I need some help

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Re: I need some help

Postby danny1988 » November 25th, 2020, 5:50 pm

Heya, again I agree with Grover here.
You sound like an amazing woman and you and Justin seem so much in love.
While your feelings with Glenn may be strong the fact you both broke down about you moving out speaks volumes. Deep down I think you know that you may loose each other.
I don’t know what was discussed or anything so it’s only me looking from the outside in.

But you both need to figure out what you want, what your comfortable with and most importantly without hypnosis. The file I linked will probably need multiple listens to get back to baseline considering how long Justin has been listening. While he may agree something is fine atm that may not be the case under the surface. Hypnosis is a gradual thing and not just a quick change.

I’m sure I read way back when this started Justin wasn’t comfortable with you sleeping with a guy which is why it was a guy that looked female? The fact he’s seemingly okay with you sleeping with guys means the hypnosis is still there unless I misread?

Congrats and good luck for the wedding in any case :)
Stay safe and look after each other!

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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 25th, 2020, 9:53 pm

This is so hard. I have no doubt Justin is the man I want to walk through life with. It is so hard because I have gotten some strong feelings for Glenn. We are so close to Justin having an affair with me. It would be so erotic for us both. I appreciate you and Grover. We are so new to all this. I know the day is coming when Glenn has to go, it will never be permanent. I want to experience that myself. I talked to him and told him he is so close to having an affair with me, just a few days. I told him if he doesn’t like it, then it will be over and that’s it. If I don’t do this I get hurt and Glenn gets hurt, and Justin doesn’t get what he wants. I told him I’d leave half my clothes here, and it isn’t permanent. He wants me to do that. I know he will love it, and so will I. We came here to experiment, and we are. I know if I move in with Glenn and have an affair with Justin, I will be able to be with Glenn until I figure something out. It won’t be long, I will miss Justin way to much. It is too hard right now.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 26th, 2020, 7:06 am

This is Amber and Justin is here watching me message. We talked a lot last night. Our conclusion is we both want to experience this. I told Justin he is in complete control of how long this lasts, and also if it isn’t working for either one of us, it ends at that point, and we move on. I even worked out a time schedule. Glenn leaves for work at 5:50AM. I will be getting dressed and ready while he is. So I will be with Justin from 7ish to 11:15. I will be home when Glenn arrives for lunch and back with Justin at 1:15 to about 3. Then I will be with Glenn. Weekends for the most part will be with Glenn, our time to spend together. He will be at his Mom’s a lot. Next time is Dec. 33 through Jan. 1. I will be with Justin the entire time if this arrangement is still in tact. I will be at Glenn’s house starting Sunday night when he gets home. Our affair starts Monday. I know once our first affair happens, Justin will love it, so we just have to get there! I think everyone is going to be very happy. If Justin loves it, I will work hard to make my relationship with Glenn strong, and will let Justin decide what he wants, which I already know the answer to:).
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 26th, 2020, 7:10 am

The one thing I left out was we are not putting a time table on anything, it is one day or 1000 days. Justin will decide, and I will too if it isn’t working with Glenn. Time tables ruin everything.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 26th, 2020, 7:33 am

To be fair, Glenn has been texting me in somewhat of a panic. So I had to give him some reassurance so he could have a nice Thanksgiving with his Mom. I told him I had a few things to take care of, and I did, don’t worry, I am all yours now.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 26th, 2020, 8:45 am

He is right here. I asked him if how I treat him, how I love him is any different since I fell in love with Glenn? He said no, not at all. He also knows that he couldn’t have an affair with me, if not for Glenn, and he is grateful for that. He also said that it will be hard not having me here all the time. I will be missing him too. He also realizes, once we have an affair with him, he knows those thoughts will not matter as much, because he thinks about us having an affair all the time. HE WANTS ME WITH GLENN! He knows the stronger my relationship is with Glenn, will give him security having an affair with me. I understand that too, and that gives me time and no pressure to have a deep loving relationship with Glenn, which I want. I have explained to him that the stronger my relationship is with Glenn, the longer he can enjoy our intense affair. I know when Monday comes, and our affair starts, Glenn and I will have no pressure, and get deep with each other. It will all be up to Justin, and I know after Monday, he will feel the same way as I do, We are soooo close! It will be a relief once Monday comes, because everyone will be happy! It is the only way!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 26th, 2020, 11:08 am

