I need some help

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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 19th, 2021, 6:27 am

Nicole is laying into Mike. She is texting him and trying to tell him to leave me alone. He told her this is love and business. Mike text me back and said he would meet me at his house at lunch and shoot me up, and for me to stay there until he got home tonight and he would shoot me up tonight. He said we have to get you hooked fast before Nicole gets in the way. I said I love you so much!! He is so thoughtful. I will prove to him how serious I and committed I am to him. I want to shoot up anyway, but Mike will realize I am totally serious and committed to him completely. He won’t have to worry, I will be hooked very very soon and living with him this week! I have so much love for him right now Need him! I never felt this way before. He wants exactly what I want. He understands my need to get hooked and I understand his need to have me hooked. I will do this for him and me.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 19th, 2021, 6:40 am

Mike said Nicole has been texting over and over. He told her Nicole, I had Amber in the same place 6 months ago. She was shooting up and moved in with me. It hurt to have to let her go. It hurt her more! Now we are together again and so much more deeper in love. You are too late now. I’m never going to lose her ever again. I am making sure of that as we text. We are a couple now and always will be. I text him back how I never loved a man like I love him. I told him I will do anything for him, and have already started. I told him I want to shoot up every day at lunch and when he gets home, and when I come Friday, I am his, I will never leave. I love this man so much now! We are so alike! Every time he shoots me up, I feel his commitment to me and mine to him. I will be making love to him exclusively from now on until I am his hooker wife!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 19th, 2021, 6:56 am

This is turning into a race before Nicole interferes. I told Mike the faster I get hooked the better. Once I am and moved in with you Nicole will realize I’m with you and dependent on you. He said he knows, and when I come over at lunch he will give me more than 1/4 dose. I told him how much I love him, and can see he is doing everything he can for us! I love Mike soooo much! He is giving me 1/2 dose twice a day from now on, he said as soon as today I will be hooked! I soooo hope so, it feels sooooo good! I will have Mike finally
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 19th, 2021, 7:06 am

I love it I already have Mike willing to give me more and more:). I will do however much I need. There will be no cap:).
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 19th, 2021, 6:01 pm

So Nicole ruined everything. I get to Mike’s and she is there! She said she is not allowing me to ruin the life we have. You are pregnant and you are not doing this, I will do it so you don’t have to. She told Mike the same thing, shoot me up and I will become the escort I’m not pregnant and I’m not married. She told him he has some nerve to break up a family and try to get a pregnant woman hooked on heroin. He told her he is doing nothing that Amber doesn’t want. No one has to do anything! You girls better figure this out before I get home. I want you to both stay here and find a solution before I get home. Nicole and I got into our first big fight ever. We argued back and forth all afternoon, and had no answers. Mike literally kicked us out and said call him when we get things figured out I don’t need all the drama. So Nicole and I aren’t talking right now, which is fine. Justin senses the bitterness and asked what was wrong. Nothing right now but everything very soon. I told him everything is ok. We have a 3 way mess and Nicole is causing the issue. I was right on the doorstep of having everything and she fucks it all up! I told her she is jealous, because lately she seems to want to be me. I’m exhausted and going to avoid Nicole tonight. I told her Justin and I are sleeping together tonight, she just said fine.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 20th, 2021, 4:34 am

Trying to work this out with Nicole. She can’t understand why I want this so bad. Everything was fine until she got involved. We are trying to find a compromise. Right now she told me to not do anything until October and she said things will change for me then and I might have a complete change of heart. I am anxious to get started now. I already have made up my mind. Mike had his mind made up too. It seems like something always gets in the way. She said I can’t be an escort now anyway. I said I know so stop volunteering to be me. It isn’t your fantasy to start shooting up and hooking. She told me as long as it is my fantasy she will do it to stop me from doing it and you know if I did Mike would go for it. I’m single and not pregnant and could start today and until I promise her I’m not doing anything stupid right now in moving out and start shooting up, she will convince Mike to have her be the escort. I had no choice but to tell her I won’t start shooting up or move in with Mike until some time in October. She said she wasn’t sure she could trust me and that meant no more sleep overs at Mike’s. I told her I love him and that isn’t fair. She said she needed to talk to Mike about all of this and was meeting him for lunch today. If I show up there then she will convince him that she will become an escort for him and start now. I’ve completely lost control of everything. I have no real choice. I’m going to have to wait. Mike needs to know he can’t do this right now. He sees how vulnerable I am and knows he can take me right now by making me dependent on him. I’m going to show him what a mistake it is. I’m doing so much coke this morning none of this probably makes any sense.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 20th, 2021, 5:11 am

