My transformation

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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My transformation

Postby surprise27 » April 1st, 2020, 2:16 pm

This is a bit of an unusual story, but I live in Thailand and it might be of interest.

Since I was young I have fantasised about feminization, which led me to travel to Thailand on a gap year after my parents died to explore what it was like there. I met many transgender and got into the scene, and in particular one man stood out. He owned a massive house where lots of transgender girls lived and often threw wild parties. They were crazy, everyone drunk, nudity and sex. But good fun.

It was at one of these parties that the man said he would like me to stay with him and work for a while. He offered me $50,000 for a year, but said there would be some changes involved. I was broke, and curious, so went for it. He told me the I would be in charge of the grounds but would have to do other things.

Working the grounds I noticed that lots of transgender girls worked at the man's house too, and that they would swim naked in his pool and walk around with no clothes on. One of them explained that to work there you had to agree to be transformed and if you did you could live there as long as you wanted. There were girls from all races and backgrounds, and I wondered if it was true.

I asked the man owning the house and he said it was, and asked whether I would want to be changed, for good. I thought it through for a couple of weeks and then agreed.

First I was taken into a room and my body was waxed. Then I was give pills to take each day which I did. I was required to be naked if in the pool or gardens, and I obliged.

Over the coming months I watched as I started to grow breasts and become more feminine. I liked it, and enjoyed the command of others who had gone through the process. Once my breasts had grown enough I attended the parties nude, and loved it. I ended up staying for 18 months, rent free with a good salary. My body was feminine and it was then I asked the man behind the house whether I should leave.

He gave me two choices. Go and take the money to date or transform further. I agreed to the latter.

A couple of weeks later I was taken to the hospital for an operation, but was not allowed to know what was involved. I was scared, but trusted the surgeons and my host as I went under the knife.

I woke up with my face and body in pain. I didn't know what had happened but was curious. It took some time to recover. I assumed I had been changes into a woman but soon realised that wasn't the case.

It was only when the bandages came off and I healed that I saw. My friend had given me breast, butt and lip implants, and my face was. slightly different shape it seemed. More feminine. Along with my breasts my penis was still there and still working.

I was actually pleased with the result, and loved my naked body. So did my friend, and asked if I wanted to go further. I agreed.

My friend turned me into a transgender big breasted beauty. My breasts were augmented again, and I started to grow my hair. It was then I realised that so many others at the house had been through the same process, and that they had all agreed to it like I had. In return for the surgery my friend asked one thing of me: that when I am in the house I must be nude at all times. I agreed, and in return I got another boob job and my transformation was complete.

I started dating, and earn money performing and working in Thailand. During the day and at weekends I walk naked around the grounds of the house and love my body. I don't miss my old life, and have never been happier.
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Joined: April 1st, 2020, 1:53 pm

Re: My transformation

Postby riv3rtayl0r » May 19th, 2020, 2:51 pm

is this an april fool's story? if not can you share who the person is? i would like to join your girl gang.....
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Re: My transformation

Postby rinoooo » May 26th, 2020, 12:08 pm

Same as above lmao
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Re: My transformation

Postby surprise27 » May 29th, 2020, 1:20 pm

Sorry for the delay in responding, I don't have that much access to a computer.

My friend (and me) live in a house just outside Pattaya, Thailand. He is very wealthy, and his passion is to turn men into transgender women on the basis that he pays them, they stay in his employ, and he helps agree what he will do with them. After the procedures you are required to stay with him for 6 months to a year, but many stay on. He works with you on what you want to be with a mixture of hypnosis and surgery. He takes 2-3 a year.

One of my friends I met here wanted to appear of no gender and he helped with that. He arranged laser treatment to make the person hairless and made sure they had small breast implants but looked like the combination of male and female. Another wanted to be like a voluptuous woman and he again helped with implants and long hair. There is a large group of people who have been through procedures here and they offer support whilst working the parties and in nearby bars. Many once transformed stay a while and move on to go home or start a new life.