I feel like I am very defensive here, and it is probably true.I think what everyone forgets is Justin wanted to do this exactly the way it is happening. He voluntarily did the hypnosis file, one to need an affair with me, and 2 for me to fall in love with another man. Adding the more I was in love with another man, the more he loved me, and the more he needed me in love with another man, and the more he would need to have an affair with me. Remember also that he had this custom made for me and him! I don’t totally understand how the dynamics all work, but I’m pretty positive there is a curse so he will virtually beg me to love another man so he can permanently be my affair. So what is happening is exactly what we wanted. I have fallen in love with Glenn, and as soon as I arrive on Monday and speak the words we are having an affair now, he will be begging me to be with Glenn. The nice part is I love Glenn, and I want to be with Glenn for as long as possible providing it is working. Better yet, Justin will love me even more. I’m not going to give Glenn up, or Justin until I am ready to. My biggest fear is not getting caught having an affair with Justin. The longer it goes, the more Justin will love it. He wrote the script not me!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 26th, 2020, 12:55 pm

I see she used my name here, which is fine. She wanted me to share my thoughts. I really trust her, a lot, more than any human being in this world. Our love runs deep. Yes, it is sad she won’t be living here for awhile, that hurts, but we are so close to finally having an affair, I need this so badly, I wish it was now, but it is just a few days away. I know what is going to happen. I’m going to finally have an affair with her, and I’m going to love it probably more than any sexual experience in the world. Someone said I’m getting jealous. I am. I’m jealous that Glenn is having an affair with her, and I am not. Once I am having an affair with her, I won’t be jealous at all, I will be so deep into eroticism and have exactly what I want. Am I worried she will fall so deeply in love with Glenn that she will run off and marry him and ditch me. Not a bit, I know what we have or none of this would be possible, I trust her. Her fantasy is similar. She wants to be free to fall in love, and have her own deep erotic time living with a man she loves, and having her life partner, and ultimately husband be her affair. So we agree on an affair with each other, and agree it can only be possible by living with someone else. Well living with someone else means she has to truly be in love with him, which she is. I think those reading here very significantly underestimate the love and trust we have for each other. Yes, I’m sure she will be taking me for a long ride here, but in our own way, we will be loving it. We have a bond and trust that is just not understood, it is so unique. It is the only reason this is possible. Maybe there is a little hypno talking for me, but it is what I want. We moved, changed our entire life to take a couple years to try anything. I have no doubt the better our affair, the longer this will go on, and the more in love she will be with Glenn. I’m confident enough and trusting enough, that I gave her freedom to do anything sexually she wants, no restrictions. Nobody would do this, and there is one reason, they don’t trust each other enough, and they aren’t secure enough in their love enough. I love Amber so much, she could never be replaced. We are giving each other the opportunity to feel things and not even worry about hiding them from each other. She can tell me how in love she is with Glenn, because we just can. I can’t explain it. Here is Amber

You can hopefully see why I love this man so much. How much he loves me is equaled by how much I love him. I can and will experience any and all feelings I get with Glenn. They might get extremely strong, I hope they do. They will never come remotely close to what I feel for Justin. Will I take advantage of his hypno, absolutely! It is because I love him. I can’t get away with anything with him, because he allows me to do anything. I will be back with him at some point, maybe very soon, maybe quite awhile, that is said with 0 doubt.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 26th, 2020, 1:08 pm

This is our diary. I wasn’t supposed to see it until the buzzer went off in our 2 year rendezvous. We will decide then if we pass or continue to play. This has been fun so far. I have had sex 15 times with other guys already, now that I’m with Glenn, that will grow fast. We are tracking for 2 years, so we drop the jellybean in the jar every time, but I have to keep track now. But more importantly, I talk about trust. Well, I already have a surprise for Justin. I’m not positive it is going to happen, but I’m pretty sure. It will be next weekend:)
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 27th, 2020, 9:56 am

