I need some help

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 23rd, 2021, 7:13 pm

The hypno file didn’t come today and Nicole is an hour away. I’m so excited because that means I get my heroin back. I’m so needing to get back on it. I can’t wait for her to get here. She said maybe we can go out for a cigarette and shoot up. I told her that is a great idea. I will be shooting up in an hour or so. So excited!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 23rd, 2021, 7:46 pm

I am so excited and I am shaking knowing I will be shooting up in about 30 minutes. I will be so happy to be shooting up again. Nicole is saving me again. She told me she would never let me quit, and she is right. Once that needle goes in me, I’m never trying to quit again. I love the feeling so much.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 24th, 2021, 11:50 am

Last night was a long night. Nicole arrived and all I could think about was shooting up. That quickly changed. Justin immediately told her before she could come in he was checking everything for drugs, everything. Nicole had a fit! Before he could do anything Nicole said, yes I have coke and heroine for your wife, and she wants it and will use it. Justin got pretty upset and said if you want to kill yourself go right ahead but you are not taking Amber with you! Nicole said ok why don’t we let her decide. I will walk up to her with a needle ready to shoot her up and see if she says yes or no! Justin said no needle is going near her period. It was hours and Justin finally convinced Nicole to give everything to Justin, and he searched everything! He disposed of it all! Nicole was crying, we were all crying. Justin said we all need to heal, and remember how nice everything was before all the shooting up started. He agreed to give Nicole 8 lines a day like me. It was an intense emotional night. Nicole is having severe withdrawal. I am trying to help her as my physical addiction part is eased a lot. I don’t know if she will make it or myself either but for now I don’t have an option. I’m hoping for the best! Happy Thanksgiving to all! Hopefully ours is a good one. I am so mentally, physically, and emotionally worn out. I’m really bonding with my baby. It feels so good! I want Nicole to as well but she will be a wreck for several days.
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Re: I need some help

Postby stupidme » November 25th, 2021, 7:31 am

that is wonderful to hear!
Happy Thanksgiving! praying for both of you!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 26th, 2021, 6:46 pm

I am turning the corner. Nicole unfortunately is just starting and is really sick. I went through that, it isn’t any fun. She is begging to be shot up. Justin is with her just about 24/7. I might be feeling better but it doesn’t mean I don’t want some, I would love to have some. I hope there is an end to that desire because if their isn’t I will be back on it at some point. I’m getting much needed time with my baby. She is so unreal to hold in my arms.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 27th, 2021, 1:28 pm

Nicole is having a tough time. She wants more coke and Justin agreed to let her have 12 lines a day. I told him that if she gets 12 I should get 12. He wouldn’t budge. Seems so unfair. Just because I’m not losing it like her. All that makes me feel like shooting up more and more, wish I had some. I wouldn’t even think about it I would be right back on it. I love that feeling it is soooo good. Wish it wasn’t so addictive, but once you feel it you don’t care because the feeling is amazing. Ok I have to get on another subject or I’ll be out looking for someone that will shoot me up. I just hope that mental need to shoot up goes away before I run into some because I know I will do it. For now I’m trying to help Nicole because I know if she fails she will have me shooting up with her instantly. That was the plan anyway but Justin is smart and derailed it. I really love him and it feels better than ever to be with him and I’m loving having my baby in my arms. I am getting a breast lift in 2 weeks. I can’t wait. My boobs are so big right now, just need to be formed up and I will be looking so good. I always wanted DD/DDD boobs now I have them:). I’m bigger than Nicole but not by much but her body is killer mine is getting there. I still need a man on the side. I’ve always had one because I need so much sex. As soon as I get healed I will be having sex with someone. Hope they shoot up:). That would be perfect. When I spend the weekend with him, I can shoot up all weekend. I get so turned on being sneaky, it has always been that way. When I was fucking Mike and doing so much coke and Justin didn’t know it was such a turn on for me. I’m dying to have sex with someone else, and hopefully shooting up and getting back to my 20 lines a day. Then I will have the best of both worlds. I want Nicole fucking Justin again. Then I can have sex with anyone I want too! I will make sure she is fucking him again.
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Re: I need some help

