I need some help

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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 22nd, 2020, 8:10 pm

Dam. So excited until I noticed a cutting board on the night table with a couple lines of coke and a coke snorter. I’m so turned on but that really bummed me out. My girl told me how she used it daily when she was 20ish almost 10 years ago, abusing it. I really hope that isn’t what is going on. I also hope that isn’t the reason she is now planning to spend the week end there. I’m getting some bad vibes about Jackie. He is getting my girl to go back to her rough times. She smokes now, is doing bongs with him, and hopefully not coke. He is manipulating her to do things she hasn’t done in years. I love him fucking her, but hope it doesn’t come with a price. I have to ask a tough question to my girl when she gets to work tomorrow.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 22nd, 2020, 8:15 pm

He is making things all fun and games and good times, so her mind is so altered she is falling for him. I really need her fucking him, and I don’t know if I even have the power to stop him, as he has my girl power craving now, and party crazy. Gotta work this out, if she is there for 4 straight days I may not be able to keep her away, she is going to be emotionally committed to him and won’t see what is happening to her, and me either.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 22nd, 2020, 8:56 pm

I can’t stop watching her get fucked by him, I’m getting so much in need of her fucking him it is obsessive. I listened to the file to enhance it. So fucking hot.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 23rd, 2020, 5:18 am

It is just after 7 AM. I woke up listened to the file and watched Jackie cum inside my girl 3 times already. This is the most erotic thing I have ever seen. I love watching my girl get fucked over and over again. I am worried about her which takes some of fire out of it. I’m wondering if she is fucking him right now, I would assume sHe is.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 23rd, 2020, 6:58 am

Concerned about my girl. She usually texts me a few times before her 1st appointment, and gets to work by 9. I have text her twice, no response.
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Re: I need some help

Postby grover27 » October 23rd, 2020, 7:49 am

My first concern when he said he had a special high was coke. I'm guessing she has indulged. I know this is getting you off but listening to this as an outsider, I think Jackie is bad news. Did they even get tested yet? I don't want to tell you how to handle this but I do think you need to start reflecting on this one. I don't know where you live but Jackie can't be the only crossdresser in town - there are probably a lot of others out there that aren't manipulative coke heads that could play this game with you. Protect yourself my friend. This was supposed to be you and Amber using Jackie, but it looks like Jackie is in the power position now. Is that what you really wanted?
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 23rd, 2020, 7:57 am

Finally heard from my girl. She said they didn’t get to sleep til about 5:30 so I left a message for Amy to cover my appointments today, I’m exhausted. She asked about the video, I told her how many times I watched it and how erotic it was and how much I loved it! She said I better get used to it because he made love to her 3 times last night, and right before I left. I had to come home and get some clothes for the weekend. So I had to bring up what I saw on the night table. I asked her about it. She said , I know how that looks, but she was high from doing bongs, and he said here is my surprise for you. I looked and said no way I’m doing that. The next 15 minutes or so he said how about this. If you do a line with me Then we will video tape us having sex for your boyfriend. You know how much he will love it. I was like what to do, I said I just can’t do that. He said look how happy you are right now, do you know how your boyfriend will feel seeing you with my cock inside of you, and I caved in. I’m really sorry. I wanted you to see so bad because I know how much you wanted that. I was touched by what she did and why but my concern was what happens going forward. I asked if she did any more and she said yes that’s why they were up all night getting in deep conversations and making love. I really fell last night. This morning I was so tired and felt lousy and he said just do a line with me and you will be back on your feet. I did another and we made love and I came home,I feel a lot better right now, I’m still high. I asked her if that’s what she is going to do all weekend? I said your smoking cigarettes now doing bongs and doing coke. I love you fucking him more than you can imagine, but your not on a good path. She said I know, I text him just before you and told him no bongs or lines tonight or the rest of the weekend. I told her she is missing work too and to remember her struggles. I know, Jackie said I deserved to cut loose sometimes, and said look what a good time we had and completely bonded with each other talking all night. I will do my best not to do any tonight. You know he is going to push you, and you will do it, I’m so worried about you...so worried. Can you stop here on your way over, I need a long prince hug. She is stopping over this afternoon she will text me.
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Re: I need some help

Postby grover27 » October 23rd, 2020, 8:15 am

Not looking good Prince. You need to be this girl's protector. She needs you. This guy is a world-class manipulator and your girl is too weak. I would put the brakes on this. Enjoy your video. She is slipping downhill way too fast.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 23rd, 2020, 1:45 pm

I know, this is really tough. Just got a chance to post from early this morning. I asked my girl what the deep conversations were about. She said the biggest one was my hypno. Don’t get upset please, I was doing coke. He wanted to know the details of the hypno, so I highlighted key parts. It has him loving me fucking other men, and the more I fuck them, the stronger it gets. Also the deeper I fall with another man the more he loves me, and when I make love to another man it makes him feel he is being made love to through the other man. He then said this is perfect if it really works. Do you know how much he would love you if you shut him off? He would want you making love to me so he could feel your love. I said I enjoy our sex, that wouldn’t be good. He said not permanently, just weaken him until he needed us to be together then he will never try and make you stop. He controls you. I asked how? You walked in and I had a bong waiting for you and you said Thanks I really need that. Then we sat on the couch and you lit a cigarette, and I said your smoking again?..and you said thanks to you and then I said I was sorry and you said you meant in a good way, and said thank you, I didn’t realize how much I missed them and you gave me a kiss. He will take those away from you. So this is perfect, you can take something away from him, before he takes things away from you. Make him so weak he will not be able to take away what we have. That says it all.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 23rd, 2020, 2:16 pm

