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For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Postby kunoichi » May 12th, 2013, 4:09 am

I am noting first that yes if I believe in my hypnosis It will be able to work... every time I post something like this I get that but onto business. I was talking to my best friend and he said every now and then when he calls me he thinks he has the wrong number. mainly because he thinks he called a girl. that's weird also I have been visiting the following sites alot.



also I have been trying to look up hw to be a female badaas but to no avail.

these are some of the sings of the two personalities I had added... I think????

what do you think...
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Postby kunoichi » May 12th, 2013, 4:37 am

I forgot to say this but my best friend said that the change now comes at 25% instead if 2%.
interesting aaayyyyy.....!!!!
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Postby danny1988 » May 12th, 2013, 7:25 am

What I would give to have a female personality that I could share my body with, sadly it seems to be a long process for me and its such a let down when nothing happens. I honestly wish there was just a simple file to give me what I want now.

Congrats anyway :)
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Postby kunoichi » May 12th, 2013, 8:52 am

my friend is saying the effect has worn off and it isn't affecting me now but i still can tell. it's so awesome hat but is.. evil giggles. at least I hope ot ods working.
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Postby danny1988 » May 12th, 2013, 9:30 am

Yeh a while ago I felt very female, probably the gender wipe files haha. It was nice its definatly changed me. My personality was very different before hypnosis I feel a lot more free and open now :)
I feel less female now but im definatly different and if I look back I cant believe how female I was then.

I guess the thing I really want is to sort of have a seperate personality who is female that I can talk to subconciously and she can take over and share my body.
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Postby kunoichi » May 12th, 2013, 9:44 am

I wanted two more personalities.

1. Japanese submissive school girl/submissive girlfreind type. straight girl of course only likes the guys
sluty tomboy Japanese pansexual kunoichi... I feel a bit shaky and nervice.
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Postby danny1988 » May 12th, 2013, 10:01 am

That sounds awesome :)

Honestly id just settle for a female personality, I guess I would see her as a friend/companion to me. I have a file I just think its too complex for what I want.

My trance is by no means perfect, I feel amazing sometimes like tingly all over and really nice, im still fairly concious and alert so I dont know if im in trance 'sigh' but ive heard a lot of the times that you are still awake and alert in trance.

Is there a simple file out there that does what I want do you know?
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Postby kunoichi » May 12th, 2013, 10:24 am

simple answer is yes. that is to your question but the reason I wanted two paternalists was because I have a life fantasy and a sexual fantasy and everything between the two. giggles.
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Postby danny1988 » May 12th, 2013, 10:50 am

Could you point me in the right direction as to what file to use?
Its just this is something ive wanted for a long time.

I guess the reason I want this is this, I want to let my female side out and let her have fun. I dont mind submitting to her im quite submissive, I dont want her to be in control all the time but I would like to share my mind and body with her.
Im gender fluid some days I can be female others male I just would like a female part in charge sometimes hehe.
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Postby kunoichi » May 12th, 2013, 10:55 am

It''s under files.. then you should select categories and then feminization.. it would be under there I think... I tried finding it and failed.
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Postby danny1988 » May 12th, 2013, 11:32 am

Is it the "Your Other Half" file ?
That brings out a female personality you share with but it seems my head doesnt like it too much, maybe its too complicated :(

There are others too
Curse Imaginary friend feminisation
thats where you get an imaginary friend who feminises you.

There is also curse female takeover but I dont want to be takenover, hate that file so much.

Is it any of thoes?

Thanks for your patience :)
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Postby kunoichi » May 12th, 2013, 11:43 am

try typing feminization into the file search
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Postby danny1988 » May 12th, 2013, 11:47 am

looking through atm :)
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Postby kunoichi » May 12th, 2013, 12:01 pm

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Postby danny1988 » May 12th, 2013, 12:10 pm

Couldnt find it sadly :( oh well. Thanks for your help though, off to do some writing :)
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Postby Fionna » May 18th, 2013, 5:15 pm

I am genderqueer & going on HRT soon & bookmarked the 1st site.

Thank you for this.

I am going to see if there are any files that you two mentioned that may be helpful for myself or for the both of you. I will reply back asap.

Take Care & Much Love to Ya Both =)
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Postby danny1988 » May 18th, 2013, 5:57 pm

Fionna wrote:I am genderqueer & going on HRT soon & bookmarked the 1st site.

Thank you for this.

I am going to see if there are any files that you two mentioned that may be helpful for myself or for the both of you. I will reply back asap.

Take Care & Much Love to Ya Both =)

No worries :)
What files in particular are you looking for?

Its nice to meet someone whoes genderqueer too :)
Im in a male body, but my personality and how I view myself is far from it.
But im confortable and I got scared last time I thought of transitioning so I dont want to rock the boat. My emotions are hard to control at the best of times hehe.

I do think about listening to feminisation hypnosis again though. Funny I dont see having another female personality as feminisation lol.

Danni x
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Postby Fionna » May 21st, 2013, 4:08 pm

Hmm i dont remember what files I were looking for now xD

I think it was just for any type of file that you were describing that you were looking for " I guess the thing I really want is to sort of have a seperate personality who is female that I can talk to subconciously and she can take over and share my body " & try & help you out & find the 2 files - 1. Japanese submissive school girl/submissive girlfreind type. straight girl of course only likes the guys and sluty tomboy Japanese pansexual kunoichi - that kumoichi wanted - no luck so far.

I 100% agree with you on having another female personality as feminisation is not the same.

I cannot remember the file or files but, I felt even more feminine then normal & it was allowing me to be my feminine self & feel good about it & sorta like my voice in my head type of thing was me talking to me but, not always so it wasn't a takeover just me thinking normal but hard to describe at the moment & ppl were noticing it & i was happy.

Im doing this on my own without files & but will be trying some files here to help me - I dunno which ones - I have downloaded a lot from here like - confidence & curse shaving , genderwipe & those sorts. I think it was oneof Catgirls files go go bubble or a file outting yourself & you didnt care i dunno.

I look for ones without a sexual preference change but, have had ones with them in them that dont change me ( since hypnosis only works on what you allow it to although I have tried one that made you bi - I allowed it to work it was pretty cool but i prefer no changes )

Anyways - Im not sure what Im looking for butif I find anything that any of us will like all b here asap to tell u 2. I share ny comp so my time is limited.

Much Joy & Happiness to u both. Take Care :D
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