Postby stupidme » November 27th, 2021, 4:18 pm

Please don't do it. Be strong for Justin, be strong for Nicole, be strong for your baby!
some people need different things to help them get well, she had a harder break then you did you started from an easier place to adapt then she did.
consider it a sign of strength and progress that you need less then her in the weaning off period
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » November 29th, 2021, 12:08 pm

I know I’m trying. It still drives me crazy I get 8 lines and Nicole 12. Watching her do it when I can’t makes me so mad. I need it more than her. It just isn’t enough going from 20-25 to 8. The physical need to shoot up is pretty much gone, but the desire to feel that way is very strong. It’s all going to come down to that first time I have a chance to shoot up. Right now I would do it without even thinking about it. Maybe if that opportunity doesn’t occur I would be able to refuse it. I hope I whoever the guy is I ultimately meet and start having an affair with shoots up. I will at least be able to do it on the weekends. When that time comes I will make sure I find someone that does:). It is a fair trade. While Justin is home fucking Nicole I will enjoy shooting up. Just thinking about it makes me need it so bad. I have to find someone really soon. Justin won’t trust me going out. He is already having sex with Nicole again so he can’t stop me. He has had an affair right under my nose with someone that lives with us and he loves. So he can’t say anything about me having one. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. I will get my coke back too, that I can do every day in the bathroom. I can’t ever quit coke, I have done it since I was about 14. I really love it. I think about it. Me and Justin were our best when I hid doing coke from him. That’s the goal only now I will be shooting up on weekends. That is too hard to hide every day. I will just get coke cut with it so I can do it at home too, and then shoot up on weekends. I have always been my best when I am sneaky:). I will have everything back soon. Just have to get my boobs fixed although I may put that off so I can start an affair and shoot up, I need to run an ad. I will get one up today. Justin won’t like it.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 2nd, 2021, 7:56 pm

Finally I found someone to shoot up with this weekend. A couple of jerks, and then finally, are you ready? His name is Justin! How crazy! I’m going over his house tomorrow night to shoot up with him and have sex! I’m shaking just thinking about it. I’m finally going to be shooting up again. The other nice thing is I will be doing all the lines I want. I feel so deprived! I hardly smoke that much lately but shooting up and doing my lines I know that will change too! I get everything back in less than 24 hours. By Sunday I will be hooked again:). I don’t care what happens I’m never quitting again. It hurts, it makes you sick, and I’m not going through that again. I will be on it to stay this time. My coke too. I deserve more than 8 lines too. Nicole gets 12??? That’s ok I will be shooting up and she won’t and neither will ever know:)
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 3rd, 2021, 7:01 am

Justin had me do the hypno file he had made. I’m not quite sure what is going on now, but he seems pretty happy about it. I was supposed to meet someone this weekend but something is off. I really need to spend time with Justin our baby and Nicole. I feel very confused right now. He wants me to keep listening over and over. I think he is trying to brain wash me.
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Re: I need some help

Postby stupidme » December 3rd, 2021, 5:05 pm

I know how much you love your family, Justin is helping you to do that and sometimes the brain needs cleaning. Knowing the situation you are in, I think this will really help you.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 13th, 2021, 7:09 pm

I am with Justin and my baby and Nicole. Suddenly everything seems normal for the first time in a long time! I’m not sure what happened but we are all here like before, including Nicole. She had some drug issues but Justin helped her a lot. Hopefully she stays clean. I’m really glad I never got involved!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 15th, 2021, 7:45 am

I’m not sure what is going on here right now. Nicole tells me I have been using drugs for years. I haven’t and I think she is trying to make a play for Justin.
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Re: I need some help

Postby stupidme » December 15th, 2021, 8:41 pm

don't worry about it, Nicole loves both of you. Justin loves both of you, listen to Justin, make sure you tell Justin what she is saying. does Justin have files for you to listen to? maybe you can help Nicole by having her listen to some files. I think you should suggest that to justin
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 16th, 2021, 8:42 pm