One of the girls here has a lot of silicone and looks great, and I was exploring that with my friend and he asked if I was interested in following her path. She has large fake looking boobs and tanned skin and has been here for a couple of years. At the beginning of April I mentioned to my friend that I was interested in going further and he agreed I might enjoy it. He arranged a round of surgery for early April and I decided to go for it. He asked how I felt about the bimbo look and I said I was interested and was in his hands. He asked if I would stay a year and I agreed.

I had the operation on 6 April. I was under anaesthetic and it was only when I woke up that I knew what had been done.

I woke up in pain, again, but that subsided and the bandages came off my body. Then I realised what I had agreed to. My face was more feminine again and my stomach and legs had been toned up. But the biggest changes were my bottom, which was now bigger and fake looking, but I loved it. Most of all my breasts had gone from looking almost natural to being a large pair of bolt on fake boobs. They were big and heavy and round, with my nipples stretched. My lips had been plumped up further. I realised my old life was definitely long gone.

I met some other girls who had received the same procedure from my friend and they are staying on for a while too. We allowed our friend to arrange a hypnosis session for us to help with the radical transformation and it worked. I am happy - I spent most of my time swimming naked or working parties here. If you want something it can happen.
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Re: My transformation

Postby Sherardp » June 1st, 2020, 9:23 pm

How does one join you if this is true?
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Re: My transformation

Postby rinoooo » June 4th, 2020, 3:58 am

Your posts give me shivers. I could only wish for such an opportunity. You need to talk about it more!
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Re: My transformation

Postby riv3rtayl0r » June 4th, 2020, 8:04 am

♡〜٩( ╹▿╹ )۶〜♡

tell us more! pls send a PM/email! (click on the PM/email button on the right)
(hoping nervously)

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Re: My transformation

Postby lindalashes » June 24th, 2020, 12:38 pm

My friend Sarah, who posted the original post here, told me about this site and suggested I should post my experience as it's similar and may help you. We share the same friend and my story is perhaps a bit more involved.

I was working as a bartender in Pattaya, Thailand, then this all began and I met the friend Sarah talked about. I'd met lots of men who had been feminized as well as the transsexuals you see here and I was always very curious about what it would be like. Secretly, I had always wanted to be transformed, and had dressed up and thought about going the next step.

I'd been to many parties at my friend's place, and had been told that he really liked taking men and turning them into transexuals, as happened later to Sarah and as you would see at parties I eventually asked him flat out what he could do for me, and I remember him asking "do you want an experience, or do you want to be permanent?". I didn't know what he meant and he pointed me to one of the girls who worked in his house. She had dark skin, long hair, and was often naked at the parties that I went to My friend explained how she had asked to be transformed and what I wanted to become.

I said I wanted to be transformed. He asked if I would stay with him and I said yes, and he asked how far I was willing to go. I said all the way and the journey started there.

I met my friend's surgeon who is one of the leading TS surgeons in Thailand and he also asked what I wanted and if I was sure. If so, he said, he would operate. My friend made It clear I would have to stay at his villa for at least a year after the process and I agreed.

I started taking hormones in May 2014, staying at my friend's place. I would have injections every day and watched as my boobs began to grow, as my penis began to shrink, and I had my body shaved. I had support from others who had been through the same process and then in 2015 it was time for my operation. The next phase was not what I expected.

I woke up with a pair of bolt on boobs on my chest, with silicone implants in my bottom, and with my lips filled. My hair had been shaved and a blonde prosthesis has been pasted on. I looked like a bimbo and wasn't sure that was what I wanted.

But over time I got used to it. I had further implants, and now my body is incredibly sexual and I feel good about it. But it isn't for everyone. I can't go back to my old life and spend most of my time naked at my friend's house. I love this, but it's not for everyone. Every couple of years I have more work to reduce the size of my feet and make me more feminine.

Know what you want. Changes like this are permanent. I am happy this way, but remember it's a one way thing.
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Re: My transformation

Postby artaxerxes » July 28th, 2020, 6:35 am

Bumping. Likely a hoax, but if not I wish to learn about the psychology of the two posters who live with this fellow. Have sent DMs to both.
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