He also said the best way to take full control is after he has been shut off, let him know that I am your primary relationship, and he will completely be weakened, and use the hypno to make him love that I am your main lover. I told him I would work on it. I think he made a lot of good points but I’m still high lol. She went to bed will be here around 5 and leaving for Jackie’s at 7. I have a lot of work to do. I am already weak and If she comes over determined, I will want her with him tonight, I already do, even though a shrinking part of me fights the hypno makes it stronger. The more I resist the more I need her with him. Jackie knows this because she said too much, and she’s all drugged up and believing everything he says. Hopefully some rest and drug free, she will come back to reality. He wants her doing coke so he can make her his, and she is way vulnerable. If I can’t keep her from it when she comes over, and she does what Jackie says, by the end of the weekend I will be helpless to him.
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Re: I need some help

Postby grover27 » October 23rd, 2020, 2:22 pm

Dude. You do you, but Jackie is looking to steal your girl for good. Sounds like a psycho. I don't like
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 24th, 2020, 10:33 am

Ok so my girl comes over yesterday before heading to Jackie’s. She comes in and I was floored. She had on stuff I never knew she had. A tight leather miniskirt, a crop top with no bra and her boobs spilling out, nipples showing, these Lacey looking high heel booties, and really dolled up looking exotic. Have admit she looked hot but also a bit hooker like. I said what’s going on with the look? She said Jackie likes her looking really hot. She looked a bit wasted, and I asked her if she had been drinking or something. She said Jackie gave her a few lines in case I needed them to get through the day. Don’t worry I wasn’t driving I did it in your driveway. I said look at what your doing? She put her fingers across my lips as a shhhh gesture. Let’s go in the bedroom, I have a lot to say and want to talk, but please don’t respond unless I ask you to, and then we can talk. I want to make love to you so you get the full impact. So we get in bed and she says just be inside of me, little movement while I say what I need, close your eyes. I love you more than anything, and I love Jackie. I can never get from him what I get from you, and I can’t get from you what I get from him. Bear with me this is from memory and might not be chronologically correct. Jackie was saying how you try to control everything, and you are going to interfere. The hypno needs to be used to keep you from making me stop seeing Jackie, and he is right. Now don’t try to resist because you know you can’t. Do you love me fucking Jackie? I said I do but... she shhhh me please just answer one word. Isn’t it nice to know I love Jackie now and he cums in me more than you? I’m starting to move inside of her, I’m so turned on. Yes. The more I make love to Jackie the more you need me too is so true isn’t it? Yes. Jackie says we need to move in together for these 30 days if this weekend goes well. You know it’s true when we move in together making love every day exclusively will show you how much I love you, isn’t it. Yes, I want you to love me that much. You Know it’s true, make me promise To you That I will move in with Jackie because you know it’s true. Promise me you will move in with Jackie. I promise I will move in with him to show you how much I love you. In that moment I came so hard. She said good. I will exclusively be with Jackie for the next 30 days sexually, and will see you occasionally but no sex. You know it is true you want that. Yes. I don’t have time to talk, I need to take a shower and go to Jackie’s. So I laid in bed, with the most helpless feeling in the world. I know this is bad, but I can’t fight the voice to do anything about it. I want her moving in with Jackie. She got out of the shower gave me a kiss on the bed, and said I love you. Out she went. I was naked and couldn’t even watch her leave. I tried running to the bathroom putting a towel on and watch her go. She was opening the back hatch of her SUV and was pulling out a suitcase and she headed for the door. I was thinking she forgot something. She opened the door, dropped her suitcase and said, if you’ll have me I love you and want to be here all weekend as she burst into tears. I just hugged her and when she finally gained enough composure she said that was one last time to get your mileage out of the file. Jackie and I are no more. More later have to attend to something now.
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Re: I need some help

Postby grover27 » October 24th, 2020, 12:09 pm

I've obviously been following your story closely and want to hear more. I'm actually logging in at an inconvenient time to say this:
1) you dodged quite a bullet there and I'm glad Amber was able to give you one more taste of what might have been before the big reveal;
2) this girl really loves you and was willing to sacrifice a lot for your kink
3) This girl is vulnerable and needs a good protector and you need to be that for her - never let her get in a dangerous position like that again and make sure she always feels safe and protected - she is a keeper but you need to be her rock
4) Hold her all weekend and let her feel protected
5) put the kink on hold for a little while but don't be afraid to explore it again in a SAFE way - hypnosis can be included and can be fun but think out the consequences of your actions and set your boundaries from the beginning - MN_FriendlyGuy warned you of that early on

There are lots of safe ways to explore kinks and have fun, but recognize the red flags - Jackie was nothing but red flags.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 24th, 2020, 12:59 pm