Nicole made me read a lot of my posts here because I told her I never used drugs. Now I kind of realize I have been listening to all these files that make me believe I never used them. I do remember vaguely now, but Justin keeps making me listen. I don’t have any memory what that felt like but I kind of remember it. Justin really got pissed at Nicole. She won’t listen to them I guess and is still doing about 9 or so lines a day and no more shooting up. After 9 or so more weeks she won’t be doing anything. Since we all had a big talk things have been a lot better. We are all getting along very well. I don’t understand why Justin let’s her still do coke??? He said not to worry about it that it would end in a couple of months. I’m really feeling amazing and work out every day. I love Justin so much, it feels like I just met him again, it’s weird. He told me he’d never give up on me that I am the love of his life and it will always be that way. I’m very lucky because he doesn’t just say that he shows me every day, over and over. I want to be gorgeous for him and a great mother, he deserves it so much. Life is so good right now.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 16th, 2021, 8:50 pm

It has been so long since I dressed sexy, did my hair and nails. My body finally looks good again, and I love dressing sexy. Justin hasn’t seen me like that in so long. I’m going to start looking like that every day for him. I know he loves it! I just need these boobs lifted some, I am so big now! I had scheduled an appointment but cancelled it, but I’m ready now.
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Re: I need some help

Postby stupidme » December 16th, 2021, 9:49 pm

that's good to hear, I think it's good that you at least intellectually know that you used to use drugs but they were completely in control of your life and making you do horrible things to make you feel the highs of the drugs. now you can put all that energy into wonderful things, like getting to know your daughter, getting to know justin even better enjoying doing make up and art and seeing the world. helping nicole to also experience these things
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 17th, 2021, 12:17 pm

Thank you stupid me. I’m living in an unaltered world for the first time in a long time. It feels really scary but also very good. Merry Christmas!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 25th, 2021, 8:26 pm

Merry Christmas to everyone! It was the best Christmas ever for all of us! So blessed!
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Re: I need some help

Postby stupidme » December 26th, 2021, 5:44 pm

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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 26th, 2021, 8:44 pm

Thank you so much! It was the best Christmas ever. I feel better than I have since I don’t know when. Justin and I are in a place we have never been at before! He is so proud of me, and I am so thankful he stuck with me. He told me he would never leave me. He is like no man I have ever known, he means it and proved it. I love him so much. I’m slowly learning! I was a total mess! I can’t believe honestly I’m still alive.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » January 5th, 2022, 8:31 pm

I really have my life back. I even got Nicole to quit coke. She is struggling right now, but Justin and I are helping her as much as we can. We have had a lot of three way sex and Justin started sleeping with her again. I’m busy with my little girl, who is 3 months now! I will be getting a breast lift Friday so I’m going to be laid up for awhile. It was long over due! My boobs have gotten so big, but they need some help. I can’t wait to see myself with the boobs I always wanted. I lost all my weight and have my waistline back. I’m a little bigger than Nicole now:). She looks so hot! Justin loves going out with us, because we get so much attention and we love it. It keeps Nicole’s mind off of coke. I have no desire at all for it. I think we are all in a better place than ever. I am so grateful for having a husband like Justin. I put him through hell. I even asked him why he stuck around. He reminded me what he told me when we got married. It was forever no matter what. He told me he never stopped believing in me, and one day I would find my way back home! You don’t know how many times I have cried in his arms. I can’t change the past, but I can be his everything from now on, and I am doing exactly that. The women he fell in love with at the gym, is much better than that now. I’m the luckiest women in the world! I plan on making him the luckiest man! Happy New Year everyone! It is going to be special!
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Re: I need some help

Postby stupidme » January 5th, 2022, 10:14 pm

That is So good to hear, I'm so happy for you!!!!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » January 20th, 2022, 12:43 pm