I had to think of something quick so I told Nicole I was still going forward with the business with Mike. I am still going to have him make me dependent on him and move in with him permanently. Go ahead and meet him for lunch, it won’t help. I am going there when he gets home and I will have him shoot me up and will do so every day this week and I will be moved in permanently this weekend. You can’t stop love. She said you are right but you can stop stupid and I will. Needless to say Nicole and I even doing lines cant agree on this. My plan is to let her start shooting up and hooking and keep seeing Mike while he shoots me up, and Nicole will be so hooked she won’t be able to do anything because I will threaten her that Mike will stop shooting her up and she will panic and cave into anything I want and not say a word! I told Mike he absolutely has to shoot Nicole up with a half dose today and from now on. In a couple days she will be totally dependent on Mike and I will take over control. She isn’t going to stop me. I will act happy with her doing it and I will have her before she can even fuck anyone.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 20th, 2021, 5:17 am

If Mike refuses to shoot me up tonight then I will tell him he is going to lose me. I will make him shoot me up or he will know we are through. I’m not letting Nicole ruin this. She wants to play dirty, I’ll show her dirty. She will be shooting up from now on and once she is, Mike and I will continue on and I will live with him starting this weekend. Nicole will come over once or twice a day to get shot up. She won’t dare mess us up again or she will be shut off and in serious painful withdrawal desperate to be shot up. That will take care of her.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 20th, 2021, 6:25 am

I have been texting Mike and had an idea. I told him we could start our escort business right now. He has the website all ready to go from last time. A lot of guys love fucking a pregnant woman. I will do this right now. Please don’t shoot up Nicole, I want you to shoot me up. You will know how much I love you, and I want you to make me dependent on you. You will know I will never leave you then. This is our chance to be together forever! I love you. Nicole is just making trouble. I really need you to start shooting me up today! I’m so close to becoming a hooker and I have fantasized this for so long. We both want this. Please make it happen for us today. You don’t need to meet with Nicole. Show me how much you love me and shoot me up, please! I want to be hooked so bad for you!!!!! He responded, I am speechless. I love you so much. Come over at lunch and I will cancel with Nicole and I will shoot you up 1/2 dose today and just stay at my house and when I get home another half. That should do it! You will have your wish and you will be all mine right? I told him omg! Of course! I will move in right away I promise, and will never leave. He said he will activate the website right now and just let guys know the date is with a pregnant woman. You are right, a lot of men want to fuck a pregnant woman. I told him I will fuck all that I am an escort for. I want them to come back. I can’t wait!!! I told Nicole I won, and she said maybe, and if you did win, you really lost.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 20th, 2021, 6:36 am

He text me that the website was up. He said you are officially a hooker/escort as of right now. He said he is linking it for some ads and searches. He said if by chance we get some inquiries are you ok with tonight? I said omg, are you kidding, YES!!! You don’t know how much I want to live this all out! I asked him if he would still shoot me up at lunch? He said Amber, from now on I will be shooting you up every day. I expect you to move in as soon as possible. I want you to finally be all mine and if this is what it takes, I love you! You will become totally dependent on me before the day is out, I promise! I told him I want that! I will show you how committed I am with you. It will be permanent, I promise, so excited!!!!!!!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 20th, 2021, 6:46 am

Mike said he has already gotten 2 inquiries but they were idiots playing around, nothing serious. I’m really dying for him to shoot me up. Don’t think I am hooked already but sure feels like something is going on. I want to fuck someone so bad tonight. That first time is just on my mind so much. Just the thought that I am actually a real hooker for the man I love is all I can think of. Going on dates every night and having sex is going to be so awesome. I never had the courage to do it, but now I can’t wait to start. While I’m writing this Mike text he got another injury, but again just an idiot.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 20th, 2021, 7:01 am

