swapping bodies

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swapping bodies

Postby saints56 » September 13th, 2011, 5:35 pm

Hey can someone please help me swap bodies? i want to try it out.
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Postby Mutazoa » September 13th, 2011, 7:50 pm

The short answer: No

The long(ish) answer: There is no such thing. The best you could hope for is for some one to hypnotize you into thinking you had a different body...seeing a different one if you looked in the mirror for example, but even that would take many intense sessions and the best you could hope for is to experience the "swap" while in trance but not while awake. Anybody who tells you otherwise is either a) stupid b) yanking your chain c) been reading too much hypno-fantisy or d) A&C

Take your pick
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Postby VeryGnawty » September 13th, 2011, 9:31 pm

I suppose if two people were familiar enough with each other's personalities, then they could think they have swapped bodies (by subconsciously replacing their personality with the other). That would be the experiential equivalent of swapping bodies. Technically, it would be much more similar to Dissociative Identity Disorder.

I sense that this thread was inspired by Senna's thread. I gave Senna the benefit of the doubt and treated her seriously. I tend to treat everything seriously until it is proven otherwise. After some private message exchange with Senna when this whole "bodyswapping" fiasco was happening on the forums, I became convinced that Senna was not serious about the claims she was making about bodyswapping. I remain unconvinced that Senna was ever serious about her claims of swapping bodies with anybody. I also remain unconvinced that Senna's claims were ever made for any reason other than to get attention, or to engage in pure fantasy. I doubt that Senna ever did or ever had any intent to swap bodies with anybody, whether the experience be real or hallucinatory.

I hate to disparage another forum user, even if that user is currently inactive. But I also hate for people to be filled with unrealistic expectations based on claims which are most likely false to begin with. I can't recommend that anybody should treat Senna's claims as anything other than wishful thinking at best, and outright trolling of the forums at worst.
"Once, people only flew in their dreams. Now, they dream during their flights." - Howard Hendrix
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Re: swapping bodies

Postby sarnoga » September 13th, 2011, 10:06 pm

saints56 wrote:Hey can someone please help me swap bodies? i want to try it out.

I think Mutazoa was correct with his short answer. Swapping bodies is the stuff of fantasy. If such a thing were possible, and I do not believe it is, it would require a method other than hypnosis as it is not something that can be accomplished with hypnosis.

Though if you ever discover a way to swap bodies with someone you may want to then seek out a gifted and qualified hypnotist to help you get over all the psycological and emotional problems you are sure to encounter.


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Re: swapping bodies

Postby VeryGnawty » September 14th, 2011, 7:11 am

sarnoga wrote:If such a thing were possible, and I do not believe it is, it would require a method other than hypnosis as it is not something that can be accomplished with hypnosis.

Soul transference. I knew some occultists who were working on such a technique. I don't think any of them completed their work.

Perhaps if you said "Ginyu CHANGE NOW" and then fired yellow energy out of your mouth, you might be able to swap bodies with someone.
"Once, people only flew in their dreams. Now, they dream during their flights." - Howard Hendrix
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Re: swapping bodies

Postby sarnoga » September 14th, 2011, 8:08 am

VeryGnawty wrote:

Perhaps if you said "**** ****** ***" and then ***** ****** ****** *** ** **** *****, you might be able to swap bodies with someone.

OMG, I cant believe you told him about that. You might be in big trouble.
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Re: swapping bodies

Postby VeryGnawty » September 14th, 2011, 8:30 am

sarnoga wrote:
OMG, I cant believe you told him about that. You might be in big trouble.

The sad thing is that it would probably be more effective than most theories I've seen about bodyswapping.

To be honest, I'm not even sure what one would use bodyswapping for. It doesn't seem practical for feminization (you could just feminize the body you already have).

The only thing I would use bodyswapping for is a practical joke. For example, I could set up a rape scene with someone where they tie me down. Then, just before they are about to abuse me, I swap bodies. Then I fuck their brains out while they are bound and in my body.

