Curse Female Takeover Journal

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Curse Female Takeover Journal

Postby vkal1304 » January 5th, 2019, 7:06 am


So I'm new to this site and have always been interested in feminization (duh). Anyway in perusing the forum I've come across a number of threads discussing this file and its "effects".

Let me start off by saying I do believe in the power of hypnosis and on some level I do desire to be female so I think I'm approaching this with the right attitude

With that said I do have (what I believe is) a healthy scepticism of the limits of hypnosis and some of the stories seem farfetched.

If I understand the file correctly the female persona starts off as 10 years old and grows a year every week becoming stronger over time and taking over once her age is equal to mine (27 FYI)

That means I will need 17 weeks or till early May before she takes over.

So full disclosure, Ive already listened to it twice over the past two days. No real effect yet, expect a rather deep trance today when I listened to the file.

I will try and listen to the file at least 2 times a day but I will aim for 4 - twice in the morning and twice at night.

I'll try and be good about updating you on my progress, I'll try and post every third day or so.

Well that's it for now, I did read the web archive of Teddyslayer86's experience. Really this is all to see if I can replicate his (her?) experience.

Feel free to ask me any questions or just join me for the ride. I promise I won't waste your time with bullshit, I'm a terrible liar and not very imaginative.

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Joined: December 28th, 2018, 9:11 am

Re: Curse Female Takeover Journal

Postby vkal1304 » January 9th, 2019, 1:01 am

Hi All,

My first update! Covering the past three and a half days...

So far I’ve been able to keep up with my plan, I’m listening to the file 4 times a day (2 morning, 2 night)

I don’t have much to report on if I’m honest.

I have found myself really looking forward to listening the file. Also the last two days the trance has been really deep. Last night I blacked out through the second listen at night and woke up an hour later with the file still playing in loop. The first time that’s happened to me.

No voices or mental picture yet.

Will keep you posted.

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Joined: December 28th, 2018, 9:11 am

Re: Curse Female Takeover Journal

Postby vkal1304 » January 16th, 2019, 5:02 am

Hey guys.

Apologies for the gap between posts. Life's been quite hectic the past week. I'll try and be better

So in terms of my journey it's been an interesting past few days. The file.has become somewhat of an obsession for me. I'm listening it to all night - falling asleep to it at night and waking up with the words playing in the morning.

I think this drive to listen is a result of two things. Like I said above, the past few days have been HECTIC. Truly one of those periods when life decides to give you the middle finger . So I think the file has become this relaxing mechanism to de-stress. I now effortlessly fall into trance, like no other file I've ever listened to before which is both really cool and slightly unnerving.

The second reason is that it feels great. When I say deep trance I mean deep. Now if any of you have had the good fortune to go truly deep you know what I mean. You can feel the electric tingling all over your body and you can almost feel your mind being overwritten. It's amazing.

Anyway sadly my female persona still eludes me, no name or conversations to report as of yet. Still I feel I'm getting closer.

I ordered a corset to start waist training today, which I think is something i wouldnt have done two weeks ago.

I'm not.sure if this is attributable to another persona. Let me know what you think? Let's call it progress.

Anyway, until next time.

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Joined: December 28th, 2018, 9:11 am

Re: Curse Female Takeover Journal

Postby maddog22 » January 16th, 2019, 2:54 pm

Hi! I'm also new and I recently read about this file on another site.
I thought I'd post here because you seem to be sensible and honest about the whole thing.

I must say, I did listen to this file yesterday (once) for interest's sake, just because of what many people (or trolls...) have written about it. :roll:
Getting into a trance was difficult as I found the narrator rather irritating - too many breathing/mouth noises etc, and the script was just a bit too silly to the point I got bored and came out halfway through anyway. I didn't notice any effects but of course you could argue that this was why, but I think really there is nothing special about this file as many have claimed.

I think if someone is say, repressed transgender or whatever, a file like this could 'bring things out' but given the overall concept, it's probably an unhealthy or ineffective way to do it.

I think that if this file brought significant effects to anyone, (making them hear voices etc), then they may well already have actual mental issues and listening to it just made things worse or uncovered them.

In terms of your experience, I agree with your thoughts on the stress and relaxation aspect. Likely this would happen with most hypnosis files though, not just this one. Though given your interests, the topic of this file obviously makes it more appealing to you. And - escapism from your stressful life and become someone else? Who hasn't wanted to do that sometimes.

In terms of ordering a corset, I doubt the file caused this directly. A more likely scenario is probably that the file helped you give yourself permission to do such a thing, perhaps even in a way of shifting responsibility as in some "the file made me do it" concept (if you had been hesitant/ashamed etc about ordering one before now).