Thanks for the advice. Here is the rest. I’m too new and too vulnerable to this hypno. So we cried together and got very emotional. She said we need to talk because some of what I just said to you was extremely real and some for effect. So let me give you the real from the not real. Did I have sex with him 4 times last night, yes. Did I do coke with him all night. Yes. Did I do a line this morning at his house. Yes Did he give me enough to get through the day. Yes. Did I use it. No. I woke up feeling that washed out tired not enough sleep feeling. I went to my purse to do a line, and Everything hit me. I realized he was a total control freak, and wanted me to be all his. I was doing so many bongs and lines of coke it all makes you talk talk talk. When your with someone you just fell for, and the feelings are so strong and amped in effect by coke and bongs, it’s so easy to believe. When I got my bearings, I’m not dumb, it was clear as a bell. I knew that was it. I cried, because there is a strong emotional connection. I flushed it down the toilet, truth is that was extremely hard because I wanted it. Do I smoke? Yes. A lot of stress, and I hope you can accept me smoking. I need them right now. It won’t be long term I promise, but please don’t get on me now, give me some time. Did I do bongs. Yes. Did he make a deal for me to do a line and he would make a video for you? Yes. Did he have me convinced that I needed to stop sex with you for 30 days before he tried to end this, and exclusively be with him? Yes. Did he have me convinced that if we moved in together during that 30 days he would be begging us to never stop? Yes. One other thing I forgot, maybe intentionally. He convinced me that deep down I was a lesbian. I didn’t agree, then he said ok just think, you were attracted to me as a beautiful woman, you kissed me as a beautiful woman. You never have seen me as a man? I told him yes, I love beautiful women. He said it is ok to be a lesbian I consider myself one. We are lesbian lovers. He finally convinced me I was probably a lesbian. He said that’s why I needed him, no one can allow you to be yourself, a lesbian, and experience a real cumming cock in you. You don’t want him to take that away do you? No, your right, it is unique and something I always wanted. Maybe there is more and as I think of it I will tell you. Basically, and she started crying, he had me convinced in a sneaky way for you to become the secondary person, and gradually have me all to himself, not expressed, implied. We snuggled, and she said this is going to be hard, I have some strong feelings. I still can’t get away from the hypno pull, and I said I love you so much, the video with you at first kissing a beautiful woman, licking your breasts, going down on you, then the tradition to you sucking his cock, and watching him enter you, overwhelming. I love you with him, is there anyway to make this work? I said I’ll assume that is the hypno talking, and like girlie girl, you have to start moving away from that and delete the video. It’s so hard. It is for me too. It is going to be hard for us both, but I believe in us, please remember, I was really really high. Yes, I agreed with all of his plans, he turned everything around, and it all became true. I’m not high now, and I would never do that. I know princess, if I didn’t trust you this would have never been possible. A lot more, but that is a capsule. I want her fucking him, and need to work against those thoughts.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 24th, 2020, 1:15 pm

One last thought. She was really really apologetic for doing coke. She said I was so high from the bongs, and was thinking he put something else in there, or maybe because I hadn’t done it in years it really hit me. I was very high. Then you have someone propositioning you to do coke knowing how much you would love it, giving you your fantasy, and several no’s, until I did it. I don’t want to make it sound like it was all for you, in the moment I was saying no, but I really wanted it bad because I was so high. She had to work today. Jackie is blowing up her phone. She said if it continues, she is going to get a new number next week. I responded to one call, he deserved to know why, that I do love him, but he knew it was you first always, and he couldn’t accept that, and he was too much into drugs and he should get clean. That was her last and only conversation. He is threatening her if she doesn’t call or text back next week he is coming down to the shop and exposing that I am a lesbian and he was the pawn in our silly game. She is max stressed and so am I. This could do big damage to her business and my solid reputation in the community. Ultimately, my job could be on the line if this became widespread. Work to be done. Hypno or no hypno this is killing my appetite for Jackie!
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Re: I need some help

Postby stupidme » October 24th, 2020, 1:25 pm

I don't really have anything to add, but I have also been paying attention and would like to reinforce what grover27 said, and add another supportive ear to this thread.

Both of you need to support each other a lot right now, if you have any other close trustworthy friends ask for their support as well.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 24th, 2020, 1:39 pm

Thanks, that means a lot, on both of your behalf’s. We are really strong. It pains me to see her this way. She was crying because now she feels like she had an affair on me. I will be her rock, This woman had a rough early life. She is so sweet and thoughtful. I’m really easy going, I have never once raised my voice to her, and her me. Sure we have had disagreements, but we handle them so well. I’ll never meet another like her ever again. We met at the gym. I walked in and walked by her, she smiled and said hi while on a stationary bike. I got chills just looking at her and her smile. I went to the desk and asked my friend Mike who she was? He said oh that’s Amber she owns a salon downtown. She is the sweetest girl you would ever meet. I asked if she was attached, he said he wasn’t sure. I said to myself if I don’t go ask her out I will regret it. I waited for her to get off the bike. I said something like, I’m really not very good at this, I have no lines, I’m just an ordinary guy. Honestly, I walked past you once, but I just couldn’t again, especially after my friend Mike said you were a sweetheart. She said you are doing fine. More later phone.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 24th, 2020, 2:21 pm

I asked her if I could have the honor of taking her to lunch or dinner, maybe a walk on the beach and smile in her eyes for awhile? She said, That’s so flattering, thank you but I have regretfully decline. I just got out of a relationship 5 months ago, and promised myself I would take care of me 1st, and not start dating for 6 months. I told her I understand, it has been 8 months for me. I’m not even going to ask you for your number because, I respect where you are, but would you accept mine? She said of course. Thirty days from that day she called me! I never thought she ever would, thought I was politely dissed and out of my league. She opened the conversation by saying I’m ready to share a few smiles, does that offer still stand? I said I can’t think of anything that would make me smile more. I played that conversation over in my mind 100 times. We connected almost instantly, and Mike was right on the money. She is more beautiful inside. She is amazing!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 26th, 2020, 8:12 am