Other than that, bodyswapping seems very impractical. If I were going to learn some groundbreaking skill, I would want to learn shapeshifting. I mean, seriously, who wouldn't want to be Odo from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

EDIT: I now have a serious urge to write a story about that rape scene where the prankster yells "CHANGE NOW" and swaps bodies.
"Once, people only flew in their dreams. Now, they dream during their flights." - Howard Hendrix
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Postby qv » September 14th, 2011, 9:27 am

Hey VeryGnawty, that could be a file too. Maybe just a guided experience, maybe legitimate hallucination, but either way, there's probably people here that would be into that. Personally, I find the idea of the subject trying to take advantage of a hypnotist only for the tables to turn... well, it's pretty cool.

And tanyaslave is right, full-body transplants do exist. However, due to existential and logistical issues, it only even considered an option in treating quadriplegics with multiple system failure.
I'd imagine waking up in someone else's body would have plenty of potential for insanity, though. People already get that with face transplants...
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Postby sarnoga » September 14th, 2011, 10:24 am


Ok, I guess its better to attempt to dispell the myths and misconceptions flying around this thread. So here goes.

Some of what has been talked about is possible. Actually it is the swapping part that makes it difficult. It requires two trained individuals with an incredible amount of talent, ability, energy and a buttload of luck.

What has been practiced using secrets that are jelously guarded is someone transfering themselves to the body of another. I don't know the exact details of how it is done and wouldnt tell you if I did, but it involves someone's essence, or life frorce leaving there own body, sort of similar to the way certain people can engage in Astral Projection, and once outside the body the person must then locate an appropriate individual and enter thier body. The body they leave behind will remain alive for a time, so long as thier essence does not leave it permanantly or is not gone for too long.

In order to make the entry permanant the person who "projected" themselves into another must then take control and force the other out. Generally this means the death of the person forced out, at least in any meaninful sence. Thier former body will still be alive but it will not belong to them and will no longer have any connection to them.

The "person" forced out, being unable to re-enter thier own body and unable to find another body to inhabit or not knowing how, even should such a body be available, usually wanders aimlessly. Typically the essence of the displaced person goes insane and may eventually find its way into some lower life form, perhaps a small mammal or reptile. This of course is difficult to confirm and probably rare. The most probably outcome for the displaced essence is that they just die or fade away.

Once the essence of the person who took over the new body has forced out the bodies former ownert and has overcome the attempts of that bodies former owner to try to re-enter, the change becomes complete and the body they left behind dies.

This technique could concieveably be used to swap bodies with another willing individual who possesses the proper skills and abilities. If all goes well each could leave thier body and enter the other but the timing and other logistics are so intricate and need to be so precice that what is most likely to happen is that the timing will be a bit off and one of the parties will find that the body they are intending to enter has become deceased before they can complete the transfer.

Thus, in all likelyhood only one party will be able to sucsessfully transfer and the other will be dead. That is why there has been little work done in this area. Mistakes are usually fatal to one of the parties and as one might expect that discourages experimentation or practice. It also explains the preference for those with the knowlege talent and power to select the body of an unwilling and unknowing individual, force them out, leaving them to fend for themselves and take over thier body. Even if someone suspects foul play there is no way at all for them to prove it.

So there you have it. As with all knowlege, it should be used responsibly. Please be responsible with this information.


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Postby VeryGnawty » September 14th, 2011, 7:46 pm

sarnoga wrote:words

I was going to respond to all of that, but I get a headache just thinking about it. Occultism is serious business.
"Once, people only flew in their dreams. Now, they dream during their flights." - Howard Hendrix
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Postby poetzero » September 15th, 2011, 5:08 am

1942 cult classic sci-fi film Donovan's Brain.

