I need some help

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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 7:22 pm

Maybe it is the hypno talking but it really feels that way. The more she loves him the more I love it. The more I love her, the more I need to be her affair. I’m conscious of those feelings, I know they are real and they seem true, not because of hypno. I know she is having fun. She is experiencing a love that is sex based. She will see his warts when the fire summers down, as living with him she will have way too much exposure, and realize that. I worry about what he said to her though, really horrible things. I worry about someone like that getting physically abusive with her, or mentally abusive. He will have to deal with me if that happens, and trust me, he doesn’t want that. I am very mellow but No one is doing that to her on my watch. She has already had too much of that in her life. My trust in her stems from her trusting me to tell me her entire life. I’m the only one that knows what Amber has been through. I’m her rock, and her world, she is mine. This is playtime, we are a bit unhinged doing things that take so much love and trust, nobody could ever understand it. She keeps telling me she is going to bring a sexy bombshell home for me to fuck. That is sooooo far out of her comfort zone, that is the trust she had. I told her not to bother, because I wouldn’t touch her. Amber is the last woman I will be with period. She is my life, and I have all my eggs in the right basket. I’m certain of that.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 7:31 pm

She knows she has 2 years to just play, enjoy the unthinkable, explore her sexuality, knowing I will be there to catch her if she falls. I want her to do anything she wants, and I’m doing the same. If you met us we are so mainstream it is laughable we are doing all this. This woman is a dream. Since being here have had photo requests, or who does she look like? I don’t have an exact answer to that. If I had to pick someone I’d say a petite Carrie Underwood with larger breasts and curvier body, and longer natural blonde hair. She is Swedish and Norwegian and by far the prettiest woman I have been close to. She always looks good, and even now her slutty version is so sexy on her. She can’t look slutty she is just too sexy.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 7:43 pm

She knows all my buttons, so some of the stuff you read us saying is a bit magnified for effect. That effect is for me. Sometimes she wants me to worry I am losing her, she is gonna be with him forever, how deeply in love she is, which is mostly true, she no doubt loves him, I’m sure of that. She is no dummy. She might be what some would say an eye candy prissy makeup type woman. She has a very high IQ, she is not a blonde bimbo by any stretch. There is just a lot Amber and I do to turn up the volume for each other and test limits. A bit of cat and mouse, but this hypno gives her a huge advantage. I know what’s coming. When I have an affair with her, I’m going to be triggered big time, I know it, she knows it. She has tried to hint at all this that may get lost in the shuffle to everyone here. She has said on many occasions she will always be with me, has my back, will never hurt me. It’s true.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 8:06 pm

Off topic: Just got a call from my realtor my house had an offer. I accepted! I was getting worried, because I bought this one here, and soon was gonna be cash strapped. I didn’t want to touch my grandfathers stuff. I always want to be self-sufficient. I’m not material, things have little value to me. By the way, with all that is going on here Amber is and always will be the sole heir. She has given me more love, fun, shared smiles, and made the time I have known her the best of my entire life. Yes, even if she left me. She is the last woman in my life period! I would compare anyone else to her, and they could never come close. I strongly believe, and know I have earned the same status in hers. I’d bet anything on those 2 statements. I have no kids yet, no family, she is my world and I have an unbreakable love for her. Maybe subconsciously that is why I am so willing to share her. Kind of like reverse jealousy. This is what I have. You can have a taste of her so to speak, but I know we will always be together. I am confident she knows I love her to death, I know she loves me the same way.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 8:33 pm

I’m texting with Justin. I see he has been busy tonight:). Yes, Justin is right. I will never under any circumstances leave him, but I like to test and tease him a lot. I’m Glenn’s girl now for Justin. Do I love Glenn. Yes, a lot. Will I ever be with him for keeps? Never, he is a very hot affair. Do I want to live with him? No. I have to live with him so Justin can be my affair. I finally got the courage to move in with him, yes it is really weird, but so erotic. It will be very erotic Tomm. With Justin, so surreal. How long can we last without each other? It will probably have a lot to do with the heat of the affair. Anyway yes he is my rock. I am leaving so I can text him for a bit. I love you Justin can’t wait to see you!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 30th, 2020, 9:33 pm

This is finally happening, I start my affair with Amber in about 8-9 hrs. Can’t believe she is living with him now, it is really happening!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 1st, 2020, 5:30 am

OMG this is so strange. I’m actually getting ready to go have an affair with Justin. I will say when I got to Glenn’s yesterday he was outside doing something with his car. When I saw him my heart started racing. I just pulled him into me, and we kissed for like 10 minutes, all I could say was I need you to make love to me. We were in bed in minutes. When he went inside me it was like he put Cupid’s arrow inside me. No doubt our love grew from the absence. See you in about 30 minutes Justin. Can you believe you are about to become my affair? So wet!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 1st, 2020, 7:08 am