Thank you! I had my 2 week check up after my boob lift. They don’t look good yet but everything is progressing as expected. The pain is gone, and I feel much better. I can’t wait to see them and I’m going to be getting a lot of new sexy dresses and tops so I can show them off. No sex yet though:(. Justin and Nicole are having a lot of sex. I think all is forgotten. So much sex I’m actually feeling a little jealous! That’s all right. I’m ready for another boyfriend so I can show off my boobs. I just have to stay out of trouble:). I need a break from here. I love my daughter so much but she is tiring and a lot of work. It would be nice just going away for a weekend and having lots of sex. I thought I could even maybe do a couple lines of coke, nothing like sex then. Just stay away from doing a lot and getting hooked again. I really miss it a lot. We shall see. If the situation presents itself, I’m not going to turn it down, just not going to get hooked again.
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Re: I need some help

Postby stupidme » January 21st, 2022, 5:41 pm

I highly recommend that you just talk to Justin and nicole, I don't think taking any would be helpful and as your partners they get a say in who you can sleep with, and vice versa
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » February 7th, 2022, 7:59 am

My boobs look so perfect now. Is is such a sexy feeling to unleash them in front of a man for the first time. I met this guy for lunch Saturday and he took me to his house. I was soooo excited when he pulled out some coke!!! It had been so long! The sex and the coke were amazing. I only did 2 lines. I am spending this weekend with him, and I can’t wait to get hooked on coke again now that I am using it again. I plan on being high the whole weekend. He is so sexy and great in bed, and most importantly he loves his coke so much!!! I told him about my use. He promised me he’d get me hooked again! He is in love with my boobs:). He is trapping me with coke and I’m trapping him with big boobs and hot sex, so perfect!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » February 7th, 2022, 8:50 am

This time I am not going to mess up. Justin and I did our best when he didn’t know I was hooked on coke. Then I messed up when I made the video with Jackie and we forgot about my bag of coke and lines on the table, and my cigarettes too! The good thing is right after getting my boobs done I started smoking again! I forgot how much I loved them. I am only smoking like 4-5 a day, but doing coke all weekend I will be well over a pack a day again. So when Justin and I were doing our best, I was having a daily affair with Mike, smoking more than a pack a day, and doing 20-25 lines a day with my lover. That is when me and Justin were happiest and I have my lover and coke back only he will never know this time! I need it so bad. I am meeting him for sex at lunchtime today, and lines:). He said he would give me some to get through my week. I will love this so much!
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Re: I need some help

Postby stupidme » February 7th, 2022, 7:43 pm

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

nooooo, talk to Justin, think about your baby! you can't have it all. No one can, drugs and side sex will turn into hardcore sex and drugs and you'll fall out of your relationships and it will be so bad as a mother your baby needs you present and not distracted!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » February 8th, 2022, 3:30 pm

It didn’t work out. The guy was trying to get me hooked and to move in with him. He told me he would marry me and make all my dreams come true. He kind of started scaring me. I ended up leaving after doing just one line. A total waste of time. Ugh! I sure know how to pick them! It did feel sooo good to do a line again! I need to find someone else that does a lot and hopefully he isn’t a creep! One thing I found out is how much I miss my coke! I want to start using it again but recreationally not abusively like before. I love doing it right before sex. My body is as good as it has ever been. I have the huge boobs I have always dreamed of! Now Nicole is jealous of me. She loves to play with them, but still a bit tender. I can wear anything now and look great and flaunt them. Justin who said they were fine before, now can’t stay away from them! Men! I love taking my top and bra off for the first time in front of a man. Just the look when they see them is such a turn on for me. I get stares everywhere I go, and I love the attention.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » February 24th, 2022, 3:04 pm

