How to increase estrogens?

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How to increase estrogens?

Postby alex1 » December 12th, 2013, 7:20 am

Hi everyone, does anyone know a natural way to rise estrogens in a natural way, cos i don't want to take drugs. thanks alex1a :)
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Postby Masy » December 13th, 2013, 4:31 pm

try to take in pueraria mirifica, or soy-based products. for the latter the estrogen quantity is low, so the process is slow. for the first, it depends from the product you choose. there are some ones with good %.. and the result is surely faster..
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Postby alex1 » December 14th, 2013, 4:24 am

Thanks Masy for the advice, i think i ll go for pueraria but how can i purchase it? Can i find pueraria in a chemist or exist in some food?
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Postby dark_wolf49 » December 14th, 2013, 7:13 am

Alex, You can order it online , but becareful of who you order from.
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Postby Masy » December 15th, 2013, 5:25 am

yes, as dark_wolf wrote. Be wise into controlling before buying ;)
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Postby shanon » January 15th, 2014, 2:54 am

There was a lawsuit against a company that sold this , they lost pueraria is worthless. Soy contains isoflavones a weak estrogen like substance l love soy but its effects are minimal yummy stuff :D
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Postby jan » January 15th, 2014, 7:01 pm

Pueraria is definitely NOT worthless.

Read up at, say and do some research of your own. Pueraria Mifurca is a naturally-occurring type of estrogen. You can use pills or breast-cream, but whatever yopu do, take it slowly and give your body a week off every month, so your endocrine system gets a chance to balance itself.

Another, less unbiased source is Thier products seem to be popular and are sold on Amazon, where you can read lots of reviews, too.

But try some, and come to your own conclusions.
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Postby shanon » January 17th, 2014, 1:21 am

Sites that sell anything always have lots of positive reviews.
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Postby Masy » January 17th, 2014, 10:09 am

try simply googling it. in wikipedia there's a similar description.

unless you're meaning they have bugged wiki too, i think you can get a good info on pueraria ;)
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Postby gdrileyx » January 20th, 2014, 10:50 pm

Yeah, but pharmaceutical estrogen is chemically identical to natural human estrogen, so it's totally safe. Probably safer than natural products that were not manufactured or processed safely. You can easily order, without script, from, and get and get the same products way cheaper than in the US. Estrogen and anti-androgens work, natural products are for dabblers.
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Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » January 23rd, 2014, 7:14 pm

hello all my lovelies. i had come across another herb/plant that is purported to be very high in phyto estrogens. Flaxseed. not only is it good for other ailments.,but also good for a source of phytoestrogens. one of the top sources. However.flaxseed oil does not contain the estrogenic compounds. it is the ground seeds themselves. it is may be worth looking into. perhaps soaking the ground flax seed in oil for a month or so will draw out the estrogenic compounds. apply liberally to breast area .. and watch them grow.

Add in wild yam cream. Wild yam contains a compound that is bio-identical to progesterone. you need both estrogen AND progesterone to amplify feminization and breast growth. i have seen it in local shops as a tincture to be take orally. roughly around 25/bottle if memory serves. must shut off the androgens (this is what causes scalp hair loss as well as masculine features) Saw Palmetto will help reduce the androgens and allow the estrogen receptors to accept the phyto estrogens better.

a warning of love dearies.. all in good measure.. do not try to overdose these as there may be unwanted side effects. especially if taken orally.

Maca Root has also been metioned as a feminization/butt growth herb.

I also promote drinking vegetable juice to help the body get the nutrients and vitamins it needs for the feminization process.

Use of pharmecuticals may cause unwanted effects such as liver disease and/or failure.. play it safe girls. it is your life to do as you wish but please. be well informed. research EVERYTHING. what works for some may not work as well for others or not at all.

Also please note: smoking cigarettes will inhibit feminization. the chemical compounds in the cigarettes are a hormonal blocker as well as an appetite suppressant. Those who wish to stop smoking naturally may take a tablespoon of cream of tartar powder mixed with a glass of orange juice daily for three days. this will purge out all the addicting chemicals from your system. The rest of the recovery is purely a mental challenge :)

Best wishes on ALL of your transformations Girls *hugs*

HeadMistress Squirrel
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Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » January 23rd, 2014, 7:20 pm

gdrileyx wrote:Yeah, but pharmaceutical estrogen is chemically identical to natural human estrogen, so it's totally safe. Probably safer than natural products that were not manufactured or processed safely. You can easily order, without script, from, and get and get the same products way cheaper than in the US. Estrogen and anti-androgens work, natural products are for dabblers.

more often than not pharmaceuticals cause more unwanted illness and are self-promoting ..herbs have been used for years safely and prescribed by knowledgeable practitioners from shamens to alchemists. for without the knowledge of such where would today's medicines be? and why are they still searching the rain forests of the Amazon to find undiscovered plants for clinical trials? not to start a war or argument gd...but being one who is knowledgeable in such affairs, i felt it necessary to give info correctly and not just take the "easy" way out with a prescription pill. and just as easy as it is to overdose on herbals it is as easy to "dable" with ording from unknown sites without an endocrynologists backup as far as what is right for YOUR body. no two people are the same and in such need to seek advice from a professional. I will state here and now i am not a licensced herbalogist however the years of study i have put in will give some credence to what i say.
HeadMistress Squirrel
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Postby obey_evolution » January 25th, 2014, 6:09 pm

What about the Biovale Estriol and Progesterone Creams? Will rubbing these in grow them?
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Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » January 25th, 2014, 7:03 pm

jm_pnslt47m wrote:What about the Biovale Estriol and Progesterone Creams? Will rubbing these in grow them?

those *may* be a bit safer as they do not have to travel through the liver. however even transdermal applications can cause unwanted effects.

sublingual is also a safer way than that which has to be fully digested.

once again without proper dosing anything is a crap shoot. too little -no effect. too much- unwanted side effects.

be careful in anything you do.
HeadMistress Squirrel
Posts: 214
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