OMG! That was without a doubt the best sex I ever had. Justin made love to me, his kisses, his touch. Oh, he knows my body better than any man. He is the happiest I have ever seen him. He is sitting with me on the couch snuggled up like a teddy bear. I just lit a cigarette, and he said I wish I bought some cigars to celebrate. I said forget about your stinky cigars, here this will relax you, have a cigarette with me. He said I haven’t had one of those in years it will choke me. I said here just take small drags it will help relax you. This is too funny, he is actually having one with me. LOL! He said wow this tastes like a breath mint. I said yes, doesn’t it taste good. He must have told me he loves me 100 times. He asked me how much I love Glenn. I told him I love him. A lot. He said more than me? I said I will never love anyone more than you. He said hopefully you will love Glenn more than me soon, I’m your affair now. Wow, he is really captured in all this. I just said what if I just love you both the same? He wasn’t happy with that. This is by far the most erotic thing I have ever done. I don’t know if I have ever seen Justin this happy and clingy. I love all the attention, although he always gives me a lot. It is going to be hard to leave her, I’m loving this as much as Justin, maybe more. If this stays like this, it will be hard to give up, it touches so many levels of eroticism. I didn’t count my orgasms but I don’t think I ever had more. Have to make my honey some breakfast, and make love to him again before I go. I could do this everyday, amazing, and to see how happy Justin is makes it so much better. I love this man!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 1st, 2020, 7:21 am

I love Amber so much. My love for her is as strong as love could possibly be. She is a miracle. I love being her affair, I can’t lose this. I have to find a way so she stays with Glenn. I have to go in the kitchen and give her a hug and a kiss. I could kiss her all day. I will post again after she meets Glenn for lunch. I’ve never been so in love and happy.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 1st, 2020, 8:57 am

It is so erotic to hear the man you love wanting to hear how much you love another man. So I asked him why he wants me to love Glenn so much? He told me if I was completely committed to Glenn, I know our affair is not threatened. It is so erotic to hear that. So I went one step further, and asked him if he really wants me to stay with Glenn forever, and he said that would be the ultimate, yes! Wow, I have to be the adult in the room here. I have a laser focus, I need one. What I realize now is I have 0 time to do anything! All my time is spoken for. It’s great for now, I love Justin, and he is my future, but I realize this can’t go on too long, I will be worn to a frazzle, and as good as my life sounds, I recognize that at some point is not sustainable. Ideally I am living with Justin, and having a long term affair with Glenn. The problem is each of us is on a different desired outcome, albeit, Justin’s is highly tainted, and by the looks of things he is sinking deeper, and each time he has an affair with me it is going to become stronger. Hard to believe because he is already totally into our affair. The goal is to somehow get back with Justin, and hope he will be ok with me having an affair with Glenn. I am going to allow him to feel what he is feeling for awhile. He is loving this. Maybe a reality check and let him know I am permanently with Glenn:). Any suggestions here? I’m focused, I cant do this very long without taking time away from Justin, and I’m far from ready on giving up Glenn, I love him too much. Yes Justin, you will read this. I am madly in love with Glenn! Don’t worry! Anyone have a possible solution? Thanks. Love the feedback
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 1st, 2020, 9:12 am

Ok time to have some fun. This is strictly for Justin, everyone else, you know what I am doing, so I will just leave it at that. I’m going to make love to Justin, and tell him my little secret <wink>. I have decided I love Glenn so much, I am permanently staying with him. You will always be my affair now. Geez I get wet just writing that. He will explode, this is just too erotic, this whole thing is so crazy, but it is actually happening which is so exciting. Still looking for some thoughts to a solution for all. Your affair is permanent with me Justin. I belong to Glenn now. He will read this after I make it official to him right now.h
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 1st, 2020, 9:59 am

That was amazing. I love the affair Justin, especially after telling him I am not leaving Glenn. I have to clean up and get to the store, and head home. Feels strange to say head home. I made Justin’s lunch while I made breakfast. Now I have to get home and make Glenn’s. Busy gal, but lots of great sex!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 1st, 2020, 11:14 am

I hope she is making love to him right now, I love when she makes love to him.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 1st, 2020, 11:25 am

I saw what you wrote. I love you so much. I’m so happy I’m your affair from now on. I want you to always be with Glenn now. I have wanted this for so long. Thank you for doing this for us. Your amazing! You knew how much I wanted this.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 1st, 2020, 12:21 pm

Back with Justin. The 1st thing he asked me was if I made love to Glenn. I sad yes, and he wrapped himself around me. This is so surreal I actually made a video of him telling me how much he loves me making love to Glenn and how happy he is that I am his now. He will never believe it at some point. It is very powerful feeling though. I can do anything I want. Good thing I’m more focused than that. Have to add though, my love for Glenn hasn’t peaked yet, it is still growing after making love to him again. Time for Justin.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 1st, 2020, 12:45 pm

Here we go. Red flag number 2? I just got a text from Glenn.