Omg! He has a real inquiry filled out everything including driver’s license current photo, etc. Mike is checking out. He requested today! I may be fucking someone today. He has already had 6 hits but 5 were not serious. This is really happening!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 20th, 2021, 7:06 am

Mike said it is hard for him to do this at work. He is taking the rest of the day off. He said to get dolled up and meet him at his house at 10. I will either be heading out on a lunch date or shooting up. I asked him if he could start scheduling from 3 pm on, I need to shoot up bad! I think I am already getting hooked!!! He said oh wow... if that is the case I will shoot you up for sure. I want you to feel relaxed. He is on his way home.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 20th, 2021, 7:12 am

It’s official! I don’t have a time yet, but I will officially become a hooker today:). This is so perfect for me. I am all Mike’s now, permanently. I left with my clothes for his house already. I need him to shoot me up right away.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 20th, 2021, 7:33 am

I’m at Mike’s he asked me if I was ready to commit to him? I said of course. He is shooting me up in a minute, and I have a date at 3 this afternoon. I will officially be a hooker!!! He will shoot me up when I get home. I am all his now permanently!!! I love him so much, this is like a dream, I am finally a hooker!!!!!! I am so fucking happy!!!!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 20th, 2021, 8:28 am

I love when my sweetie shoots me up! This is the most amazing I ever felt. So euphoric. I’m totally committed to Mike now! I am all his. He makes me feel so good! I’m going to fuck my date any way he wants. Mike said on his request that he wants me to pretend it is his baby! I will make him believe it is! I will do anything and make sure he wants me to fuck him often. I will be the best hooker ever. I have no boundaries for sex. I’m dying to get in bed as he will be my first of many to come. Mike and I will have an incredible life together. I want him to be able to quit his job because I will be such a good hooker! Wait til my body looks good again! I will be the hottest hooker ever! Totally committed now. Today I prove it!!!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 20th, 2021, 9:26 am

I love Mike so much! I told him to please just keep shooting me up every day but never more than 1 full dose in any day and he promised he would never let me get out of control. He did promise me he will never let me get off of it from now on. He wants me to be here permanently. I told him that is exactly what I want and from now on I am a hooker and promised him he’d be able to quit his job!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 20th, 2021, 3:06 pm

The guy I’m with isn’t exactly my type but I’m playing along. He has :30 minutes left, and I have to fuck him when the clock runs out. I want to become a hooker so I will fuck him no matter what. I am carrying his baby just as he asked. He is totally into me. Gotta go.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 21st, 2021, 5:18 am

Yesterday was incredible! I had 2 dates. The first wasn’t very exciting except for one thing! I am officially a hooker now as I fucked them both. The 2nd went so much better. The guy said he could fall in love with me in a second, and after I fucked him and he was actually very good in bed. He said he would reserve a spot on the weekend. He gave me a 200 tip! The first guy just 50. I love doing this. We were up early because I really needed Mike to shoot me up. I am so hooked already and The feeling is so incredible. I may mince words here because I’m still floating pretty good! Mike was really pleased and gave me my schedule for today. He is scheduling 3 hours for 499. I have a date for 12, 4, and 8. He gives me an hour in between for sex and travel. Three a day works the best, so I will be having sex with 21 guys a week plus Mike. I so belong to Mike now, he is making all my dreams come true! Is being a hooker living up to my fantasy? YES! I love it. There is nothing like sex with a new guy and I get to experience it all day long. It’s also nice to here how sexy I am. They haven’t seen anything yet. Come the end of October I will be a total knockout! I can’t believe I make so much now. I will be doing this for as long as I can. I do a line in the bathroom before I have sex. It is so perfect. I was aching to get home last night. The first thing I did was ask Mike to shoot me up. I’ve never felt happier. This is the life I fantasized about, and I’m living it now. I can’t wait to meet my next dates today, it is so much fun! It is like I’m dating and having sex with 20 guys a week! Mike said the weekend is booked solid already and 2 for tomorrow already! I’m made for this. I told my honey once we get into November he can quit his job. He said I plan on it. He said with tips, I will be taking in over 10k a week! I can’t believe it. He said the volume of calls suggests we could get 800-1000 for 3 hours. One guy on Saturday booked the whole day! I sure hope he is sexy! He leaves for work early. We are now a permanent couple, I so belong to him now! I’m totally in love with him!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 21st, 2021, 5:43 am