Finally! It took 4 tries but I found a really nice sexy guy. Justin has had a secret for so long and I shared it briefly before. His weakness is he loves me fucking other men. It totally turns him on. So as much as he fears me doing coke, I come home after my weekend with my new lover Brandon and all I have to do is get him in the bedroom and tease him how someone’s cock was inside of his wife all weekend. I just tease him and see how hard his cock gets and know he loves it. I have become a great tease because it gets me what I want. I told him His wife loves to fuck around for you as long as she can do a few lines. He said please don’t get hooked again please! He also said to not tell Nicole I’m doing any coke. He asks me how many lines I am doing over the weekend and I said 5 last week and 5 this week that’s it ok? Then I teased him and told him the coke makes me want to be a bad girl and cheat on you. Isn’t that what you want your wife to do? I need just a little coke ok? He said yes but keep it at 5. Little does he know I did about 10 lines last weekend and about 15 this past weekend. I can’t help it I love it so much. I think I’m hooked already, and I love I’m doing it again. He gave me some for the week and I’m doing 3-4 lines a day at home:). I love being sneaky especially when it gets me my way! I asked him if he ever tried heroin and he said no, but he has thought about it a lot. I told him how I would love to shoot up with him. He said he will try and surprise me this weekend. OMG I tingle just thinking how much I love to shoot up. I’m so happy I’m on coke again! I can even tease Justin I’m doing it. I do a line right before I tease him:).
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » February 24th, 2022, 3:23 pm

I’m gonna tease Justin so bad with this guy and get him so turned on. I will make sure he knows the only reason I’m getting close to him is because I’m using coke. If I wasn’t I would not be with him. I already told him that over 2 days doing just 5 lines isn’t going to work. I will probably lose interest in him. So I told him last night, would he be ok if I just did just one more small line each day ? It brings me closer to him and we have more sex. He said you won’t get hooked will you? I said of course not! He said ok:). Little by little I am going to tell him I need just a little more until I come home and tell him I’m hooked and it will be all his fault, and I can’t stop now! I will be doing all the coke I want even at home:). I’m so good at being sneaky! I have my coke back forever now! Hopefully I’m shooting up this weekend, I am so wanting that now!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » February 24th, 2022, 3:31 pm

I do realize I have been doing coke my whole life. I will never quit just be forced to stop using it from time to time. Now that I’m doing coke again I’m smoking too, and I intentionally told Nicole every time I have one how much I missed them and how much I’m so happy to have them back. She started asking for drags, and now she is hooked:). I love it!
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Re: I need some help

Postby stupidme » February 24th, 2022, 11:15 pm

that's a really bad plan and makes me super sad but I can't participate in this conversation anymore, I need to build better habits myself so I will be saying farewell and deleting my account here
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Re: I need some help

Postby elurin » February 27th, 2022, 7:33 am

You've been doing coke your whole life?? Really? You never mentioned it before when you started the whole heels, miniskirts and lipstick hypnosis. I'm starting to think this is some sort of crazy fiction that you are serializing, it certainly has been interesting. But the rapid breakdown of your psyche, over such a short time and how quickly you forgot that you are actually a guy, seems a little too unreal. Maybe I'll have to try this hypnosis as it is, only the bambi hypnosis had any effect and that was short term, and one EMG file (5 min O)
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » March 24th, 2022, 9:05 am

I’m not a guy, Justin is. I am his wife Amber. You must have missed something. Justin gave up on this thread months and months ago!
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Re: I need some help

Postby warren101 » March 24th, 2022, 5:30 pm

Hello Amber. i have been following for a long time. Is it possible for you to give us an update of you and Justin. Thanks.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » March 25th, 2022, 7:44 am

So much has happened. Justin had a talk session with me and Nicole. He said as much as he hates it, he can’t stop me and Nicole from doing coke. We had a long talk about it. He said he had a very difficult choice. Leave us or just understand that is something we can’t quit. We ironed out some things, and he asked us to keep our use to under 10 lines a day. We agreed. Then we convinced him it would be a lot easier for him to start listening to the hypno file where he loves us doing coke, and it turns him on. He fought it off for a bit but has been listening since. Needless to say we both have our coke back! Justin loves it. He puts lines out for us even when we don’t need it:). I have a new lover that I have fallen hard for. I am essentially his coke whore now. I am up to 20+ lines a day like before:). I’m so relieved! I will always have my coke from now on. My lover likes to shoot up, and he absolutely loves shooting me up! I love it so much. I started shooting up occasionally, but I’m so happy to say I’m totally hooked again! Justin and Nicole don’t know. I snort it at home, to keep me going. Today is Friday so I’m off for the weekend in a few hours. He is so cute. As soon as I walk through the door he takes me in the bedroom. I take my clothes off and he shoots me up right away knowing how much Ineed it! I’m soooo glad he got me hooked again! He shows me how much he loves me every time. Have to run. So much more!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » March 25th, 2022, 10:35 am