I didn’t want to start anything but this is bothering me. Today you said you went to the store. Did you wear what you were wearing when I got home? I replied, yes. He returned, this is the first time you have been out. I thought you were dressing like that for me. You can’t be going out dressed like that, showing off your tits, and belly, with your belly ring. The dark red lipstick and really high heels? You will give guys the wrong idea, that you are looking for something. I want to take you out Saturday for lunch. You have to tame it down a lot!

Danny, I need your opinion here. I always have dressed very sexy. Yes, somewhat slutty/sexy now. Should I consider this an ok conversation, or one to be concerned about? Justin tells me how hot and sexy I look with or without him, he makes me feel so sexy. This just seemed insulting. Please chime in! Am I over reacting? This is how I dress.
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Re: I need some help

Postby danny1988 » December 1st, 2020, 1:08 pm

While I still think Justin should lay off the hypnosis for a while, just concerned for his well-being if it did become permanent with Glenn.
Hypnosis can change your perceptions a lot and make you do some pretty crazy things, I’m speaking from experience here. And eventually when it wears off it can be a rough landing.

I do get how hot it all is right now though and the fantasy must be very intense.
Just look after him and Justin look after yourself. It’s hard to gauge over text as I said so I may be reading into things.

As for Glenn’s text I do think that’s a bit erm controlling?
Like how long have you known him and he’s already trying to change things about you... Granted I can see it from his perspective in that he’s either insecure in your relationship or maybe doesn’t want people looking at you in that way?

Ive never asked my partner to change the way he dresses and likewise for him. Granted it’s not the same attitude with guys and clothes though lol.

But even so it’s not a conversation to have over text and I don’t think he went about it in the right way IMO. Also if Justin is good with how you dress and is supportive that shows a lot really. You have been with Justin far longer and he’s never tried to change you yet this new guy immediately wants to change you... just seems a bit iffy to me.

But that may just be me.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 1st, 2020, 3:28 pm

Danny thank you. You are a wise man with a fair perspective. He got worse. Said he planned on taking me to meet his Mom at XMas. He said with all due respect, she would think you were a whore. I’ve been in enough abusive relationships and that is how everyone of them starts. I got all my stuff out, I am with Justin. We have to fix him, and I need to heal, but Justin needs my help first. He has never done one negative thing to me ever! Not even close.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 1st, 2020, 4:48 pm

One thing Justin understands is what Glenn said to me, and he said he was proud of me that I stood up for myself and he sat down with me and didn’t say a word, just held me tight and told me I love you no matter what. Yes, maybe he is under hypno, but his instincts with me are so much the reason I love him. He has instincts with and for me. I think that shows how much he watches me, and just has a knack to know what I need.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 1st, 2020, 5:12 pm

Someone asked me what was the most memorable thing Justin ever did for me. How much time do you have? He has given me more mentally, spiritually, emotionally, sexually,etc. than any woman could ever expect from a man. The best, the day at the gym when he came over humbly, and asked me out. I said no, but kept his number, I knew I had to call him when I was ready. Also, when corona virus shut down my business, and I was so worried about my girls, he gave Amy a check and told her please don’t tell Amber, I don’t even want her to know. He asked to distribute it to herself and all her girls evenly. She told me. I barely knew him at the time.
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Re: I need some help

Postby stupidme » December 1st, 2020, 8:02 pm

by the way here is another file to help clean up unwanted hypnotic effects and triggers to add to your hypnosis file toolbelt.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 1st, 2020, 8:31 pm

Thank you stupidme. I don’t know much about the community here except so many of you are nice helpful people, and it is all appreciated. I will make sure Justin listens to that also. They certainly help, but it seems there are some deep rooted convictions within him.

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Re: I need some help

Postby danny1988 » December 2nd, 2020, 2:24 am

Haha I just try to offer honest advice, a lot of my knowledge is from personal experiences and years of hypnotherapy I’ve had.
I’m glad you got out before he got worse, he wanted to take you to see his mum?
Seems a bit quick? Doesn’t sound like the most stable person to me.