So much to unpack. I’d say this weekend started with a lot of reflection, necessary for us to move on and ended with a life changing amazing finish, I’m still on cloud 9. Well let me get the tough stuff out of the way. We couldn’t avoid a conversation regarding an eventful week that went sour. I asked her what exactly happened there that made everything come off the rails? She said everything was going great until I agreed to do a line with him and we would do the video for you.I think if I didn’t do that, I would have spent the weekend with him. She apologized, and said cocaine is a big lie. We were doing bongs hugging, talking, making out, and he said he had a surprise, and out came the coke. As high as I was I immediately gave him a strong no. Then the focus became you, and how much you would love it, and I wanted that so bad for you, and he convinced me, and I remember trying to justify just 1 line. Everything changed completely after that. Coke gives you this euphoric feeling, strong confidence, and energy. I don’t remember everything, but reflecting back, after I slept when I got home I realized things. I was planning to do, wasn’t what I wanted, and why did I think it was so much what I wanted? I asked her what exactly she was remembering. She said at the time, doing coke it was an all out brainwashing about you, and your control over me vs partying and having a sexual relationship with him. When we finished, and cut off the video I asked him if I could have one of his cigarettes, I didn’t feel like getting up and getting mine. So he lit it for me, and immediately he said you know what’s going to happen, he is going to take your cigarettes away from you. Is that what you want? I said no. Stand up and use the hypno and take control of him. Somewhere along the way he said let’s do another line, and I did. Right after that he started again. He is going to take your coke away as soon as he finds out. You can get him so in need of us being together, and anytime over a weekend, you get the urge to do a line, you can make it his idea that you come over and make love to me. I was really into his ideas, and that was the plan. We had sex again, and somewhere I remember asking him if we could do another line, and we did. So essentially I was into all his ideas to move in with him for 30 days and I could feel so good anytime I wanted to. Before I left we did a line had sex and he handed me a small bag of coke to get me through the day until I came back over. I said that is so thoughtful and generous of you, and I thanked him and said goodbye and from there you know what happened. I took a bath when I got home still high, and was going to execute his plan, as I didn’t want to be controlled, I was going to be in control, of course it’s all a lie. That’s what coke is. Next Jackie, and the great end to the weekend, have to do some work although my focus is 0 right now.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 26th, 2020, 9:24 am

Jackie is a whole other issue. He has been crashing her phone with texts, and he has threatened her to expose Her and me as well. He will spill her drug use, and tell everyone what slut she is, and how sick we are. Needless to say none of that is good. More and more desperate he is now trying to extort her. He wants a better ending and goodbye, meaning one last night with her. She was between giving in and not. I immediately said giving in is not an option, it will go on and on. I had an idea. She could lead him on that she wants to do that, but she doesn’t trust him. If he puts it in writing and sends it to her she would feel more comfortable. This in her hands could flip the tables, that if he wants to be a jerk, he will then face extortion charges. I’m not sure the legal possibility but this could halt this whole thing, he is already on probation for a DUI, facing jail might be the recipe. Finally the blessed ending to our weekend. Will post when I get a chance.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 26th, 2020, 11:03 am

Ok, need some back drop here. My girl is so stressed out right now, riddled with guilt she had an affair, which she didn’t, did coke, and wondering if I have begun to doubting her. I spent a lot of time reassuring her that nothing had changed. I knew I had to change the narrative. Just a back ground to fill in some necessary things. I travel for business minimally. Usually just 3 days, 2 nights. About 5 months after meeting her, I had to travel, but covid suspended travel for me since. My travel is 3-4 times a year. Fast forward we each have keys to each other’s house, I told her there is nothing I will ever be doing here, where you won’t be welcome, come over anytime. Fast forward, I get home pretty late on a weeknight, 11ish as I remember. I walk in and starting back at me is a life size cardboard cutout of her that says I love you, and a card taped to it. I was amazed. I quickly opened it, and she said, I knew you’d be tired so I cleaned up, dusted, and did your laundry. Can’t wait to see you. I love you Amber. Please go to your rec room and get the next card. I hurried in, and saw a card on the bar. I opened it , and it says to check the storage room. I open the door and there is Amber in a camisole and heels, jumps into my arms without a word, and we kissed for a longtime. I was so amazed by this woman, and she led me to my bedroom, I turned on the light, the comforter was turned back, with roses on the tp spelling out I love you. This is Amber since I have known her, never missing an opportunity to let me know how she feels. It was this day I started calling her Princess all the time. She has taught me what love reall is, and I do the same for her all the time. So when she called me that first time, I told her my only goal was to make sure she had as good of a time I know how to give her, and will plan it out. She had just one question, since I’m not sure what we are doing what should I wear. I told her totally casual. I took her on a boat ride that goes to a private island with an outdoor restaurant on the water. It is a small boat maybe 10 capacity, and I bought all the seats so it would be just me and her and the 2 person crew. It wasn’t that much money about 500 or so. On the way back they get the dolphins to play in the boat wake. She had never seen that before, and I could tell she was loving it. I then took her to an animal rehab facility, that also has permanent residents that can never live in the wild anymore. I had heard of this but never went there until a bald eagle was struggling in my yard, had a broken wing. I called they took him in. It kind of became special and they are non profit, and for a reasonable donation you can sponsor the animal with a plaque on the front of the cage. This animal had other issues and was going to be a permanent resident. I became the sponsor after learning this, it was a good feeling it gave me. I decided I was going to sponsor the other eagle in the same cage, with her name on it. We got there and I pointed it out to her. It just said Amber, I didn’t have her last name. I said to her no matter what happens between us, if it is our beginning or our end, I want you to have a calming sanctuary that you can come to forever, and feel better. She tried to fight back tears, gave me a long hug, and said that is the sweetest thing anyone ever did for me. Just one thing. She spoke to my friend Mike and asked what kind of guy I am before calling me, the guy from the gym. Mike thankfully told her, she couldn’t make a better choice. She wanted to make sure I wasn’t a clown. So we needed a feel good so I suggested the sanctuary and she said that is just what we need let’s go. They are open Sunday til mid afternoon. We got in front of it and I got on 1 knee and told her all the reasons why, and said we began here, it was our beginning, I’m here today to ask you if you would marry me, and make sure we have no end. It got extremely emotional, and I got an emphatic yes. I’m in a place right now that feels like I’m in a dream!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 26th, 2020, 11:05 am

I’m so excited I forgot to add that I want permission to add my last name to her plaque so it serves as a symbol of us forever being side to side.
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Re: I need some help

Postby grover27 » October 26th, 2020, 3:13 pm

That's so awesome man. A big CONGRATULATIONS!!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 29th, 2020, 10:45 am