Otherwise, it could be as simple as the fact that, as you stated, you have always been interested in feminization: therefore, you listened to this file AND bought a corset.

(Not that I am a psychiatrist or anything, but it seems the most logical explanation to me)
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Re: Curse Female Takeover Journal

Postby vkal1304 » January 18th, 2019, 12:52 am

Hi maddog. Thank you for your considered well-reasoned message. I agree with you about jumping the gun connecting two different things.

You're right about using the file as a means to justify previously debated decisions. That point out of your whole message really resonated to me. It makes sense when you said, it is what I was doing.

However, I think if as a result through my own delusion and false logic I'm now taking steps to make decisions which on some level I've always wanted to do but been afraid to, its a good thing (at least not a bad thing, lets agree to call it something.)

Anyway I thought I'll continue this exercise of mine, given I'm already nearly two weeks in and it doesn't seem to be harming me in anyway and I'm enjoying chronicling my experience. I've never really kept a journal before and if for nothing else I'm enjoying checking in on myself and assessing my state of being. I might invest in a diary because of this so this hasn't been a total waste.

To your points of the file itself. I have to admit your points about the narrator are true. However in my experience with hypnosis the effectiveness of a file is mostly determined by your mindset. Now the narrator plays a role in that but you can overcome a mediocre narrator by believing in the file and being open to being hypnotized, giving up control. Also having listened to it so many times now I think I've conditioned myself to be predisposed to his voice.

With that out of the way, the last few days have been interesting. My corset arrive today, starting waist training - moot point whether that has anything to do with the file. So anyway, still no voices/conversations like others have mentioned but I'm feeling more confident in my own skin and okay with my "sexuality" (fetish? - not sure what the right word is). In terms of listening patterns. I put the file on at around 10:30pm - listen to it once while awake and then fall asleep listening to it, waking up with it still playing around 6-6.30. I feel really good when I wake up and I'm not a morning person.

Thats it for now. Until next time.

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Joined: December 28th, 2018, 9:11 am

Re: Curse Female Takeover Journal

Postby dbhypn0 » January 28th, 2019, 6:47 am

Appreciate the updates! Please be sure to take care of yourself!
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Re: Curse Female Takeover Journal

Postby vkal1304 » January 31st, 2019, 11:54 pm

Hey guys! Happy February!

I'm back...sorry for the gap between these. I think I was overly optimistic believing I could update bi-weekly. Let's see if I can do a weekly recap going forward (no promises though)

So, day 27 (week 4) of our experiment. A lot has happened since I last posted. I've moved to a new apartment since I last posted and am just about to start a new job (next Monday)

Anyway I've been listening to the file less the past week or so. Now I'm listening to it once a day in conjunction with two other hypno files - "Genderwipe2 - Hardcore" and "Genderwipe3". I think the files work well together and would recommend the Genderwipe files to anyone whose interested. Genderwipe2 in particular has this cool echo effect which I find really effective in registering the affirmations.

So in terms of effects. Let's start with the continued absence of an alter ego - no voices etc. With that said, I think my personality/mindset has changed in the past 4 weeks. Not only am I more comfortable with the idea of being a woman. I am more and more certain that I need to become a woman to be happy. I'm now taking steps to be the person I want to be which is really cool. In some aspects like my diet, it's almost like I'm on autopilot where I have an aversion to unhealthy food and I'm counting calories. My exercise levels have increased and I'm waist training to change my body shape.

I don't know if my personality has changed but my attitude with others is not the same. For instance, I've cut some "friends" out of my life in the past two weeks. Over the years I'd cultivated a few relationships where all the effort was coming from my side. I'd be the friend who'd always call ior message. It would never come from the other side. In the last two weeks I've taken the decision to remove those people from my life as they were taking me for granted.

Perhaps I'm attributing too much to the file but I truly believe that there is a link. I'm still the same person with the same views, ideas etc. im just more me now. I'm not afraid to be myself and I'm not looking for validation from others.

That's all for now,

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Joined: December 28th, 2018, 9:11 am

Re: Curse Female Takeover Journal

Postby james82 » February 1st, 2019, 7:45 am

was useing the file almost every night for 1.5 years sadly it just never worked the way i wanted it to
the file at times did feel like it pushes u towards stuff kinda like what happened to you,oh and for some reason i was using pm as well(btw i hate tablets/casuels and i cant swallow them but some reason i still took them)
but anyways have fun with the file and hope it works well with you
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