Glad you and Justin are doing well and that file should work well that stupidme posted. Make sure Justin listens loads and it should be able to remove a lot of the suggestions.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 2nd, 2020, 6:46 am

It is helping but he is still talking about how much he loves me in love with another man, but at least now he has interludes of why that may not be so desirable. It sounds so strange to hear your man say that. It is kind of erotic to me, but at the same time makes me feel bad that he doesn’t love me. I remind myself he doesn’t mean it, because he has been lavishing me with loving thoughts and actions as he always does. I’m still hurting over this Glenn stuff. That was the first he mentioned to me going with me at XMas with him to his Mom’s. That would have been a disaster. Mainly because I would have had to pick and choose, 9 days without Justin, or 9 days without Glenn. Moving in with him was partly due to all the times he went to see his Mom gave me the opportunity to spend all those days with Justin. I learned something about myself. I have grown. For the first time in my life I was able to pull myself out of a bad relationship. Not without emotional pain, but I was able to see it coming before I could of been in a real bad situation. Of course he is blowing up my phone with forgiving texts. Just makes it harder, but I am much stronger now, I will never go back. Reflecting on this I think that me and Justin are so naive to all these things we are trying to do, yet so excited to have dumped ourselves in a completely foreign area where we know no one has us so excited to do things we want, we dive in way too quickly, and get knee deep in situations, instead of taking our time and talking through things from a rational perspective. It’s so strange, Justin gets deep into hypnosis without a blink, I tried 5-6 times and it just doesn’t do anything for me. We just can’t allow Justin to do hypno anymore, or if he does, it has to be something mild not extreme. I would love to experience it. I would love something along the lines of loving Justin so much every time I saw him I had to kiss him, and seduce him, or just become his private slut or something like that. Sometimes I think it is fake, but witnessing Justin, I absolutely know it is real, I see it in his eyes and he gets so fixated and protective of his beliefs. He actually was as excited beyond anything I have seen from him when I moved in with Glenn. I’m glad I at least got to be his affair for 1 day. Can I ask you how long does it take for someone to completely be free of hypno, specifically Justin. I see changes with the files to help him but not even close to gone. I know you have a life to live, sorry to keep leaning on you with questions. I’m so new to all this, I don’t really know what to expect going forward. Thank you so much for your time

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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 2nd, 2020, 8:59 am

Ugh Justin isn’t helping. He is doing better but then all of a sudden he comes over to me and says maybe you should just have an affair with him and it will turn into something more. I showed him my phone, this is what he said to me. Would you want me having an affair with him and me moving in with him? He said no, probably not a good idea. I’m already hurting, that isn’t helping matters. I know he means well, just making it harder.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 2nd, 2020, 9:51 am

This is going to be a long day. One day your making love to a man, living with him, thinking it is going to be a long term relationship, and the next day your never gonna see him again. He totally blew it.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 2nd, 2020, 10:29 am

I can’t kid myself, I knew when I decided to see Glenn again after almost a week without seeing him, when I saw him I knew I was going to make love to him as soon as I kissed him and he held me in his arms. When we got in bed together, as soon as he went inside of me all I could think of I have to move in with him. I knew that was the only way I could keep him and Justin. I knew As soon as I thought that, I was never going to leave him. Justin was going to be my affair. When I saw Justin the first time I saw him when I realized I was staying with Glenn and wasn’t going to leave, I sat down with Justin as soon as we got in bed, and before we made love, that I want you to know, I’m committed to Glenn, this isn’t fantasy. Do you truly want to be my affair permanently, for real? He said yes, I love that you are staying with Glenn now. I know he was tainted, but I had to hear it from him. I couldn’t give up either. Ultimately, in my heart I wanted it to be the other way around, for Glenn to be the affair, but it would never work that way. I knew I had to be with Glenn for it to work. I’m glad it worked out the way it did, but that doesn’t make it any easier. It will be a rough few weeks, but I will never go back there, he has proven who he really is, and I want no part of it, my emotions are ill conceived.
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Re: I need some help

Postby danny1988 » December 2nd, 2020, 12:23 pm

It sounds like your making the right decision to me, Glenn doesn’t seem well stable and tbh that’s the last thing you want in a relationship. It’s even worse if you become trapped in a relationship with someone like that :/ I really think you dodged a bullet there both you and Justin.

I can understand it’s hard especially with Justin’s hypnosis :/ it will be a difficult few weeks I think but you will get there and be stronger for it.
As for how long it will take to remove the effects I’m not sure, depends on how succeptable Justin is to hypnosis really.

Just give him time, if it still doesn’t look like it’s working a qualified hypnotherapist would be able to remove the suggestions in a couple of sessions I would imagine. But the hypnosis remove files will work given time and repeated listens.

The thing with hypnosis it’s a gradual thing and less on off the more he listens to the removal files the easier it will be. The thing is you don’t realise how far gone you are with hypnosis until your in deep sadly I find especially with files like these. I don’t listen anymore either and I would both avoid it from now on unless it’s something mild and your both prepared, however I have had a lot of hypnotherapy to improve my perceptions and inner strengths in some areas.