Mike said he was a little worried about shooting me up. He worries that I’m going to keep needing more and more and he will not give her more than 1 full dose a day. He told me I’m maxed out already. He gives me half in the morning and half at night. I know yesterday I was already craving bad by mid-afternoon, and it got pretty strong. I was dying for Mike to shoot me up as soon as I got home. If I can hang in there, come October and when he quits his job, he will need me! I will be able to do all I need and he will have no choice but to give it to me. As much as I love it, I know it is a slippery slope. I’m thinking ahead, but I also realize as much as I love it, I should stick to my coke and try to shoot up less not more. It is so hard though. Omg! Mike just text me. He got a text from Nicole and told him she is really struggling and if he could meet her for lunch at his house. She needs him to shoot her up!!!! He gave her bigger doses. She even offered sex!!! I told Mike please shoot her up!!! Have sex with her, and then we become even more secure as a couple. Mike said absolutely!!!! So he will be having sex with Nicole and shooting her up!!! She is hooked!!! I love it so much. That will end her threat!! She is already desperate! I told Mike to get her good and hooked and fuck her everytime! She will have no chance of stopping me then! He said he absolutely will make sure of it!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 21st, 2021, 6:07 am

So I text Nicole and said so now you are offering to sleep with my man so he can shoot you up? She said, I’m sorry and I was sure he would share it with you. She said please forgive me. I have been very uncomfortable and tried to fight the feeling off but it just gets stronger. I said to her, so you got yourself hooked didn’t you? She said yes, and she promised me She would cover for me, and asked if I was shooting up and working as an escort? I said of course, and I love both!! I told her not to piss me off or I will shut her off instantly! She said I promise, I will keep everything to myself. I told her I officially became a hooker yesterday, and I absolutely love it. She said if that’s what makes you happy, then congrats! I said thank you. She said she needed a favor, and begged me not to tell Justin I’m shooting up now. I told him you were going to spend some significant time living with Mike. He is kind of used to you moving out for awhile. I told her I am planning a life with Mike now, and being a full time hooker, so won’t be back. She said she thinks I am making a mistake but as long as I am happy. She didn’t think she would get hooked so fast, but also said doesn’t it make you feel incredible? I said YES! I love it. She said me too! I told her I’d love to shoot up with her someday. She said that would be cool, I’d love to. I so have her now. I will take a photo of Mike shooting her up!!!!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 21st, 2021, 6:29 am

I told Mike I wanted him to turn Nicole into a hooker too. Get her good and hooked and in order for you to shoot her up she has to start hooking. Mike said wow, we think so much alike. He thinks Nicole would be incredible at it. He said he has every intention of making her need to do it. She is already hooked, I will get her past the point of no return. She will be on the team soon, bet on it! I love watching you be so happy!!! She will be very happy, and will move in with us very soon! I finally have control of Nicole. She can’t ruin what she is part of!!! In the end her shooting up and hooking will bring us close together again.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 21st, 2021, 7:07 am

Nicole text me and said please be aware that he has us both hooked on heroin. We are both extremely dependent on him now. That could mean he becomes very self serving and we in a way become somewhat of a slave to anything he wants from us. I said first off, I love shooting up!!! Next I love that I am a hooker now. I get to do what I love which is get all dolled up and fuck a lot of men. I told her she would be a pro at this and since she is so fucking horny she would win in so many ways. Maybe you would feel forced because your hooked and vulnerable right now, but I will tell you one thing, once you start, it is such a good feeling to be complimented on how sexy you are and how good you are in bed. Yesterday I slept with a guy that was awesome in bed! I am seeing him again this weekend! She said I never considered that, but have to admit it sounds like fun. I told her look, you are hooked! Try it out just one night and see. She said she is tempted, but probably not, but after I shoot up I may feel different:). I told her she will want to keep Mike happy! She said I know, I need him right now. I said me too, but I love him.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 21st, 2021, 8:27 am

