Changing bodies

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Changing bodies

Postby Senna » January 25th, 2011, 1:38 pm

As we all know eventually our bodies will get old and slowly die so I had a theory to successfully takeover someone completely. First I consider the body and soul as to completely different things. If you enter someone else their brain does not have your memories so how will you know if you have even switched at all. Maybe your memories would transfer when you enter your new body but just to be safe I think it would be a good idea to put all your memories in a hypnosis file that would delete their memories and replace them with yours. Finally getting the soul in is the final step. I read in another forum here that exchanging soul cords with someone else would require both to be skilled at astral soul projection. If you are already skilled enough to do that and require another person just transfer your memories into them first and they will have that skill as well since they will be like a clone of you. Then you just exchange souls and you have your new younger body and immortality :twisted:
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Postby Foxtail » January 25th, 2011, 5:14 pm

Speaking about this as a spiritualist, you're treading on very dangerous grounds here. The body ages and dies because it has to, and no mortal has the right or reason to seek immortality by forcing someone else's soul out of their body. And you're not even simply discussing ousting the soul, you're planning on a total and complete reprinting of what makes the person, them. This is mind rape and soul rape rolled into a nice little package, because I'm not seeing any reason anyone would want to do this. They get nothing out of it, no reward, no happiness, no satisfaction because they cease to even be.

Now, I'll take into consideration you didn't know just how deeply abominable this type of thing is. I'll think maybe, just maybe this is a idle curiosity as we all come across. But if you're serious about this, you are really contemplating things you shouldn't. Belief in the soul means that you believe in spiritual things. Belief in that means you recognize there are ALWAYS higher powers then yourself. And knowing that? if they notice you attempting this, you are fracked so much. Walk away, put down the idea and walk away, before you do something you'll regret.

Speaking as a hypnotist, the idea is implausible as memories can't be transferred completely, nor are souls scientifically defined as existing yet. The use of a technique of overwriting a personality and mind is unethical hypnosis, and for that betrayal of trust, I disapprove.
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Re: Changing bodies

Postby Krysta » January 25th, 2011, 6:07 pm

Senna wrote:I think it would be a good idea to put all your memories in a hypnosis file that would delete their memories and replace them with yours.

Ethical implications aside. And be assured there are many. -All- your memories? In a hypnosis file? So that file would need to be ohhhhhh, roughly five or six times the length of your life so far, given that the accurate vocal description of a memory in complete detail would take easily that much longer than the events themselves did. So. you just spen 150...200 years recording your file. Assuming you can do it in just one take. And another 150 years for your victim to listen to it.

And in just 300 years you can be the proud owner of a healthy, young, 170 year old body. Of course, this assumes also that you only do it once. I could go on about your victims to be, but I think the complete implausibility of your idea will speak for itself.
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Postby Senna » January 25th, 2011, 7:38 pm

Well I agree it would take much to to long to record all your memories in a file but when I said all memories I was talking about the most important stuff like your name, a few interests, and basic info about you. And I am not going to be a evil person and just steal a body. Only people that are interested and want to do this will be chosen as a new body. Also if it is a body switch or trade then the other person is getting something too.
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Postby Jacoburline » January 25th, 2011, 10:41 pm

...Yikes. As the others before me have done, I would strongly discourage you from pursuing this thing...and here are a few reasons.

1.) Have you ever seen any real, concrete proof that the soul exists? Bear in mind that personal experience does not constitute proof--we can have experiences that do not resonate with reality. Hallucinations, delusions, false memories, etc. are all things that human beings have frequently been shown to experience. Science (and the scientific method) have a lot to offer us; it is somewhat foolish to casually dismiss them.
2.) Assuming that you CAN separate your soul from your body, it might be a good idea to at least see about entering either an inanimate object such as a statue or maybe even an animal before you go about trying to find a willing subject's body to take over. The Egyptians believed that the "ka," or the "soul," could be housed within inanimate objects. But I'm really just humoring you with this one....I do not think this is necessarily a good course of action.
3.) If you observe nature, creatures are born, they live, and then they pass away. If there are souls, then it seems very likely that they are going around in some type of cycle of reincarnation. (Much of the world believes that this is the case, in fact.) If this is the case, there is a chance that you disrupt this cycle for your own soul in a destructive or permanent way; since your soul would be jumping prematurely to a new form, and only in a kind of half-committed fashion, it might be doomed to a kind of "half existence," or even just fade away completely....Assuming the universe even lets you do this. It seems likely to me that it wouldn't.
4.) Immortality is a fool's dream. If you look at the universe, what is eternal? What does not pass away at some point? Seeing that there seems to be nothing that is eternal, then why should we jump to the conclusion that death is eternal?