Stay strong both of you, you will be able to get through this.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 2nd, 2020, 12:38 pm

Thanks for that Danny! You are my support pipeline! You sent that right when I was thinking, maybe if Glenn was just an affair instead of living with him, it would work. I then thought of therapy of my own that drilled into me that when the choice is making decisions with your head, instead of your heart, because your head is much smarter, your heart will betray you.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 2nd, 2020, 12:50 pm

Would I do more harm or help to Justin if I just told him til he gets back to normal that I still love Glenn, and I am still with him, he is just away for awhile, so you are still my affair, he still wants me to be with Glenn??? It makes it harder!!!
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Re: I need some help

Postby stupidme » December 2nd, 2020, 7:57 pm

I think it would just confuse him more. you need to show him consistency to help him support in his mind that getting rid of the suggestions is the healthy option. right now he is trying on different levels to decide what he wants in his mind and if you say you love glen the part of him wanting you to love glen and have an affair will have more strength in his mind making it harder to balance that out.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 2nd, 2020, 8:19 pm

I just read what she said. It is the most hurtful thing I ever read, had to read it twice. She knew when she made love to Glenn she would never leave him. She never had by back, she let me go. I think we are finished. I’m seeing things now. She doesn’t really love me, she took advantage of me. When she gets out of the shower, I think it’s time for her to go. I’m devastated right now. She knew my thinking was off, and chose Glenn. I am crushed.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 2nd, 2020, 8:30 pm

She told me this isn’t fantasy, I am going to be with Glenn from now on? I don’t recall that. She basically was going to spend the rest of her life with him? I’m wondering if I’m dreaming. We had each other’s backs always, I can’t trust her anymore, so I can’t be with her. I just don’t get it.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 2nd, 2020, 8:49 pm

I have to write my thoughts down or I’m going to forget. My question to you Amber is, I have poured my heart out to you since minute one. I have loved you like I never loved in my life, always will. You know I never hurt you, raised my voice to you, or controlled you in any way. I have given you all of me, in every way. I just don’t understand you would commit the rest of your life to a man that you have known for a week. You don’t even know where he works, what he likes and dislikes, and you know he was verbally abusive to you, and again a second time, and then controls your wardrobe. I didn’t sleep with you for a month. I’m crushed to death, and feel so disposable right now. It’s time for both of us to move on. I will not yell, call you names or any of that. I will always love you, but I’m nobody’s fool.
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Re: I need some help

Postby danny1988 » December 3rd, 2020, 2:28 am

I’m not going to judge anyone here all as I will say is Justin you were heavily under hypnosis and you pushing Amber to be with Glenn couldn’t have been easy for her. Also I can imagine it was pretty confusing as to figure out what each of you wants.

Yes Amber could have looked out for your well being more that is true and it seemed both of you went off the deep end very quickly.

You definitely need to cut the hypnosis listen to the reversal stuff more so your back to baseline and can figure out really what you both want.
I said the come down from hypnosis can be bad but don’t make an knee jerk decisions while your head still isn’t clear.

I do think the fantasy became a bit too much reality, hypnosis does have a tendency to blur that line very badly.
You both moved to a different area for a fantasy which I think was a bit much.

But you both need to have a proper talk with clear heads and why you did what you did just to help you both heal regardless of the outcome.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 3rd, 2020, 7:02 am

This is Amber. Last night was the worst night of my life. I washed my hair and it is really long and takes a long time to dry. I went from making love to Justin to coming out of the bathroom to Justin handing me his phone in tears and asked me to read something. I went into complete shock. I just fell apart and saidNo No No You are not leaving me, and I’m never leaving you. You have to listen to me, you have it all so so wrong. First, I have and never will love another man like I love you. Yes, I have strong feelings for Glenn, we both knew what we were doing was only going to happen if I did, because I could never move in with someone I didn’t have strong feelings for. When I said I knew when I made love to Glenn, I was there to stay is exactly what was supposed to happen. Yes, I wanted to live with Glenn, so you could be my affair. That’s what was supposed to happen. When I came over the next morning to start my affair with you, I did say this isn’t fantasy, meaning it was happening are you sure this is what you want, I said it because it was now real. I wanted to make sure now that it was “live” so to speak, it was what you wanted. You said yes. I was well aware of watching over us. I made you breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and planned to every day so I was more in your life than just an affair. I was going to spend the 9 days at XMas with you when Glenn went to see his Mom. Apparently he had other thoughts, unshared with me, that I was going with him. I was never going with him, ever! I know for as long as this lasted, the importance of us having more than just sex. I was focused on us, and yes, loving being with Glenn. It was surreal, erotic, everything it was supposed to be. Same with having an affair with you. I couldn’t wait to be with you. I knew after day 1 it couldn’t go on a really long time. I realized I had 0 free minutes to do anything. I even commented on it. The key was needing to find some free time but none of that time was going to be taken away from Justin. Don’t do this to us please please please. I never ever want to lose you, can you understand that? He was silent, apparently somewhat confused, and said I think I blew this, can we continue our affair? I’m like, blown away by his response. I feel like I blew this, I’m sorry. I said there is nothing about this that you blew, you realize Glenn blew this, he said some horrible things. You also have to be aware that I have strong feelings for Glenn and I’m dealing with that as well. He said that can’t feel very good, And he gave me a hug. My voice was barely audible sharing all this with him. I probably never cried more in a single moment ever. We were up until I think 3 am. He wants to continue doing this. He feels responsible for it ending, and said can we at least try and this time you end it? He’s pulling at my emotions because I’m hurting for Glenn, it would be so easy to say yes. This went on and on. I finally said let’s talk about this in the morning. He said it felt so good having an affair with you. I said I know sweetly it felt good for me too. We didn’t have sex, but we hugged and kissed a long time. I didn’t sleep much at all. Justin finally fell asleep and hasn’t even gotten up yet. I’m going in to cuddle with him now. Think some of the hypno is still with him but certainly very aware of what is going on which is good. He really feels awful that he ruined it and insists on continuing. He feels guilty but I don’t know why, he didn’t end anything.
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Re: I need some help