So my noon date is a movie and lunch. On his notes he days he wants me to play with his Vick during the movie. He also said to take his hand and not to wear any underwear so he can finger me. Ummm I could do all that, sounds erotic. His picture looks good. Nicole thanked me for allowing her over to have sex with Mike and shoot up. Little does she know she will be a hooker very very soon:). I love it!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 21st, 2021, 9:10 am

I so wish I could be here to watch Nicole getting shot up. Mike said she will be coming back when he gets home to get shot up again. She told me she can’t believe how fast she got hooked, but loves the feeling so much and the withdrawal is so hard. She knows she can’t stop. So true, I will never stop, it is too good and I am hooked really good. I’m not looking to quit anyway, it is so good. Nicole will never stop, she is a hooker now, watch and see. Mike will make sure of that.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 21st, 2021, 1:09 pm

My date is in the shower, going to fuck him. Played with his cock during the whole movie as he fingered me. Feel like a high school girl lol. I love being a hooker, Mike text me, gave Nicole 1/2 dose she will be waiting for him when he gets home. He fucked her. She is so hooked now! I love it. Mike said by tomorrow morning she will be a hooker, even though she doesn’t know it yet.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 21st, 2021, 1:49 pm

That was fast not very good but 100 tip:). I love this! Sex all day then home to shoot up, which I need already. I won’t make it at this rate, I’m going to need more. Next date coming up.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 22nd, 2021, 4:30 am

Mike just shot me up. I told him last night I need more. I barely got through my last date Because I was needing some. He told me no. I also said 3 clients all in a row is too much. Nicole is coming here in about 10 minutes to get shot up. She doesn’t know it yet but Mike isn’t shooting her up unless she becomes an escort. If she feels like me, she has no choice. He already scheduled her a 4pm date!! My last 2 dates last night were not good. I fucked 1 guy but the other was rude and obnoxious and no sex. I love the sex and being a hooker has it’s downfalls but I still love it. I can’t maintain this pace though, there isn’t enough time between meetings especially having sex at the end, and that’s the best part. Mike said we could talk about it tonight but I get home and he is in bed. I’m really hooked now and it is scaring me because I can see I already need more and more. I feel like Mike May be using me now like he will Nicole. Seems like things are changing. Maybe I am just paranoid. Mike told me he warned me of shooting up and that’s why he put a limit on me. Right now that limit isn’t enough. I have to try and make it work but it is extremely difficult. By 8 last night I needed it so bad.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 22nd, 2021, 5:17 am

Nicole showed up, that tells the story how hooked she is. I understand because I’m just as hooked. Mike would not shoot her up until she promised to become an escort with Amber. She made me feel bad because she was crying. She was so desperate though she agreed and he shot her up. The feeling is so intensely good! I love being on it as does Nicole but we also know it is a dead end. She asked me how it is being a hooker. I said overall I love it but 3 a day and most I have sex with after the date is too hard. Mike told her she has to move in by the weekend or she is shut off. I asked her if she agreed, she said yes, at this point I would agree to anything to get shot up. I told her I completely understand. We apologized to each other in teary fashion. Right now I love Mike, I want to be a hooker, I love shooting up, but some things have to be fixed. The biggest is we both need to shoot ups more and if we keep climbing that hill we will both be useless. Nicole wants to go to the anonymous clinic and get treatment, but feels so dirty, and a big part of you wants to keep shooting up because like right now it feels so amazing. Then we both need our coke which neither of us want to give up, but if we piss Mike off the coke is gone too. I told Nicole to do her date tonight and we need to talk and text and come up with something. She was reluctant to agree because she does not want to be a hooker, but the immediate alternative is worse. I don’t want to stop shooting up, but Mike told me he would never let me quit I made him promise. Just seeing that needle will make me want it. Nicole is heading back home after we make love and it has been awhile.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 22nd, 2021, 6:03 am