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Re: swapping bodies

Postby Senna » September 15th, 2011, 9:59 am

VeryGnawty wrote:
sarnoga wrote:If such a thing were possible, and I do not believe it is, it would require a method other than hypnosis as it is not something that can be accomplished with hypnosis.

Soul transference. I knew some occultists who were working on such a technique. I don't think any of them completed their work.

Perhaps if you said "Ginyu CHANGE NOW" and then fired yellow energy out of your mouth, you might be able to swap bodies with someone.

Nice to see some people here know about DBZ and Captain Ginyu. His power to change bodies is very interesting but we are not aliens like him. Changing bodies involves more then hypnosis however I think hypnosis is certainly a good start to achieving this.
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Re: swapping bodies

Postby VeryGnawty » September 15th, 2011, 12:57 pm

The Ginyu/Frieza sagas were the height of Dragonball Z awesomeness. Almost every episode involving Namek was pure win.

The bodyswap thing was cool. But to be honest, the Frieza transformations were the best. Frieza's final form looks so awesome...
"Once, people only flew in their dreams. Now, they dream during their flights." - Howard Hendrix
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Re: swapping bodies

Postby qv » September 15th, 2011, 5:42 pm

VeryGnawty wrote:The Ginyu/Frieza sagas were the height of Dragonball Z awesomeness. Almost every episode involving Namek was pure win.

The bodyswap thing was cool. But to be honest, the Frieza transformations were the best. Frieza's final form looks so awesome...

Oh, so we're onto DBZ now?
[user was banned for this post]

tanyaslave wrote:...did nobody read the thought out researched response here?

... I did...

And you guys do realize that Senna was a troll, right? Why are we still discussing this? It's not as if any of you could give an example of someone that was able to do any of these supposed occult techniques.
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Re: swapping bodies

Postby sarnoga » September 15th, 2011, 6:02 pm

qv wrote: It's not as if any of you could give an example of someone that was able to do any of these supposed occult techniques.

I would expect an example or two could be fabricated if there was a reason to do so.
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Re: swapping bodies

Postby VeryGnawty » September 16th, 2011, 9:39 am

qv wrote:
And you guys do realize that Senna was a troll, right?

She is also, apparently, an alt. I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed that she posted in this thread after it got hot, despite her previous inactivity. This entire thread was inspired by an alt-troll, which is why I didn't take it too seriously and decided that talking about Captain Ginyu would be more productive than getting into any serious discussion of bodyswapping.

Why are we still discussing this?

I have no idea. I wanted to discuss the Ginyu Force. Apparently, some people still want to try to find a way to use a complicated series of invokations and evokations to try to switch bodies with someone.

I suppose that I have used my awesome powers of telepathy to transmit thoughts of bodyswapping into other people's heads. This has caused them to want to continue talking about this topic.
"Once, people only flew in their dreams. Now, they dream during their flights." - Howard Hendrix
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Re: swapping bodies

Postby Mutazoa » September 16th, 2011, 4:15 pm

VeryGnawty wrote: Apparently, some people still want to try to find a way to use a complicated series of invokations and evokations to try to switch bodies with someone.

Tail of lizard, ear of swine, chicken gizzards soaked in brine, eye of newt toe of bat, flake of dandruff from a ten gallon hat, juice of toad, an old dogs mange, drink them down and yell GINYU CHANGE!
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Postby saints56 » September 16th, 2011, 6:40 pm

ok this topic has gotten way out of hand, thanks for the info even though it was a bit confusing.
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Postby qv » September 17th, 2011, 3:03 am

tanyaslave wrote:For what its worth- http://wimp.com/organregrowth/
Just to keep giving you the up to date medical and scientific info.

Jesus crap, shit's fascinating.
Why in the hell do you know so much awesome stuff about this?
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Re: swapping bodies

Postby homerj1620 » September 17th, 2011, 10:35 pm

VeryGnawty wrote:To be honest, I'm not even sure what one would use bodyswapping for. It doesn't seem practical for feminization (you could just feminize the body you already have).