Postby danny1988 » December 3rd, 2020, 8:26 am

I wouldn’t take stock 100% in what Justin is saying with regards to the affair or being with someone else. He’s still under hypnotic suggestions from what I can tell as he keeps going from one end of the spectrum to another in his responses. He needs time to get back to baseline and I wouldn’t decide on anything until your at that point.

Be careful here though as your beginning to blur the fantasy with reality here you need to be clear what’s fantasy and what’s reality with each other or you run the danger of going off the deep end end again and loosing each other.

It’s clear to me he didn’t ruin anything either this was all Glenn and there are some dodgy people out there.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 3rd, 2020, 10:08 am

Ok, what a whirlwind of emotions for all of us. We have a lot going on, and my biggest issue right now is what Justin said. He can’t trust me anymore. There are a lot of issues, but to me that is the elephant in the room right now. That is hanging over my head, and wearing extremely heavy on me right now. Our entire relationship is built on a rock solid foundation of trust. If I don’t feel that he believes that is still true we will have a difficult path forward. He can trust me, I always have his back and always will. He seems to take the blame here, and he is mostly rational right now. His memory of this is going to partially be that I can’t be trusted. He still wants to go forward. He says he understands all that is involved. This is a fantasy that is and never will be permanent. I said before we even talk about it, listen to your cleaning file so that is fresh in your mind. He is doing that now.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 3rd, 2020, 11:34 am

Had a talk with Justin. He is mostly rational now. Without getting into all the details and we covered a lot of bases here is the plan. A big contingency on all of this and I will explain. The contingency to all of this is as follows. It will probably derail it, and if it does that is fine. I’m going to text Glenn who has been texting me right along. I am going to ask him if we can talk. I am going to tell him that Justin knows I’m having an affair with him, and may move in with him until he leaves to see his Mom. I’m going to at that point live with Justin until you get back. I will at that point, see where I am at. No guarantees, no promises. I have feelings for both of you. If there is another verbally abusive episode we will be done on the spot. If you are ok with that, we can meet at your house after work. For Justin and I, this ends no matter what on December 22nd. We will get married on XMas Eve. No matter how erotic it is, no matter what it ends then. If there are any signs it is not working for either of us it ends on the spot. If I even sense it is not working for him, and something appears not right it ends. I want him to see he can trust me. We both want this, the one day we experienced it was so erotic, so surreal. His head is a lot clearer, and another must is him listening to the cleansing files every day. If somewhere along the way that starts to make this not work for him it ends. So I’m texting Glenn right now. If this is doable for him, I will meet him this afternoon, which will almost Loy certainly start an affair with him. If it does, and he agrees about the issues we have had, then I probably will end up moving in with him. I am just deferring the hurt missing him until Dec22. I will have 10 days into that process once he comes back. Most importantly, I want to show Justin yes, he can, and always will be able to trust me, I need that with him!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 3rd, 2020, 12:47 pm

Glenn had a lot of questions, but in the end decided his options weren’t good, and still wants another chance. He wants to know more things but rather busy. He will meet me at 4 today at his house. I am sharing every text, and everything he wants to know. I absolutely know I have to do this now. Justin said he wants us to have this. He said us! A good sign. But he also said. I really am trying to trust you. That just makes me need this more. I don’t feel like I have anything to prove but he does, so I have everything to prove, that is my focus. I also told Justin there was a strong chance that I sleep with him today, the feelings are still strong. He said, I know that’s why we are doing this. I’m ok with that. He doesn’t have that pushing me to be with Glenn right not. So for now everything looks good.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 3rd, 2020, 12:59 pm