I have been texting Mike about Nicole, and my need to shoot up more. I told him Nicole really doesn’t want to be a hooker. He said look you begged me to get her hooked on heroin, and make her a hooker. I did exactly as you wished. He told me to stop being emotional, this is business now, and Nicole is now a hooker, and will be living with us. I asked about me and being able to shoot up more? Doing 1 less appointment? He said I love you so much, but again you made me promise to allow you to be a hooker, and also to never let you off heroin, and never allow you more than a full dose per day. I am sticking to my promise. You are a hooker now and will always shoot up, I will never let you stop. It is our business side, which is desperate from our deep love. I’m starting to realize my role in all of this. Everything he said is true. Everything he said I made him promise. Now I am asking him to take back. I get to anxious sometimes and say stupid things. So basically he is going to shoot me up to keep me addicted, but never enough to not be craving every day. He has me and Nicole right where he wants us. He wants to quit his job and we will become his business. I hate to say it, but we are becoming slaves over coke and heroin. I text Nicole and told her I have an idea. Please suck it up and be a hooker. You will get big tips. When you come home just give him some of the tip money. We will save the rest
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 22nd, 2021, 6:32 am

I told Nicole she has to do this and start asking every client if they do coke. Sooner or later we will make a connection and break away from here. She said she hates that she is going to do this, but she told me I need to get out. I really love Mike but I’m wondering about his true intentions. He won’t let us off heroin. We need his coke and neither of us will ever give that up, Nicole loves her coke as much as me now.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 22nd, 2021, 6:51 am

Nicole said the only way she can stop shooting up is a clinic, and she isn’t giving up coke. She said she would live at Mike’s until they find a supply. I feel somewhat responsible now and guilty. I got Nicole hooked on shooting up. We are not in a good situation. I am going to test Mike tonight. Tell him I’m quitting shooting up and see if he forces me or puts it in front of me. I have a feeling he will do anything to get me to do it.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 22nd, 2021, 9:36 am

Off to my first date of the day. Hope he is fuckable!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 23rd, 2021, 5:21 am

Out of 3 dates last night 2 were ok but one was amazing. The guy was good looking and good in bed. I fucked all 3 of them. Nicole officially became a hooker and slept with the guy. She said it was so weird but in a way she actually liked it. She lives with us now and told Justin her Mom was I’ll and she was staying with her threw the weekend. Mike shot us both up this morning. We realize how desperate we are as we both woke up needing it so bad. I love it and so does Nicole, but we aren’t getting enough and if we do more it will get worse. Neither of us found a coke connection yet. Mike seems so much different now. He is all about the money and he has us right where he wants us. There are more requests than we can handle. Today he has us each doing 3. I got 400 in tips and gave Mike 250, Nicole got 100 and gave him 50. We are building up so we can buy our own coke. Nicole has a ton of money but she doesn’t want to use it for coke. So we both feel like we are just a couple of drug addicted hookers to Mike, which basically we are. As soon as we find a coke connection we are both going to the clinic and getting methadone shots or whatever it is. My last date makes being a hooker really fun. If they were all like that I would never stop being a hooker but more than half so far are horrible. I still fuck them because I get more money in tips. I told Nicole just think of the sex and not the guy your with and make sure you do a line right before you fuck him. She said that is what she did. We are hookers now with no way out. We have to change before we are so hooked we have no way back.we both love it, but hate how much control it has, you need it!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 23rd, 2021, 5:35 am

I am really upset now. I text Mike and told him at some point when I get to 8 months Or so I won’t be able to be a hooker for awhile, I may not be able to have sex. He said he realizes that. You can go stay with Justin until you are ready to come back. Then he said I have Nicole now so things will be ok. I said what do you mean you have Nicole now? He said you know to take care of the business end and as a live in lover. She isn’t going anywhere. I said you love me, why are you doing this. He said I do love you, but like you and Justin and Nicole, I love Nicole just as much. I am so heartbroken. He used me just as I thought! Nicole was quite shocked, and just said more reasons to find a way out of here. We have to find some coke or we may never get out of here! We are both getting coke from him tomorrow but we also both keep stashing, so we have quite a bit, but the last thing we want to do is ever run out. Nicole even said to me she loves coke so much she will never quit. I know the feeling because I will never quit ever again.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 23rd, 2021, 6:11 am