I get some mail here which most of the time has good ideas. Recently someone suggested we get Justin hooked on heroin. We actually considered that, as well as getting him hooked on coke. It’s such a relief having my coke back! I really can’t function without it. I have quit for the last time! Never again. I’m really falling in love with shooting up just as much! It feels so good! Now I just have to get Nicole hooked again which will be easy. As soon as she sees the needle going in me she will be so jealous she will shoot up immediately. I will make sure she gets hooked really fast:).
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Re: I need some help

Postby grover27 » March 25th, 2022, 12:07 pm

For some reason, those last two messages have broken me. I recognize that this is an overreaction but I have removed my files from this site and will be deleting my account. The fact that there are people on here that would encourage this shit and encourage Amber to get Justin hooked on heroine is too much for me. I can't even think of the poor child that is mixed up in all of this. This is just despicable. This selfish self-centered culture is going to hell in a handbasket and the general lack of morals and ethics that exist in this world is heartbreaking. It's like watching half the world drink themselves to death. If anyone reads this and has enough sense to question right and wrong, I encourage you to find the light and find the right. WMM scratched a deviant itch for me, but's it's time to move on and transcend this bullshit.
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Re: I need some help

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » March 26th, 2022, 5:04 am

Hi! - We'll get right back to the story after this brief commercial message.

You're enjoying the drama of I Need Some Help thanks to the Feminizations Forum of the Warp My Mind site. It's a forum for having fun exploring the ways YOU can dive into feminization hypnosis - free from fear; free from judgement; and free from heroin addiction (?!).

Hypnotists like me tell stories.
We tell stories about heroes who slay dragons because we want your subconscious mind to understand that (in your real life) when you fight, you feel hope as you make the changes you want.

And, when you're ready to have a little kinky fun with feminization hypnosis, you're in the right place. In addition with connecting with members here in the feminization forum, you can:

    - Review the progress other members are making in their journals. (click the "feminization" category)

    - Check out other tales of feminization hypnosis in the WMM section for stories. (click the "feminization" category)

    - And of course, browse the huge WMM catalogue of feminization videos & mp3s!

Let's have fun!
And now, back to the thrilling: I Need Some Help.

The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they’re too heavy to be broken.

Check out my latest journal entry: here.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » March 26th, 2022, 7:49 am

My honey loves me so much. As soon as I woke up this morning he said let me show you how much I love you, as he prepared to shoot me up. He loves me so much and knows how good it makes me feel when I shoot up. I didn’t really mean to, but I am totally hooked now. He told me how happy it makes him feel to see me so high and happy!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » March 26th, 2022, 8:33 am

Omg I am too high. I made sure there were no signs of heroin around and I just teased Justin so bad. I did a face time video of me taunting Justin doing a line for him to see. I was totally naked and so is Rob. He did a line off my boobs. He got on the camera and told Justin to watch me cum inside his woman. I told him I needed him inside of me so bad. So we made love and came saying how much we loved each other, and dropped off face time. Justin text how much he loves me doing coke and making love to another man. I told him I am very in love with Rob and how much I love doing coke for him. I said wouldn’t it be so hot if I moved in with Rob, and he text back, omg would you do that for me? I said of course! I want to make you feel so erotic knowing I’m with him now and you are secondary and just a fuck! The hypno has him so hooked on me with another man and doing lines! Rob wants me to move in! We are planning it now. This way I don’t have to hide shooting up, Which is perfect. He said he is so horny now he needs Nicole in bed
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » March 26th, 2022, 8:38 am

My plan is working perfectly. Nicole is coming over after dinner. The first thing she is going to see is Rob shooting me up. She is going to want to shoot up so bad. That will be the final piece. I need to get Nicole hooked on heroin then she can’t say a word
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » March 26th, 2022, 11:57 am