This is so empowering and erotic I had to get this in our little diary. I’m laying in bed ready to make love to Justin, and I always work on him and tease him. I was telling him this is really our first affair. He didn’t have to be jealous of Glenn having an affair with me anymore, because the next time I sleep with Glenn I will be his and you are already my affair. This was the erotic part. He held me tight and said thank you for falling in love with Glenn for us, so We could have an affair together. That was the most erotic and empowering thing I have ever been part of. I told him I’m just showing him how much I love him. Justin will read this, hope he comments. I miss Glenn can’t wait until he gets home. I have total control, I don’t have to worry about any interference with Glenn. I have a feeling this is going to be lasting a long time. I have everything I want now. I will use it to my advantage. He will love this so much.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 27th, 2020, 11:21 am

The beauty of everything, and this is so erotic, he is even getting protective of my relationship with Glenn, he keeps emphasizing do not get caught, and a few other things. I have complete freedom to build my relationship with Glenn. I can’t wait to see him, it seems like ages.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 27th, 2020, 12:47 pm

I will comment. I totally agree with her. Things feel so different now that she is with Glenn. I have so much built up energy to have an affair with her, finally I am. Hard to explain the feeling, I feel like a seed underground, that just had water put on it, and is now above the ground, so anticipating the next water. It’s a relief but once the water has been put on you love it so much more and can’t wait for more. It is like that only an affair, a little taste, and it is like a dependency forms, needing her to provide this euphoric feeling. Knowing to get this feeling she has to be in love with another man. I need her to maintain that or I will not be able to be fed. It is so addictive feeling, and feels so good that I’m her affair. Probably not explaining right. Also, she says she likes to tease me. Well I tease her just as much but I don’t think she likes to admit how I get her too! The other night when we got high, I knew as soon as she got high she would be looking for her cigarettes. I always hide them on her. Sure enough moments after getting high she said let me get my cigarettes. I almost burst out laughing. She usually leaves then on the counter or handbag. She sees their not on the counter, looks in her bag, and calls over, have you seen my cigarettes? I said no aren’t they on the counter? She said no. She is so high she doesn’t even think of me hiding them. She’s starting to panic, and says maybe they fell out and they are in my car. She grabs her keys and goes out to her car. She must have been out there a good 5-10 minutes. So now I start and suggest I think you smoked the last one, I saw the empty pack in the basket. I put one there lol. She sees it, and she said I never run out. I said they will show up come sit and kiss me. She said no I’m dying for a cigarette. So she is searching the entire house. I told her well looks like you quit for the night, you’re too high to go out and get some. I’m not quitting I’m high and I need a cigarette really bad. I know I have some. I finally started feeling sorry for her, and went over to her and gave them too her. She said you brat! You really got me, I was about to lose it! Right Amber? LOL
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 27th, 2020, 1:56 pm

Ugh, yes he did get me with that one. I have some things to work on, With all that is going on I have been smoking way too much, gonna try and quit on New Year’s Day. I should have never started again, but that’s a forgettable saga. Justin asked me what happens if after being away Glenn decides he doesn’t want you to move in after being with his mother? I told him not to worry, let me show you his text to me which said I miss you so much, I can’t wait to get home and make love to you. I’m so in love with you. I responded I love you so much! I’m all yours now, and I will be home when you arrive, I’m all yours now. That earned me a hug and a kiss, and an I love you from Justin. This is so erotic, I don’t have to hide anything, in fact the more I share with him, the more he loves me! This is like a dream I have everything I want.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 27th, 2020, 3:57 pm

I win all the time lol, how about the time You got out of the shower and I told you not to get upset with me but I spilled the zero water pitcher on your cigarettes and they were soaked and had to throw them away? It was late at night and all your makeup was off. You went into a panic lol.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 27th, 2020, 5:23 pm

Ok Superman let’s see how you are Monday morning when I come over. Superman is going to turn into silly putty:)). Can’t wait!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 27th, 2020, 8:08 pm

You always make me feel like that because I love you. I’m sure after Monday that will grow even more.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 28th, 2020, 8:33 am