I also asked Justin, there is a small chance I could spend the night with him, is that ok? He said it’s ok, but for the first night, can you come home so I know your plan after talking to him? I said thank you, I promise I will come home tonight. That is way different, so I think for now at least everything is very good. I will not be spending the night with Glenn no matter what.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 3rd, 2020, 1:18 pm

I asked Justin on a scale of 1-10 how much he trusted me when we moved here from 1-10 and he said 10. I said how about now? He said a 9. He then said before we moved here you had sex with men, I watched a few times, I was really turned on by all of it. We came here so we could do anything. It certainly involved you having sex and feelings. You explained what you wrote and I really believe your explanation but There is a tiny bit about it that scares me some. I told him, that is going to change, and by Dec 22 I hope you see that. You are my everything, I would never hurt you. I will never leave you, ever. I don’t feel like I have to prove anything, but I am treating this like I do and I will. I will everyday during this and after this. He said I really trust that you will. I actually like you sleeping with guys, it is a turn on for me, especially watching, and that is not hypno talk, I do. I’m just a bit scared now.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 3rd, 2020, 5:24 pm

So I get back from Glenn’s and I thought Justin was going to ask me about how everything went, instead he wants to tell me something. So to make a long story short, he said he has been thinking of all the guys I have had sex with, and he got a weird feeling, that he was starting to feel sexually submissive to me. I asked him what that means. I started thinking about it and I was getting hard, I’m not sure why I even thought of that. I’m not even sure what I mean but I guess I want you to take complete sexual control of who you sleep with, how long you sleep with them, when, you decide who your with and when and if you want to spend the night move in. You decide on your sex life. I’m not saying humiliate me, or change our sex life, you jus take full control of your own sex life, more like don’t ask, just tell, it is your decision. He got me all wet. So you want me to fuck anyone I want at anytime, and don’t sask if it’s ok, just tell you because your in charge of your sex life now. That would be so hot. This is real though no hypno. If it isn’t working I would tell you. OMG when can I start, I think I’d actually love that. You can start right now. Well, how does that apply to Glenn then? Is this after Glenn? No you decide what you want. Well how about all the rules? These are the new rules. I want to try this got myself all turned on. Ok well let me take a try at this. I made love to Glenn today and I have decided to move in with him tomorrow. I want to see where our relationship grows, so I will be having an affair with you for an undetermined amount of time. I will let you know how things are going, but great so far. How did I do? Don’t ask me that, just take control of your sex life and you do whatever you want, you don’t ask you just tell what you want and go do it.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 3rd, 2020, 5:42 pm

He asked me to just be aware, don’t hurt me, and if I’m feeling differently and you notice, to ease up. Do anything you want sexually no exclusions your sex life outside of here is all yours. Here is your chance to earn the ultimate trust. This is a test and a turn on for me. I’m pretty sure I know what your saying, so for instance Dec 22 comes, and goes and Glenn is back. Your ok if I decide I still want to spend time with him. I’m not answering but I guess I am. Your sex life outside of here is yours, do anything you want, and be confident and assertive. I think you will figure this out in time, and realize the more assertive you are, the more control you will have. This sounds pretty hot. So if one day I come to you all dolled up, and say I met a guy through an ad, I’m starting an affair with him today. If I’m spending the night with him I’ll text you. He just said Bingo! Wow this could be fun, I think I get it. I promised him I will always end up with you always, you will see!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 3rd, 2020, 6:21 pm

So he did ask me about Glenn. I told him I’d be honest. I got there, he let me in, and We were instantly kissing. I don’t think we even said a word, and we were in the bedroom making love. We talked and kissed for quite awhile, and I told him the rules, but since they changed tonight, I will let him know there are no rules anymore. I will decide what happens when he comes back from his Mom’s. But one day at a time. He said it wasn’t a fair chance for him if I didn’t move in with him, but when I go see my Mom that Justin was going to live with me. That was a good point, so I decided I’d move in with him tomorrow. Justin will be my affair for awhile maybe longer, and it is just day to day.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 3rd, 2020, 7:08 pm