Rob is begging me to do a face time video of him shooting me up. I think he wants me to do it so Justin leaves me and he has me all to himself. He said if not, at least I could do a FaceTime right after he shoots me up. He said he will make the call and taunt Justin showing him that you are all mine now because he got me hooked on heroin again. He won’t ease up, he wants me all to himself! I don’t want to lose either of them but he is putting me under a lot of pressure. He said I wouldn’t even know, because I’d be so high. He told me he would show me immediately after he shoots me up with him holding the needle in his hand saying I belong to him now. You know she will be mine because she has to shoot up now, and he will make sure of it. He knows right after he shoots me up I will say yes, and that scares me. I will be so high I will want him to show Justin I am shooting up. When Rob shoots me up I love him so much he knows I will do it. I’m begging him not to but deep down inside I need Rob to shoot me up so I really do want him to do it. It’s a great idea, because it will be such a relief to know I’m finally free to shoot up all the time. If I’m with Justin the withdrawal to the weekend is too much. Rob wants me to show him how much I need him. I’m so scared he will take my heroin away. I just told him to please shoot me up on face time, so Justin knows I belong to you now. I need to shoot up more than I need Justin. I told him we can do it tomorrow after Nicole leaves. I told Rob I will prove to him how much I love him. He is so happy now! I am totally relieved. No more counting lines, counting cigarettes, and most of all I have my heroin back and I love it so much! When he shoots me up in front of Justin and then makes love to me, I will be totally free! He talked me into it, but he is finally freeing me so I can shoot it anytime I need to. Now I can’t wait to shoot up in front of Justin! I will be all Robs. He loves me so much for who I am and he shows me every line I do, and every time he shoots me up.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » March 28th, 2022, 12:44 pm

Wow what I found out is unreal. Nicole came over for a threesome this weekend. The first thing she saw was Rob shooting me up. She starts yelling at me saying you bitch, why didn’t you tell me you are shooting up again? You know we talked about it and you knew I was dying to shoot up again! I was so so high by the time she finished, Rob just got a needle ready for her and asked her if she wanted him to shoot her up. She said of course, so she shot up. Then she was telling me her dirty little secret. She said, I already got you back. I asked her how. She came over and gave me a big kiss. Next thing you know we are both in bed with Rob, and he wanted to fuck Nicole while he was playing with my boobs and kissing me. He came so fast lol, so me and Nicole had sex. So I harped on her secret and she said you owe me big time. She then whispers in my ear, I got Justin hooked on coke! Why do you think he is suddenly letting us do as much coke as we want. I have been trying to get him to try it every weekend when your away, finally after a couple drinks he did some. Of course he loved it and he made love to me. We have been doing lines and making love for weeks, even when you are home. I was in total disbelief. She made me promise not to let him know I am aware he is hooked on coke. I said that sucks, I’d love to do lines and have sex with him. She said you can’t. He also can never know we are shooting up again! I told Nicole how much I loved her, and Justin is hers now. I told her I’m going to do a FaceTime with him while I’m shooting up. She told me That her and Justin are deeply in love, and you don’t have to do that, he is already mine now. He loves doing coke with me so much! So you can move in with Rob and Shoot up all you want. I want to come over a lot and shoot up too. We kissed a long kiss, and I thanked her. She knows how much I love shooting up, and now she made it all possible. I am all Rob’s now. I told her she doesn’t know the relief it is to once and for all be free to do all the coke I need and shoot up as much as I need. I love Justin, but I love shooting up so much more! I love Rob so much. He understands my needs and loves me high all the time, and I love it just as much. I’m so lucky we found each other. I have my life back. No more rehab ever, I finally am free! Nicole told me she is working on one other thing for Justin but won’t say what???
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » March 28th, 2022, 1:11 pm