Thanks, it is amazing. We quieted Jackie down with extortion possibility, at least for now, and after some hostile texts, where he called her some bad things, quiet for now. I stopped listening to file, and had my girl delete the file of her ducking him. I just couldn’t do it, I think of that all the time. Hypno is really strange stuff. I still can’t get that image out of my mind of seeing my girl with a cock inside her. I still want her fucking someone, but at least I can control the urge to listen, starting to break away. Going to a small Halloween party this weekend, just 4 couples. I want her to be a hooker and me the pimp. She keeps telling me it’s the hypno talking, and no way she is going as a hooker with the friends we will be with. I said it is only Halloween. She said she doesn’t feel comfortable showing everything and being that way. She did say we could have our own Halloween party and she will dress anyway I want her, and tell me how many guys she is fucking. Not a bad compromise!
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Re: I need some help

Postby grover27 » October 29th, 2020, 3:47 pm

Best way to deal with Jackie is to ignore him. People like that get fed and energized by any reaction you give them. I think you need to make your girl feel protected and cherished for a little while here. It's clear that she has a great inner slut, but let her know that you see her for more than just that, especially while she heals from the Jackie thing. If you like seeing her with a cock in her, there are plenty of ways you can fulfill that wish. Cuckold or stag or hotwife play is very common in the lifestyle. Figure out what type of guy you want to play with, how you want to play, and put out an ad on doublelist or sdc and then have your pick of who you let into your lives. As long as you stay in control of the situation, you shouldn't have an issues with Jackie-type loonies. Of course, wait a little and make sure that Amber is on board with this, and use protection.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 31st, 2020, 8:55 am

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. You throw around some terms I never heard of. We are a very conservative couple, that had a conversation about fantasies. We found common ground. She absolutely will not be with another guy that is all guy, so that is not an option, and before the hypno that isn’t what I wanted. It was the perfect storm. Her with a guy that always presents as a woman, but can be a man in respects to sex. Me, I wanted her woman to woman, so this kind of filled both our fantasies as close as possible. Wanting her fucking another guy came about because I wasn’t sure if I could handle her with another guy but the foreplay was all woman to woman. She won’t be with a straight up woman either so this is probably it. To find another Jackie type that isn’t compromised sexually from hormones etc. is not likely. She has a few others she works with but back before this started she said neither were a possibility. I’m still feeling the desire, but it lessens a bit each day, as I removed myself from listening. We are living together now, and we have something really special. We both got overly excited and moved way too fast. We have talked a lot about what happened. She realizes the feelings she felt for Jackie were induced by coke, where everything is magnified 10 fold. In retrospect, there were little feelings that were real. We may venture forward in something down the road. Right now it will involve just the 2 of us. Safe at home.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 31st, 2020, 9:02 am

Also Jackie punched a few holes into her psyche. He really called her some cruel things. She went as far as asking her if I thought she was a lesbian. I basically said the world is crazed with labels. You are whatever you think you are, and to me it is a wonderful, sensitive, beautiful woman inside and out, that I love more than ever. Labels don’t make you anything, what you think means more than anyone else, because only you control who you are. I love you under any label. I always will.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 31st, 2020, 11:21 am

The one thing we did talk about regarding our fantasies was her finding another cross dresser like Jackie who is virtually full time. I asked her if after this experience if she would still want that? She said I’d love to have that with you, once in awhile. I said I don’t want to go down the girlie girl road again. She said how about without the hypno so it is just occasional? I’m really not into that but thought about it, and for her I’d do it, but not on a regular basis. Deep down inside I thought that would keep her fantasy alive in case a real opportunity presented itself down the road. I said if I do that if a real opportunity came up would you consider it? She said it would have to be way different. I would want to spend a lot more time with him before anything got sexual, and Would not want you doing hypno so you could handle me having sex with him. I don’t think I could do a video or in person with you watching me having sex. I said how about if you just did the girl to girl part on video, and cut it off right before you had sex with him. She paused, and said but you would still know I was having sex with him. I can handle that to see you with another woman, just keep the sex part to yourself, and if I can’t handle it, I would tell you. She said I know how much you want that, but I think I’d feel guilty having sex with him. I said I’m not really threatened by a full time crossdresser, so it’s a lot different. She said that she would not only have to spend a much longer time with him before even thinking about sex, but also a lot of time having sex with him before a video is possible, so it is probably not something that will ever happen. I can always hope I guess.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » October 31st, 2020, 12:16 pm

I think there is nothing worse than experiencing your fantasy, it just makes you want more. The only true hope I have is she is going to try and expand her Crossdresser makeovers, TG/TV makeovers, because the money is big and the market of those doing it is small. She is the only one that does them in her shop, but not enough of them to do that exclusively, and turn women clients over to everyone else. She has been running ads in about a 25 mile radius to see what she can get, slow so far I guess, but progress. Maybe someone new from out of town, but she also seems to have a desire, but a lot of reservations. Seems she is more concerned about me, which I love about her. Natural men and women are a 0% chance. All her what if’s revolve around me. I said would you feel different knowing I trust you and I had no what if’s? She responded favorably to that. So the path of probability is like threading a needle. Probably dead in the water. Anyone here have any ideas? I’m out of them. I know she would love to do it, it turns her on, it’s her fantasy, but she seems to worry about hurting me somehow.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 2nd, 2020, 9:31 am