I'm sure I could go on all night about the possible problems with your intended course of, I am simply going to say, please leave well enough alone. That is my humble advice to you.
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body swap

Postby Controlme23 » January 29th, 2011, 11:28 pm

This sounds very interesting. I was think body swapping fantasy's long before I discovered hypno! I'd be totally interested in giving this a go!
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Postby homerj1620 » February 3rd, 2011, 5:19 pm

There is a Yahoo Group on this subject:


The posts are interesting.
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Postby Senna » February 4th, 2011, 5:30 am

Thanks for the link homerj1620 that information was useful for my research in changing bodies :)
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Postby Maid_Hazuki » February 5th, 2011, 2:07 am

Hi, everyone! I am Senna's best friend and she wanted everyone to know she has entered a new body!
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Postby Krysta » February 9th, 2011, 2:08 am

So why, being so happy in her new stolen body, is she unable to post about it herself?
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Postby Senna » February 9th, 2011, 3:49 am

Sorry I was unable to post much earlier. After the transfer I lost some important memories and my friend Hazuki knows all about me so she helped me recover.
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Postby dangel1983 » February 11th, 2011, 5:53 pm

Lol this thread cracks me up.
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Postby elisabet » February 11th, 2011, 9:38 pm

this thread confuses me. no wonder so many people think I'm whacked when I mention I'm into hypnosis. It's examples like these :-)
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Postby DKaiser » February 11th, 2011, 10:32 pm

elisabet wrote:this thread confuses me. no wonder so many people think I'm whacked when I mention I'm into hypnosis. It's examples like these :-)

You'll find life is much more enjoyable if you can sit back and laugh at such things. *munches popcorn while watching intently*
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Postby zamzam » February 13th, 2011, 5:47 pm

This kind of thing is one of the reasons why I can see people hating hypnosis.
Hypnosis in general is meant as an "Escape from Reality".
If everyone could do this, then the world would be in chaos.
Imagine something like Hitler again, but instead of what we perceive as his "Death" is actually false, making it so he can cause terror again, sometime in the future.
This type of thing has more evil purposes then good.
What's the point of living forever? While all your loved ones and friends die. And before you even think about it. you are screwing with the life of the other person as well. This sort of thing is a "double edge sword"
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Postby Jacoburline » February 17th, 2011, 8:56 pm

elisabet wrote:this thread confuses me. no wonder so many people think I'm whacked when I mention I'm into hypnosis. It's examples like these :-)

To create impact in...more or less irrational people, you have to "speak their language." Obviously, my earlier attempt didn't work. At any rate, I find myself almost 100% positive (as positive as any human being can be of anything) that this Senna person is either delusional, or simply seeking attention. In either case, who really cares? Some people might play around with this bizarre idea, but I'm willing to bet that the effects will be negligible, and those individuals will grow bored after not experiencing major effects.
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Postby ohyouknow » February 18th, 2011, 3:27 pm

People do occasionally use forum threads here as a theatre - there was someone a while back who claimed to be using one of the dog transformation files, and posted ever shorter and more canine remarks. It's all good fun until someone thinks they're being serious.
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changing bodies

Postby saints56 » September 13th, 2011, 5:28 pm

can you tell us how you swapped bodies i would like to try it :D
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Postby saints56 » July 1st, 2013, 1:32 am

When I said that 3 years ago i meant it how do you change bodies for real?, I'm very serious about changing bodies and I Really do want it,
I've been wondering and trying to switch/ change since I was 15
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Postby shanon » February 5th, 2014, 12:48 am

Not sure but I think this would fall under the heading of necromamcy,truely evil!?! :twisted:
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Postby shanon » February 5th, 2014, 12:51 am

Necromancy ! I blame the vodka! :oops:
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Postby saints56 » February 8th, 2014, 1:18 am

Although there are rites that this subject contains somewhat necromancy, i do not support it, i realize this topic is somewhat looked down upon but maybe if sucessful this could help people out somehow, soon i'll keep a record of test with astral projection blessed be
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