I’m very torn. I am definitely going to get bigger breast implants. Glenn is all for it Justin is not. The issue is it takes a good week to 10 days to recover, and then weeks without sex. I have been here before, and the incisions have to heal and the implants can move because it takes them awhile to drop in place. That will make an affair with Justin limiting. I think once I get well established with Glenn, I will get them done. I know he will love them. I’m planning on this becoming longer term than I thought before. That will show itself Monday. Once Justin has an affair with me all these curse type triggers kick in, and it should be interesting to see if their are any visible or verbal signs. Each affair with him will make him need our affair more increase his love for me and more importantly make him need me in love with another man to protect his affair. I’m dying to see this pan out. If it does, I will realize Glenn and I will have our opportunity to get really close, and I will get my boobs done. If for some reason we don’t work the way I believe it will, it will show up very quickly, if not this could be a much longer term relationship, but one day at a time, I do miss him so much, so hard. Are you ready for your long term affair with me Justin:) I know you are:)))
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 28th, 2020, 10:10 am

You know I can’t wait. I feel like a kid waiting for Santa Claus to come.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 29th, 2020, 7:19 am

Justin and I had a great day and night yesterday. We were out for the entire day. We woke up and continued our day from yesterday, with a nice warm lovemaking session. I can’t believe in 10 hours or so I will be officially with Glenn. This all seems surreal. So many emotions not being with Justin all the time, living with a man I love, having an affair with Justin. It is so much to unpack. The key to it all will take place Tomm. Morning when Justin and I start our affair. The hypno that created the file said there are what they call amnesia triggers that he won’t remember but will be triggered once we start having an affair. It was important at the onset I let him know he is now my affair. I don’t know about all that but I will reinforce we are having an affair every time I see him. I have a plan, hopefully it works, but I will know soon after I see him in the morning. Whoever said absence makes the heart grow fonder sure got it right. I can’t wait to see Glenn tonight. Our first night together, OMG! This is happening. It has become very real this morning.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 29th, 2020, 7:56 am

It will be hard seeing her walk out that door this evening, but knowing she will be back early in the morning, and we are finally starting our affair trumps everything! It seems like I have been waiting for this for so long. I am not even sure what is totally going on, but I don’t really care, I need an affair with her so bad it is all I can think of right now. I’m so lucky to have her, not many women would do this for her man. She is making all the sacrifices to make this all possible. My biggest fear of all is her getting caught having an affair. I’ve pounded in her head to be very careful. Seems like everything else will be in place once she moves in with Glenn. She really worked hard to make this possible. I love you Amber.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 29th, 2020, 8:08 am

She even dropped her guard and allowed herself to fall in love with Glenn. She is an amazing woman, to finally be her affair is going to be amazing! I wish it was Monday morning already.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 29th, 2020, 8:21 am

It is going to be amazing! I don’t want to be the one to make the decision on when it ends, providing my relationship with Glenn is what I know it is and will be. So here is some reassurance for you. I will never end our affair, you will decide when it ends ok? That takes the pressure off me:)
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 29th, 2020, 8:26 am

HUH? Now I am more confused, why would it end?
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 29th, 2020, 8:40 am

Awww sweetly, I didn’t mean it that way. So you want me to always be with Glenn so your affair will not be threatened? I agree with you, if that is what you want, I would love to stay with Glenn for you, then you can always be my affair? Ok? This is so perfect. This is going to go on for a long time. It looks like I am going to end up with Glenn:) which is fine, if that is what you want. I think after Tomm. morning, that will become a clear reality. This is so perfect, it is like a dream, so erotic, and everyone will be happy, it is the best solution. I will make sure you are always my affair sweetly, No worries.Ok?
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 29th, 2020, 9:15 am

I thought allowing Justin to decide when our affair ends was a good thing, and then I would never be in the pick and choose situation. We have been talking now that I opened that can of worms. He is very confused, as he said I thought I was always going to be your affair, why would he end it? This is deep rooted, and now he thinks something doesn’t seem right, so I had to go in a different direction. There is only one solution now. I have to stay with Glenn, which is a good outcome. I’ve been reading about affairs and some can last decades or a lifetime, and Justin and I have a strong loving relationship, so the only way everyone will be happy is clear now. I’m going to be with Glenn from now on. The only thing that will change that is if Glenn and me come up short, or I get caught having an affair with Justin. After Tomm Justin will never want to give up our affair, heck he is already of that mindset. I didn’t know it was that deep. My new focus is on being with Glenn for as long as possible, whatever that is, a week, a month, a year, or the rest of my life. In any case, as long as I am having an affair with Justin, I will always be with Glenn from now on. I love that this is the outcome, nobody gets hurt and everyone is happy. I just don’t see a better outcome, and Justin loves it, and wait until Tomm. It will cement this outcome. I have to really focus on Glenn now.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 29th, 2020, 12:17 pm

