Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

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Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby Marchasfun » July 11th, 2016, 11:38 pm

I was wondering if any one had tried using Raw Bovine Ovary capsules with the feminization files instead of herbs and what your experiences were.
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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby teilo976 » July 12th, 2016, 2:38 pm

Are you thinking of trying it?
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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby Marchasfun » July 12th, 2016, 11:24 pm

Yes I am thinking of trying the raw bovine ovary pills. I was wondering if anyone else had yes.seems they will demonize rapidly and keep in demonizing after you take them for a while.
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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby h1t5moomoocow » July 13th, 2016, 9:59 am

Where would you get these just curious.
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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby Jackstock » July 13th, 2016, 10:36 am

I've heard such amazing things about Pueraria Mirifica. genetic and non genetic females alike.
Maca is also great for genetic females.

I'll help you out. Send me your email and I'll send you my Female Hormones file from my website ;)
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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby Marchasfun » July 13th, 2016, 10:39 am

Search Google for Raw Bovine Ovary. dawns on seems to be the best make for a really cheap price you can even order it right of Amazon.
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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby BodyBM » July 13th, 2016, 2:16 pm

Choose bovine ovary if you want transition to female both physically and mentally. It contains very powerful cow estrogen beside of other natural (cow) feminization aid chemicals. For some individuals it often causes irreversible female like mental and hormonal changes after they took it for long enough.

Choose plant estrogens if you want to achieve breast growth and light/medium feminization of yourself like sensitive nipples, bigger breasts, softer skin, fat storage redistribution and body scent more female like, lowered and more female like sexdrive, etc., depends on its dosage. Changes it caused are mostly reversable except breast tissue growth that could be removed only surgicially.
Pueraria mirifica contains the strongest pythoestrogen, I also heard amazing results from it both on genetic and non genetic females.

Combine your regime with fem files, I'm sure you could get smoother progress with less negatives and more prominent and quicker positive changes.
Personally I love Jackstock's masculine files, found them quite entertraining and effective on myself. I suscept his fem files could be the same effective and good.
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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby starwolf » July 13th, 2016, 7:40 pm

Tried them all, they don't have enough estrogen content to do much plus you need to get an anti androgen to block your testosterone or they aren't gonna do much. Besides taking all that junk is only gonna destroy your liver... I think you should just start considering to go on hormone replacement therapy from a doctor. Hate to break it to you all but the reason you listen to these files and want stuff like this is cause your transgender. Why not admit that, go talk to a gender therapist and decide from there just what you want to do about it. I know starting hormones was the best thing I ever did for myself and now actually transitioning, but everyone's journey is their own and you get to decode it!
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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby Marchasfun » July 14th, 2016, 3:26 am

I don't produce testosterone anymore. I had testicular cancer a few years ago so that is not an issue for me having to have something to counter testosterone production.
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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby blanketcross » July 18th, 2016, 5:46 pm

Bovine Ovaries are the way to go for long term feminization. The pills cause you to produce Aromatase which converts Androgens into Estrogens. After a few months of use, your body will keep on doing this on its own without any pills. 8 pills a day, 30 days a month for 6 months will be about 156 dollars in total. However if your body temperatures are not high enough the pills will not work. I suggest getting one 120 pack for about 15 dollars on Amazon. Should last for about 12 days and you will be able to tell if they are working or not within that time. Then you can decide to buy a lot more.

Of course if you are able to get hormones prescribed to you, that is the what you should do.
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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby blanketcross » June 26th, 2017, 10:50 pm

Hey guys this is BC and I have an update. I took the Bovine Ovaries for a solid week and a bit longer. I had absolutely no effects. A while prior to this I had taken birth control pills just once a day and had more effects immediately than the literally no effects with Bovine Ovaries. It really sucks tbh. However I am likely to do DIY HRT with the help of the TransDIY subreddit. I do NOT encourage you doing so as it potentially could be dangerous.

Bovine Ovaries are a very YMMV item. Some people they work amazing on and to others they don't do shit. Unfortunately I fall in the latter category. With the price I was paying however it would still be cheaper to go DIY HRT.

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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby durtyknees » August 30th, 2017, 9:54 pm

Wow, for a whole solid week, huh? So obviously that seals the deal on whether or not it's effective.

Of course it wont do anything in such a short period. It takes GG's years to grow titties. Sometimes really small ones over those years.
What exactly were you expecting it to do over the course of only 168 hours?

A fair test would be to try taking it @2000mgs a day. Everyday. For at least 3 months. Then tell us whether or not it did anything.
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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby Hicks » August 31st, 2017, 3:05 pm

So I could be a bitch and blow some 11 secret herbs and glandulars up your ass an get you to buy my secret super feminizing pill regime that I'll mail to you in the sweetest of boxes covered in flowers for $90 a month, or i coild just tell you I get my raw bovine ovarian from Swanson for eleven bucks (now $8). #NotAnAffiliateLink.

I take 2/day and also one (1) raw pituitary glandular every night to keep my body temperature up. Oh an 1 woman's prenatal multivitamin because I'm a growing gurl.

Does it work? I've been taking that regime since January 20th 2017 (so 8 months). I started as an A cup, 7 weeks later I was a C cup (having my wife measure me every week and logging it). I've stopped tracking since then, but she says I can't go outside without a bra because I look like a girl walking around without a bra, and that would be unladylike.