A lot going on. I think most here probably think this is all we do, but keep in mind this is over several days, and we have full lives. It is this part that I talk about. So I did a lot of research on my girls fantasy of sex with a cross dresser, and was kind of surprised a 4000 person study said that 1/4 women have fantasized about that and 1/6 men. I went further and found that women that fit this scenario feel the sense of empowerment doing his makeup and seeing a beautiful woman, it gets them very wet. Then the fulfillment of this person cumming in her and seeing the look in his eyes is very satisfying and euphoric. Those that actually perform their fantasy are no more likely to be a lesbian or bisexual than any other woman. It’s not a way to subvert cheating, it is a totally different thrill and eroticism. I volunteered to be girlie girl this weekend. You have to know how much I love this woman to do that, I did it as a surprise. That got us into our fantasies. I shared with her how I spent time learning to understand her fantasy, showed it to her. She was blown away. She said she never shared that with anyone but me. She is used to jealous men, that wouldn’t let her going out looking sexy and all dolled up even to work which is important because she is an image consultant. She added, I have been just the opposite telling me how sexy I look all the time. Anyway we got into particulars as why me as girlie girl is different? She said because I know you as a man, just think of watching me with you as girlie girl kissing, fondling, and then having sex, would it be the same as seeing me with another beautiful woman? The light came on, that was the last piece. More in a bit.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 2nd, 2020, 9:43 am

So I told her I understand all of it now and realize the sex part is not threatening to me, I trust you, I want you to have that for real this time, move forward from that idiot. I also had looked at ideas given me here. Look for certain lifestyle ads, and wow, there is a lot going on, but also cross dressers seeking a woman for a sexual fantasy. I showed her and she got a bit excited. Fast forward we came to rules before we placed an ad, so we can mitigate potential issues. The guy has to be a full time cross dresser, drug and disease free, proof of the latter. Be willing to give us his drivers license so we can run background check. That this was strictly a sexual fantasy relationship, nothing more, no I love you’d etc. we set boundaries for each other. We included the video in requirements and my fantasy. Our rules were a text checking every hour until trust was there. Allow her to meet with him for sex just once a week, and as soon as it was over to leave within an hour. Exception, at first, more than 1 time per week to get used to each other. My girl’s discretion as to how many times they meet until they have sex. If I’m on travel which isn’t often then more than 1 time per week is ok. Sexual activity, such as sucking his cock, him licking her, etc and other foreplay fine. More to come
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 2nd, 2020, 9:51 am

So we placed a specific ad, had to wait for approval. We had looked together at photos, and a few of these guys are shockingly beautiful. She picked out 4 that were possible, but one in particular she said he must have had a professional do his makeup for the photo because it is perfect. So another rule, no inquiries to others just respond to those that email her through the system. Once approved we checked and her mailbox was full! Unreal. A lot of idiots, but 2-4 she was interested in wrote back. The guy seems totally legit, she wrote back as he said he had no problem sending her requests. This is as excited as I have seen her. Waiting for things, could at least turn into a meeting. Also we decided no one closer to where we live than 15 to 20 miles, and all meetings public. We are excited.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 2nd, 2020, 11:25 am

Text from my girl, OMG! He sent his drivers license and STD test from 10/22, he said he has not been with anyone for 2 yrs, and if I wanted him to send a new one he would. I gave all the info to my friend at police dept. she noted he is much older at 41 than us, but she said he looks 20s as a woman. I can tell she is excited, as am I. I sent her a dozen roses at her shop, which should of arrived or will be, I want her to know I understand her fantasy and want her to have it without knowing the other person at all. Unlike me, or Jackie, more intense for her.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 2nd, 2020, 12:04 pm

My girl got roses. She sent me a long heart felt email. Dam, I am lucky! Capsulizing, she said my love for her, and how I care about and for her is sometimes overwhelming. She also said that the fact I went out of my way to learn about her fantasy, trust and understand it, makes her want it more and more with confidence. She let me know, that no man will ever replace me, none of it is about man to women sex, and knowing I understand that, and also in doing so I can give you as intense fantasy as I can. Who knows what will happen, but if we find someone, and you can be somewhat patient, I promise, once We get comfortable with each other, you will see your woman passionately kissing another woman, fondling, and then ultimately seeing how turned on I am and climaxing with him. P.S. I am so wet right now. Also, guy came up clean. I text her, and she responded one word. Yes! So far so good.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 2nd, 2020, 12:29 pm

My girl just text me, so what should I say to him? I’m excited and so nervous. What would I wear if I met him? I just told her to take a deep breath, and glad she is excited, I am too. If you have a question for him or two ask him now, it is easier before you meet, and in a text. If you don’t he came up clean, may as well find out and meet in a park with people or some place you can talk in private, but people not far away. Might be tough to talk at a restaurant. Meet halfway. I can tell she is excited but a lot of nervous energy. We both have conceal carry permits, I got her started. She is well trained, so I know she can take care of herself in the absolute worst case scenario.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 2nd, 2020, 1:06 pm

She is stressing some. She text me back and said she didn’t know what to ask him. I tried to help, and said I will suggest something, but ultimately it is your choice. If I understand your fantasy correctly, part of it is getting really turned on doing a mans make up and getting turned on, making out with him, and then this beautiful woman, is an anonymous man that can fuck you and you never know who he is? If that is close, then don’t think your meeting is a potential date where you share likes and dislikes, etc like a date, keep everything about the fantasy in your conversation, so that taboo part stays in tact. That seemed to be missing because you knew Jackie and obviously me, it will be more intense for you making out, and fucking him. She said I love you, and how much I really understand her fantasy! She is sending the gist of that to him.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 2nd, 2020, 2:04 pm

She sent it to him and he said that would be kind of erotic, that works for me. She purposely didn’t put a picture in the ad. He gave her his phone number and asked if I would please text one. Do you think I should? I told her his phone isn’t public like the ad, he probably should see one. I told her it is up to her. Trust me when he sees her picture, he will be locked in! If she does she will have direct contact with him. Seems good so far.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 2nd, 2020, 2:25 pm

She text him a photo, responded with wow, you are beautiful. Girl text back thank you, so are you. He said no pressure, but would you like to meet he named a park halfway. If so when, said he was flexible. My girl said sure. I can take an a couple hours from work. Fast forward he said Tuesday, but will be Wednesday! Omg! Hope this goes well!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 2nd, 2020, 2:57 pm

