by ProfessorPig » April 19th, 2019, 4:43 pm
the forums here have a search feature. one of the old posts about his work goes over where to start. you should will probably want to use that. Mr. D's work is Powerful, but its kinda old at this point. the Bambi Sleep files are far more approachable and have an active community. you can find a lot of parallels between the Bambi Sleep files and Mr. D's Hypnosis. the Bambi Sleep files are also much less of a time sink. people have reported 5-8 hours a day of listening to Mr. D's Hypnosis at a time, whereas a Bambi Sleep listening session is more like 1-2 a day, with far shorter sessions possible once the rapid induction trigger is working well. on his old website the brainwashing chair was one of the studies that was one of the basic files where you should start. the files on the torrents are not the free files though, they are different, more powerful. the other problem with Mr. D's files is that they enslave you to a man who does not exist anymore and who was reportedly never really into trans women in the first place, but i think he warmed up to them later, or perhaps he found a way to make them useful to him.
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.