Glenn is on his way. Will be home he estimates between 6-6:30. He said he misses me so much, can’t wait to jump in your arms and make love to you. I can’t believe you are moving in with me, I love you so much. I text back I will be home waiting for you, can’t wait to make love to you. I’ve had this achy missing you feeling since he left. This is all so surreal and erotic, my affair starts with Justin at about 7AM tomm. That will lock everything in place. Then I can spill it all, which I’m sure some won’t like, but this is the only way. All will be very happy.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 29th, 2020, 5:18 pm

I’m home with Justin. When I left he said to me, I meant it when I said I love you forever no matter what. I left and got to Glenn’s house and just left him a note, I can’t do this, I will be by Tomm to get all my things. I’m very sorry but I have to work out my relationship. Justin is highly confused. I need to hold him now, and have him hold me.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 29th, 2020, 9:03 pm

Where do I start? Sometimes when you create these fantasies in your mind, and you talk about them and they are so erotic, it becomes it’s own hypnotism. It seems so taboo, so thrilling, it makes it all sound so seductive and you have a bee line to make it all happen. Your man fuels the fire, because he is right there with you. Then the taste of sex wets your appetite all the more. Emotions get triggered and you are off to the races. Sure this will be so erotic it will be the elixir that feeds your brain, what a wonderful experience, you have to experience all this immediately. Then an obstacle called reality rears it’s ugly head. Your moment of truth sees the clock approaching midnight. Our day today was just plain weird. Justin seemed to be lethargic, I felt like something died, was hard to explain. Justin gave me his heart when I was leaving. It truly rang loud and clear. My mind was a whirlwind to Glenn’s house. A bitter fight of impending ecstasy vs what am I doing? What am I looking for? Another voice saying at least spend tonight, make love, so Justin can have his affair with me. Another saying it will just make the heeling longer, get out now. You know nobody will ever live up to Justin in the bedroom and as a man that has yet to show any single hour of not loving you or lavishing you with his full attention. I walked into Glenn’s house, it didn’t feel like home? What am I running from? Maybe I don’t feel like I deserve Justin, this will be easier. Yes, all these thoughts and more. I without thinking left a note and went home where I belong, with Justin. It is not without pain, I fell for Glenn, why? I don’t know. Chasing the seductive fantasy? Maybe. No sex with Justin, just a lot of cuddling and talking. He doesn’t totally understand why he is not having an affair with me, why I’m home. He does and then he is asking again. This might take a bit to get straightened out. Both of us. I do know one thing, I am where I belong, and so is Justin. Glenn? He has sent me some of the nastiest texts I have ever gotten. Perhaps I understand, I Probably deserve it. It makes me wonder if that is who he is, and how lucky I am to never had to find out. I will sleep tightly in Justin’s arms tonight, I will feel safe, and I want him to feel loved. You think it is going to be so easy until it is time to make it happen and it suddenly becomes so scarily real. It isn’t easy, and that is probably the great protector in your mind. It doesn’t let you screw up!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 8:01 am

Really a mess. Justin is wondering why he can’t have an affair with me, Glenn really hit me hard. My feelings for Glenn are high, you can’t just make them go away. We are all on edge right now. Maybe I should have just moved in with Glenn. I know it isn’t ultimately a solution, but maybe it is for now. So confused. I feel like I let Justin down, let Glenn down, and now I have to deal with the mess I made. A total disaster. Can’t even think straight now.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 8:10 am

Justin said to me I guess I will never get a chance to have an affair with you. I didn’t know what to say, I just said I’m not sure. I was thinking of moving in with Glenn just for the week, but I know if I do, I’m just going to get myself in deeper with him, so I just have to let the wounds heal, and they are deep. I just have to be strong, and with Justin pulling at me, it is 10 times harder.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 8:27 am