A feminized male body is still genetically male and cannot get pregnant.
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Re: swapping bodies

Postby VeryGnawty » September 18th, 2011, 4:16 am

homerj1620 wrote:
A feminized male body is still genetically male and cannot get pregnant.

Unless one becomes reproductively viable.

I am assuming that, for one who has the will to obtain the power to swap bodies, a minor thing such as personal genetics should be a small issue to master.

Let's be realistic, here. Other than absolute unremovable curses, bodyswapping would be the pinnacle of occult power. Things such as shapeshifting and gaining control over one's own evolution are tiddlywinks by comparison. There is no reason to believe that someone would discover the power to bodywap without having already learned how to alter their own body (including making the new form reproductively viable)
"Once, people only flew in their dreams. Now, they dream during their flights." - Howard Hendrix
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Re: swapping bodies

Postby sarnoga » September 20th, 2011, 6:59 am

VeryGnawty wrote:
There is no reason to believe that someone would discover the power to bodywap without having already learned how to alter their own body (including making the new form reproductively viable)

That is like arguing that no culture would develop the technology to go into space without first developing the technology to visit the ocean depths and the center of the earth. Each may pose its own difficulties.

Body swapping? I doubt it. On the other hand if anyone learns to do it why would they reveal it to anyone else. If I could swap bodies with someone else at will, or even with a great deal of trouble and preperation, I would be immortal and keep the secret to myself. If anyone could do body swapping they would, in a sence, become a god, or at the very least an immortal like the Highlander.

No disrespect intended to Tanyaslave, but if ever body swapping were to be accomplished, I'd put my money on magic rather than hypnosis or modern medicine.

Wait, scratch that. When choosing what method first perfects the art of body swapping my money is on Hollywood. My guess is they will perfect it shortly after they perfect time travel. No wait, it seems they have already done both. Now I am going to have to do some research to discover which was done first. I'm thinking they learned body swapping before time travel, but that is only a guess. I should probably ask poetzero who may have already done the research.

BTW, look out for Chucky, he's a bad one.


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Postby poetzero » September 20th, 2011, 7:54 am

Although I can't recall any film from the early days of cinema, two television programs from the 60's immeadiately came to mind. One is The Avengers and the other, oddly enough, is The Flintstones. In one episode, respectively, a machine is used where a device is placed atop one's head and then the indivual brainwave patterns are transferred from one brain to the other.
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Postby poetzero » September 20th, 2011, 7:57 am

Although I can't recall any film from the early days of cinema, two television programs from the 60's immeadiately came to mind. One is The Avengers and the other, oddly enough, is The Flintstones. In one episode, respectively, a machine is used where a device is placed atop one's head and then the indivual brainwave patterns are transferred from one brain to the other.
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Postby ohyouknow » September 20th, 2011, 2:10 pm

Although I can't recall any film from the early days of cinema, two television programs from the 60's immeadiately came to mind. One is The Avengers and the other, oddly enough, is The Flintstones. In one episode, respectively, a machine is used where a device is placed atop one's head and then the indivual brainwave patterns are transferred from one brain to the other.

It also occurred in The Prisoner, similarly a 60s series. Sadly in one of its least highly regarded episodes, but it shows that the concept was out there at the time.
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Postby Mutazoa » September 20th, 2011, 7:41 pm

ohyouknow wrote:
Although I can't recall any film from the early days of cinema, two television programs from the 60's immeadiately came to mind. One is The Avengers and the other, oddly enough, is The Flintstones. In one episode, respectively, a machine is used where a device is placed atop one's head and then the indivual brainwave patterns are transferred from one brain to the other.

It also occurred in The Prisoner, similarly a 60s series. Sadly in one of its least highly regarded episodes, but it shows that the concept was out there at the time.