I really am upset. Mike sees me as a hooker and money, and Nicole like his new sex toy. I told Mike I really don’t want to be a hooker anymore. He said it’s too late for that. Followed by let’s see... I’m sure the state would love to hear about a pregnant woman, addicted to coke and heroin, that is also a hooker. You aren’t going anywhere. You and Nicole are my girls now! I love you both, don’t do something stupid! OMG! I showed Nicole and she broke down with me in her arms. What a mess! We are scrambling, but he is dealing so we have him as well. We all have a great risk. Then he said who will they believe a couple heavy drug addicts, and prostitutes, or the successful businessman? Who has connections, me or you? I think you better think this over clearly before you do something stupid! Followed by so you are servicing your clients today right? I am so scared, I said of course. We are screwed this guy is connected, and he would cause us a lot of grief. He said every time you bring up something negative it is a 1/2 dose penalty. You won’t get it!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 23rd, 2021, 6:20 am

I told Nicole I am scared and I am going to continue being a hooker because I don’t want trouble. She agreed
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 23rd, 2021, 8:05 am

We have to figure something out or we will be hookers for too long. For now we have to be. We will figure something out. Everyone has something to lose including Mike, but until I have this baby, I’m not taking chances. Nicole said she is with me until we figure something out.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 23rd, 2021, 8:26 am

Nicole told me for now we just have to embrace being hookers, and not let Mike know anything is wrong. We need his coke bad! We know we are never quitting so we need him and right now we need him to shoot us up. We have to play along until we have some options and I don’t want you to stress being pregnant. We don’t know how connected he is, but sounds like he is. Just keep satisfying him with sex and being hookers. We will get out soon.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 23rd, 2021, 9:21 am

We are both leaving for our dates soon. I told Nicole treat this like it is our path to freedom. Even if it is difficult, we need to fuck every guy, just use your coke to get through it. We are doing this for each other, so let’s just get as much money as we can. Hopefully we have some good ones today. Tomorrow I have a guy all day 9 hours worth starting at noon. I am so hoping he is very fucksble! He apparently has a lot of money!! We are planning on both visiting Justin at different times. He must feel so lonely as he hasn’t been alone in a long time, but somehow he manages to stay positive. I really miss and need him so much. We can’t let him know we are shooting up.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 23rd, 2021, 9:40 am

Both of us are needing to be shot up more. We are both craving so bad by the time we get home it is hard to even function. He has to start giving us full doses at least twice a day. Nicole feels the same way, we need more!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 23rd, 2021, 2:49 pm

Date in bathroom two losers. Only sleeping with them for money. Hope the last one is better.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 24th, 2021, 4:25 am

My last date last night was the best one yet!! The guy told me how beautiful I was and spent the night complimenting me, and he was really good looking. Hard to believe he would be doing this. Loves pregnant women. He wanted to make a separate deal to go out every week!!! I got his phone number and told him I would try to set something up. The sex was awesome. Nicole said she had one decent one and 2 not so good. She actually is starting to like doing this, probably because she is so horny she loves having so much sex. We had to wake Mike up. He is going to shoot us up and talk about things after we come down off the euphoric rush. One thing for sure we need just 2 dates a day and he has to shoot us up more often. Nicole said the same thing. By the end of the day we need it soooo bad. We both love it but at the same time realize we are heading for trouble but it is soooooo good. I do love being a hooker, it’s fun but exhausting because it is non stop. Today I’m with a guy 9 hours and no appointments tomorrow. We can shoot up all day and enjoy it for a change!!!!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 24th, 2021, 5:08 am

