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Looking for new life

PostPosted: January 24th, 2013, 2:56 pm
by toxicity4k

Just so you know if you should read or not I will be pretty blunt, Im looking for a sugar daddy/mistress. I also apologize that this same message will reappear on several websites. I'm writing this to post on as many places I can to try and find my dream master/mistress. I don't know how else I could live out my dream, or even live to my fullest. I probably won't ever be able to but at least it's worth a try.

With that out of the way I will start to explain my "request". Im warning you this will be a pretty long message with lots of spelling and grammatical misstakes, I'm not english native..

To start my dream is to be made from male to a shemale. I can't reach this goal by myself. The reasons are both economical, mental and the fear to tell family and friends. I would love to make a "new start" in life.

Just to at least try and make any interested people continue to read I will pass at least some physical information. I'm not fat. I havent weighed myself for a long time but I probably weigh about 70 kg and I'm about 1m 85 cm in height. If you're american or any other nationality that don't use metrical system you have to figure it out cause I don't know my lenght or height in inches or pounds etc :P. Either way I'm really slender just not very female, not muscular at all either. I'm doing excercieses to try and get a more female body but not taking any hormones cause the fear of family/friends findinf out. Of course I can mail pictures if you are serious. Oh and I am 26 years old, turning 27 in february (2012).

Ever since I watched porn with anal sex the first time, around 13-14 y/o, I started to experiment with whatever I could find to penetrate myself with. I even did it when sleeping over at a friends house, a guy "of course". I remember after we watched porn together, like we guy's always did at that age, I had a sleep over at his place and when I was sure he was asleep I took a bottle he had in his room and stuffed my ass with it. Kind of embarresing now when I type it lol :P

That was my first anal experience. Since then I was obsessed with anal porn. I would only watch, and still do, porn which include anal sex.
I bought my first own dildo when I was about 16, I took the chance while I was home alone. Ever since I used that dildo in my ass the first time I've been even more obsessed with watching anal porn.

When I was around 18 I watched shemale porn for the first time. I felt ashamed, like what would my friends say if they knew. But I got really intested in it and started watching more and more. And before I realized I actually searched for shemale porn first, straight anal porn second, when downloading porn. So for about 4-5 years my first instinct have been to look for shemale porn, especially with passable shemales that also have a functioning hard cock.

That started my path to where I'm heading now. After watching all that shemale porn, not only did I find myself wanting to be a shemale.
Best of both worlds in my mind. I started to feel myself longing to be a shemale myself. Just thinking about being that beautiful and getting dominated by a hot stud started to fill my dreams, I couldnt help it.

Ever since I got hooked to shemale porn I got envious of the shemales. Being born men but still had become so beatiful passable females in public just with that "little extra". Most wouldnt know.

So trying to round up. After realizing shemale porn was my first choice I found hypnosis and other feminization methods by chance, more or less. This was about 1 year ago.

Now my dream is to be a shemale. Ever since I got my first dildo I fantized I was female when sticking it into my ass. Now I dress in female clothes almost everyday when I don't have any obligations. It's not only for masturbation fantasies anymore.

I dream everyday of going through the transformation with hormones and plastic surgery to become a beautiful shemale, probably bimbo lol. But I'm to concerned about what my few friends and my family would say. Even thought the transformation can be founded by the "state" in my country I just dont dare to live my dream. And even if hormone threatment would be free if they deemed it reasonable I would still not be able to afford extra plastic surgery.

I realize this sounds like I just want someone to pay my transition. In a way thats true. But my life is miserable as it is and I would do anything to get away from it. It would be like winning the lottery to find some one to help (force) me to be the shemale I really am inside and I would do anything to live this "dream".

It's not only about going through and be the sissy, submissive shemale I want to be, it's also the chance to disappear from the world I live in now I'm looking for. I can't do all this by myself.

I would be overjoyed if someone at least gave an answer to this long and wierd dream of a miserable sissy in a mans body.


Re: Looking for new life

PostPosted: January 24th, 2013, 4:09 pm
by Tangy
toxicity4k wrote:Hello!

