As the title suggests, do people know of any equivalent to Curse Female Takeover for someone who is already female? None of the files that I can find along those lines are quite right.
Curse Female Takeover has the assumption that you're not female to begin with.
Your Other Half lacks the deliciously insidious takeover aspect that I'm looking for.
Evil Twin also lacks that part, somewhat ironically.
Inner Child Personality seems more of a DiD kinda thing where you're not even aware of what the other personality does.
And the various Alters files are all just a little bit too specific and also mostly male oriented.
Aaaand that's basically all of the files along those lines that I'm aware of.
Basically I'm just looking for something that creates another persona that will take over, but without the assumption that you're not female to begin with. Does anyone know of such a thing?