So he text her that there were a bunch of picnic tables in that park. Bring something to eat, and I will too. She told him just so you know I will be coming from work and will be wearing a dress and heels, so we will look like 2 women having lunch from work. He said he will wear a dress and heels then too. She said I can’t believe I just did this! I’m excited and nervous as hell, feel like I’m going out on a date! I told her well I’m a way you are. I’m horny as hell, I wish I was going to be there. I’m gonna be dying for her to get home, but she has to go back to work, if it goes well, I think we both will be horny as hell. I said this is going to advance our trust. It will bring us closer, we both get our fantasy, from an outsider, that has passed all the tests so far. She said, I will prove to you that I love you, and make your fantasy as erotic as I possibly can, just be patient. If this works out give us time together so you see me with a gorgeous woman that I am very passionate with, and you will see us cum together kissing, and fondling. ( I’m just trying to get your motor running for when I get home tonight. Man she definitely knows my buttons. I’m already dying to make love to her. Whoever suggested classifieds, thank you! I’m shocked at all the stuff going on out there! We are new to all this, what an eye opener! This time no hypno, no drugs, a masked stranger. I so can see her fantasy, complicated in some respects, I so want her to have this. We have tight rules this time, so hopefully no drama, it takes away from it. More as things happen, probably Wednesday.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 2nd, 2020, 3:02 pm

One note. She has a test for me and calls my dick a lie detector. She said let me test how much you want this, and she describes it to me with my pants down. She then says true! It is a cute, but accurate exercise. She is right you can’t hide from that. She knows me too well.
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Re: I need some help

Postby grover27 » November 2nd, 2020, 3:26 pm

Those are some hot updates wmxx. Thanks for continuing to share. I believe I suggested the classifieds. Are you using doublelist? out of curiosity - I assume you in the US- but but what part of the country are you in? Are you in a big city? I want to just say that what you guys are looking for should be easy to find in a big enough city. I think you need to make sure you find someone who is a CD and identifies as beta or submissive so that you don't get an aggressive control freak like Jackie. Hopefully, this person you found fits the bill. If they are truly submissive, they will enjoy whatever Amber wants and really enjoy having you watch at some point in time. It sounds like you are about to make some lucky guy's dreams come true. I'm glad to see you are now learning how to stay in control and call the shots. Amber is the prize so you can make your "toy" jump through any hoops you feel necessary to make this work for you guys. Don't be willing to settle or compromise.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 2nd, 2020, 4:45 pm

Yes 2 big cities north and south. I really spent a lot of time researching her fantasy. I think to myself that she lived with this for 5 years, and had never shared it with anyone. I feel special that she trusts me enough to share everything. I want this more for her than myself, although seeing her with a woman is off the charts. She told me she loves sexy women and if they had a cock she would be with one. She said a dildo or vibrator doesn’t moan or cum, and you can’t look in its eyes and show satisfaction. A real cock is what makes the whole thing so erotic, she hated her soul to me after I told her I researched everything, and how much I quant her to have this. I don’t feel the least bit threatened, still have those cock inside her residuals, I may end up loving seeing that too just as much, at the least, it won’t bother me. I know what it means to her though. Everything looks clean so far. The stranger part gets her wet, taboo. Doing his makeup will be what makes her want him, so likely the day she does his makeup, that will be the day she fucks him.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 3rd, 2020, 9:13 am

I thought this guy would be texting my girl a lot now that he had her number, but surprisingly not one, until this morning. Kind of glad to see that actually. My girl said he text sorry to bother you, but can I ask what color dress you are wearing, I don’t want to wear the same color. My girl came home last night (not sure if I mentioned but we live together now). She goes into the bedroom and comes out in a different dress and heels and asks me how it looks? I basically said princess you could show up in flannel pajamas and you’d be the best looking woman within 100 miles. Seriously, you look drop dead gorgeous. So this goes on until dress number 3, and she was turning me on so much, I just got up and kissed her passionately, and no need to say what followed, She drives me crazy for her! I can see how different things are this time, she doesn’t have a history here, and this is a true authentic fantasy, I can see her nervous and excited energy. She is passing that excitement to me, I have this vision of my dolled up sexy princess in bed with another beautiful woman, and then the look on her face when he enters her, dam I want this to work so much, especially for her. She never dreamed this would ever happen, and this time a true anonymous stranger, I can see she has that forbidden taboo thirst driving her. I think personally if this ultimately happens for her, she is going to be blown away in excitement and eroticism. Tomorrow will have a lot to say about that. This guy seems polite and so different than that other Ahole.
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Re: I need some help

Postby grover27 » November 3rd, 2020, 9:55 am

That's a good sign that he's not over texting and asking about dress colors. Sounds like your CD here is polite and considerate and likely more of a natural submissive, which you need after Jackie. He may not be a stud in bed at first or ever, however, so prepare Amber for that. They may be going at it in a more sensitive feminine manner than the Jackie situation. It sounds like Jackie was in control of the last situation and Amber will need to take more of the lead in this one. Hopefully, she is okay with that. As I've said before, you and Amber need to treat this guy more like a toy. No need to feel bad about it either - it's likely what he wants too and he will love it. You are giving him the thrill of a lifetime and as long as you are comfortable staying in control here, the sky's the limit.

Question - when the whole girly girl thing was happening with you - did you know at that time that Amber did makeup for TS/TV/CDs? Or did you only learn that after you told her?

