducing the testosterone and improving the conversion to estrogens.

In the end, getting a subject to eat three capsules of Black Cohosh per day is the most effective feminization that a hypnotist can do, far more effective than just words. There are medical dangers in estrogen actions in the human body, both males and females. Some of the most aggressive and deadly cancers are triggered into hyper activity in the presence of estrogens (and estrogen-mimic pollution), and death-dealing blood clotting problems for tobacco addicts and low activity lifestyles is amplified.

It's probably a good thing, over all, that hypnotists are fumbling trying to increase estrogens and subjects are fumbling trying to translate what the hypnotist said. True sexual modification ought to be monitored by competent sympathetic medical practitioners if possible, although not everybody has the budget, or lives in a considerate society where that is possible. Prescription hormones are more exact in dosages, and side-effects can be treated in a variety of ways before they are catastrophic.
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Postby obey_evolution » November 14th, 2013, 8:31 pm

Hi Liann, I must admit I was surprised to read such a negative statement on hypnosis-triggered male breast growth from such a senior member of the site. I just downloaded "Liann is living her dreamv2 Remix" today by haven't listened to it yet. As contributor of "BreastGame MammyWhammy..." and others, are you saying you no longer feel these files can stimulate male breast growth on their own (ie. Without hormone pills/shots/herbals)? If this is the case, I need to be added to the list of the delusional.
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Postby Liann » November 15th, 2013, 5:35 pm

jm_pnslt47m wrote:Hi Liann, I must admit I was surprised to read such a negative statement on hypnosis-triggered male breast growth from such a senior member of the site. I just downloaded "Liann is living her dreamv2 Remix" today by haven't listened to it yet. As contributor of "BreastGame MammyWhammy..." and others, are you saying you no longer feel these files can stimulate male breast growth on their own (ie. Without hormone pills/shots/herbals)? If this is the case, I need to be added to the list of the delusional.

You are the proud owner of all the negativity that you perceived. You failed to understand what I said. I claim that hypnosis works, but in a very indirect fashion, not directly word-for-word, and it doesn't actually matter what words are used so long as the subject produces the electrochemical brainwaves which are commands to the body organs. If the subject is predisposed to balk at suggestions which they feel are "wrong" they will not comply voluntarily with the end result.

In the case of the present topic, people predisposed to believe that there are testosterone-only organs and estrogen-only organs, their compliance with suggestions to turn down testosterone and turn up estrogen works despite the fact that there are no exclusive organs to turn up or down. The semantic error is mistranslated into the correct "state of mind" required, so no harm done. However, for those with knowledge that Testosterone IS ESTROGEN before an enzyme gives it a castration, those subjects will not comply with a suggestion which they believe is silly, and will refuse to produce the state of mind which generates the enzyme production.

ALL HYPNOSIS IS VOLUNTARY. Subjects must comply to achieve results. Hypnotists must formulate suggestions which will generate the particular electrochemical state of mind, choosing words and phrasings which suit the subject and not generate resistance on the subject's part.

"GROW BREASTS, GROW" is fully sufficient hypnotic suggestion to produce results (which vary by individuals) without ever getting into the thicket of hormones.

As I said, hormones are chemical hypnotists. Estrogen was discovered NOT BECAUSE IT GREW BREASTS OR FEMINIZED FEATURES; it was discovered because it CONTROLLED BEHAVIOR. They had this chemical isolate and had no idea what it did so they injected it in animals and it made the males act sissy. NO WORDS AT ALL, but the subjects were chemically hypnotized to behave differently. Feminizing Hypnotism attempts to recreate that by producing brain states that emulate the mental state produced by abundant estrogen in the brain, which in turn stimulates estrogen production, which in turn dominates the mental states. It's the chicken or the egg -- which came first, a thirst for estrogen on the brain, or estrogenated brains dominated to seek out more and stronger hypnotic conditioning to produce increasing feminization.

Estrogen is a fundamental molecule found in some yeasts, plants and animals in thirty natural forms (more or less). Females find it addictive and go through withdrawal symptoms monthly and at menopause. Industry has generated powerful estrogen-mimics which pollute our food, water and air. Plastic baby bottles have been found to leach estrogen-mimics which probably condition rapid-growing brains of infants. The present age has produced and abundance of transgender-inclined males with a yearning for estrogenated brain domination. Hypnotism may not be the best solution to that unmet need in every instance. That's not "negativity", it is recognition that estrogen pills are cheap and abundant, fairly easily obtained, and numerous estrogen-rich foods and supplements are available worldwide as close as the grocery store.
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Postby obey_evolution » November 15th, 2013, 7:09 pm

Thanks Liann for that excellent tutorial. After reading it a few times, I believe I've understood your message properly. Sorry for not taking enough time to understand it earlier. :-)
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Postby Tangy » November 21st, 2013, 9:30 am

jm_pnslt47m wrote:Thanks Liann for that excellent tutorial. After reading it a few times, I believe I've understood your message properly. Sorry for not taking enough time to understand it earlier. :-)

Is there a fundamental error in turning off testosterone?

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From; Tangy
Yes Turning it back on. :o
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