Any suggestions here? Should I move in with Glenn for a weekend, and give Justin his affair with me? Then get things back to normal so he at least gets to experience it?
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Re: I need some help

Postby grover27 » November 30th, 2020, 8:59 am

This is just my thoughts, so take them as they are. What you have been trying to do with your fantasy life appears to be like level 11 on a scale of 1-10. You guys seem to be pretty young but you dove into some very deep and complicated situations with your fantasy life. Usually people get married, get bored after years, decide to let an extra person into their bedroom and maybe evolve slowly from there. You skipped all of that for some really complicated and complex shit.

Again, just my thoughts here. You and Justin need to start this stuff much slower. You seem to have some bimbofication fetishes. Maybe start with that. Check out the bimbofication subreddit on Reddit. Get some bigger boobs, dress slutty, be there for your man. If you want to experience other guys or TSs, look into the stag/vixen lifestyle or become swingers with other couples or even MFM. What you do should be together with your man and one night at a time. Planning complex and long term lifestyle changes is just really hardcore and has way too much room for disaster.

But the idea of playing with the hearts of not 1 but 2 guys, just seems wrong. It's one thing if both guys are mutually "in on" the fun. But you were deceiving Glenn and brainwashing Justin. That's where this falls apart. If everyone was in on this and it was roleplay, no one would feel bad and it would work. But the way you are trying to do this is pretty messed up and complicated.

Hypno is fun to enhance or push yourself toward goals you really want - even erotic goals - but it shouldn't be messed with in situations where your sounder mind may not like the results. If you want to play with it, play with it between you and Justin and with little things that you want at first.
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Re: I need some help

Postby stupidme » November 30th, 2020, 9:06 am

I agree 100% with grover
I highly advise, staying with Justin. anything involving deception is always tricky. when Love, deep heart love, is involved it is extremely difficult for there to be more than one person involved. I assume Glenn knew that you were having an affair and that hearts were involved, if he can't handle you struggling with deciding then he definitely won't work for this fantasy.

I don't think this is a safe fantasy to work with foundationally. there might be adjustments that could be made but, you'd have to ask someone else I can't think of anything good
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Re: I need some help

Postby danny1988 » November 30th, 2020, 9:09 am

Hmmm let me see if I’m following, you were about to move in with Glenn and pulled out at the last minute over your feelings for Justin?

The thing here is it’s going to be very confusing for all of you, Justin is going to still be under hypnosis?
You and Glenn are going to be very emotional especially as it was a new exciting relationship.

I do question moving in with Glenn as you only just met him?
If he’s sending you abusive texts you probably dodged a bullet any normal guy would understand especially considering he was having an affair with you.

I wouldn’t move in with Glenn for even a weekend at this point it will make the situation a lot more confusing for you all. And probably end badly considering where everyone is at.

I honestly think you and Justin need to take a step back from hypnosis and this fantasy for a while until you both figure out what you both want.
Or it’s going to get messy again.

But as you went back to Justin it seems to me you want to be with him more and part of you didn’t want to loose him to the fantasy.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 9:38 am

Thank you at this point everything helps. I know moving in with Glenn isn’t a long term answer. Justin is asking me what happened to our affair? Why am I going to get all my clothes and things at Glenn’s? Justin is confused, I am totally confused, Glenn is hurting, everyone is unhappy or hurting right now. Justin is the long term answer, I am clear on that. I so want to give him his fantasy, it’s all he has thought about for so long. I also know moving in with Glenn even for a weekend is not a long term answer either. I am just trying to buy some time so everyone around me, including myself is hurting right now. I am lost for words right now. I guess I’m hoping someone would support me moving in with Glenn for the week or weekend. Anyone? It at least makes everyone happy. Right now I feel like I made everyone miserable, Justin more than anyone. I’m so close to making this happen for him, I doubt there will ever be another chance. We came here to try things, I just don’t know. Can anyone understand me moving in with Glenn for a short time?
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 9:53 am