I started with a basal body temp ~2° lower than what I read was needed for aromatization of testosterone into estrogen, so that's why the pituitary is in there. It's not just the raw ovarian: I've had my hair styled and I've always worn it long. Full coverage makeup with some ballet flats and a pastel skirt and.. well you gotta accessorize. The goal is to pass and be ubiquitous, and helpful makeover from a woman who knows what she's doing helped me not look like... "hooked barbie" is what she described it as. Wrong kind of attention for day to day life.

Anyhoo. Hope that helps. If anyone needs more bovine ovarian advice just PM and Post.
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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby Hicks » August 31st, 2017, 3:30 pm

Whoops! My wife corrected me. I take 2 pituitary glandulars and every night I take 1 L-tyrosine to raise the basal body temp.
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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby Hicks » September 14th, 2017, 10:14 pm

hay frands, just thought ida maka a quik updat(a): I found my ~journal~♡. all measurements are in ~inches~♡, even though I believe metric is scientifically ~better~♡, and base 12 especially is totally ~awesome~♡! (gigglez)

I started on 12/17/16 and my bust was a 52.5 by 53.5.

I logged weekly and on 02/07/17 I was 52.5 by 55.5, and I logged that my fingernails felt super hard.

On 03/20/17 I was 52.5 by 57.5.

And i stopped logging for a while but I just measured and logged today (09/14/17) that I was... 52.5 by 57.5. Huh. Anyhue, 4 documented extra inches in 4 months is what I got, and what I've kept.

Lubz, Dani~♡
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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby Ladylana » March 10th, 2019, 9:36 pm

I started on the herbals a few years ago and got minimal results then found out about bovine ovary and started on that-much better results-started at an A cup-now almost a C cup. What I've heard is even after you stop taking it-it continues to work for a while. I've stopped taking it but I'm getting ready to start up again. Funny thing is-my body hair is not growing back as it used to and my nails are very hard and grow fast-same with my hair on my head-grows fast. Wondering if I took it long enough for it to change me permanently-my thoughts are more feminine also. Can't seem to fit into men's jeans anymore-have more of a butt and hips. So if I restart-I'll probably see more results faster. My face even looks more feminine-my breasts and nipples are bigger,softer, and more sensitive-nipples even got longer. But I'm happy with the results-I look better in my female clothes now-_keep you posted! Lana
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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby Jackstock » March 12th, 2019, 3:19 pm

Woah, amazing results LadyLana!
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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby gurlpower » April 12th, 2019, 10:05 am


Soooooooo.... Informed Consent is a thing, and faffing about with glandular and herbals has nothing on actual hormones. Screwing around with your endocrine system without medical supervision could be VERY dangerous, so DO NOT TAKE HORMONES IF NOT PERSCRIBED. But if you need them because you are Trans, go to an informed consent clinic.

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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby gurlpower » May 29th, 2019, 3:53 pm

So yeah, 3 months on 1mg estradiol and 75mg spryonolactone /day just puts herbals and bovine ovarian to shame. Just got my prescription dosage raised after a checkup.

Hypnosis is nice, helps with confidence and subconscious movements, but if I knew you can just get full HRT by walking into a planned parenthood and signing a paper I would have done this years ago.

Anyhoo, incase it isn't obvious I'm Hicks from above.... and somehow didn't realize I signed in as GurlPower before? Gah, sooo ditzy. Anyhoo' hugz and kisses from accross the internet!

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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby sgcsces » November 15th, 2020, 3:00 pm

Recently read the Swanson brand Bovine Ovary reviews on Amazon. Quite impressive results from many contributers, M-F, feminization goals etc. After three years of Pueraria Mirifica, Saw Palmetto etc. I'm a 36b cup and they jiggle when I walk. A one size up t-shirt and a regular button up shirt keep them mostly unnoticeable. No negative side effects and Pueraria Mirifica has a host of positive effects for anyone. Google it. My next supplement will be bovine ovary. Recently, here on WMM, many free, and premium uploads of MzDominica's files have been added. I find her breast growth files, the Jessica series, etc quite effective. Beware, the pain and pleasure are intense if you are able to go deep and surrender. "Obey" MzDominica!
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Re: Raw Bovine Ovary or Herbs and Fem Files

Postby 24AR34 » March 13th, 2021, 11:11 am

If it weren't for insurance issues I'd be on traditional HRT. For now, to help me feel like I'm accomplishing something and to help lay the groundwork for when that finally does happen, I did my research and started taking alternative and taking supplements found on Amazon.
For the past two and a half months I have been taking Swansons bovine ovarian glandulars (esterogen), 3 twice a day (250MG) Two weeks ago I dropped that down to 2 twice a day, and added one White Peony Root (antiandrogen) capsule twice a day (750MG). (Some prefer Red Reishi mushroom)

The results so far -
Minor breast growth. I already had some prior to taking the pills, but now i'm inching towards an a cup. I wear a sports bra because nipple sensitivity.
Facial hair grows in much softer, and at a slower rate. It takes more than week to get the kind of stubble i'd normally get in about 2-3 days.
Emotions heightened, expanded.

https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ9x ... T7HMrATiKI
There's my personal playlist for videos. There's a few kawaii\regressopm slanted ones for maximum cuteness\youtfulness factor, but of course you're welcome to skip those and a few others that are a matter of personal taste. But overall these are the best I've found thus far on youtube and add to it when i can or when i think to do so.

This is what is working for me, and I can't stress enough to read all you can before diving into this. I found a lot of valuable information at BreastNexus along with documents of others going this route, both transgender and men who simply want breasts.
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