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File suggestions

PostPosted: February 22nd, 2013, 7:12 pm
by Rebirthed
So I looking through the files here and I'm having a hard time trying to find the right ones for me. As a young male I want to be more feminine, in body and mind but need to sift through the more "interesting" files. I just want to think like a girl and enjoy some more feminine physical traits (Softer skin, less body hair, breasts?, less weight) but I don't want to become some kind of sexually obsessive bimbo, I don't want my penis to curl into itself, I don't want to be a slave to anyone, and I don't want to be a little girl (At least not permanently, maybe something like a fantasy). Are there any good files that can help me with these desires?

PostPosted: February 23rd, 2013, 5:10 am
by danny1988
Anything thats a trigger sounds like it would suit you, that way you can turn it off and on when you want. It is hard to find files on here that are just plain be a girl without any secondary effect like obsessive about sex or be dominated one off the top of my head is Trig Female Form but there is no mental aspect to that or there is Trig horny school girl but as the name suggests there is an erotic element to it.

But I dont know all the files on this site so there may be a trigger one that can help you :)

Danni x

PostPosted: February 25th, 2013, 10:43 pm
by Plaat
Allison in loves files; and catgirls are general. There are pleatly of them, but sifting is the right thing to do. its long but makes finding the right files feel like a bigger deal.

PostPosted: February 26th, 2013, 3:25 pm
by SageMagnus
Try X girl time, its a trigger file that will let you experience being a girl without having to worry about any mental effects.

PostPosted: March 3rd, 2013, 8:48 am
by Kimber1
Plaat wrote:Allison in loves files; and catgirls are general. There are pleatly of them, but sifting is the right thing to do. its long but makes finding the right files feel like a bigger deal.

That's good advice.

PostPosted: March 5th, 2013, 4:46 pm
by gdrileyx
All my files are for genuine transgender women, without any of the sissyfication or bimbo stuff. I suggest TG101.