Geez I am getting pulled apart. Glenn text me and asked when I was coming over to get my things, he took the day off and wanted to be here when I came. I can’t go with him there, I know I will end up in bed with him. I told that to Justin, and he wants me in bed with him. I don’t know what to do. I’m aching to see Glenn, Justin wants me to sleep with him. Does someone not involved support that, and why? Totally a wreck right now.
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Re: I need some help

Postby stupidme » November 30th, 2020, 10:28 am

is there anyone you trust outside of the 3 of you that you can call and talk to? I think you need to talk to someone you know and trust and discuss it with them.
I think that would be most helpful towards you. you feel alone and unsupported. This is difficult because to some degree you isolated yourself. Relationships should never be in a vacuum you need support from people you trust, who don't have to be involved.
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Re: I need some help

Postby danny1988 » November 30th, 2020, 11:11 am

I agree with stupidme you need to talk to someone outside of your relationships who you trust.
This is a messy situation and right now I don’t think any of you are thinking clearly.
You and Glenn are emotionally wrecked and Justin is heavy under hypnosis to think clearly from what I can tell.

You need to take a step back going deeper into this is only going to cause a lot more pain for all involved. Like Grover said you have jumped into the deep end with this.
While it may not be the answer you want to hear right now it’s the best thing for all involved. But you need to get an outside view on this with some close friends you trust.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 11:53 am

Thank you so much for the input. There is people I trust, but it would be so awkward to present any of them with this crazy situation. I would never be able to talk to even my friend Amy, this is too far out of the mainstream. Justin is asking me if I don’t love Glenn anymore, and tearing me apart, Glenn is all apologetic and says I at least deserve a conversation, I’m totally miserable, Justin is so frustrated with why I don’t want to have an affair with him. I always strive to be happy and make people happy, I’m always the caregiver. Now I have made the two people I really love miserable and frustrated. I tried to explain to Justin we are in two different places. To him, He wants me to be the affair, and Glenn my man. I tried telling him for me it is the opposite, Justin, you are and always be my man. That is 100% certain. For me Glenn is my affair, you are the one I will be with forever. I would have to live with Glenn for you to be my affair. Can you understand that is what is happening? He said that’s ok, I will be your affair that way. I can’t take everyone so frustrated and unhappy. Myself at the top of the list because I’m the only one that can fix it, at least for now. I have to go talk to Glenn. I’m going to leave now and do that. I appreciate the input, I really do. I’m a train wreck right now, and so is Justin and Glenn. My priority is Justin, then me, then Glenn. That won’t change. I’m doing this for Justin for now. Pray for all of us, we need it right now.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 11:57 am

I know this is not a good solution down the road, but I just can’t deal with how bad I have made everyone anymore, I have to change that. Please keep offering your thoughts. I’m not a bad person, I am just in an impossible situation. I’ll find a way to fix it, this is at least a plug in the dike for now so everyone is feeling better, so needed right now.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 12:29 pm

I’m sitting in my car in our driveway. I just tried to explain to Justin as honestly as I could hope he would understand. Yes, I am in love with Glenn. Also, that to me Glenn is my affair. If by any chance I move in with him, it is so I can be your affair. No promises it will happen, I am trying. You are my true love, Glenn and I have a lot to talk about, including that I am in love with you as well. I’m going to let Glenn know that. It probably will make him pull back, but he has to know. No games. So I don’t know what is going to happen. Glenn may not be involved after today, just so you know. I think he understood. I told him if it happens, I will be over everyday and make your breakfast, lunch, and dinner before I leave. I will continue to care for you like normal. Ok, I’m so nervous, wish me luck, and all of us.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 1:10 pm

I’m really confused right now. I am afraid I have figured out what is going on. For some reason she won’t let me have an affair with her, but she tells me she is in love with Glenn. Last night when she came home unexpectedly we cuddled and kissed a lot, but she said that wasn’t the time for sex. She wants sex 24/7. Then this morning no sex, lots of cuddling. We have sex almost every morning before we get out of bed. Then she is meeting Glenn now and tells me we might not have an affair? I’m really scared because I think she is leaving me. I hope I’m wrong. I love her more than any person ever in my life. I meant it when I told her the day there is no Amber there will never ever be another woman, and my word is as good as gold, there will not ever be another woman in my life. I’m not sure what I did wrong, as I treat her 100% of the time like I love her. I act the way I feel, snd for her that is always with love. I never take her for granted, I don’t let her pass me in the house heading in opposite directions without a nice kiss. She does the same. I feel like she is leaving me. Hope and pray I am wrong.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 1:38 pm