I can’t get Nicole to tell me what is going on with Justin. She told me it will be obvious soon. She asked me if I noticed him being any different? I said he seems to have mellowed out quite a bit allowing us to do coke. After you told me, I he is doing coke I thought immediately that was why. She said no, that isn’t why. I said is it because he is so in love with you. She said no, but in another couple of months It should start to be fairly obvious. I said when you stop over soon to shoot u, I am not letting you leave until you tell me! You are going to be so high you will spill it, I know you and you will tell me. She said ok, here it is. You know I have been on estrogen since you knew me. I am no longer on it, but I had this idea that the pills I had left, I would secretly mix into Justin’s vitamin regime. I told him it was a potent anti-oxidant so he has been taking it for 4 months! I made an appointment before I ran out to start taking it again, but it was for Justin! He is 4 months on 6mg of estradiol! He is transitioning! I couldn’t even speak! I said omg Nicole, I thought I was sneaky. She said she convinced him to start listening to the hypno so he needs his mini skirts, high heels, and lipstick again, that she loves women and wants to have sex with him like that. He is going to do lines with me and listen to it from now on! Little does he know, he is transitioning already and will really be a female down the road! He showed me a lump under his right breast and was going to make a doctors appointment to get checked out. He has a breast bud! Soon he is going to have boobs! I talked him out of it. I want him to become girlie girl again but this time it will be real. He is transitioning. By the time he gets so hooked on his heels, lipstick, and miniskirts again he will want to completely transition! WOW! She is sneakier than I even thought. I can see it too. I saw Justin like that and he loved it! Now it is going to become real! Now I almost wish I was there! NOT! I have something so much better! I do want to see him like that though, he actually looked pretty hot when I used to doll him up. Wait until he realizes he is transitioning! OMG! It will be too late, and the hypno is going to make him love it!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » March 29th, 2022, 7:36 am

That was easy, Nicole is hooked on heroin again:), and of course I am very hooked. My baby shoots me up anytime I ask, no matter how much I need. I haven’t had this much freedom to enjoy my coke, cigarettes, and heroin for so long. Everyone keeps trying to get me off of them. Don’t they realize I don’t ever want to get off of them? I hate when I’m not high. It feels so horrible. I will never have to worry about that ever again. I still can’t believe Justin is transitioning. I love it! Nicole is way more sneaky than me. I didn’t really get her hooked on heroin, all she had to do is see me shooting up and she needed it. We are both so sneaky, but being sneaky got me a sexy new man, and no worries ever again of losing my coke and heroin. I’ll admit it, I am 100% coke whore, and this body and boobs get me anything I want. Rob told me he’s never seen a more beautiful woman in his life! I never wear a top anymore, he loves my boobs so much he never leaves them alone, and we make love a lot! It’s time to shoot up, love it so much!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » March 29th, 2022, 8:42 am

I actually love being addicted to things. It feels so good to satisfy that craving! It’s all I have known my whole life. I am more normal high than not high, in fact I can’t stand how it feels not being high. Nicole is the same, miss sweet an innocent is such a sneaky little bitch. She has pretty much stolen my husband, and wants me to get divorced so Justin and her can get married. I have had no contact with Justin for quite a while, and I really miss him, but I’d much rather shoot up every day, so I am loving it. I would love to see him as girlie girl! This time it is real. He is transitioning and is barely aware of it, if at all. I need to see him like that, but he told Nicole to not invite me over! I am going to drop in soon just to see that!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » March 29th, 2022, 8:45 am

I asked Nicole how many lines Justin does a day. She said almost all the time it is right before sex. So about 3 a day, but occasionally he will do one otherwise.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » March 29th, 2022, 11:54 am

I’m shooting up now so my coke use has dropped from 20-30 lines a day to about 5-10. I love my coke, but I’m really loving shooting up a lot more. I think I found a drug I love more than coke. As I shoot up more, I think my coke will be behind me, but I still crave it so not ever going to give it up. Nicole came by for a shot and threesome. I miss my time in bed with her, we are still in love despite all our drama. I miss my baby, I have to stop there this week, but going out shooting up is hard. I’m dying to see Justin all dolled up. He is growing breasts and doesn’t even realize it. I’m not sure 6mg of estrogen a couple times a day is a lot, but seems like it works.
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Joined: August 30th, 2020, 8:13 pm


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