I also think the idea of advertising and starting a business for doing makeup for TS/TV/CDs is a great business idea and if Amber does it right, she could have a nice little niche business that could be very successful.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 3rd, 2020, 3:04 pm

As always thanks for the input, we are blazing a new trail but very calculated this time. You are right, my girl even said he is so polite. She will find out tomorrow, wish it was today! Amber and I have something I never dreamed possible. She was always afraid to tell me too much about things, because her whole life she was penalized for it, particularly how she dressed. Past boyfriends saw all the men looking all the time, I sure see it. I think it is a compliment. When we first met she always asked me if what she was wearing was ok. Asked about her makeup. I told her, it is her choice what she wears, and how she does her makeup, always! I’ve always allowed her to express herself in any way she chooses. My goal was always to preserve and build upon us as a couple, and communication was paramount. This fantasy stuff came at the right time in one respect. Our trust is extremely tight, and she knows no matter what I will never blow up at her, and she has learned that. Our sex luge is incredible, but the bond and love is rock solid. I asked her last night to take me step by step through her fantasy, what do you feel along the way at every stop? She didn’t hesitate, and really had opened completely to me. She said when she started doing cross dresser makeup about 4/5 years ago it started turning her on, a bit powerful, a bit sexual. It grew into a fantasy of having sex with one. The girl on girl part is because she is really attracted to beautiful women, but she just likes cock and pussy does nothing for her, the visual, kissing, fondling gets her extremely wet and turned on. So in that moment of complete desire, here comes this anonymous man that sees how much I need his cock in me, and fucks me into complete satisfaction. I asked her the most important part. She said one leads to the other so they are all important, but him inside of me fucking me while I’m ultra turned on is the best part because he makes me cum and feel better. I was so intent and totally understand her fantasy, I like hers better than my own. This will be the first time she fucks an anonymous man if this gets there. I told her I want that so bad for her, I can imagine the sexual climax she will have. There was a lot more, really deep connection for us. I know this will bring us closer. Ultimately I want to see this so bad. I will be patient, I want her to do the video when they both reach that point of comfort. It will be worth the wait. She said she will do all she can to move that timeframe forward. She said she would meet him more frequently initially to help. Otherwise at once a week it might be a month or two, but if she has sex with him a few times a week at first it should happen in a week or two. I can’t wait for this, but I don’t want to get a big letdown, so I’m trying to be measured, her as well.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 3rd, 2020, 3:33 pm

I did leave out one thing. Amber is the most giving person I have ever met. She is so unselfish. Even now she is on the doorstep of experiencing something that will make her feel so fulfilled. She is talking to me about hurrying along so I get my fantasy. I put my arms around her, and asked her to make me a promise. You are so unselfish and spoil me to no end. I realize how blessed I am for you. I want you to be selfish this time. If it works out as planned, and your fantasy is amazing, I want you to have it as often as you feel the urge, just stay within the rules, and ultimately it will become once a week tops. Can you do that for me? She said let’s see how it goes, and go from there. I just said Ok but please remember this conversation, I want Amber to have this moment, you deserve it.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 4th, 2020, 7:18 am

My girl just left for her shop. Could tell she was nervous. She looked so sexy. She always looks good, but she went all out. Hair extensions, and even a little cleavage which she seldom does. I just tried to give her a lot of compliments, hugs and encouragement. I told her to text me when she got there, and again as she was leaving so I know she was all right. She doesn’t have a long time because she has to get back to work. We agreed if it got to be over an hour she would text me after an hour. We have a code word if there is trouble. I’m a little nervous for her myself, because this is the first time with someone she doesn’t know, but a bit reassured because this guy hasn’t been out of control texting her, just for needed information. I have a good feeling. If this guy is shy, as he appears he could be, my girl is a bit on the shy side as well, it could be awkward with no one leading the conversation. I hope if that is the case she doesn’t construe the meeting as a failure. It also could work the other way. If he is intimidated by her, because she is a knockout and completely dolled up, she might feel a lot less nervous and lead and feel safer. She asked me if I should talk about anything in particular, and I just advised her to let the conversation flow, and keep it about the expectations, rules, and fantasy, the less you know about personal lives, if it works, the more erotic your fantasy will be. She is meeting him at 12:15PM. I’m working myself up just thinking about this, in a good way. I wish she was going to be with me in person after she meets him, but not in the cards. More after the meeting.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 4th, 2020, 7:44 am

Oh wow my girl just text me. He text him this morning and said I just want you to know I read your specified rules over 3 times. I just want you to know I won’t break any of them. If I start to just give me a quick reminder ok? I am a bit nervous. I told her that is a good sign. He sounds so different than the last idiot. She said yes, refreshing. She followed with how nervous she is. Not used to meeting someone like this. Way out of my comfort zone. I just told her she will do fine, just refresh your memory why you are there. Small hurdle for experiencing something that could make you feel the highest sexual high you ever felt! She text back I love you so much! I keep looking at the clock, not moving fast enough.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 4th, 2020, 8:41 am

My girl has been texting me when she gets a chance. One was what if he doesn’t like me? She is so beautiful, not because she is my girl, because I see every guy looking at her, no matter where we are. My friends all tell me don’t ever lose that woman, she is amazing. I really don’t think she realizes how beautiful she is. She just had guys her whole life that treated her like a possession, it’s truly sad. She could meet 100 men and 100 would want to date her. I’m not lost in what I have and how lucky I am, but I treat her like a princess, and don’t have any strings on her whatsoever ever. Trust was always an issue for her. She has learned she can trust me. She is highly sexual, and just starting to come out of her shell. I want this for her, I think she will really discover her true beauty. Our communication is awesome, because the trust is extremely high. I’ve always been easy going, more of a problem solver than a problem maker. I love growing with her. She is special. Yes, the fantasy is incredible, but it goes a bit deeper for us. This will show her how much I really trust her, and the better part of Amber will fully emerge,she will trust me even more.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 4th, 2020, 10:53 am

Wow my girl just stopped home on her way to meet him just give me a hug a kiss and I love you, before she left. Special woman! She is on her way.
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