Just so you know if you should read or not I will be pretty blunt, Im looking for a sugar daddy/mistress. I also apologize that this same message will reappear on several websites. I'm writing this to post on as many places I can to try and find my dream master/mistress. I don't know how else I could live out my dream, or even live to my fullest. I probably won't ever be able to but at least it's worth a try.

With that out of the way I will start to explain my "request". Im warning you this will be a pretty long message with lots of spelling and grammatical misstakes, I'm not english native..

To start my dream is to be made from male to a shemale. I can't reach this goal by myself. The reasons are both economical, mental and the fear to tell family and friends. I would love to make a "new start" in life.

Just to at least try and make any interested people continue to read I will pass at least some physical information. I'm not fat. I havent weighed myself for a long time but I probably weigh about 70 kg and I'm about 1m 85 cm in height. If you're american or any other nationality that don't use metrical system you have to figure it out cause I don't know my lenght or height in inches or pounds etc :P. Either way I'm really slender just not very female, not muscular at all either. I'm doing excercieses to try and get a more female body but not taking any hormones cause the fear of family/friends findinf out. Of course I can mail pictures if you are serious. Oh and I am 26 years old, turning 27 in february (2012).

Ever since I watched porn with anal sex the first time, around 13-14 y/o, I started to experiment with whatever I could find to penetrate myself with. I even did it when sleeping over at a friends house, a guy "of course". I remember after we watched porn together, like we guy's always did at that age, I had a sleep over at his place and when I was sure he was asleep I took a bottle he had in his room and stuffed my ass with it. Kind of embarresing now when I type it lol :P

That was my first anal experience. Since then I was obsessed with anal porn. I would only watch, and still do, porn which include anal sex.
I bought my first own dildo when I was about 16, I took the chance while I was home alone. Ever since I used that dildo in my ass the first time I've been even more obsessed with watching anal porn.

When I was around 18 I watched shemale porn for the first time. I felt ashamed, like what would my friends say if they knew. But I got really intested in it and started watching more and more. And before I realized I actually searched for shemale porn first, straight anal porn second, when downloading porn. So for about 4-5 years my first instinct have been to look for shemale porn, especially with passable shemales that also have a functioning hard cock.

That started my path to where I'm heading now. After watching all that shemale porn, not only did I find myself wanting to be a shemale.
Best of both worlds in my mind. I started to feel myself longing to be a shemale myself. Just thinking about being that beautiful and getting dominated by a hot stud started to fill my dreams, I couldnt help it.

Ever since I got hooked to shemale porn I got envious of the shemales. Being born men but still had become so beatiful passable females in public just with that "little extra". Most wouldnt know.

So trying to round up. After realizing shemale porn was my first choice I found hypnosis and other feminization methods by chance, more or less. This was about 1 year ago.

Now my dream is to be a shemale. Ever since I got my first dildo I fantized I was female when sticking it into my ass. Now I dress in female clothes almost everyday when I don't have any obligations. It's not only for masturbation fantasies anymore.

I dream everyday of going through the transformation with hormones and plastic surgery to become a beautiful shemale, probably bimbo lol. But I'm to concerned about what my few friends and my family would say. Even thought the transformation can be founded by the "state" in my country I just dont dare to live my dream. And even if hormone threatment would be free if they deemed it reasonable I would still not be able to afford extra plastic surgery.

I realize this sounds like I just want someone to pay my transition. In a way thats true. But my life is miserable as it is and I would do anything to get away from it. It would be like winning the lottery to find some one to help (force) me to be the shemale I really am inside and I would do anything to live this "dream".

It's not only about going through and be the sissy, submissive shemale I want to be, it's also the chance to disappear from the world I live in now I'm looking for. I can't do all this by myself.

I would be overjoyed if someone at least gave an answer to this long and wierd dream of a miserable sissy in a mans body.


You want a sugar Daddy and I am trying to be a baby What the Hick We do not always get what we want.


PostPosted: January 24th, 2013, 9:38 pm
by toxicity4k
Yeah of course not. I was just hoping I for -once- could get what I want. I hat my life at this moment. The male/female thing is the biggest one but theres so much else.

A girl gotta try her luck sometime. I realize it wont lead anywhere but at least its out to there.