We finally got Mike to agree 2 dates a day and he would start shooting us up 3 times a day the last one just 1/4 dose. We thought that would help without going overboard. We still have to find a coke guy so we can get out of here. It is like a race. We have to find the coke before we get to doing too much heroin. It is so good but already we both see it takes more and more to get the same feeling and when you start coming down you need more sooo bad it is impossible not to do more. It is so powerful. You have to have it. I am learning how to be a hooker. If all the dates were like last night I would become a hooker for life. Some guys though treat you like they own you. Those dates really suck. Then to have to give those guys sex really sucks. Thankfully I can just do a line before having sex and it’s better. I do love having sex with so many different guys, but honestly, Justin is just so much better!!! He fills in all things a woman wants. He genuinely has sex to please his woman not himself. I really miss him and I am seeing him tomorrow morning. I will shoot up let it wear off some and go make love to him. Mike isn’t what I thought he was, I love him but he is all about him and now that I’m a hooker I see that loud and clear. He is having sex with Nicole right now. He always picks her over me now. I’m actually glad, but Nicole doesn’t like it, she says I just have sex with him like I’m a hooker. Quick as I can make him cum the better.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 24th, 2021, 6:03 am

The only thing Mike has over us right now is I’m doing coke and shooting up. In 2 months that won’t matter anymore. He also is the only one we can get coke from. We both agree until we get another source we are hookers. Neither of us will ever give it up now no matter what. I actually think Nicole loves and needs coke as much as me. She has actually thanked me for getting her over the jump using it all the time. I’m really glad she likes it so much, it is awesome to have someone you love to do coke with. I really don’t want to stop shooting up or being a hooker, but I also know it will kill me if I let it and Nicole agrees.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 24th, 2021, 6:40 am

Nervous about today. One guy 9 hours. Hope he is sexy or at least not an idiot. The worse the dates are the more coke I do lol. Might be doing lines frequently today. Having lunch at a major place on the water. He is apparently staying there, so if he is good, it could be a lot of sex!!! Or a long long day!!! Hoping for the best. I can’t shoot up until tonight. I will be going crazy I will need it so bad.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 24th, 2021, 8:16 am

Mike hardly sleeps with me now. Always seems to want sex with Nicole. It is ok because he has already proven he doesn’t really love me, but I still love him just know our plans will never happen and I don’t want them too. Right now I need his coke and need him to shoot me up so I just smile. He told Nicole to come back home after her first date and he will shoot her up. I can’t because I have 9 straight hours. So unfair. He is trying to get her hooked even more so he has full control of her and it is working. She told me she isn’t sure she wants to quit now. She wants more? She is hooked more than I am. He is taking advantage. I told her that and she said good I need more. She told me she loves shooting up and is starting to want to be a hooker. I don’t know how to get away from this. She seems to want to stay as he is catering to her addiction and I think she is so hooked that’s all she can see is getting shot up! I’m scared for her. Her rationale is gone. All she talks about this morning is how she loves shooting up. She is changing. Mike knows it. I can’t save her I need it too.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 24th, 2021, 8:48 am

I feel like I’m losing Nicole, she appears to be surrendering to heroin. She keeps telling me it will be way to hard to quit and she admits she loves it too much. I know exactly what she is saying, it is so good! I think she is thinking Mike loves her and is starting to get emotions even though she says no.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 24th, 2021, 9:57 am

Waiting for my date. Nicole has just one today at noon. While I’m out til 9pm plus. She will be home shooting up and fucking mMike the rest of the day. She is starting to become Mike’s girl and I think she wants to be a hooker for him and continue doing more heroin. She might be in trouble, she has conceded to it
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 25th, 2021, 4:54 am

Last night I had my best date ever. I broke the rules and slept with him for most of our date. He was hot and interesting. I got the biggest tip I ever got! He is totally infatuated with pregnant women. He was more interested in rubbing my belly than my boobs. He was so into me being pregnant. I wanted to stay with him longer but I needed to shoot up so bad I didn’t think I was going to make it home. Mike was making out with Nicole when I got home. They seemed disappointed I was home already. Mike shot me up and also shot Nicole up. All she could say was how much she loves it. She bragged that Mike is giving her what she wants. I asked about me and Mike said I’m pregnant and you won’t be here much longer. He told me I need to be with Justin until October,Nicole will keep the business running she is doing great. I can see he has gotten and taken her over. She acts different. She needs her coke and heroin so bad now she is scared to death of Mike. I wanted to sit withMike behind closed doors and he said he is in the middle of something with Nicole, maybe tomorrow. What he is in the middle of is fucking her!
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