by nickythenick » August 22nd, 2014, 5:10 am
( started quote kslava (you said it well) - then written a bit myself )
( subliminised - )
Only a hypno file will not work or do anything.
By expressing a wish allready, you likely will succeed.
It must be in the air or something, seeing myself and many others in (y)our situation. Maybe our sissyfication is meant to counter the world's agression.If so, by all means, So may it be.
i run multiple files in multiple vlc's simultaneaously each looped to an apropriate part of a file, playing them at a bit lowered volume, using headphones. It will give a nice "soundwallpaper".
When watching anything else; yukkie worldnews, gardening- or cookery-videoclips or something, the Other thing being much louder, the wallpaper then goes subliminal (Wired Headphones and nighttime sleeping may not be the most practical combination).
i can and will acknowledge the fact that i am not a straight dude, i may have known this forever (as i think may be the fact in you and others),
i will now admit this fact to persons i like when asked.
The bathroom habits have managed to settle for a few weeks allready.
I just realised today, as i properly retucked after doing tinkles.
My bodysmell changed for the better on the magic herbs.
I gain confidence in the limpness and have recently achieved a b00bularity +1 powerup. ( having my nipples erect at wakeup )
The wish drives us, this and the hoar-moans provide the body with the stuff to build with, the hypno's may confirm acknowledge and reaffirm things. All this will make the beautifullest music.
Try and do not be to conscious of boundaries in general and of the gender one specifically, we cAn use the tube to search for "make-up tutorials".
Dude, any chick-dude may use dude-chick logic to make a list of needed chick-paints, and like the divine painter said many times.
"Aaanything you like, it's your world".