Honestly body swap movies are a dime a dozen...Freaky Friday (two versions), All of Me, The Hot Chick... Then you get into TV, Comic books, cartoons...

Now for those of you still seriously ( 8O ) wantnig to do this try http://www.themagicvine.com/id58.html lol
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Postby qv » September 20th, 2011, 7:56 pm


That site could not be any more fake. The 'actual videos' are hilarious, and just try to count all the typos it has...

Of course, by 'fake', I mean that the products are not intended to do what they say. I have absolutely no doubt that you can nevertheless send them money; that much is real.
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Postby Mutazoa » September 20th, 2011, 8:08 pm

qv wrote:Loooooooooooooooool

That site could not be any more fake. The 'actual videos' are hilarious, and just try to count all the typos it has...

Yeah I love the girl talking about the camera and the "subtitles" saying she loves being a girl better than a 16 year old boy lol.
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Postby Mutazoa » September 21st, 2011, 6:53 am

tanyaslave wrote:...I don't want to live on this planet anymore

What? You don't want to pay $300 for a potion that will let you swap bodies with anybody? how about $200 for a scented candle that will do the same? lol :lol:
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Postby saints56 » December 24th, 2012, 1:26 am

Yeah that does suck
But there are ways to switch you just have to look for awhile
Then you will find out
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Postby saints56 » December 24th, 2012, 1:31 am

Actually I started this to seriously find a way to switch bodies
Ans senna isn't saint56 I am my real name is Ian
But so far nothing on body switching sadly
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Re: swapping bodies

Postby Tangy » January 3rd, 2013, 8:29 am

Senna wrote:
VeryGnawty wrote:
sarnoga wrote:If such a thing were possible, and I do not believe it is, it would require a method other than hypnosis as it is not something that can be accomplished with hypnosis.

Soul transference. I knew some occultists who were working on such a technique. I don't think any of them completed their work.

Perhaps if you said "Ginyu CHANGE NOW" and then fired yellow energy out of your mouth, you might be able to swap bodies with someone.

Nice to see some people here know about DBZ and Captain Ginyu. His power to change bodies is very interesting but we are not aliens like him. Changing bodies involves more then hypnosis however I think hypnosis is certainly a good start to achieving this.

hummm brain transfer files sounds promising :o
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Postby Senna » January 3rd, 2013, 4:36 pm

poetzero wrote:Although I can't recall any film from the early days of cinema, two television programs from the 60's immeadiately came to mind. One is The Avengers and the other, oddly enough, is The Flintstones. In one episode, respectively, a machine is used where a device is placed atop one's head and then the indivual brainwave patterns are transferred from one brain to the other.

Another television program Batman Beyond was released in 1999. Any Batman fan should know Victor Freeze and Ra's Al Ghul. In Season 1 of Batman Beyond Victor Freeze is only a head in a jar. They clone him a new body and transfer him into it using a machine that reads his brain wave and rewrites them into his new body.

In Season 3 Ra's Al Ghul has invaded his daughters body because the Lazerus Pit stopped working on him. He uses the Lazerus Pit to make Bruce young again and tries to invade Bruce.
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Re: swapping bodies

Postby VeryGnawty » January 3rd, 2013, 9:51 pm

Tangy wrote:
hummm brain transfer files sounds promising :o

Actually, that could work. If two people knew each other really well, you could just swap their personalities. So, Person A would have Person B's body and Person B would have Person A's body. It wouldn't even be difficult. The only hard part is knowing the other person well enough that your mind could fully implement their personality as them without any flaws.
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Postby Glasnerven » January 3rd, 2013, 11:07 pm

Wouldn't it be easier to use hypnosis to persuade each of the subjects that their body is now the other person's body?
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Postby saints56 » November 29th, 2013, 2:13 am

Well I've heard it can be achieved but its not easy brain transfrence does seem promising but to make such a file would take 300 years to transfer your info to someone else's brain it seems only astral is a reltable way to switch so ill try that way
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