I want her to leave me for Glenn, and she did, but then it was strange we didn’t have sex, she came home. She told me I would be her affair for as long as I wanted, and she would stay with Glenn. Then she is going back today and she might move in with him this time. I get a feeling she doesn’t want to have an affair with me, but will move in with Glenn. Maybe I am just being paranoid.
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Re: I need some help

Postby danny1988 » November 30th, 2020, 2:05 pm

Justin that is quite possible and it can happen if she develops strong feelings with someone. People can change their minds all the time about what they want.

She may have said one thing going into this but considering how conflicted you all are anything can happen here.
Glenn and Amber both have strong feelings it’s clear she loves you both. You need to decide what you want and if this fantasy is worth your relationship as it could end it the way things are going. You all need to be honest with each other about what you want and who wants to be with who. You can’t have it all and everyone’s hearts are on the line here.

She says your pushing her to move in with Glenn? Do you really want that even if it costs you your relationship?
Remember this is fantasy and it’s not fair on anyone who gets hurt out of this, you, Amber or Glenn.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 2:32 pm

I am totally relieved. Amber text me from the bathroom. She has officially moved in with Glenn. She said I AM NOT LEAVING YOU! I LOVE YOU! You are my affair now:)))! I will be over Tomm. Morning at around 7 or so, and we will have our first of many affairs together. Not a lot of time, but Glenn and I made love! We have a lot to work out. We decided just I day at a time, but I am his now! I know you are happy again:) and so are me and Glenn. I did the right thing everyone is happy now:). Don’t text back please, He goes to bed 9ish I will text with you after that.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 3:39 pm

Danny thank you. We are all new to this. Things have happened and I am not clear on what is going on completely. Everything was falling into place, I was going to finally have an affair and it abruptly ended, and that’s when everything got foggy. Thankfully it seems like we are back where we were, Amber finally moved in with Glenn. I have been waiting for that it seems like forever. She is right, everyone is happy now that she finally moved in with Glenn. I trust her. I reread what she wrote, she is looking out for me. She made sure I would finally be her affair.
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Re: I need some help

Postby danny1988 » November 30th, 2020, 5:45 pm

If it all worked out and your happy that’s good. I try and offer rational advice.
I would be very cautious there is a real risk you may loose Amber here from what I’ve read.
If you can handle that fine just be careful.
Granted it’s hard to determine things over text but from an outside perspective that’s what I see. I don’t know if the other people in this thread can see that too though may just be me.
Emotions can be very strong and fluid, take care of yourselves.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 6:02 pm

Danny I like your posts, because they are instructive and sensitive. I would probably conclude the same way from the outside looking in. I trust her, I really trust her. I have moments of doubt along the way at times, but she always shines through. I wish she could chime in right now, hopefully she does later. If I can’t trust her then I never had what I thought I did to begin with. I don’t ever want to lose Amber. It would be crushing. This is finally going as planned. I get to be her affair. I probably won’t sleep much tonight knowing at 7 Tomm. She is now my affair. This is surreal to me and I want it to last. I’m sure after Tomm. That will be stronger. You are an astute observer of human emotions, I’m betting on the elements in our relationship to always prevail. It may play out in reverse that I don’t want to stop being her affair, at least that’s how it feels now.
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Re: I need some help

Postby danny1988 » November 30th, 2020, 6:16 pm

I’m glad your finding my posts helpful :)
I hope everything works out for you all too! Emotions can be complex and overwhelming at times and very fluid.

The main thing I worry about here is the more Amber is with Glenn the stronger her emotions get for him and she may feel stronger for him.
I guess I don’t want to see anyone get hurt, but if your trust is there I hope things go well and you all enjoy it.

Haha I didn’t know I was an observer of emotions I guess I’ve been through a lot in my life and I have always been sensitive to emotions and I’m able to put myself in certain positions mentally.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 6:59 pm

It shows. This may sound crazy but the more she loves him the more I like it, means I really am her affair no pretend. I trust her enough.
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