I’m talking to Justin about his desire for me to take control of my sex life. I told him I don’t want to make a mistake. He said I can’t make a mistake if my first obligation is to stay safe and healthy. Don’t kiss or have sex with someone that doesn’t have proof they are STD currently tested, make sure that me and you are rock solid, if something occurs that for some season I am not comfortable, honor that request quickly. If this doesn’t work for you just stop. Otherwise you are completely free to explore, live a fantasy, spend the night with someone, move in with someone, and if I am needed to help a fantasy, I will try. No hypnosis at all this is just something that got me excited thinking about, so I want to experience it. Maybe I won’t like it at all like girlie girl. So I said right now, there really isn’t anything I can do. I’m already moving in with Glenn and that covers a lot of this month, so as much as I would like to start this with you, not really any opportunities now. Then he is away for 10 days, so January by then. That is supposed to be the end between us, are you saying he is still in play if that is what I decide? Yes, everything is in play like I said. So if I decide To stay with him, the old rules don’t apply or they do? He said no they don’t whatever you decide, whenever or whoever doesn’t matter just be assertive. I am going to have to google about this desire and get a better understanding how to use it.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 3rd, 2020, 7:45 pm

One reason I want to try this is I have read several articles now that if you have a strong relationship, giving your woman full sexual autonomy enhances the sex you have with her as long as she is completely honest with you about her other sexual relationships. Seems some couples prefer no more than 3 times with the same person, while others desire full blown relationships. I’m more in the full blown relationship mode, as long as it is enhancing the relationship that you have with her. I believe Amber has a full blown relationship with Glenn, and that’s fine, as long as our relationship is enhanced by it and not diminished. I just need honesty, that is the ultimate trust. I’m trying to give all of that to her, in exchange for the comfort and trust I need from her regarding it.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 3rd, 2020, 8:00 pm

Justin, I love you so much. Sometimes when you are unsure about something you take the time to read about it, and form your own opinion on a subject. I just read what you wrote, I can see why you didn’t come directly to me, because this is the hardest conversation for me to just bare my soul on, but after reading what you said, I realize you already know. So let me honestly respond. Your right I do love Glenn a lot, and it seems like every time I see him it grows. The point I want to make is I love making love to him, I get a warm emotional feeling. It doesn’t take away how I feel about you. He can never replace you, no matter what. That is the trusting part. My hope is that I don’t need to live with him, I just need to have him in my life now, without having to hide my feelings from you, but let you know each day you are not ever going to be replaced by him, hopefully enhanced because I’m very happy. I want to have this conversation with you, since you opened the door. I would like to read the articles of men that are enhanced by their wife loving another man, because it is all about trust and being honest about it.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 3rd, 2020, 8:25 pm

I told him to wait to read what I wrote. I wanted to add one thing. I’m probably not a good candidate to take over my sexual relationships as I wish. Im not sure exactly what you want, and if I would be effective doing it, but I love you and if you want to talk to me more I want every door always open with each other. We do very well but this topic is hard to talk openly about. You opened the door and going forward this would be an amazing thing to have with you. I wanted to add that I don’t really want or need to live with Glenn. I think the more I know him by living with him would ruin what we have. To me it is a very deep loving sexual relationship, nothing else. That’s all I want with him, nothing more. It has nothing to do with the sex, lovemaking, and everything we try in bed. You know every inch of my body. You can hit my G spot in an instant and drive me crazy. You make my body feel things I never felt before. We have a complete relationship across all levels. I can go on forever why no one can or will ever replace you. Maybe Glenn and I fizzle out soon, maybe not. I just want a sexual relationship with him, nothing more. Maybe I see him a couple times a week. I’d rather have the full Justin that I can be with everyday, and wake up holding every morning. I don’t need or want any overnights with him. I’d rather you read this and talk about this, but now you know I don’t want him in my life as a live in or spouse-like man, I want everything and all of that with you like we have enjoyed since we met. This is as honest as I can be. Know one thing. I love you forever. I want to sit in bed with you and talk about everything you wish always, come find me, I will be naked in bed as you read this.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 3rd, 2020, 9:37 pm

I love this man so much. Communication is so important. You have to trust each other and love each other to tackle some fearful issues. I’m not going to move in with Glenn. I’m going to talk to him about just having a purely sexual relationship, which is how we started to begin with. See him 1-3 times a week or on average about twice a week. Justin is a very open minded man. He realized I fell in love with Glenn because of what we were doing, and believes if I am forced to stop because things got a little crazy, that I would have resentment towards him even if it wasn’t consciously. I told him I would communicate with him every time I was with him so everything is an open book, no hiding anything, no secrets 100% transparent. I am a lucky woman. I told Justin I want to pick out a woman for him, a beautiful woman, and challenge my own fears and let him do whatever he wants with her. He said please don’t. I really don’t want anyone else. He said I Am the most sexual woman he has ever met lol. I love sex! I’m at my capacity. I told him even if it is once, I want to show you how much I trust you. I have never considered this with another man. If I did it I would be doing it for you. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure I’d love it but not necessary, I know you trust me. I love that we had this conversation. Your sexy girl will be here soon, even if I have to get you in bed with us as a threesome. I’m bringing a woman home for you, I promise. I will kiss her and fondle her and you can fuck her.
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